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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

it's exclusive for me and joe
i made fun of joe like yesterday. i've been karma-ed hard
stackoverflow.com/questions/22917318/… … why you never should rely on time() being equal to floor(microtime(1)) … ARGH.
1 hour later…
hey, bitcoin is going up again. i sold at the lowest value. i knew it would happen
do any of you know how debug_backtrace works, and why it's so slow? shouldn't that stuff be immediately available?
maybe it's not collected in an array
@Wes add me in list too.
2 hours later…
I feel like I'm being bamboozled by this one regexcrossword.com/playerpuzzles/5877362190c9d
please take a picture of yourself with the head tilted 90°
lol, i can't do not even the very first one
of beginner level
lol done
I thinked someone linked to some website in which we have to fill input and return true from given php code,can i have a link?
i think it's Paul
thanks :)
can able to solve those but not with best absolute best score.
my logics are that much good :(
getting the best score is more about abusing php than doing anything right
lately i'm only dealing with very unpleasant people
helped someone with some code, told him about common interests and complimented with him
didn't even get a thank you
@Wes you're here of your own accord
the only unpleasant person here is @gordon
the hate is deep
You can't possibly like me.
After all the pain I've been.
@Wes what happened?
i feel for any newbie programmer taking the wrong turn in their learning process, because i've been there too
with that comes the usual warning: i too have no idea what i am doing
so it's snowing again
which is likely the reason my adsl isn't working properly
i would love to know more about internet's infrastructure
Call Failed
wonder what that means
@JayIsTooCommon hey. u ok?
don't know what i have done wrong why did Wes put me in his ignore list.
A crash occurs in ucrtbase.dll – #75967
pretentious pricks. bah
why do i even try.
Hello guys
I need some help, is there a system where you can have many bloggers
well like wordpress only, that anyone can sign up and they can publish an article
hi guys i configured hosts and virtual hosta successfully and restarted the server but in the browser when i run my project the IIS image only displays instead of myproject ...
please tell me how to solve this?
anyone ever on this?
posted on February 16, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Wes what about your face?
@IROEGBU yes, now an open source project like medium.com. I ant to implement a custom one in an organization
@Gordon let me check it out
wordpress can have multiple users and editors and even multiple sites/blogs
if you just want one blog with many writers, a regular wp installation will do.
if you want many blogs with many writers, you can setup wp as a network like explained in the link
That sounds like what i am looking for... I'll do an installation to see whats being offered
people on the ml that ask for this to work
new Bar()->foo()
clearly that should be a function, lol
What's wrong with (new Bar())->foo() ?
wrong as in, the syntax, or as in oop design
it could be a legit case, but it's strange creating an object that gets immediately destroyed. could be though
@Wes It should probably be a normal function, you're right.
PHP hasn't the problem of Bar()->foo() might be a class that you'd want to new (i.e. new (Bar()->foo()))
@LeviMorrison sorry if i didn't answer. wanted to look at zephyr but google doesn't load
surprisingly i can load this chat just fine, even if i don't see your avatars :B
messan Scot. a lap dog; small pet dog.
Happy Rebecca day!
so a freelancer friend of mine was just offered a 15year old legacy project. according to the customer they got serious maintenance issues for 5 years (!) now. he said, he'd be available in april. they replied that's too late… :D
good luck finding another one that fast ^^
@Wes I have an Http client that accepts optional configuration (for timeouts etc) which uses that syntax: (new HttpClient)->get($url) & (new HttpClient($options))->get($url)
I think I have a JSON schema validator somewhere I also use like that.
@Wes ye boiii
Heya James o/
@Alesana I think you missed the point
I doubt anyone in this chat room has any respect for Salon
@tereško Salon?
see the message, that he was responding to
too much effort
Good morning all :)
I may be doing something dumb..........is there a json schema file that defines what can be in a swagger file?
I wanted to write a test that the swagger doc I'm generating is valid, and thought it would be trivial, but I can't see a swagger definition doc.
@PeeHaa I was kind of thinking "surely there will be a json schema file that defines a valid swagger file....." I think maybe I miss XSD....
btw you saw my note about your RFC?
errrr I have been busy last few days and didn't really watch chat that much. Think I missed it. Let me search transcript
Err yeah. Good point :) Thanks!
Will fix tonight
@Danack Reinventing that SOAP wheel.
Pretty much.
