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I am trying to make wp php plugin for backup and restore about big file with zip file and other file. But I am facing error. This is basic code for creating zip file

$zip->addFile($file,str_replace($source . '/', '', $file));
First it is working well about 1gbyte file directory. But it is not working about 2gbyte file directory. I googled. but ini_set method and other method is not working. Help me, everyone.
@bwoebi So always return a string for long longs in both binary and string protocols?
did you say to me, @Trowski?
@Jincowboy No, that's why it was addressed to @bwoebi and has that little grey reply arrow that you can click on.
yea, i am first here, sorry
No problem, we all had to learn it at some point.
so could you help me?
@Jincowboy I assume you get some sort of out-of-memory error?
$in = @fopen($file, "r");
$path = str_replace($source . '/', '', $file);
while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) {
$zip->addFromString($path, $buff);
echo "<br>";

when i use this code, i am facing allowed memory error or out of memory error
so i tried to use this code :
$zip->addFile($file,str_replace($source . '/', '', $file));
But this is working well about 1gbyte file directory
@Jincowboy Raise the script memory limit in the ini config file.
BUt it is not working about 2gbyte. when i run to backup, it is working. tmp file size is increasing and initialize specifc size and then start from 0byte and finish in any bytes. and then tmp file is removed. so i don't understand what is this
thanks for your reply, @trowski.
But i tried it before. but it is not working in local wordpress site
Though your script really shouldn't be reading the entire file into memory.
i am trying 10days about this. but i didn't solve this
are you there, @trowski?
are you there,@trowski
@Jincowboy don't repeatedly ping people
i know
then, why don't you not do it?
do you know php well,@FélixGagnon-Grenier?
I am trying 10days more for solving my issue
would you really trust someone, that can't read ten fine messages before what you just said, to help you with something?
i hope developers help me
@Jincowboy You need to Google it and figure it out yourself. Whatever library you're using to define that zip file is holding all of that data in RAM until you finish saving it.
Just because you're reading the file in a buffer doesn't mean you're saving it in chunks.
I already google.
But not working
thanks for your reply
Then you need to Google some more. You don't understand what you're doing...thats your problem.
Luckily for you this information is readily available and pretty simple to understand.
any other wp free backup and restore plugin is not working for backup big file directory
so i gonna solve this issue
Try and research how to save your file in chunks...possibly even creating several files and then merging them. I have no idea. But you are reading each piece of the buffer into your object. You need to save it a piece at a time too or you will fill up your RAM.
wait Allen, I think this guy, might be legitimately not fluent in english
my plugin is working well about 1gbyte
so i tried this
;upload_max_filesize = 10000M
;post_max_size = 20000M
;memory_limit = 30000M
;file_uploads = On
;max_execution_time = 700
for increasing memory limit
@Jincowboy That's because you can hold 1 GB in RAM...but not 2GB apparently.
but it is not working
Does someone have a ban hammer?
so i tried this code
$in = @fopen($file, "r");
$path = str_replace($source . '/', '', $file);
while ($buff = fgets($in, 4096)) {
$zip->addFromString($path, $buff);
echo "<br>";
for spliting file
but it is not working
@Jincowboy where do you put the $zip after?
@Jincowboy If you can legitimately not figure it out, and you can't find a question already answered on your problem, you should ask a question on the main site and include all the details I've given you.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it doesn't matter. He's holding the (POSSIBLY compressed) file in RAM.
... actually, yes, it's all that matters. this file should probably either be written part by part in another file, or streamed part by part in an http response.
yea. i think that my code should work
the yield operator comes to mind
* kjin Uploads folder Backup
function zipData($source, $destination) {
if (extension_loaded('zip')) {
if (file_exists($source)) {
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ($zip -> open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) === TRUE) {
$source = realpath($source);
if (is_dir($source)) {
$iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source);

