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it was a clusterfuck here too
but in a year it has all been refactored and cleaned up
< Listening to GTA Vice City radio
there are like two or three repos left, that contain rally shitty code
out of 10+ services
oh, and one of those repos is still 5.x , but that should be cleared up in january
5.x == runs on 5.6 ?
no, I thin it actually runs 5.3 :D
I am not sure, I am not actually responsibe for that repo
lol, 5.3 and 5.6 may as well be different languages :-P
it might be 5.5 though
I still have a couple of things that I haven't touched the code since 7 came out, because they Just Work™
I can actually check
nope, 5.3
I'm not even sure how to migrate from 5.3 any more, I would have to read the changelogs
I remember that $this didn't work in closures in 5.3, and a few syntactic things
when did register_globals die?
codebase is not using register_globals
but there are some spots with ereg
Trying to convert my injection vulnerable php page to use PDO and im going in circles. Once I prepare a query, execute it passing variables, set $results = $stmt->fetch(); how do iterate through $results and build an html table with the info? I can count the rows with rowCount(); so im getting info back in $results but trying to parse it keeps giving "Array to string conversion" error. How do I use the Array to print the info?
oh right, I forgot that even existed :-P
ext/mysql as well, I'm guessing
of course :(
@sidnical did you read this thing: wiki.hashphp.org/PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers
^ read that
checking it now
I searched around but I think I was just searching for the wrong stuff
read the entire page
if you are just now switching, there will be a lot of small details that you have missed
also note that PDOStatement implements Traversable, you can just do foreach ($stmt as $row) if you want, i.e. you don't have to call fetch() at all
@DaveRandom it might need setting up FETCH_MODE
this page is much easier to follow than the others i've found
true, but I think the default is FETCH_ASSOC which is what most people want
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)
New York is thattaway man -->
I actually rarely use PDO these days because I'm either writing .net for MSSQL or using pgsql with pecl/pq
I think there was a good larger tutorial
gimme a sec to find it, @sidnical
but that one is quite long
leave it for later
i'll use the first link for what im doing and then go through the large tutorial later to cover my bases
Thank you @tereško
the second link is the one I was using before and kept confusing myself.
so i'll definitely come back to it later.
in a hotel, visiting my boyfriend, have an hour or so before he comes back, so decided to code
and this room keeps me motivated
Strange. Opposite affect for me.
this room?
yes. :P
just something about being in this room makes me feel like "okay, I need to work on stuff," I guess being around likeminded people?
> All time values have a precision of nanoseconds. When an absolute time value is provided, then it is the number of nanoseconds since the epoch, i.e Thursday 1st January 1970 00:00:00. [source]
> The duration is the color transition time in milliseconds. [source]
god damn it
oh fu markdown
first one has [ like [
anyway... nice internally consistent spec you brought me here @jjok :-P
I'm borrowing a laptop from work, but the account I use to log in doesn't have admin rights. If I VPN into our work network, my regular staff account has admin rights... used this a few times to get around stuff
like setting up a local wifi hotspot so I could connect the chromecast to the hotel wifi
when you are connected to the VPN and have admin rights, create a local user profile with admin rights
or grant your existing one admin rights
not sure I can grant rights through AD
like I can't reset passwords in AD
you don't need to, you just need local administrative rights
ah, hmm
while logged in as the network user, open computer management, go to "local users and groups" and add your local account to the administrators group
you can always remove it before you give it back
I don't log in to the computer with my staff account, not sure I can, because the laptop has to be connected to the work network, and I can only do that via VPN. Unless you mean switch user?
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$count = $stmt->rowCount();
echo $count;
foreach ($stmt as $row)
	echo $row . "\n";
ah, I can do it via command prompt, thanks @DaveRandom
count gives me a print of 88 but the foreach prints nothing. Am I doing the foreach wrong?
Are Ice Gems still a thing in the UK?
@sidnical why are you using both fetchAll and foreach iterator ?
