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@nvahalik Whatcha mean "auto updater"?
4 hours later…
I was wondering it was possible to integrate client side script with server side script.. like I know its possible to call a write php inside javascript.. but is the reverse possible?
@ShyamK Client and server are always separate (there is always a request sent to have PHP code run) and the PHP can't execute javascript code (but there are other ways to run javascript code on the server side - for server things).
> its possible to call a write php inside javascript
do you mean use AJAX?
@Paul no I dont mean AJAX
@Paul It is possible though to invoke a JS engine from PHP. E.g. there is a PHP V8 ext (and also a spidermonkey one)
@Paul I had once tried to send a php variable to a Javascript function.. that worked.. But when I tried to send a JavaScript function to a php function it had not.. hence my query..
@NikiC Yes, but its still on the server side - doing server things?
So, maybe the V8 extension is the answer? But what are you really trying to do? @ShyamK
ajax É
woh french keyboard
i just upgraded my hard driver hard to restart :/
Just that I had tried that out.. some time back.. and remmbered it again.. so I asked..
dont know why I had done it though
@Paul Is that the google node-js engine ?
@ShyamK I don't think you should have clients telling your server what to execute. That sounds like a very bad idea. The server side should provide the interface that you interact with.
I agree with paul, if this is for a client I wouldn't advise doing that
@Nick It appears to be - NikiC brought up V8.
posted on May 29, 2012 by Cal Evans

Keith Casey’s Blog: http://caseysoftware.com/ Eli White’s Blog: http://eliw.com// Chris Hartjes’ Blog http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard/ Luke Stokes’ Blog: http://bestoked.blogspot.com/ Paul M Jone’s Blog: http://paul-m-jones.com/ Ed Finkler’s Blog:http://funkatron.com/ Keith Casey’s Twitter: @caseysoftware Eli White’sTwitter: @EliW Chris Hartjes’ Twitter: @chartjes Luke Stokes’

@Paul sure
@Paul oh.. bad idea.. k.. thanks..
@ShyamK It helps if you can keep the server and client separate in your mind. The client language is javascript, but the server side language could be anything. The server side only ever responds with a document back to the client. It may make it appear like it is doing something on the client side (say you have some javascript code written by the server) but it is still the client side executing that.
@Paul Yeah.. okay.. I don't know what I was thinking back then.. but then I could say that I didn't know php or pretty much anything back then :)
Help me out,
Q: Get google images using curl in php

Advait AminSearch on google images with car keyword & get car images with paging. How to get that images with paging using curl in php? I found one link, http://webcodingeasy.com/PHP-classes/PHP-class-to-retrieve-multiple-images-from-Google-using-curl-multi-handler implement also but it gave 4 ran...

Dude, stop spamming the same question for weeks; you've already asked the same question multiple times last week
Actual i want answer urgently that why i done that and also give bounty to that question
well, you are not going to get it by asking it multiple times over and over
you'll probably be penalized instead
Thanks for guiding i will never do that again.
your question can't be as hard as you are making it out to be
look, first time i am using google api so i don't know how to get images with pagging?
1) Read the API Documentation. Do some experimenting and figure it out.
2) Pay someone to do #1.
Look at https://developers.google.com/image-search/v1/jsondevguide#basic_query
Might be somewhere for you to start #1
hi ... need help .. how to get dropbox file download link using php apo
thanks @Lucanos
Look at the 'cursor' in the response, as per the Google API
It looks like it will be what you need to do pagination.
Not understand, can you please elaborate more
any one know about drop box
@Yogesh: Have you investigated any existing Dropbox PHP Classes?
@AdvaitAmin: Did you look at the page I linked to?
Yes i am looking
@Lucanos.. yes i get all file name .. and meta data also .. but cant download it
@AdvaitAmin: If you follow the last link I gave you, it will be showing the JSON Response section, and speaking about the value of "cursor" which contains a number of details specifically dealing with Pagination.
Read it completely and then see if you still have questions.
@Yogesh: Which PHP Class are you using?