$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
this is my code for backup by me
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Sorry to be a douche. I have had some firewater.
Let me Google if you even can write a zip file in pieces. I'm honestly not sure.
My code is working well about 1gbyte file directory, @Allenph
Calm down. You don't know what you're doing and I'm trying to find the answer so I can feed it to you a piece at a time so you actually understand.
thanks for your help
@Jincowboy First of all, I haven't found the solution to your problem yet, but you may be forced into doing it either in a different format (tar gunzip) or in pieces. The reason is that zip files cannot be larger than 4 GB.
You have a choice. Use tar.gz or splitting into multiple zip files. I'm guessing you want to use zip for Windows compatability?
yea, your guessing is right
hey, the script is indeed working.
Us @FélixGagnon-Grenier?
yeah. though I am quite amazed it does so, as this if (filesize($file) < 0) { condition sounds like it should not.
Woah. I hadn't noticed that. What size of file did you use?
ah, it's because I am not zipping a whole folder of files. let me try that
filesize($file) about zip file is minus value
His problem is that he's loading the whole zip file into memory before he tries to dump it. It's the same problem as trying to load the file he's trying to compress, but in reverse.
this is so unreasonable ... it's 2am and I just woke up ...
@Jincowboy maybe, but this line looks at the source file size
the zip does not exist at the time of the check
What is the discord link again?
no, zip tmp file exist
you are right, sorry. what I mean is, that line (filesize($file) < 0), checks source, not zip
do you think this code is working for me?
$archive_name = 'path\to\archive\arch1.tar';
$dir_path = 'path\to\dir';

$archive = new PharData($archive_name);
$archive->buildFromDirectory($dir_path); // make path\to\archive\arch1.tar
$archive->compress(Phar::GZ); // make path\to\archive\arch1.tar.gz
.... and on that, I guess my skills will be more useful playing endless space 2.
@Jincowboy Your code is incomplete and therefore I have no idea what the crap you're talking about.
Oh wait...
Just one second. I'm not experienced with zip. I have no idea why you switched to a different compression that you said you couldn't use all the sudden. Hold your horses. I'll ping when I can help.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Dope game? I'm looking for a new one.
@JoeWatkins watsup
@Allenph I'm partisan to space
just woke up, dunno
hence, probably very partial
Uhhh...aren't all enginners?
welp. yeah, waking up does happen, usually not at the right time
I am software engineer
Space is one of the last sexy problems we have to solve.
No you're not.
why @Allenph
Writing code doesn't make you a software engineer. Being like Felix or some of the other --guys-- people on this chat does.
@Allenph yeah, probably. in this case, endless space also has that amplitude studio touch. I'm quite hype so I'd probably put it right after Eve Online
Never played Eve.
Much better for your bank account
But it's really a wet dream. Massive, real time, player driven market.
lots (lots (more than you think)) of ships
I don't know how they're doing it but they're streaming to a zip file. Read their code and figure it out. Also don't ping me. I'm to drunk for this bull shit.
Thanks for your reply @Allenph
but i tried it
lots of skills to customize the character. amazingly yuge universe. wow.
@Levi ping
Then you aren't doing it right.
Read their code.
Ping me in a couple days if you haven't figured it out.
but i tried it before 3~4days
@Jincowboy Tough luck.
it is 4gbyte maximum
but i want 100gbyte, any size
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I don't know if I should get back into MMORPG. Last time I spent all my time cheating the economy.
@Jincowboy That's literally impossible.
With zip anyways.
Hi, @rmunn
nice to meet you
@Allenph I think it's not really possible on Eve, but @Leigh might be able to confirm / infirm that
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It's definitely possible. You just have to get a group of people together to buy all of a certain item off of whatever system they have until you can drive the price up.
Then sell at a slower pace than the economy can keep up.
oh, that kind of cheating. that's actually, the goal of Eve. it's, a really interesting ecosystem
Eventually you find as close to an inelastic good as there can be in a game and it's smooth sailing.
there are literally Eve journalists
that follow its economy, and write articles about it.
Maybe that's my kind of game.
I started selling pieces of the profits of that scheme I told you about a second ago in WOW.
And then managed to turn it into a Ponzi scheme. That's as far as I ever made it.
I thought there are php experts. but it is not
krakjoe@fiji:/usr/src/php-src$ cat ~/Scraps/trait.php
trait Template<T> {
	public function method() : T {
		return new T();

class Implementation {
	use Template<stdClass>;