@sidnical You can set the fetchmode before executing the statement de.php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.setfetchmode.php and then just iterate the result with foreach.
either do:
echo $stmt->rowCount();
foreach ($stmt as $row) {
@Tiffany you can also type the name of a control panel snap-in (compmgmt.msc for local computer manager) in the start menu search box and right click -> run as adminstrator to force impersonation when the standard UI doesn't prompt
or do:
nb: start menu search not win+R "run"
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo $stmt->rowCount();
@sidnical you don't need to do both
... hell, I think it would fuck something up if you did
also, what is the actual SQL statement?
@DaveRandom :P
because you will get the rows only, if you were calling SELECT
for now im just doing a query. "select * from table"
I ws trying to use variables but it wasn't working so I simplified. once I have this down then I move to using variables
@sidnical you can't fetchall and then foreach over the statement. They both advance the underlying data source to the end.
@Danack might depend on buffered vs unbuffered query
@DaveRandom would I need to log out/log in for it to take effect?
okay, var_dump works but I need to make it pritty. How do I do x for each string in the array?
Thats what I was trying to do with foreach.
var_dump() is for debugging
the $row is an array
the old page used a table. So for each string I did a <td>string</td>.
you need to access array keys, by columns name
@sidnical var_dump() is not for pretty, but for let's take a look
sorry, php isn't my strong area
or web design in general.
@Tiffany oh if you are currently logged in as the user you added to the group, yes. Group memberships are only ever processed when a login session is created, because something something kerberos-based session key validation
what did var_dump tell you?
What I was originally after is how to call the strings in the array.
5 strings per array
@DaveRandom figures, thanks
@sidnical don't try to implement it to generic just do a foreach ($stmt as $row) { printf('<tr><td>%s</td...', $row['field'], ...);
@ThW normal people don't use printf
most times, being specific is the easier, more simple code
@tereško they use sprintf()
@ThW it looks like a crow has taken a shit on top of a cow dung
no, they use templates
@tereško of course, but that is on top of that
no, it's not
In this case I would actually put it into a DOM
printf() is for people who cant get over the fact, that they are not allowed to code in C
and use XSLT, but I like using sprintf for stuff like messages
or any time I have to insert variables into a string
"string {$variable} more string"
I dislike using string concat to double quote syntax
1 min ago, by tereško
printf() is for people who cant get over the fact, that they are not allowed to code in C
ooooh @ThW you are here, you got a minute or two for an xsd question?
okay I have something I can build on. Thanks everyone
PHP was my entry point to C
@DaveRandom you can try, but I didn't use XSD that much so far
@tereško I treat sprintf/printf as a template system for strings and I like that separation. The possibility to add formatting, escaping, multiple usage, ...
@ThW the question is relatively simple, and you will either know or not: is there any sane way that I could validate part of a DOMDocument against a schema? Specifically, can you think of a way to validate the /wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/xs:schema element of a WSDL as it it were the document element?
aside from a deep clone, which I would like to avoid for a multitude of reasons
afaik none of the PHP methods has a context argument, so no. It might be possible on the libxml level, but then you would have to change the php extension. And I am not sure that libxml implements it.
it seems to be hard to do everywhere tbh, I found nothing at all with people trying to do it in PHP but I found various Java/.net related things where people were coming up with really convoluted solutions
I can just deep clone the tree and use it to create a new document and that does work, but it's potentially a huge memory footprint, quite generally resource intensive and it fucks up the line numbers in error reporting
The problem is if you work only on a part, the schema might not validate because it is missing ancestors, too.
oh and namespacing doesn't work, because it just blindly copies the nodes and doesn't import namespace decls from higher up the tree
and, I feel like I must be doing something wrong here, I cannot figure out a way to re-add them and have libxml actually understand that they are namespace decls and not simply attributes
no, that should work
A node knows it's namespace URI
@ThW the thing is, it works for namespaces that are used by actual nodes, but it doesn't work for fully qualified references
because the namespace is no longer associated with the prefix on a global/parent level
a sure, that is one of the reasons I added namespaces to the document object
hang on I can give you a short-ish example
Ugh I deleted a lot of the code because it didn't work, give me 5 mins
rules: 1) for reading depend on local name and namespace uri 2) for writing use your own prefixes - basically ignore the prefixes used in anything you're reading - they do not matter except for formatting/optimization
Convert valgrind detection to configure option – #75722
@ThW sure, the root cause of the issue, though, is that the schema will in general contain references to namespaces which have a prefix declared in the document, but that prefix is not copied over when you clone because no element actually exists in the document with that prefix (I think is why it is lost, it may simply be that everything being at node-level breaks stuff)
but why do you want to copy over an unused namespace?