and method is
$file = $dropbox->getFile('demo.zip',$outFile);
@YogeshSaroya: That will return the actual file, from what I understand. Not the URL for direct access to the Dropbox File.
yes .. its return file and folder name .. but i want also download link
Ok i read it. Thanks
@YogeshSaroya: It does not appear any Dropbox PHP Classes provide that functionality at this time. I think files located within the "Public" folder (which are, by default, accessible via a URL) could have their URLs determined if you could get the User ID Number from the existing Class. But for files outside of Public, this functionality is not yet available.
@YogeshSaroya: But, Dropbox only re-established access, by URL, to files outside of "Public" a couple of weeks ago, so it may be in the pipeline.
ok thanks dear ...
@YogeshSaroya dear is normally used only to loved ones (people that you might kiss) in english. It sounds odd if you say it to a fellow developer. (Just letting you know)
oh, accept if it is the first word of a letter. Dear Mr. X, (Then it is very normal)
Hey guys
@Paul: English is such a difficult language when you try and explain it to non-native speakers, isn't it?
yes, it has a lot of gotchas. Hello to all.
Just read about micro data in html
That's freaking awesome, OOP html
Hi guys, I'm thinking about making a dynamic timeline with the ability to add posts to it via wordpress, would PHP be the way to go?
If you want to use WordPress, what other coffee DI you have?
@TobeSta: If you are wanting to use Wordpress, then, as WP is PHP, yes, PHP is probably the best way to go.
Choice do
God I hate mobile keyboards
It doesn't have to be WP, but I figured it's a fairly developed CMS, rather than having to create my own
but nothing is set in stone, if there are easier ways of going about this
WordPress is a CMS for designers. It's horrible for programmers
@Truth What makes you say that?
What are some other avenues for creating a dynamic timeline? It's rather a new field to me, I just need to work out where I need to start learning
@TobeSta: First you are going to have to be clear on what you mean by "dynamic timeline". Only when the requirements are clear can a solution be created.
programmers work with code. wordpress code sucks beyond belief.
The timeline will have two filters, one by date (decades) and another by type (circles, squares, etc). When either filter is selected, the timeline (which is a tile layout of images on the screen) will rearrange and only show what the filters allow.
The timeline will also allow for people to add/remove entries, therefore changing in size.
The first things that come to mind is using WP for the adding and removing of entries, and PHP for the filtering and accessing the information primarily because I don't know any other route for completing this task
any advice is appreciated
morning all
wow an insightful message of @Chris
is it possible to select.. say the fourth character.. in a text field and replace that character alone? using javascript
i think u have to do string replacement for that
but it's possible
what I want to do is replace any numbers in the text field with '' instead.. blank value.. :)
yes i think it's possible
do search for string handling with javascript
grab the value of field and generate new one
and assign it to the value
okay.. I shall try that
@ShyamK you mean something like this? jsfiddle.net/sRYdm
@w00 yes I think so.. lemme try that out
@RepWhoringPeeHaa What?
11 hours ago, by Chris
Nothing good can come out of learning programming in a native language (unless you're native language IS English)
Oh, that. Yes, I also have no idea how that happened.
That's also pretty much the only thing I can say from experience as I started with my native language and later on had tremendous amount of pain to understand what any of those things mean in English.
Now it's kind of vice versa. I have no idea what any of those things mean in Estonian.
Does anybody know how to enable curl and mysql in PHP CLI on an Ubuntu box ? I started in CLI with the php.ini from apache and I still get "undefined function" errors.
any php programmers in the netherlands in the house by any chance?
Oh god this chat's font size is incredibly small on Ubuntu.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa i'm dutch. Why? :-)
@w00 I'm currently looking for a new job. And I wonder what the salary indication nowadays is for a PHP developer. 6-7 years experience
Doubt it's any help, but around here the awesome guys get around 1200 eur / month.
and shitty guys like me get 7-800 eur / month.
well last year i had a job interview somewhere in Leiden and they offered me 3000 euro (40 uurige werkweek)
@Chris E 1200 :o
@w00 That sounds about right and about what I thought
Hey all :D
Anyone here good with Google Map integration ?
Good morning
morning @Donut
Morning @RepWhoringPeeHaa How are you?
posted on May 29, 2012 by Kore Nordmann

