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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Ok, I'm less lost with all that, thanks.
either internet is being a shit, or Comcast is starting their throttling shit
trying to watch a TV show on my phone, and every 20 seconds or so, it would buffer for 20-30 seconds. it would spent more time buffering than I was able to watch.
maybe I should VPN into my work computer so I can watch this show in peace without buffers -_-
wouldn't that be the same? since you will have to download from your vpn regardless
if Comcast is doing the throttling, it bypasses their shit
and work internet isn't through Comcast
sigh, it won't work
1 hour later…
@Wes :)
altered carbon is fucking dope.
the expanse contender
it might very well be the best universe / technology level I've seen / read in a long time.
i am so tired of these series that turn out to be not good
netflix has hundreds. the good ones are like 10? 20?
they should do less stuff, but better
@Wes you mean that altered carbon will turn out bad?
shoot :(
it happens for 95% of series, so yeah, probably :B
1 hour later…
"track_id":115997603, <--- how can I access track_id after json_decode in php?
it's not working
@ChocoCat what is not working ? can you be more specific ? any error you getting?
see after the tracklist array there is an open bracket
then there is track {} track {} track {}
@ChocoCat can you pastebin your whole json and result after decode?
hmm when you said to do that i did it and now i see the error
thanks for the help
i have to write below code in 2 lines

if(strstr($status, "one") !== false || strstr($status, "two")!== false )

i tried as below, but not worked :

if(strstr($status, "one") !== false || ."\r\n".

strstr($status, "two")!== false )
sorry guys, i got result.....
good morning!
bossdom the status, influence, or power of a boss, especially a political boss.
What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just waved.
Over the weekend I decompiled an APK, they left their api keys, public and private keys all in plain text in their JS files (found it was a Cordova web app), and did all this crypto shit to get signed keys... and I converted and did it all in swift and now I can make signed API requests to their servers xD
you are haxor :O
Oh my god haha
Now you get unlimited gems? haha
Hi guys
Future reference - don't put private and public keys directly in your JS in an SPA, keep those keys on your server and make an extra request in the chain
I am replacing ' (single quote) into \' but its actually giving me \\' in json_encode()
Any idea?
Now I want to try and decompile some APKs
Why do you need to escape the single quotes anyway? O.o
It's escaping the \ for JSON
json_encode will be escaping the `\`, so it adds another one before it
i need to plot that address over google map
Hence its actually breaking my string
initializeMap('[["company name,Jon and Jane\\'s Spot,AL"]]');
@Exception json_encode() encodes it to JSON which escapes all the characters, why are you using json_encode() in the first place?
Are you echoing PHP directly into JS?
@PeeHaa new red bull f1 team logo is a corrupted jpeg pbs.twimg.com/media/DWYvRInWsAE1tPg.jpg
@Alesana yes i am echoing directly into php call
@Exception json_encode isn't breaking your string, it's giving you valid json. if the string you want out of it is [["Jon and Jane\'s Spot,AL"]] you're not gonna get it, as that's not valid json
@PaulCrovella Eh? Why not?
> JSON.stringify([["Jon and Jane's Spot,Al"]])
'[["Jon and Jane\'s Spot,Al"]]'
@MadaraUchiha because \'
@Exception initializeMap gets a string, which is a 2D array with one element, with a string in it?
Doesn't sound likely.,
@MadaraUchiha the `\` in that isn't part of the json, it's an escape for the output
@PaulCrovella Of course, so?
an additional escape
JSON.parse("[[\"Jon and Jane\\'s Spot,AL\"]]")
VM212:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 16
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at <anonymous>:1:6
@MadaraUchiha ^
echo json_encode($result)
you can only have \ in json if it's part of a valid escape sequence: \" \\ \/ \b \f \n \r \t or \u four-hex-digits
Why does it need to be JSON? Just remove all the strreplace()s and pass a JS array to the function.
@MadaraUchiha its just address.there may be many more
I am trying to get an array with `['marketingMethod' => 1, 'count' => 5]` but not sure how to do that with doctrine querybuilder. I always get `['marketingMethod' => 1, 1 => 5]`. My query is `$queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder('category');
$result = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();`
Not sure what that is called, and therefore not sure how to look for a solution :)
morning DaveRandom o/
The French language has 17 different words for “surrender.”
@mega6382 it's not a fact unless you list the words. without the words it's just a claim.
shit, I didn't think this through.
morn o/
@mega6382 I'd like to hear them all, pretty sure I don't know all of them :o)
@Linus eih, these words are not quite all verbs with the same semantic meaning as surrender
@FélixGagnon-Grenier have they got to the torture yet?
