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however well intentioned i don't think its appropriate to comment on every mysql question with this. the same idea applies to a lot of other code (every ereg question for example)
i <3 php
do tell
I wonder how many php projects have CSRF protection
not enough
that makes me sad
begin a life long quest to secure every PHP application you find, and evangelize proper coding technique to the world like a modern day John the Baptist
Seems hard, do i get candy?
within a few years, you would have a candy deficit, and creditors would call you demanding candy every day. people will scorn you for criticizing their carefully crafted programs
@endoalir it'd be pointless to have a carefully crafted program if someone can take a hammer to it and shatter the whole thing by some security weakness.
oo I want to find a vulnerability whose exploit involves a hammer :D
that'd be the best exploit ever
@tereško - Don't tell me what to do, especially if you have nothing else to say - There's nothing wrong with exploring the capabilities of the language and using global variables to determine if it's the cause of the OP's errors — nickb 5 mins ago
, you make me sad
wow really
that is quite sad
I bet almost every server is vulnerable to hammers which are launched at them with sufficient velocity.
virtual or real hammers
real hammers of course
what if you dont have any real hammers on hand
every evil genius knows you have to plan ahead and order hammers to load your evil hammer launcher with
does the hammer launcher have to be evil, too?
have you ever seen a benevolent hammer launcher?
I was just wondering, so I know what to order
you might have to go to the black market to find hammer launcher blueprints, or maybe you could just modify a potato gun
yes let's all shoot at servers with modified potato guns
server owners, beware of our MPGs!
just think, all those people waste time directing DOS attacks, when all they need is an infantry armed with modified potato guns
we'd even be able to take down google with our MPGs!
evil laugh
almost as good as Simon Bar Sinister's plan to dry up all the water in the world
import random, time, winsound

timebias = 0.2
pitchbias = 0.7
changebias = 0.75

current = [(4.,1.),(5.,1.),(7.,3.),(None,1.), (4.,1.),(5.,1.),(7.,3.),(None,1.),(4.,1.),(7.,1.),(12.,2.),(11.,2.),(9.,2.),(9.,2.),(7.,1.),(None,1.),(2.,1.),(4.,1.),(5.,3.),(None,1.),(2.,1.),(4.,1.),(5.,3.),(None,1.),(2.,1.),(5.,1.),(11.,1.),(9.,1.),(7.,2.),(11.,2.),(12.,4.)]

timeshift = 1;
while 1:
    timeshift = timeshift + timeshift * random.uniform(1 - timebias, 1 + timebias)
    if timeshift > 1.0 + 2.0 * timebias or timeshift < 1.0 - 2.0 * timebias:
oh i love 4 hour work meetings
aww I can't use the winsound module because I don't have Windows. I bet I could make a beautiful song with it ;(
@tereško That is ridiculous . . .
It seems most of nickb's reputation comes from answering poor questions.
@LeviMorrison it was very rude in my opinion, who would say something like that?
unless it has been deleted I don't see anything rude.
It could have been worded nicer, in my opinion.
it is pretty much a statement of facts. Not saying it would let the questioner continue to think that they were keeping up with the changes in the language. At least this way they might realize that they are falling behind and should pay attention to new things.
That was kind of hard to read, but it still wouldn't hurt to word it a bit nicer- the entire statement could say the exact same thing if you dropped the "Don't tell me what to do"
imo not necessary to hammer the point down, op already stated they would look into using the current methods
I'm sorry I have no clue what you are talking about
@drderp forgot to add reply, was meant as reply to Paul :)
@Jack oh ok, sorry
my mistake heh
Where have I seen that avatar before?
dunno, jap anime i guess
No, I know someone else has that avatar, I think, on some other website
=O imposters
I'm not really a fan of bleach myself
talk to the mortal who cares :)
then why would you have a bleach avatar if youre not a fan of it either?
that's a good question, but also a wrong conclusion.
So you have your avatar just because.
... serenity now!
3 hours later…
g' afernoon
@PeeHaa Would you mind testing something for me?
"variables with the same name are the same" - normality restored
@Sam sure
Try logging in to this site with random details, does it offer to save your password? hpstoragemedia.com/en
Im trying in chrome
@Sam Like do I see "remember me" option?
No, as in the browser offers its in built save password option
@Sam I killed that in my browsers :-)
Oh right :p
@Sam However I think it may be dsabled in html. lemme scheck
For some reason the site wasnt offering to save password for me, its go autocomplete on in the code
+ Please dont comment on the appalling html, i didnt build the site ;)
@Sam Lucky you. It's a disaster ;)
It indeed has the autocomplete option enabled. Sorry cannot help you any further with my browsers
Its just weird why it isnt offering to save passwords, i cant think of any reason why. Autocomplete is on @PeeHaa
@tereško Hell no :P
Hi guys
waves o.o
Stuck on this for some time now.Any help would be appreciated.Thank you
@sachintaware Is that really only the relevant code?
@sachintaware That's a lot of code... Did you try isolating the problem?
@tomexsans hiya
Hi @tomexsans
I know a method of copying a row in mysql
Insert into table select * from table
But may anybody tell me to move the row mean delete the original row and insert the new row
@PeeHaa I think ive found the problem, the form has a blank action like this action="" and a related question here says this could be the problem -> stackoverflow.com/questions/2382329/…
a k
Or not... just tried it, fk
@tereško morning
    // Pseudocode, use either PDO or mysqli:
    catch (Exception $e) {
        trigger_error('Failed', E_USER_WARNING);
iam usin PDO@Paul
@sachintaware try my suggestion I posted there :)
@Somebodyisintrouble , what do you mean by "move the row" ?
yeah :P
guys, is there any way to get notified if theres a new version of a package in composer ??
has there been another crap in Nettuts/Smashing showing how awesome globals are ?
They are fucking with us for sure
Q: Make all variables global, PHP