The Zeta Components project retired from Apache and is now available on Github. All components are now installable via Composer. Read more for details…

@Hey All
morning everyone
@RepWhoringPeeHaa , i need your two cents
what would you call the namespace for ControllerFactory
any one knows how to write a server to send push notifications to android using C2DM
using php
@Truth what about joomla??
How cool it is to copy answer and post it 10 minutes later: stackoverflow.com/a/10796962/576749
@tereško I was thinking about your namespace last night while waiting for my 3 month old to finally go to sleep. It makes more sense to me to have /Controllers/Factory.php than to have Factories/Controller.php. You will probably have the Controller classes your factory will serve up in the Controllers ns too, which groups them nicely with the factory. Does that make sense, or am I talking bullshit again :)
@vascowhite , yes , you are talking BS again .. you have misunderstood the problem
possibly, you could explain it a bit.
the factory is part of framework namespace, controllers that it makes are part of application namespace
ah, sorry, yes, you said that. Are you over thinking this? factories or controllers seem the only sensible options (to me not being aware of how your app is set up), choose one.
@Donut I'm fine althought I'm stuck trying to compile a php file :(
@tereško hmmmm good question. I need to think about it a bit. I'll let you know once I get this fucking compiler running
@vascowhite , i definitely am overthinking it , but you seem unaware of separation between framework and the application which is built on top of it
Q: PHP execute include/require before any other code

nonshatterI have a typical PHP web script with an 'include' statement: <?php include('template.php'); // rest of page code here ?> template.php holds the menu bar which is included throughout the application... The problem is that the menu bar in template.php does not become interactive until...

"which can be in excess of 5-10 seconds waiting time" lol
@tereško No, I understand that now. You have Application/Namespaces and Framework/Namespaces and you want help deciding on a namespace to keep your ControllerFactory in which will live under the Framework ns.
@webarto my point
what the hell does he have in the application part then
infinite loop?
but even that would end work faster, I think.
@vascowhite , yes , something like that
hello can any one help me?
in php
i have done my coding for creating zip file
@tereško Then I would stick with 'Controllers' as 'Factories' could end up as a big bucket of classes (depending on how much you plan to use the factory pattern throughout your framework). You seem to not like this suggestion though. Why?
@Eugene he could load critical part asynchronously, but I don't have nerves to explain...
I hate, when large part of webpage shifts with help of javascript. Very annoying
but problem is that when i create more than 10 files in zip. then it does not create. how to increase lmit
@jay can you be a little bit more specific ?
@jay As to the question, answear would be somehow.
@Malgin ok
i describe
You do that :)
i have one folder which contain 10 songs
@vascowhite , thats not how factories work
when i create zip then it does not create zip
but when i plce only 7 files then it does create zip
how can i resolve it
@Eugene pokit.org/get/img/1d9dc76244e99c0ef851d136eb3c9798.png for example, I have this piece of code that needs to wait one second for measuring purpose, I think it's justified to load it async, I do agree that using ajax for some static HTML is bs...
"when i create zip then it does not create zip" haha
yar plz solve it
@jay maybe someone will help you if you will show how do you zip files exactly. I'm trying to practice in telepathy, but still not good at it
can i show a link?
sure, if there is some piece of code waiting : )
@tereško if my memory serves me right, then factories are used to simply create a collection of objects with similar settings.
click on click here for complete album download
@Malgin hello can u try it?
@Eugene , yes something like that .. but he assumes that each object needs a factory
@tereško ou, NO. Then he will have a pile at the end.
@jay there is no code there... It's quite easy to understand what do you want to get. I'm trying to guess how do you want to achieve it. The code.
ok i send it
function test()
$root =JURI::root();

$albumid = JRequest::getVar('id');

$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$query = 'SELECT id,filename FROM #__muscol_songs WHERE album_id = ' . $albumid;
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
$countval = count($results) ;

foreach($results as $r)

$id = $r->id;

$name = $r->filename;
if($i < $countval)


echo "<br/>";