I don't have anything against Salon :P
@PaulCrovella I don't understand the top right square
(?=(.)(.)(.)(.)(.))\5\2\5\2\5 Makes it so it must be 5
But (5{²})?((.))((.))\2\5?\2+ surely means it must be 2? Because it just becomes "..\2\5?\2+"
\5 is a backreference
the 5th capture group
Oh really? Thought it was an escaped char, damnnnnn
@Alesana weeell ... sure, in the same way as with their counterpart - Inforwars
> I'm doing a web application with Codeigniter, thus using the MVC pattern. (source)
if you have a service that requires access to an unknown number of domain models at runtime what is the best way to inject the data mapper dependencies? Just cant get my head around how to seperate out my classes. Related to this and this
@Gothic_Anatomist those are not "models" ... as for the actual question: just inject a factory, that can produce variety of data mappers. Alternatively, you can try splitting the service.
@Gothic_Anatomist Can't you just use a DI injector / container?
@PeeHaa he would end up with 14 dependencies in the constructor
Still better than a single service locator :P:
@PeeHaa when did you see anyone recommending that?
Nowhere? Where do you see anyone stating that?
2 mins ago, by tereško
@PeeHaa he would end up with 14 dependencies in the constructor
so you actually have no response to this ..
Should I?
I didn't realize it was expected to me to answer anything
are you decaffeinated or something?
I just cannot be arsed
It's friday
@PeeHaa I'm using a pimple container however I'm trying to avoid passing it around as a service locator
Out of curiosity is pimple somewhat sane nowadays?
it has not changed, AFAIK
I have this nagging feeling, that it was discontinued
@PeeHaa It's got a namespace now! :O
lolwat :P
/me is out for food while I can
@tereško So do you mean to create a factory which has the conditional logic in it to decide which object(s) to instantiate when it's added via the router?
@PeeHaa I'm using it as it came with the Slim 3 framework
@Gothic_Anatomist I mean something like this: stackoverflow.com/a/11369679/727208
why would router have anything to do with it?
I suspect that there might be some serous retardness in Slim
Because the route determines which method in the controller object to call?
sure, but is does not affect the dependencies of a controller
> requires access to an unknown number of domain models
Sounds like only 1 entry in the constructor to me
Is gd2 image library is builtin in codeigniter or not ?
@AbdullahShoaib nobody here is using CodeIgniter. Try reading the source: github.com/bcit-ci/CodeIgniter
Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, I created the service to inject into the controller so it would have access to all of the models it needs for different methods. However this required me to either instantiate every possible model to be injected into the service or i instantiate within the service making it tightly coupled to the models?
what are "models"?
please tell me, that you are making a site for pin-ups
lol, I wish - would be far more fun! No, when i say models i mean the class for each part of the app such as "country" contains the methods and properties of the country and is created by the datamapper from a db. So all the objects for each part of the app make up the "model layer" - or so i thought
the services tend to be coupled to the domain entities, that they internally use
Right, seems like another case of my making life more complicated for myself than I have to!
hihihi, @tereško and his pet peeve about models
lol, so is my understanding of a model completely out there then :-P
Severely unproductive day
comically so
to the point where I actually opened Facebook
Can we have another alias point to onlinesequencer.net/701933 ?
@IROEGBU But that doesn't autoplay, right?
@kelunik No, it doesn't.
anyone know of anything for node.js that replicates search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Parser/Parser.pm
Anyone can help this question please
anyone that can generate a wsdl from php code?
I've been working on the opposite of that but still quite a way off
what do you mean by that though? typically that's the wrong way round
normally you define a service description and generate entities, then write your code around those entities
2 messages moved to Trash
@Gordon Also, make sure you maintain a separation (at least mentally) between the WSDL and the schema. They are fundamentally different things with different purposes
@DaveRandom I only need it for a test
basically, the simplest php code and wsdl would suffice
@Gordon read?
understand ?
@Gordon I don't really understand how this can generate a meaningful result unless all the method args and return vals are scalar or arrays of scalars
@Gordon please help in code
would be interested to hear how you get on with it
@DaveRandom it's to test my soap instrumentation. so it's really testing injected code.
@RaheelAslam stop bothering me. thanks.
There's an autoplay variable in their script, but seems like that's only used for playing the song after loading if you clicked play prior to the song being finished loading.
@Gordon ok but answer my question please
@Gordon You're welcome.
you beat me to it by 1 millisecond
but thanks
@Gordon I am a ninja.