@bwoebi so far it beats the nonexistent list of french words for it
Nov 14 '17 at 9:05, by Gordon
@JavaFan is it me you are looking for?
I can C it in your Is
Can anyone tell drupal future ?
@Rajveergangwar dark… very dark
ha ha ha
@Gordon why? Can you specify ?
Drupal 13.6 (2023) - Config is still in the DB
@JavaFan , its not a joke :P
@pmmaga , in drupal 8 config goes to file
whoa.. ok
I am led to believe that Drupal 8 is a drastically less horrible than previous iterations
not really my area though
@Rajveergangwar because my tarot cards show the Devil, the Tower and the 10 of Swords right next to each other. And you know what that means, right? Bad moon rising. Trouble's on the way.
If I have to make an educated guess, I'd say they will rewrite Drupal on Laravel.
I am working on drupal from last 4 years. I am not satisfied with drupal. I want to change my development field , like in IOT type.

So should i choose it or not ?
Can anyone suggest me
as i have only basic knowldege on nodejs
@Jeeves should @Rajveergangwar choose it or not?
Jeeves? You here?
i have created one video of my R&D work which is done in JS.
!!should anyone use Drupal?
I like JS so much
but in india
if someone wants to change their filed after some exprience , its really very complecated to change
So i am in confusion what to do
pretend you have no experience
then go do... whatever
> Haskell isn't side-effect-free after all; the effects are just concentrated in this one computer in Missouri that no one's checked on in a while.
I made a question here now. Seems like it is not such an easy thing to answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/48864301/…
@Gordon coincidentally, I almost fell off my chair from the earthquake we had on Saturday.
Unless you've been kissed by the Doctrine gods when you were born :P
> asked 48 secs ago
have some patience
@Danack I am happy there is other old farts like me in this room that actually got the reference :)
> Under rare circumstances, a flaw in some versions of Windows could allow Flash to be installed.
@DaveRandom got a proper ups that can shut down the pc now ... this
an ups that can... shut down the pc? :\
Anyone has used the NumPHP library?
yeah, when the batteries are out of juice ... I bought a really shit one at first that couldn't ...
haven't run the batteries out yet, but done a few test cycles, works well ... and turned power off to whole house while I was doing new plugs in office and bedroom, kept it (and screen and audio) powered on for more than half an hour ...
i have a giant one because anything i bought before was super shit. this is something like 500w, 20a
it's terrible though, it takes so much space
and had to replace batteries 3 times already... which aren't exactly cheap
replacement batteries for this are 50eur roughly ...
it's only 7a though, or 7a * 2, not sure ...
I think 14 ... upsc reports:
krakjoe@fiji:~$ upsc trust battery.voltage.nominal 2>/dev/null
and the trust webpage says 12v/7a per battery ...
i got a nas on it, and also tv. batteries didn't last enough. previous one was 360w, not sure how many amperes
I put my tv on the shit one mostly for surge protection, that one is 360w and terrible ... but silent, and good enough for the tv ...
are there non-silent ups?
I don't care about downstairs tv, it's not mine, no protection there ... but it did get new plugs so there aren't extension leads everywhere ... I dunno what it is about spanish houses, this room is huge and had two power outlets ...
this trust thing is pretty loud on batteries ...
Spanish people just party all the time and go outdoors ;)
They don't care about their houses
are you a honorary spanish now
that's true, the last house we were at, the door frame on the bathroom fell off and revealed that it was held on with double sided sticky tape ...
Yeah, don't pay for cheap Spanish building people
They do shit jobs
So laid back
he's totally blend in
do you guys know what "this old house" is? :B
intend to diy everything possible anyway ... and there is much to do ... mostly electric, but also, might redo the driveway, since all of us have fallen over on it ... weekends are very full at the moment ...
it's a tv show about house DIY. i am astonished how profoundly different houses in the usa are different from houses here
they're mostly cardboard in the usa
houses are all made of wood, and they use glue for everything, even structurally
@JoeWatkins Just out of interest, how did you learn to DIY? Trial and error in a shitty house and then become the expert for later on? Had a dad help you? YouTube?