// $file = $root.'songs/'.$name;
what the hell is that mess ?
we haven't used references to assign objects since php5.0 was released
It would be awesome if SO had such feature, that if someone pastes large chunk of code in chat it automatically creates a paste at pastebin for example and replaces code in message with a link.
crappy code is crappy
I see Joomla?
I see JURI :)
Yeah, I believe this is Joomla
$files = @scandir($directory);

$max_loop=10; //This is the desired value of Looping
here's the line which stops your code from archive more that 10 songs
@tereško No he does't, he assumes you may have need for more than one type of object being produced by a factory. ControllerFactory, DBFactory, OtherObjectFactory....
ya but i set $max_loop=20;
it does not Create Zip File.
Hey guys
What's up?
Hi @Truth
What Question/Answer ratio bans user?
@Malgin Hello
@Donut unspecified, to prevent users from doing the base minimum
@hakre yes, if you post many low quality questions you get banned from asking
@jay what library do you use to zip ? What's in $zipTest ?
Yes take I was warned once! made me reconsider how much time I put into forming my question
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost","client","pass", "mydb");
is there any error in this
@techno Not that i can see. Why, do you get any error..?
i get Access denied error
@techno so maybe your password is incorrect ?)
@techno did you try to connect to mysql directly with the same credentials ?
im using php script for connection
@Truth well, that sounds fair.
@Techno i think he means directly as in, through command line: mysql -u <username> -p<password>
iam using shared hosting
no cline
let me check using remote database connection
This definitely goes to palmface section github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/3627
Is there any PHP function that creates directories and files specified in path if neccessary?
goooood morning ^^
@Donut empty files?
@webarto Yes.
@Truth Agreed.
@Donut I personally don't think so (you might abuse some existing function probabyl), although you can combine path with pathinfo, mkdir, and file_put_contents to achieve the result. Can you use shell?
Something like mkdirRecurse would be cool.
but isn't mkdir already recursive, I mean, mkdir('/some/path/here') ?
yep, third parameter to mkdir.
i have a foolish question
if i put a php script on my website will anyone will be able to read it
@techno Depends
@techno Yes, if it will be in a public folder
@Donut Depends?
1. If your hosting supports PHP 2. If you put code in <?php or not 3. If you don't add .php and others
1.my hosting supports php
2.Coding and format right
@Donut lawl I read that as "If your hosting supports PHP 2" (as in 2.0)
@Malgin what do you mean
@Bracketworks hehe
depends on permissions
@Malgin what do you mean
@webarto I want to give data to script via POST and return some value
will anyone be alble to download the file and read it
then it can be read by anyone... if you use HTML/JS to pass POST... (disclose file)
@techno you can put your classes out of public folder (htdocs in apache) and include them from your files (e.g. when you use any framework, commonly they are located out of htdocs, the path to them is in include_path directive in php.ini and you can include them, but no one can view or download them via http)
you can't download PHP file
@webarto are you sure ?
i use HTTP POST(Direct)
from desktop app
@Malgin How can contact the script if it is not placed in public folder
desktop app user can find out location of PHP file, but he can't download .php files from web server (nor any php file)
you can't, that is why it's called public folder
@webarto can they read it
@webarto can some one get the connection string out of it
if you mean, view source, no
PHP is not HTML
@techno I'm talking about including, not accessing it
@webarto so as Malgin says should i do somethin about it
@Malgin It is a small script nothing to include except the mcrypt library
@webarto are you 100% sure.
you can safely put it in public folder, user can see only what script outputs...
@webarto @techno yeah, probably my internal paranoic told me about it :)
@techno can you view source just by obtaining desktop app, exe?
same with PHP
@webarto im just a starter programming web services
@webarto Thanks
PHP is server-side, meaning, user can't see nothing you don't output (echo, print, die)
you're welcome
@Malgin pretty sure you can't view source by accessing via HTTP :) if you exploit script that is another story
it is considered safe that included or any sensitive files are kept out of www root...
but nothing is safe, so who gives a damn
@webarto , you can , if webserver's php interpretator goes tits up
:) once I hacked some site just because error handler was outputting entire script...
of course, display errors should be off on production
nicely put
will the .htacces file work if it is renamed to .htaccess.old?
will it cause any problems?
"In Unix-like operating systems, dot-file is synonymous with hidden file.", so htaccess.old != htaccess
Brain fart moment; can you reliably mix both appending auto-incremented ordered array elements (like $foo[] = $bar) with associative array elements (like $foo[(string) $bar] = $baz) and expect the order to be preserved for later iteration?
Internally, values are in a hash table and each element has a next/prev pointer (thus preserving order, correct?)
Can anyone tell me why my submit button (line 77) isn't clickable/working? pastebin.com/tdBPgyGJ
@에이바 probably because you have no <form> tag
@에이바 Correction: Its due to using an input tag instead of a button tag.
posted on May 29, 2012 by The odd bit

