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micro-optimization is the only thing that makes me feel alive #the_exciting_life_of_a_programmer
I am starting to get scared of 2040: archive.fo/DjiZs
just saved another whopping 0.17s on a function that at best gets called 100 times every day
@Wes that's not trivial... 170ms makes a difference
i know, but the site hardly has traffic :P
@Wes try playing a game with 250ms lag and 80ms lag and then come back
^ that
@tereško most website visitors aren't multiplayer gamers
Tell society to stop being shit then :(
go on, tell them.
Society, stop being shit
I told, but no one listened...
they can't hear you
I was asked to upload a logo, they have an upside down star in it... I don't think they're metalheads
hold on, i forgot something
you're getting old
i was benchmarking with xdebug enabled. it's just 0.05s ish improvement :B
@Wes Ha!
my ISP has blocked phub
with opcache enabled it's slower. wtf
@Wes do you have file modified check on?
and/or the reloading of files every x seconds?
no, all set to production
I have three branches, master, deployment, development. Deployment was created after development (I wasn't sure if I should use it). So deployment and development are branches from master. I can't merge development to deployment. Can I make development a branch from deployment so I can merge into it?
> I can't merge development to deployment.
why not? and or x/y problem
at least through git kraken, it's not letting me
I haven't tried from command line
What's the error message it gives you?
none, it just doesn't give me the option to merge into deployment when I have development checked out
it'll let me merge into master
nevermind, now it is. must have been doing somethign else wrong
are you sure there is anything to merge?
I just rebased another branch onto it
I fucked up though. Something that's not ready to be deployed was committed on the development branch and I forgot about it.
Does anyone have a rough guess for when Debian stable has PHP > 7.0 ?
php 7.0 has been available since Debian 8
@Danack IIRC debian 9 does have 7.0
> >
> >=
ok sorry geez
Oh rito
Probably debian 10 :P
You want to use a different repo
Sucks that debian didn't follow the Microsoft and apple route of skipping 9
Is dotdeb still a thing?
ondrey apparently is the new hotness.
IIRC ondrey gave up on it :P
Might be wrong
yes that one is the new one
ah ubuntu vs debian
God I hate linux
Seriously it's just one pile of shit
linux <3
Stop being an idiot
Do you use FreeBSD?
wtf opcache
except DRM, fuck DRM
@PeeHaa centos is at least sane.......just horribly out of date.
>not using templeos in 2017
However at least with centos remi is a stable source of php packages
lolwut @littlepootis :-P
I love remi
:39257125 wrong search box
it feels so satisfying when you get to see what the message contained, before the person removing it
The internet never forgets
mod abuse
@Danack 9 has php7.0/stable 7.0.19-1 all
chat mod ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you should get that arm checked.
@Ekin ಠ_ಠ
@Saitama hmmm... the master programmer depicted there, really leaves shitty comments
> // wait on an event to stop
WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
no shit sherlock
@rlemon he has missingulnaitis, it's a common condition amongst markdown users
@Danack oh...lol :P sorry
Srs question; whats the need of using a UUID in your code? I'd understand if you where to use it for peer 2 peer but a standalone thing such as "hello world" (or other such programs, because I've seen it before)
baffles me
I'd gladly accept a learning material page because google fails me
it's satire
I figured that. Just, nvm
I think realistically, using a UUID for a simple program like Hello World wouldn't be used even by a "master programmer" but it's an example to show how elaborate the programs a "master programmer" can write
Take away from the fact that's it's "hello world" and imagine it's something different, closed from the internet and used only locally.
What purpose does a UUID serve
Doctrine users: why does this command vendor/bin/doctrine orm:convert-mapping --namespace="Gitilicious\\Storage\\Doctrine\\Entity\\" --force --from-database annotation ./src/Storage/Doctrine/Entity generate the Gitilicious/Storage/Entity/ directory inside the Entity directory?
@WillParky93 That's a somewhat odd question given that a hello world is as simple as putting cat "Hello World" > index.php so no, you do not need a UUID for that
When I remove the namespace flag it puts it in the correct directory but obviously without the namespace
I need to find an example
@WillParky93 of what?
cc @Jimbo maybe?
just add him to your ignore list
@WillParky93 here is a high overview article: betterexplained.com/articles/the-quick-guide-to-guids - on a side note: the internet is full of articles about UUIDs and its uses
I could only find stuff that benefits peer to peer
@PeeHaa long-shot: are you running it from your root or from the entity folder?
Thank you, @DaveRandom