I ask because, I've never had that, I guess I'd just have to trial and error it in a shitty house
and everything is "masonry", masonry glue, masonry screws, everything
@Wes yeah, tis normal for them ... and there's nothing wrong with wood glue, it's stronger than the surrounding wood when used properly ...
insulation is made of plastic bags, roofs cardboard almost :B
also in uk you have that kind of roofs i reckon
@Wes we're keen on recycling here
i think you are wasting a lot of resources :B
@Jimbo I've been good at woodwork and construction like stuff just by accident, since school age, loved it in school ... I've worked with friends on their houses, picked up the odd useful tip ... the rest is mostly trial and error, the first bits of furniture I made were absolutely terrible, now they come out pretty professional ... when we left the uk, we sold all the stuff we had made, in a rush, and got nearly £1000 for all of it, two coffee tables, dining table and a tv unit ...
houses should be built to last generations
can't achieve that with wood, glue and duct tape :B
roofs in the uk are mostly apex and wooden, then tiled on top ...
flat roofs can be terrible, but you don't see them outside of extensions ...
no, like that ...
oh that's a proper roof. yeah we have plenty of those too
Do you guys use any linter for code standards?
there's a video on "this old house" they replaced a structural pillar/post because it was rotted. they held the whole house's weight on a ladder, temporarily, in order to take out the old post and put in a new one :B
@Jimbo oh and a friend taught me how to weld when I was about 16, for the purposes of car restoration, it's actually very complicated and I consider myself a novice at it still, but it's a skill I use sometimes, me and the wife used to build and restore trailers, horse boxes, old cars and bikes, (we done two 1980's poor mans porshces, and a trike), and catering vans, in the summer just to get outside and do something together ...
you are one of the most interesting persons i know @JoeWatkins
I learned how to use a spray gun when working for a company that produced acoustic tiles for recording studios, am pretty good at painting with a compressor, not so good with an airbrush, but I'll have a go at it ...
Mountains aren't just funny. They're hill areas
3 messages moved to Trash
ugh ffs
2 messages moved to Trash
morning tereško
at that same company I learned how to use and maintain vacuum form moulding machines, which use hydraulics, and more than once have used those skills to diagnose and repair fork lift trucks, and one tractor, although I'm quite scared of hydraulics still, they are dangerous and easy to get wrong ...
form moulding machines, and presses which both*
none of it is as interesting as programming ... so I always end up here ...
anyone here worked with ZOHO?
@Wes lol
@PeeHaa morning
hm i wish phpunit had different severity settings for skipped tests
greater or equal formerly >= is missinterpreted – #75980
@Jeeves wat
i swear i went here and i was about to write "wat" too :B
i have no idea what he's saying
I think he's saying previously the needle was at strpos == 0, and now it's not? :p
i guess his problem is that false >= 0 but that didn't change.. but yeah, his if will always enter the first branch
would be nice to have strict_types affect operators like >=
that's a rfc i should do, rather than \annoying_@peehaa()
Pretty sure there is already at least a draft like that
The strict thing not the annoying peehaa thing
there is?
I think I remember it being mentioned before somewhere
I did just wake up though so I might be wrong :P
@PeeHaa you convinced me that is going to be just too much of a pita
@JoeWatkins winner :-)
.........but mostly i chicken out. i don't want to be the person hated by everyone :B
err… too late?
way too late, and that's coming from me
for the record, I like @Wes… but I also like teasing him. But don't tell him that.
you guys don't know when to stop
@DejanMarjanovic still want me to arrange a walkthrough or did you get how it works?
jay left because you've been assholes to him, just a reminder
he's still not coming back
jay left?
now that you mention it, I haven't seen him in a while. what happened?
He was here Friday
yeah, he's around
hes not coming regularly
@Gordon hey, sorry, forgot to say thanks :) I do want, just got other issues, I am setting up kubernetes cluster on aws (context)... gruss aus herzogenaurach :)
i'm sure he is offended... or he was. didn't join for weeks
@Gordon he's changing career (or at least, attempting to)
I think successfully
I won't say more than that rn because I'm not sure how public that is
ah, so @Wes is just being a drama queen again.
@DaveRandom If it's the blue thing then it was at least mentioned in here
yeah ignore my advice, i made that up lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@DejanMarjanovic well, let me know when you need any assistance. I am somewhat offended by "spoiled by new relic" though, because you need to configure new relic whereas ours configures everything for you.
I knew it
@Leigh He's dating a smurf?
@Wes I'm not saying you are generally wrong in principle though
@pmmaga lol even better
@Gordon It's just that I suck at reading the data/graphs and navigating through it :)
@DejanMarjanovic and that's somehow better with new relic?
@DejanMarjanovic seems you're in a similar place to me, I've found k8s to be just a massive pain in the arse
I want to make a directory in my web project for keeping db export, dns records export and somethings like that, what name is proper for that directory?
You know, Laravel has a directory named "storage". Is it for such things ?
"useless data (plz no steal)"
@pmmaga yes, "useless_data" is a right name literally. But isn't "storage" good enough?
I don't think there's a proper name. Use "storage" if you know what it means.