$i = new Implementation();
krakjoe@fiji:/usr/src/php-src$ sapi/cli/php -n ~/Scraps/trait.php
object(stdClass)#2 (0) {
@Levi no leaks ;)
the plan for scalar types is not clear to me ...
So.. I was about to buy a windows license for a personal computer which is currently running linux, and remembered I have an old 2006 laptop with windows xp on it.. can I use that serial # and update/upgrade to newer OS?
Had a hard time
googl'd it.
what i this, @Allenph
why would you install windows on a computer ?
if you want to ruin it, just jump up and down on it ...
come on, @Allenph
@JoeWatkins Did you know they let you sell back the license when you buy a computer if you're annoying enough?
@Allenph I must admit I lol'd
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Hopefully I don't get banned. I tried to help the dude.
@Danack Slim looks thicker than Auryn and FastRoute.
@Tiffany i did much more than that... but not what you think :B once i was laughing so hard that i started burping hard and hiccupping that eventually i threw up :B i remember clearly that i kept laughing even while vomiting :B
you up late or early @Wes ?
same, 2am I woke up ...
I blame @JayIsTooCommon
@PaulCrovella it's okay, my computer is fine ...
oh good. never mind then.
krakjoe@nevis:~$ ./intel_sa00086.py
INTEL-SA-00086 Detection Tool
Copyright(C) 2017, Intel Corporation, All rights reserved

Application Version:
Scan date: 2017-11-22 03:23:15 GMT

*** Host Computer Information ***
Name: nevis.krakjoe.ninja
Manufacturer: FOXCONN
Model: BANFF12
Processor Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GHz
OS Version: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial (4.4.0-98-generic)

*** Risk Assessment ***
Detection Error: This system may be vulnerable, please install the Intel(R) MEI/TXEI driver (available from your system manufacturer).
maybe not ...
crap, now I have to read about it I guess ...
oh it ran out of words ... I have no idea what an MEI/TXEI driver is ...
@JoeWatkins That's the beauty of running your home servers on ARM; you just know they're vulnerable and give up.
@DaveRandom I summon thee, get a clue and fix it please, kthnx
i'm vulnerable too
you mean, like emotionally ?
but i'm on windows. i can update in seconds
Icky @Wes. How could you betray your own kind?
I probably could, but don't know what I'm updating ... I don't actually know how servers work
@Allenph i need photoshop for work. linux doesn't exist for me
for the first week of owning a server, I was plugging the ethernet cable into the wrong port ... I'm essentially clueless
@Wes Use Gimp.
and apple is an evil corporation from a orwell novel
using gimp is worse than using windows
Joe how do you even...?
@PaulCrovella Using GIMP is a necessary evil.
turn out, servers have management ports, I think this bug is related to that management interface ...
it looks like an ethernet port ...
gimp is much closer to ps than inkscape is to illustrator
i could use gimp
and the ethernet ports, dont' look like ethernet ports at all until you put adapters in them ...
Yeah Paul. Eat it.
i don't use all the fancy shit in ps anyway
What kind of servers are you using anyway, Joe?
Specifically what processor at what IP addresses? o.O
xeons, at a public address. which was posted in the chat a few minutes ago ... along with processor model ...
have at it, if you want to learn ... nothing bad can happen, the machine doesn't do anything important, it's for r11 to play on mostly ...
considering he had to ask I'm sure it'll be fine
It's no fun if I can't break anything important.
And yeah...you're right Paul. Sobs
you could possibly cause a small fire, and they can grow ..
I'm not going to grey hat you for free.
I can't login to any work machines to check them .... because they're so secure ...
and I've forgotten which key to use, and the location of that key ...
I set up a VPN portal on my work workstation to completely get around the fire wall.
It was sad how easy it was.
Their fault for making us work on non-local sandboxes.
I just wiped my os ... I'm never going to do it again, it broke everything ...
you used to be able to copy dot folders in home to any reasonable machine and everything would just work ... doesn't work any more ...
that never worked as well as advertised
it's okay for getting ssh working ... that's about all ...
gpg, smart cards, all fucked up ...
and I only knew about them for the 45 minutes before I set them up, forgot everything, was scary for a few hours ...
I'm going to go see if I can get myself to black out. Peace 11.
now is better though, I don't have to keep entering pin numbers or pressing buttons to commit stuff anymore
What am I looking at here? 3v4l.org/sbLSK
An object that has a private and public property with the same name?
if I said no, would you believe me ?
float numbers ansa.it/webimages/img_700/2017/11/21/… "pay 0.01€ or you'll get no power anymore"
#wedontgiveashitofwhatyouthink github.com/phpstan/phpstan/pull/606
1 hour later…
omg, I'm still awake
posted on November 22, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