it's to do with how COM manages interfaces
@pmmaga root
That wrong?
no no, it's all I had to offer :P
Thanks anyway
Can anyone recommend some good resources about API design? Already ordered phil sturgeon's book
@WillParky93 If you explore the IL for .net-based libs, you'll find uuids in there as well
Especially related to DDD and Commands/Queries. Not a CRUD API
Going straight to the source. @Ocramius any idea what I am doing wrong here chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/39257646#39257646
@WillParky93 oh sorry, that's a rabbit hole you may not want to go down :-P IL == "Intermediate Language", it's a little bit like PHP's opcodes only for .net. When you write C#/VB.net/F# it gets compiled to IL, a common language that sits in the middle of the .net runtime
Most people here do not give any fucks about any of the things I just said because Windows
I, however, am a masochist
.net is nice
is there any way to remove a commit without resetting to head?
Cheers, looks like a good thing to read about. I never studied lower level languages when I did skool so this'll be a great topic.
They use aerys in this tutorial, although they also state "laravel" so I'd read with a pinch of salt
/cc @kelunik
I like how you cc @kelunik when it says
@Tiffany you mean, remove only the last commit of a stack of unpushed commits?
> This article was peer reviewed by Niklas Keller.
Ah fuck
Ah well
You suck @Jimbo
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no, an older commit that I don't want in a branch
@JayIsTooCommon ONLY because I copy @PeeHaa's mom's regular activities
I've committed new changes on top that I want to keep
@Jimbo Instead if bitching look at my question bro
@Tiffany hi, ahem, DO NOT REWRITE HISTORY. kthxbye
@PeeHaa Wait, I had no bitching? :)
Where's the question
10 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Doctrine users: why does this command vendor/bin/doctrine orm:convert-mapping --namespace="Gitilicious\\Storage\\Doctrine\\Entity\\" --force --from-database annotation ./src/Storage/Doctrine/Entity generate the Gitilicious/Storage/Entity/ directory inside the Entity directory?
@Tiffany rebase? People will hate you if you already pushed it btw
^^^^ x 100000000
@DaveRandom so I have to copy and paste my changes to a separate location and reset head, then paste changes back over?
I haven't pushed it, and I'm the only person
@PeeHaa Paging @Ocramius <3
Instead of dumping the entities directly into ./src/Storage/Doctrine/Entity it dumps it into ./src/Storage/Doctrine/Entity/Gitilicious/Storage/Doctrine/Entity
so all I'm doing is hating myself
@Tiffany meh don't listen to them
Ugh damnit :(
just git rebase -i HEAD~12
yeah thanks
Already pinged him
@Tiffany is it master or a branch that you will be killing?
remove the commit from the list, then later push the stuff
I just cannot believe it's so hard to find my fuck up :P
only two files are changed, I think I'll jsut copy and paste to npp then reset head
Y NO git revert [commithash]?
oh yeah there's that too
probably better
yeah; git revert is better but results in commits not being removed (which might be a good thing)
keep the history
people fuck up, shit happens
depending on if the commit contains your credentials or not
if it's not something like: oops, i committed the prod db credentials it's probably fine
damn it
that :P
history is a log of what happened, it's not a piece of reading material to be drafted and redrafted
I had staged files that I wasn't ready to commit and hadn't put them in their own branch, so that was my fault. I finally stuck them in their own branch and I'm trying to remove the WIP commits I have scattered around
There is a temptation to be anal and fudge it, but it's not a good idea
those must be some pretty rose-tinted glasses @DaveRandom :P
PHPStorm always shits on my git rebases. As in, it never works. So I end up creating a new branch from up-to-date-master and cherry picking individual commits super quickly from the other branch. In PHPstorm it's quite quick with the Version Control tab
I really like git kraken
but it also introduces new ways for me to fuck up my git history
@Tiffany you need to see it as a learning process ^^
@salathe I used to do it all the time, now I basically never ever do it, I haven't found the need. The only thing I do is sometimes squash branches before merges.#
@Jimbo Why on earth do you need to do that often enough for it to be a problem?
Reading disorder
Every time I want to rebase from master :(
Yeah Sorry
or "onto" master. I don't bloody know
y u guys no cli?
CLI lacks a visual
datpun.jpg ;)
@PeeHaa it might be you have already configured your directories somewhere
However the destination is mandatory
You don't need to tell it the dir again in your command
I do
@DaveRandom so what do you do when you accidentally fuck up a branch? or you're just at a point where you know what you want to commit and when and blah blah blah
vendor/bin/doctrine orm:convert-mapping --namespace="Gitilicious\\Storage\\Doctrine\\Entity\\" --force  --from-database annotation