He sure seems to like you :P
@MadaraUchiha nah, not stealthy enough
@Gordon Only when I want you to see me :)
I really hope that @Gordon turns round in his chair now and @MadaraUchiha is just standing over him with a grapefruit in his hand
I did turn around. just for you. no @MadaraUchiha. no grapefruits.
Confirmed, @MadaraUchiha is not a ninja
You can use a capturing group from a lookahead/behind, right?
I'm reading ((.)).*(?!\2). as "the second last character shouldn't match the first character" surely this won't work for 112?
Not sure if it's a bug with regexr or how I think regex works
Hi all
is this is the char root for Drupal CMS as well?
@Sean what's with the double nested capture group?
@DaveRandom It's part of a regex crossword linked earlier
@Sean since you're using a lookahead, that says that the last character shouldn't match the first.
Oh I see what I've done, yeah
Thanks, I forgot what the lookahead is applied to
hi! Can you tell me please, is a bad practice to create objects with another objects as properties? Thanks!
@BoteaFlorin it depends how you do it, but no, you should not try to avoid having objects as properties
@BoteaFlorin not as such, no. But there might be exceptions depending on why/how you do it
And thus, circular dependency was created
My still question is pending
I give you the rarest of links a non Friday hot network PHP question
Q: How to get multiple parent and child from SOAP Message and make array using simpledomhtml in PHP

Raheel AslamI have problem in code when i parse XML to Array get with multiple array of XML.Actually I want to parse all soap v1.2 response message in array/json. data.txt file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="<a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="http://s...

@Gordon Someone's feeling generous today
@Gordon hahah
I am feel seriously boring and stuck
As Dave noted, you're using the wrong tool. Consider something appropriate like DOMDocument
And no nobody is going to write your code for you
People say I'm seriously boring too.
@Machavity i am using simpledomhtml My problem is every soap message will convert into array/json
simplehtmldom is crap. even if you'd be parsing html it would be crap.
@RaheelAslam Again, you're using the wrong tool. This is what you're effectively trying to do
I am tempted to add to that SOAP question
@tereško Not even adults should be subjected to SOAP
well ... I could provide a list
> ini_set("memory_limit", "44879M");
I'm not quite sure what to do with this information
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Install 48GB of RAM?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier git blame
and then find a vaguely baseball-bat-shaped implement
it's from that SOAP question actually
@tereško heh. that, I will search for though
also, during conversation at dinner yesterday, some older colleagues having worked on rewriting a fortran app a few decades ago spoke of some dirty tricks to imitate gotos with try catch blocks and exceptions. however, without a while true loop, I can't seem to think of a way to actually do that more than once. Anyone know how that "pattern" is implemented? :D
probably with an include __FILE__;
Hmm, we got any Symfony (3) guys in here?
if it's about the router, possibly
I have used some part of it (and muddled through other parts, while using Sonata)
Nah, more like doing stuff I shouldn't really be doing. Trying to extend AppVariable so I can plop loads of stuff I shouldn't in to {{ app }} for twig.
@Fabor just make a twig extension
@Fabor if you're already doing things like that, maybe try:
$function = new Twig_SimpleFunction('inject', function (string $type) use ($injector) {
        return $injector->make($type);
instead, which allows you to:
{% set loginStatus = inject('Aitekz\\Component\\LoginStatus') %}
{{ loginStatus.render()|raw }}
@Danack sounds like you would actually want presentation object there: martinfowler.com/eaaDev/PresentationModel.html
Turns out this works in twig.yaml
        app: '@App\AppExtended
that's the worst possible approach :P
PHP is the worst possible approach
I love it
@tereško Yup. But on the sin counter it's pretty low :P
@Jimbo ehh ... to be so young and innocent
Sorry @staabm I forgot about your patch. Done now <3
php-fpm restarts master process in a loop when using Program execution Function – #75968
Segmentation fault – #75969
> // This is required for the segfault
Good start to any bug report; a function with no apparent side effect.
@Danack the bug is within Optimizer regarding live ranges though, probably including the live range generated by the function call
I was going to set it to verified, but it looks like you have more info to add.
@Danack nah, I haven't
that's just what I see from the bug report
hmm, I don't get segfaults on < 7.1.6
@Ekin I read your nice overview of rabbitmq terminology, are you using it atm?