@Shafizadeh sure, it was a joke :P
ah :-)
I would probably put the database dumps in a directory called "database_dumps", and maybe the dns records would go in one called "zonefiles" or something
but I'm crazy
@jjok ok .. I will go with "storage". I asked this because Laravel framework has a directory named "storage". I thought probable word "storage" is a reserved word for another concept
@Shafizadeh And make sure it's not in your document root.
@jjok yeah .. I know security things ;-)
@Leigh :-)
That's a standard that Paul M Jones came up with. I don't know if any projects follow it specifically though.
I've used a resources folder before. But I don't feel strongly about it.
@jjok Looks like a pretty standard setup most people are doing
he hardly came up with it though :)
@Gordon nope, but after 2 years I got used to it, will use instana anyways since newrelic is not on a list of approved services :P
@Leigh yeah, not so naive as I thought :D
> But a if(strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'],"192.168.10") !< 0) still does what it does in previous versions
a what now?!
Yes, it's testing whether the factorial of the offset of a substring is less than zero. A common and useful check. What's the problem?
why don't I just RTFM... :P
ffs, just close that bug report already
yeah imma close that I think
Also god fucking damnit
Can we just shadowban that rhsoft dude
was he the dude kicked from the list?
I mean technically he's not wrong. if(strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'],"192.168.10") !< 0) does still do what it did in previous versions
@PaulCrovella yeah
@DaveRandom parse error? or am I actually missing something?
@DaveRandom WTF are you talking about
I assume it's a parse error
I am so confusled right now
ah :)
I haven't tried because it's stupid
@PeeHaa blackhole him
@PaulCrovella I really want to
He keeps piling on stupid crap now on bugs and often times he is outright offensive
Although I have occasionally wished than a postfix ! actually did a factorial, but only for trollish reasons
Can you explain to me what is a parse error in a simple example please? @DaveRandom
I still have no idea what you are all talking about above :P
I assume he thinks that means "not less than"
wat indeed
ok I am just going to ignore evenything but his first feedback
omg is short open tag still a thing? :-/
We killed it
I thought that would have been killed to death by now
or did we?
it's dead, jim
Is that his fucking issue?
Can we kill that for 8?
probably I am stupid, but I still don't see why his code would break in that case though
@PeeHaa is !< an actual thing
I mean if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'],"192.168.10") >= 0) is not a closing tag
Not even with short tags
no indeed
it's not enabled, it's not running at all
Maybe that's the actual bug
he's spitting <? .... > out to the browser
Fuck off
OM to they fucking G
<?lol ?>
ok last attempt to find out WTF he is on
so what he's seeing is the rest of his script, hence his fucked up description to start with
@PeeHaa and slapping the ? there to make it ?>= still gives me a parse error so I dunno what's up
Saw that one :)
not sure if they boosted the audio
sounds much better than past year
meanwhile at the Winter Olympics https://t.co/4YFE0669Nj
@Linus not true. the pictures are from creed 2. he might eventually die in the movie though.
Oh fuck already closed :P
Hey @DaveRandom. How viable would it be write a simple smtp server using amp? Use case: I want to write a ruby mailcatcher alternative in php
Should I duck for cover?
The S Stands For Simple
Yes that I know :P
So far I haave seen already 4 obsoleted rfc's which is never a good sign
You know what else has an S that stands for simple in it? SOAP
@DaveRandom oh, I thought it stood for stupid
But I was thinking that I only need a specific subset of the rfcs
I've started writing SMTP implementations on at least 3 occasions, never really got far with it
@PeeHaa why?
it's so ridiculously stateful that it's hard to even think about
I mean you could do it, but you could also just... not
@Gordon yeah,it's just rumor.
I conservatively estimate 3 months of full time dev
@PaulCrovella Because that ruby and ruby sdk crap works like sheit on windows
you want to write an smtp server in php because windows.. this is why you drink.
@PeeHaa you can probably write a simple one fairly easily
the basic usages are not hard
it's when you go into details that hell starts, but for your tests like mailcatcher (where you don't really have to handle retries et al), it should be enough to have a small one
@DaveRandom for full support of the spec, or for a rather rudimentary version which happens to work with most servers?
I will just try to start it and abandon the idea when it gets crazy
It was nice knowing you all!
...five minutes later...
I first need to finish my actual job for today
Also @DaveRandom uhhhmmm asking for a friend. dns server in amp? :P
^ actually not going to do that, just curious because bind seems simple enough to me but I may be missing a lot
dnsmasq is super simple to use
bind9 is not super simple to use
Or rite I forgot dnsmasq is also a thing
And I actually use it
@Leigh did you buy bitcoin? did you notice how it went up immediately after i sold lol. never again
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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