  Not enough arguments (missing: "dest-path").

orm:convert-mapping [--filter FILTER] [-f|--force] [--from-database] [--extend [EXTEND]] [--num-spaces [NUM-SPACES]] [--namespace [NAMESPACE]] [--] <to-type> <dest-path>
dest-path is a required param
Which tbh is weird to me too
Because I already did the cli-config.php thing
I just have to do something stupid, but I don't see it
An actual Java question
nice crop bro
Java is weird.
@PeeHaa can you do without the namespace argument?
@WillParky93 Reposted directly from the guy who made the Q
Yes I can. In that case it works (with regards to the wrong directories), however it means the generated entities don't have the namespaces :)
@Tiffany depends on the specific case
@PeeHaa okay... generate to xml then use orm:generate-entities to get entities
I don't use xml
I use annotations
If I actually needed to do what you want to do, I would probably create a new branch off current master, and cherry-pick the commits out of it @Tiffany
but ideally, revert the superfluous commits
I think I have the commits cherry picked onto a new branch, at least I think they are
yay, they are
I didn't cherry pick them in the true sense of the term, but I did it in a roundabout way
ahhh, I see what revert does now
that makes more sense
> [YouTrack, Resolved] Issue IDEA-99875: Multiple margins / soft margins.
cc @Wes cc @Leigh cc @all
what's that?
what was it, 2 years?
Ability to have multiple vertical lines indicating limits like 80 chars, or 120 chars
A quick Q... When storing images and other media on a third-party provider, say GCP or AWS, how would the best way to serve those images be? on S3 i see i can have public buckets, but withGCP i have to check each file as public or mark it as such when uploading it... Should i save the images with relations in a db, or use file names corresponding to the item i want pictures for?

Ie, i can use item_<id>_<version>.jpeg or i can fetch the serving URL every time i need to display this image, but once i do so no other of my GCP applications can fetch the same image as the resource will be locke
@PeeHaa this is it
the end of the world
@Wes I thought that was when PHP had UTF-8 native support
Every time you want to get mad at someone who maintains an open source project, remember this image: https://t.co/eXZ5X2k88b
@KristianHareland couple of things..... i) Check the mime type on upload and use that for the extension. ii) generate a unique key per image on upload and just use that $filename = \hash("sha256", microtime()) . "." . $extension; iii) If you really must save data with the image, then use that unique filename in your DN.
> but withGCP i have to check each file as public or mark it as such when uploading it
@Wes ahahahahahah
GCP == google cloud something? If so, then...no it doesn't.
@Wes PHP clearly needs this issue tracker tag
@PeeHaa you have to export to either XML or YAML... then generate entities from that format
@Danack thanks for that, but i am wondering if there is any consequences fetching the serving URL for every load?
What kind of consequences are you worried about?
Well, say i have 200 images per view.

I now need to serve those from GCP, so i use their SDK and generate the 200 serving urls, now this is where im kind of lost...