tarnfeldIs there a way to make all variables global?

.. i was looking some canonical answer to "how to deal with function scope" , so that i could close that globals-question
@tereško Can we do something against that one?
doubtfully .. maybe write a good answer
it should not be deleted , because it way too old and will just cause a "page not found" from google
just do this : stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bphp%5D+function+scope .. i cannot find a single question where accepted answer was witout globals
Today, a person made me think something. I've been writing desktop software for quite some time (some 4 to 5 years), but I've only been writing in PHP for some 3 years now.
It is interesting to note that I've been tracking my code quality specifically when I started writing PHP.
@tereško I want to delete them from the first table and sorry for late reply
@Christian And they are saying PHP encourages bad code :P
.. or that you never expect someone to get hands on code you have made for desktop application
i want to know the alternate syntax of $this->redirect(Router::url("/admin",true)); in cakephp
Good morning
Morning @ircmaxell
@mehul_nagar read the manual , then
@ircmaxell morning
hi whats the salary we have to expect as PHP Developer?
@DanishIqbal Too many variables to say
Experience, location, company etc
but what do you say normally
well i am from pakistan
i have no idea how cheap/expensive is living in pakistan .. no way to tell
an in USA
here in latvia , good php developer can pay mortgage on apartment and other bills, eat in city center and there is some more left over
don't you think its that to much
thing is , there is a huge gap everywhere between developer with poor skill/experience and long term professional
1 year experience developer in the UK can afford a flat and have a little money left over
@DanishIqbal thats about $1.5K per month , here
per month ?
that's what i wrote
its really what i want
then again , USA is almost literary on the other side of world .. i have not idea what would be an OK salary there
Ive had a thought about the backlash to and , what about changing them to [tag:Opinion?]?
That was it is asking for other peoples opinion rather than pile on down voting + close voting
@ircmaxell morning
@Sam , SO has guidelines , are applied to topic which ignore them
I dont understand that last comment, what do you mean?
There wasn't a backlash against as far as I know. It was all focused on . A suggestion was made that it could be . I have no problems with renaming it to that, we all know what its for anyway. If it lets people look at it with a more open mind then that wouldn't be a bad thing either.
@Paul I agree, just changing the name would help
@Paul But it is still the same thing. If somebody has a problem with the name rather than the actions he doesn't deserve to have an opinion.
Doesnt deserve to have an opinion? Of course they do!

Its like saying that this company shouldn't change their name because there is a problem with the name -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayds
@PeeHaa names can be inflammatory though. I think if it had been called review-pls then pile on reviews would have been seen as a less scary thing from the outside world.
@Sam lol @ ayds :P
I think is much better sounding than
@tereško the new pdo comment is broken.
LOL at this candy name -> Diet Ayds
@PeeHaa , not it is not broken
you were looking at cropped preview
@Paul Idunno. Sounds like politics to me. And I hate politics. Just like when the government tries to push a new law and fails. And after that tries to pass the same law only under a different name.
@tereško eeek. sorry :P
Good morning - Happy Monday
A: Make all variables global, PHP

hakreTo import all global variables incl. superglobals and parameters into the functions scope: extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_REFS | EXTR_SKIP); The problem is with the superglobals here. You might want to include them, here is a list (PHP 5.2): /** * PHP Superglobals */ array ( 1 => 'GLOBALS', ...