@Jimbo I started building something with it but then priorities at work changed. Need to pick it up again in fact soon
posted on February 16, 2018 by CommitStrip

hi, is it possible in mysql to retrieve different time than is stored in db by pure changing timezone of database? is it necessary for it having datetime, or timestamp column? thanks
I got a proper vps now ...
it's hard to setup a ups on nix ...
if some people are doing javascript, I might have said it already, but I encourage you to try and use MobX. So far, it's the only state management tool that has let me create services and state repositories with a liberty that lets me feel like I am doing architecture. With much (much) less boilerplate than redux, also.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier So, you have embraced the Dark Side Javascript?
well, it's what I've been hired to do for the past year and a half
I must say I quite hope for php in a not so far future...
but in the meantime, mobx removes a lot of pain :)
Error in my comments re: sqlsrv and pdl_sqlsrv – #75970
I think the one of the only reasons I am passionate about PHP, but not Javascript, is because the majority some of the people in the Javascript room are assholes, but you guys are awesome ❤
How long has it been since Luggage bought you? What was the promised price @FélixGagnon-Grenier?
why, my soul of course
Luggage already had your soul?
snippet of the day
if [ -z "$SCRIPT_ENABLED" ]; then
    filename=.scripts/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d/%H:%M:%S-$$")
    mkdir -p "$(dirname "$filename")"
    export SCRIPT_ENABLED=1
    exec script --quiet --timing="$filename".timing "$filename".log
oh fuck me, just got it... bah
@PaulCrovella Addressing me? :-P
@bwoebi I was, didn't think it was worth a ping. Got it figured though.
I wish more of the puzzles were like regexcrossword.com/playerpuzzles/59e565c95008d rather than relying on trickery (or drowning you in syntax and unicode)
strip_tags removes incorrect part of string – #75971
Can anyone help me with a PHP code?
How do I add a URL to first name field
something like this:
$data .= '"Firstname":"' '<a href="http://test.com/info/default.aspx?first_name='. $r->firstname . '</a>' '",';
are you trying to manually create json?
no, I am trying to first name is displayed as a hyperlink
so just trying to add a url to firstname
no, your code says otherwise
you should be using json_encode() you're going to have JSON syntax errors for one if you use your current code. @Damon
thx .. I will look into it
note: build what you need and json_encode it once - don't use it a bunch and try to glue it together
old but gold
Jesus. The cringe is strong with that one.
if anyone is onto Warhammer, you might find this entertaining lore video: youtube.com/watch?v=H0LfI0H7m6E
.Net support: not present in this build – #75972
@kelunik @bwoebi have you considered submitting aerys to techempower.com/benchmarks/… ?
@tereško lol. that guy
@Danack nope, never heard of that
hrmmm... did JK Rowling really write warhammer 40k rulebooks? amazon.ca/Codex-Space-Marines-J-K-Rowling/dp/1841548944/…
I highly doubt that
yeah, me too but it kinda is written there so... yeah nvm
codexes seem to be published and produced by GW
with no writers attached
JK Rowling writes a lot of crazy stuff
heh. that's funny
Do you guys use Guzzle?
I believe I did once or twice in the past
I need to interact with like 40 REST/SOAP APIs for this new project. How did you like it?
It looks really similar to JS.
Doesn't it make more sense to have a Request object which has a method that returns a Response object?
did you take a look at artax?
@Allenph why? How would a request know about the response?
@tereško I don't know...I'm just trying to figure out how to model this.
Does request sends itself, parses the response data from both headers and body, which then is used to crate the response instance?
2 mins ago, by Allenph
Doesn't it make more sense to have a Request object which has a method that returns a Response object?
^ how much time did you give for this thought?
@tereško Well, the idea would be that the Request sends itself and then sends the raw response to the constructor of a Response object.
None. I'm just spit-balling in public.
I guess it does make more sense to use a client like Guzzle.
I can essentially treat that the same way I would treat a PDO object.
that's how I use it
since remote API is just another data source
php 7.2.2 configure not recognizing curl 7.58.0 – #75973
@Patrick Is your PHP book any good? :P
I think it is.
As of now it's the only PHP book I would buy.. when I have money.
actually, I think there is still the sample chapter somewhere, you can see for yourself!
Yeah I saw that!
I just got called to complete an assessment for a job interview as a Magento developer.. I am super excited!
php.net has an IPv6 assigned but web server is unreachable – #75974
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