That conversation on phpstan wasn't that uncommon Wes :) I've seen the like on many open projects. Scary to see that something focussed on standards goes for the "see what sticks" method though..
Was fiddling last night and found this; https://stackoverflow.com/a/34753224/559157

Are there any similar packages for php?
@DamienOvereem :shrug: indeed, and that's why i am upset. people don't learn from others' mistakes
i already see hundreds of projects using that non standard syntax... it's not like they own the @param tag in phpdoc
I'm not really knowledgeable on the subject, but I cringe every time I seem people set something up that is supposed to be used by others while avoiding discussions. Pretty much like dictatorship vs democracy. Dictatorship is easier though.
imho it is fine to say: I hear what you are saying, but we decided to go for X anyway. But one should atleast listen to arguments.
yes that would be courtesy, but i don't think it's their decision
this is something the language creators, phpfig should decide
you are going to affect everybody based on a poll where 35 random people voted
So, I've inherited a... less than stellar codebase, but thankfully the business owner is very open to "fix all the things". It's built around ZFv1, and honestly some of the practices make me feel like a valley girl because "I can't even". So, what I'd like to ask you fine chaps and... ladies (what is the equivalent of chap for women?) is:
besides the obvious double-round-trip performance issue, is the Zf1 'db table auth' concept a realistic security concern I should aim to replace immediately?
@Stephen chapettes
I mean it's a pretty weird concept to me in the first place (I have this hash, and I can calculate the password hash, let me just go ask the database if they match. wtf is that!?) but honestly I'm not sure if there is some aspect of ZF1 that relies on this weird concept that will be harder to work around if we went to simple password_verify() in php userland.
@Gordon I looked up the definition of chaps - it's apparently an old English abbreviation of "chapman" (aka pedlar) - which traces back to basically, "cheap man"
so? it's still chapettes.See en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chapette#English
@Gordon oh I thought you were being sarcastic
I have a shirt with a shark on it that says "I like salad"… but that's sharkasm obviously.
better than sharkgasm I guess
depends on whether you are the shark
I feel like my attempt at light humour has derailed my attempt to actually get some more info about this weird ZF thing
I tried to put "zend" in scrabble last night, didn't work :(
@AlmaDo saw that on reddit last night, quite awesome
yeah... I can hardly believe
@AlmaDo what was your twitter handle again?
@AlmaDo lol
@Gordon ehm.. twitter? what's that?
yeah,too late anyway. I already tweeted the link withozt attribution :P
Oh, look, @Danack opened an issue relevant to me: github.com/gabiseabra/google-fonts-webpack-plugin/issues/3
@Danack did you ever figure out how to use those downloaded fonts as part of the built CSS?
Helping You Survive One Tweet At A Time (But seriously, don't really try these)
520 tweets, 48k followers, following 11 users
very useful
@Gordon you wrote your own biography?
@Ocramius wow. I am not used to such much snarky from you.
bakemeat Obsolete. pastry; pie.
@JoeWatkins dreaming about me again?
/runs away
the tape and fork is brilliant
@Gordon I bumped my major version to 7.0.0-ALPHA-NO-FUCKS-GIVEN
how is this a shitty life tip? this is brilliant
only relevant in Manchester though
/cc @DaveRandom
@Ocramius how's that new? we could tell no fucks given from the code you write.
@Gordon I made the implicit explicit
Morning 11
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Gopher, Netscape with frames, the first Browser Wars. Searching for pages with AltaVista, pop-up windows self-replicating, trying to uninstall RealPlayer. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
@Trowski I don't know. Maybe just straight always return a string for everything because consistency … sigh.
@Gordon Those were simpler times
@Sean you clearly never had to uninstall realplayer if you believe that
and I never had issues with replicating popups
@Gordon I was a kid back then. I found a hack that noone else realised to make pcs faster
I figured that if I deleted all the files with no recognised icons / extensions in this weird /windows folder, then the PC would have more space and run faster
open.spotify.com/track/2SU6W1lSO8j6Y5fJMCZYoq - The vocals are just heart warming. probs
that album cover Oo
didn't notice that
Hey Jimbo!
@MadaraUchiha do you still remember our game plan? I haz new idea ^^
@PaulCrovella wasn't there just some RCE in the management engine web interface thingy like 2 months ago? :-/
Hi all
I need some help from you
@user2839497 for 50 euro, @JayIsTooCommon does everything you want him 2 ;)
Please reopen my question as it's going to be very helpful for PHP users. The link of question given to make my question duplicate doesn't satisfy my doubts at all. So, please reopen it. I need only two more votes to reopen it. Thank You.
Q: How to access the method from trait after changing its visibility in the exhibiting class?