Should i generate serving urls every time? should i upload them as public default state?
Should i cache the serving urls with a expiration?
-If yes, what happens if another application access the same resource, wont it expire ?
@Danack i mean, i can make them public and keep track of the resource in the DB as well, but is that overkill ?
I have whoops on my dev server, but not on prod. I have composer.json and composer.lock added to my repo. So the next time I update composer, it will download whoops on the prod server. Is this okay as long as I don't use it in the code?
@Tiffany are you saying you do not need the package any more ?
@KristianHareland I need it on dev, but not prod
Well, if you have .gitignore on your vendor folder, and change the JSON file it should not load on the prod server
@Tiffany You can set your environment to "production"
@IROEGBU in the composer.json file?
in your, Bootstrap.php
already have that done
what I mean is, the next time I run composer update on the production server, it will download whoops to the vendor folder, but I will not use it on production
is this fine?
yep, seems about right
if ($environment !== 'production') {
    $whoops->pushHandler(new PrettyPageHandler());
} else {
    $whoops->pushHandler(function ($e) {
        //send a mail to yourself - the world is ending
@IROEGBU Wat/ Why?
@PeeHaa Dunno, that's how I've always done it.... It has always worked... Maybe @Ocramius knows a better way
@IROEGBU I believe xe has already done that
I really would prefer to not use xml and I sure as hell don't want yaml :P
> I now need to serve those from GCP, so i use their SDK and generate the 200 serving urls,
@KristianHareland I haven't used that part of their sdk, and it sounds quite complicated.
@PeeHaa you can delete them when you are done - and clear your conscience too... :P
You don't need to run that command often, I hope
The new project manager looks like she might finally get us on a good Git scheme...
@pmmaga that doesn't do what I want
And how to create the entities from the xml files?
@PeeHaa have you considered inventing your own LISP-based markup language?
Not helping
Stuff should probably either be public, have a one-time-use key which expires in like 5 minutes, or be served through your own server, rather than served directly from googles storage. Some code like this allows you to do that.
@Danack yeah its pretty confusing tbh, cant find much documentation for it other than when you have the util installed (app engine?)
I think, if i upload them as public, the url would never change and i would just keep track of it in the images table or something
@Tiffany why not? add whoops to your require-dev. Locally you run composer install, on prod you run composer install --no-dev
@Danack thanks! i was just sitting here writing something similar!
ohmg, my isp has blocked hhaven as well...
I must be misinterpreting "Lists packages required for developing this package, or running tests, etc." because I read it as it will list packages required for a particular package to run. (this sounds snarky in my head, but I'm not intending it to be)
so like if whoops had dependencies
and yes, I've just become aware the cache headers for the images are bogus.....
@IROEGBU How do I tell that command where to find the xml definitions?
@Tiffany yeah, that could be written better IMHO, but if you look at what it says about require a bit above i think it will make more sense
> No Metadata Classes to process.
@pmmaga I think I get it. thanks.
You still running EAP @Wes?
@PeeHaa IIRC you have to run it from the dir where you placed the xml files
Nope don't think so
You are missing a "cli-config.php" or "config/cli-config.php" file in your
project, which is required to get the Doctrine Console working. You can use the
following sample as a template:
@Danack do you know which flag i should set to make the file public in GCP ?
I cant find any info on it other than acl flag but it throws errors at me then :)
actually, apparently not. I was using the google console site, which apparently generates public urls for me - but the images aren't actually directly public.
@PeeHaa Fun fact: I didn't actually review it, just had a quick look and added a few comments. /cc @Jimbo
he still sucks :(
so ... americans
do you have states, which have more than one timezone ?
errr wait
I think so
@tereško My state does, for example. So yes
@Dereleased You have your own state?
@PeeHaa Do you not?
Sadly, no
@teresko watch out for AZ, see on that map how *most* of it doesn't respect DST?
I love that "small" part of indiana?
internet says that Florida too has 2 time zones
/me has no idea where most states are
@Danack What ? so i have to upload it, then modify it or somthing ?
@tereško I said that. It's only really annoying (for me) on election nights, because polls close at 7 PM local time, which means we have to wait an extra hour for the state to get counted -- we mostly just forget about the panhandle for the rest of the time
@Danack i see that public shared resources have the 'allUsers' user added, maybe if i manage to add a user to the resource by that nane ?
@Tiffany What about Alaska and Hawaii?
ok, if I need a list of zip codes, time zones and location names for USA, where should I get it from?
@JennaSloan ask the map maker
wow. I just realized (at least some) backend people are as clueless about web related stuff such as cors, headers, content types and http verbs as they think we are about backend stuff like databases
@FélixGagnon-Grenier some developers are incompetent, alert the media
so, @Tiffany & @Dereleased: where do you guys get the location imports from?
@KristianHareland I have no idea. I said I don't set them public, apparently.
Q: Obtaining up-to-date list of US ZIP Codes with Latitude and Longitude Geocodes?

Ben McCormackNOTE: This began as a question on Stack Overflow, which has subsequently been closed. I also noticed a similar question about Most Up-To-Date Source for US Zip Code Boundaries, but I believe this question is different in that I'm not looking for boundaries as much as I'm looking for coordinates....

Is it bad to put a preg_match inside of a preg_match? Because right now I have one deciding whether the other should be case-insensitive or not.
@JennaSloan Why can't you put it in the same pattern?
How is that an answer?
The patterns don't test the same string
It's not?
posted on September 21, 2017 by bwoebi

amphp/mysql v0.2.1

@tereško How will there be less global state if he uses the database API directly, instead of through a wrapper? He'll have to replace the singleton pattern with a global variable. — Barmar 3 mins ago
fact that this guy has 300k rep makes me really sad
Here's some code that converts data between bases in a way that doesn't use unnecessary bits: gist.github.com/Jenna3715/d5e640099efbc6c0e81afb5a240beba1
@tereško they often make me wish we could block people on main
posted on September 21, 2017 by CommitStrip

I know some of those words.
@PeeHaa all dem +1
alo' alo'

Anybody at PHPDD tomorrow?
or is this channel just PHPNW wankers?
@Ocramius no and no.
@tereško he's been programming since 1979, clearly he knows what he's doing (this is sarcasm)
now you are breathing manually
@Ocramius no, yes, see you in Barcelona.
Finally received feedback from a faculty member about the newer intranet I'm building, and she likes it. :D So many of our faculty hate the current intranet.
is using negative timestamps insane (to represent dates before 1970)?

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