@PeeHaa Thanks for helping cleaning PHP5 tags away ;)
What's up?
@hakre Should I get an ambulance?
@NikiC I can already hear the siren ;)
You must feel really sick after writing that.....
@hakre lol, that was a mass-edit ^^
@NikiC That was translating while writing ;)
just-in-time translation :)
@MikeB hiya
@hakre For the better of society! :)
Hi i already asked about how to prevent cideo in my website from browser downloaders,
now i got i player....
i think no one can download
@Dhamu Could you please translate that stuff into english?
@Dhamu , if you can see the video , you can download it
try to download this, if u can
@Dhamu If you don't want to share things don't make them public period
You see you made me write out period just to emphasize
i am sharing about that , also need to clarify is that really not downloadable
@Dhamu events.ccc.de/congress/2011/wiki/Streaming#HTTP_Live_Stream , hell .. i can download it just by using my default video player
I don't know why I leave comments sometimes... stackoverflow.com/questions/10980708/…
@tereško Actually, that doesn't apply in my case. I preferred developing in Delphi/Lazarus, and I can assure you the code used to be reviewed more than my current PHP code.
Mainly because Lazarus community is very friendly and often times I asked for support there.
While PHP code is sometimes challenging, it's nowhere near what I had to pass through with native one ;)
@MikeB if it's any consolation I upvoted your comment before that answer was posted
There will be some warning or notice being printed
@MrCode I know.. 99% of the time I'm kicking myself for leaving comments instead of answers
I've told myself several times that I'm not going to flag duplicates anymore and just plagiarize the answer instead.. several people do that
@tereško is this browser extension
lolwut ?
It's more likely to be an undefined variable or similar that we can't see than headers already sent
people with 20k+ rep answering a question about `supplied argument is not a valid mysql resource...' when they damn well know that's one of the most-asked questions on the site. So the question itself will be closed and have several downvotes but the plagiarized answer will have several upvotes.
@MikeB Well, you don't get 20k+ rep by closing questions ;)
@MikeB here is a perfect candidate for supplied argument is not a valid.... stackoverflow.com/questions/10981004/…
@MrCode Yep, duplicate of 'I don't know how to debug mysql_* functions'
Lazy question of the day
Sorry for people who don't see deleted questions:
like me ... damn you
What is most likely the outcome of the following code?

$i = 5;
$var= “Hello”, I;
Print $var;
a) Hello
b) 5
c) Hello 5
d) Hello five
e) None of the above
> Most likely outcome? A closed question... What's stopping you running it? Laziness? – Mitch Wheat 3 mins ago
well .. they dont have computers at that classroom
you know ... written test and all
@tereško i cant use that player..... dam is that player??
@DanishIqbal , did you read the articles , that i linked ?
there was even a shell script which lets you download that stream
@tereško Is that windows player?
good morning guys
has anyone tried this on their command line?
I don't use mysql so no
@Ben omfgwtf
yeah that was my reaction too
@Ben didn't work for me
@MikeB same here, I guess the chance of a collision is not as low as they claimed
Very interesting though
yeah nothing surprises me anymore
@Ben > Most nix distributions bind the MySQL daemon to localhost, preventing remote access to the service
and i have reasonable suspicion that it might be true on window-es too (though i dont recall when i have last time run mysql server on windows .. i think in 2002nd)
that's right if your mysql instance is local there's not much to worry but if your db is accessible from other places then you might have problem in your hands
@Ben , lets say you are using a shared hosting with exec() available ...
@tereško shared hosting scares me
@PeeHaa I tried it with localhost and without the host option entirely, no dice
@PeeHaa is it normal for your extension to show all the code from a question?
I removed the 2> /dev/null bit so you can see the access denied messages and mine isn't going fast enough to trigger the bug
It takes 10 seconds to run
@MikeB my VM choked on it with 10,000 tries
@Event_Horizon depends. It should just oneboxes the question
btw .. i always love how outdated php frameworks (requiring 5.1/5.2) are defended by "but what if they are used on shared hosting ?" question ... it's like telling that electricity should not be used , because people from nut-house might not know how to use it
@EventHorizon You can limit the height it takes on the settings page though
@EventHorizon I see what you mean now. Yup it is by design. Might consider limiting copde blocks though
@PeeHaa Yeah, I was just wondering if that was intended.
posted on June 11, 2012 by Lorna Mitchell

I'm a regular speaker at a variety of (okay, mostly technical, so not really that varied!) events, and I submit talks to many CfPs (calls for papers). Whenever this happens, I tend to look back at whether I have any existing talks that I gave and liked and which would be a good fit. I use my joind.in speaker page for this: http://joind.in/user/view/110 as it's simpler than dredging through my

*shakes fist at *
@salathe ?
@PeeHaa I had a screen full of boxes and no chat.
@salathe :P blame
I have some question: I alter an mysql table and add field. I want to set it's values to an existing field. Is that possible (within the ALTER statement)?
It's possible lame to do that anyway, but would help me to know for some legacy project... .
Somebody speaks his language?
Yes, working but please attention, click button for open tabs, get lenght long, after solved. — user1213807 4 mins ago
everyone wants to stay logged in forever
@PeeHaa Might be a bad copy/paste translation using google translate
@LeviMorrison I did a ton of routing work this weekend and have been working on an example app this morning ... willl hopefully have something workable today.
Since when is <input> an inline-block?
@Truth who says? :)
Hmm, but button != input type="button" :)
@Truth , it kinda always have been
@Jack But both are inline-blocks
@tereško I don't remember it that way :o
I remember them always as inlines
but if both are inline blocks, then why is only one resized in height?
@Truth , inlines which could have height and width
@Jack I see both of them resized.
@Truth ah, browser bug ;-)
Mine? or yours?
how can mac/safari be wrong?
according to the specs, only <button> can contain other elements, both inline and block level
at least, for html4
never heard of dabblet before btw, pretty site :)
@rdlowrey Jolly good.

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