user2839497Consider below code : <?php trait HelloWorld { public function sayHello() { echo 'Hello World!'; } } // Change visibility of sayHello class MyClass1 { use HelloWorld { sayHello as protected; } } // Alias method with changed visibility // sayHello visibility not ...

Hello All,
I am having a problem in my php code can anybody help?
/cc @tereško ^^
@SalmanIqbal just ask, if anyone has time, they will answer you
@user2839497 no, it is not
instead of trying the code, that you see in the manual, you just ask others to spoon-feed you
required is not working in my select box why?
@SalmanIqbal Keep in mind this is a PHP room, not HTML.
@tereško : It's not at all true. I tried to execute the code but I am unable to get the output. I'm requesting for help and not to spoon-feed me. ok?
@jjok can ask here about codeigniter
of course there is no output
you apparently have no fucking idea how to call protected methods
instead you just blindly copy-pasted the code and are no wondering that "nothing happened"
@tereško : First you stop abusing
abusing what? that beer is for medical purposes
@SalmanIqbal Sure.
@user2839497 how about you google: how to call a protected method in php
@tereško : I know that the protected methods can be called only in base class and subclass. I created the object too, tried to get the output too. But not able to get any output.
@SalmanIqbal because required id pre-selected by default, and you cannot un-select it
@tereško : I can also abuse
.. actually
also, did you google what I told you to?
@tereško : That's better. Now don't say a single word.
are you like a crazy person?
@tereško : That's not me, that's you only.
20001* :D
to be honest, based on your question history, I would recommend trying a different hobby. You genuinely seem to have problem with making the connections between concepts in programming. You seam to treat each new structure in isolation.
hence, why you seem incapable to understand how to use a private/protected method, if it has been defined in a trait and not in a class - inability to make connections between concepts
@tereško you cannot attack new people like that
omg flag war stahp
you need to drink more beer
and chill, sometimes
@Wes look at his question history
@DaveRandom It's already over
@user2839497 Nobody uses traits
/me writes entire trait-based codebase out of spite
/me demotes you to "nobody"
that's a promotion
@DaveRandom and then there's the init point which is just new class { use …, …, …, …; }; effectively starting the whole application?
seriously though, I have sensibly used traits a couple of times
maybe like actually twice
Everybody please stop flagging and chill
what's being flagged?
11 mins ago, by tereško
you apparently have no fucking idea how to call protected methods
The protected methods one again. Which is IMO overly unfriendly, but like most things should be resolvable without shitting in the front lawn of the entire chat system.
I thought you'd be well into that
Or maybe you'd rather I use an array of closures or something
@DaveRandom I blogged about that - something about visual debt :P
Visual debt is so last week, it's all about audible debt now
@DaveRandom well, it wasn't me
Is it weird that the "Callable" page in the docs doesn't have an example of callable as a type hint? php.net/manual/en/language.types.callable.php
@Ocramius have you finally seen the light, that shines out of Orwell l?
Fuck phones
@tereško Yes - I now only write code based on compact() and extract()
@jjok use Closure anyway, and Closure::fromCallable()
@Ocramius uh … the real way is using $GLOBALS += get_defined_vars(); and extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_REFS);
@Ocramius Unfortunately this is real code in a real application...
hey guys
hey guy
@Wes What's the advantage of Closure over callable?
Q: PHP: Type hinting - Difference between `Closure` and `Callable`

Dev01I noticed that I can use either of Closure or Callable as type hint if we expected some callback function to run. For example: function callFunc1(Closure $closure) { $closure(); } function callFunc2(Callable $callback) { $callback(); } $function = function() { echo 'Hello, World!';...

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