The only reason I can imagine is that you want to add element to in this namespace, but in this case you should know it and have your own prefixes for it.
Because the schema is declaring things in that namespace
How does that matter if here is not node with that ns?
just run that and you will see what I mean from the error messages you get
ftr if you copy/paste the schema part into it's own document, and transplant the ns decls, it validates fine (I checked)
more than that, there actually is something you can do to make it work, but it is horrible
that sounds more like an WSDL problem not an XSD
or some libxml optimization that breaks
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM ?");
	$stmt->bindParam(1, $text, PDO::PARAM_STR);
@ThW the thing is, if you add this before the last if block, it works:
// copy namespace decls over. Doesn't fix the problem by itself
foreach ($xpath->query('namespace::*') as $namespace) {
    $schemaEl->setAttribute("xmlns:{$namespace->prefix}", $namespace->nodeValue);

$xml = $schemaDoc->saveXML();
$schemaDoc = new DOMDocument();
why does this tell me I have a syntax error near ?. Shouldn't it be saying I have a syntax error near <value of $text>
like I said, it is horrible :-P
@DaveRandom weird, give me some days to look at it (not just now)
@DaveRandom and please for my sanity start using evaluate() :-)
@ThW I use query() because it has a consistent return type
it breaks with valid expressions (that return scalars)
@sidnical you can't bind value to a table name
thought it may be something like that
the prepared statements are being sent to the server and "compiled", and you can't do all that shit, if there is no table to work with
@ThW oh right, true
so if I need to choose the db table based on an option picked in a drop down menu, how would I use that variable?
you should rething what the fuck you are doing
because that structure sounds like a bad DB architecture
you might look in to getting this book somewhere: pragprog.com/book/bksqla/sql-antipatterns
db table 1 is definitions for product a. table 2 is definitions for product b. The page is used to view the definitions.
you should not have separate tables per product
it makes no sense
dont they teach SQL in the python-istan?
when python pulls the information and parses for certain data types its faster to have it split.
I figured it would be more future proof if I split them up to keep the size down. No reason to pull down everythig if you only need half.
ok .. why exactly do you think that you need a separate table for each product?
my "common sense" is tingling
4 years down the road with table 1 is 4000 rows and tb 2 is 4000 rows it would be faster to download that information into a dictionary if I download 4000 rows instead of 8000 when I only need half
RDBMS are optimized to work with tables, that have millions of rows
@tereško they use django
@ThW so, it's basically like with Rails developers
@sidnical what "dictionary"?
if its better practice to use one table then i'll change the python queries to query specific information from a table instead of pulling an entire table.
@sidnical seriously 4 or 8 k does not matter for a db table (it is small) or for display as html (both to large)
@thw the 4k was an example.
anything above 50 rows is to large to display at once
and you use LIMIT in the queries and implement paging/endless scrolling
@sidnical yeah, we don't do that
it does not change the table structure
you select only what you will actually show
same reason why you do not use wildcard (*) in SELECT calls
@ThW I created a github issue and tagged you so I don't forget to bug you about it :-P github.com/DaveRandom/XsdDistiller/issues/1
got it
Thinking I was planning ahead I was actually going the wrong direction.
@sidnical the two terms you need to look up are "sql pagination" and "database normalization"
and really, get that book I liked you to
also ftr @ThW I am aware that a lot of things are missing and some of the stuff that is there is wrong in that repo, it is very much WIP :-P
I'll do more reading.
Thanks for the help
> I'm all for these hyperloops. They will make wrecks easier to deal with since there won't be any survivors.
All that will be required for the recovery operation will be a bunch of wet-dry vacume cleaners.

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