I recently started an adventure involving Sitecore’s out-of-the-box web service. In fact, I didn’t know such a thing existed in Sitecore until I searched the web for information about accessing Sitecore from a process outside the ASP.NET runtime. The good news is a web service exists. The bad news is the documentation barely exists. Apart from a documen titled The Sitecore Web Service Referenc

It appears to work the with <form> tags, thanks @w00. And Thanks @EventHorizon I wasn't aware of the <button> tag.
It may or may not cause issues, using the button tag and the type submit/button depends on your situation.
@EventHorizon, yes. I'm researching it right now. Thanks!
$fp = fopen("Invoice.doc", 'w+');
$str.="<td> $_POST[cost]</td> </tr> <tr><td>In words: convertNum($_POST[cost]); </td></tr> </table></center>";
fwrite($fp, $str);

if i echo its okay, bt its nt able to save into doc
is it okay to write function like that into string
we have SQLFileObject now
posted on May 29, 2012 by Sean Coates

A very long time ago (three and a half livers ago), I wrote a little utility to help us with the 2008 edition of PHP Advent. The utility is called Lexentity, and my recent blogging uptake made me realize that I’ve never actually written about it on here, so here it is (mostly borrowed from the README). Let's face it--this sentence is much "uglier" than the one below it. Let’s face it–this se

I have CRUD setup and on my edit page if a datetime is all zeros 00-00-00 00:00:00 strotime (which I'm using to reformat the date to the user) changes the date to epoch -- 12/31/1969 19:00:00. How can I get it to be all zeros like 00/00/00 00:00:00 instead?
What is that cv-pls tag for?
@에이바 Stands for Close Vote Please
Happends when someone asks a bad quiestion, or a question that has been answered already in some other topic
Ah, I always wondered why in the chat I saw links with that tag. I thought they were just trying to get attention to their question. Make sense, thanks for clearing that up.
@w00 What's that?
@Donut some easter egg, just copy paste it in here. You'll see
so , @hakre , did you have a moment to think on my conundrum ?
In this chat
i have the mysql gui installed
You see some sort of regex pattern right?
how can i connect remotely to my database
@techno With the IP address where MySQL is installed + the login credentials. If that's not working for you then maybe your MySQL database isn't configured to allow remote connections
@tereško please share
@w00 domain ipaddress
huh ?
@techno if your mysql db is installed on the same server as your web server, then yes
there was something lost in transmission
in php i use localhost in the conn string
i have cpanel enabled hosting
how can i configure remote access to a database
@w00 i tried to connect to the server by providing the hostname as the ip address i got by piging my website but conn was refuses
@w00 sorry typing errors
guys anyone help me out
@techno Yeh but didn't you say that 'localhost' wasn't working for you either (earlier in chat)? You have that working now?
stumbled upon : stackoverflow.com/a/3578638/727208 .. priceless
@w00 That connection problem.I mentioned earlier?Its solved
@tereško epic is epic
@w00 Lol this works
Or search for easter in chat room will return nice results
@tereško Wonder why correct answers get down-voted in favour of popular, opportunist and positivist ones....
f* this shit
"\$" wtf?!
Sometimes stackoverflow makes me lose hope in humanity -_-
Politics does that for me
s/sometimes/every\ day
In reference to the "$_GET shell equivalent" question ... there really should be a option called, "Clearly hasn't done enough research before asking question"

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