"It is worth noting that the affected members who update their passwords and members whose passwords have not been compromised benefit from the enhanced security we just recently put in place, which includes hashing and salting of our current password databases."
> LinkedIn passwords are encrypted using an algorithm known as SHA-1, which is considered very secure. Complex passwords will likely take some time to decrypt, but simple ones may be at risk.
legacy code, technical debt, Java(?), how to call it?
yeah, I hear pepper is the new salt :P
I hacked into company intranet, and guy who code it told me... yeah, I haven't had enough time to hash + salt password, and I left them plain... I was like, I don't want to work here anymore.
I was thinking that PHP md5() and sha1() should emit an E_NOTICE when used. But of course they're okay for non-cryptographic use so that's probably not such a good idea after all.
2300M/s SHA1 hashes on even a relatively out of date ATI GPU? And if linkedin is anything to go by then password hashing is probably rife with MD5 and SHA-1 hashing
@Truth There's probably something newer and better out there. And if it works with GPUs from 2 years ago then that's not a problem, you can pick those up dirt cheap now.
@tereško Well, I think the factory class does have a great use: meshing good, solid code with old, legacy code. I haven't used the factory class in another situation before, so I'm not sure if the other uses are anti-patterns. I can't really say.
@LeviMorrison , the factor class ( abstract factory pattern ) instead makes you have a completely separate class , from which you create an instance. This object ( which can be injected ) then can create instances of different classes
I am working on a booking availability system for a group of several venues, and am having a hard time generating the availability of time blocks for days in a given month.
Given a venue_id, month, and year (6/2012 for example), I have a list of all events occurring in that range at that venue, ...
I don't see how the table structure relates to the problem at hand -- I am looking for a solution that addresses the concept without regard to my data source.
I have half of an idea, though I can't connect the dots to see if it's worthwhile
Instead of using clunky timestamps in those loops, why not "bitmap" the day based on 15min intervals? Each day would have a binary flag for each 15 minute block to signify availability
Though my picture of the project as a whole might not be totally accurate
@orourkek I used range to make an array out of the 15 minute segments for the day, which I thought of as sort of a "bitmap". Then I want to toggle bits by placing other similar maps against the main one, but I am not finding a better way than to loop. I was fooling around with array_diff and the like, but those eliminate the bits rather than toggle them -- then I can't find my continuity, I just have a pile of bits that shouldn't may or may not belong adjacent to one another
@Chris Will you be working with the data one day at a time, or more?
What I mean is will you need to populate something like a full month-long calendar with available times, or will someone be searching for a specific day?
@orourkek Full month calendar. As the user changes months, the availability for any newly encountered month is requested AJAX before the calendar gets drawn, that's why I was concerned with speed
@Chris If the data is volatile, then perhaps another more specific (to the by-month availability) database table should be used, but my gut says to cache the months into separate files, perhaps JSON.
Quitting time... thanks for the chat @orourkek -- if I don't think of or have suggested something better, I can always keep my existing method and cache it
@rdlowrey I may wind up using your ReflectionCache...Was having a dilemma with some ways I was needing to use Reflection and this may solve some of my issues
I use the following PHP code to publish random messages from my database to my Facebook fan page:
$appid = 'MY_APP_ID';
$appsecret = 'APP_SECRET';
$pageid = 'MY_PAGE_ID';
$token = 'MY_ACCESS_TOKEN';
// Create our Application instance (replace this with your app...