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oh my. (with samwell's voice)
aw crap. I watched a viking episode instead.
think I'll wait tomorrow. I'm way too stressed out to watch it now.
don't look in the spoilers room
good morning guys !
Good Morning
in yii2, how do i add required to a form's field depending on status user selects?
good morning room
SIGSEGV in php-fpm – #75127
1 hour later…
I am not dressed for this
@Gordon it's 110 here for the next two days and over 100 for the rest of the week. I'm not dressed at all.
@PaulCrovella Fahrenheit ain't Celsius
they're called Freedom units
will any of you see Mark in the near future? I am still waiting for my Diversity Elephpant UG package. I wrote several mails to Mark and a Twitter DM. He is not responding. I don't know him well, but I feel something is wrong there. And I need someone to check with him in person.
I've got a docker question. I need to have 4 different ports on a host serving different directories/sites but I want to keep their databases in a single mysql container. Do I need docker swarm mode for this? Or is it a matter of configuring mysql container accordingly?
/me is still wrapping her head around docker
@Gordon Looks like wednesday's gonna be a lot of fun
30°C with 90% humidity (am I reading this correctly?)
@MadaraUchiha yupp. Our office is fully AC'ed so that won't be that bad. But the gym in the afternoon will be hell.
@MadaraUchiha oh wait. no. it's 90% chance for rain.
though that likely means it will be muggy. doesn't make it any better.
@DaveRandom no releases yet, and 7.1 is unsupported now ... 7.2 minimum ...
don't attempt to read the entire php.net manual while learning php?
this in fact seems like a hard task
I did 35 days of reading with 15 days off mixed in, I am after 8 full days off now (longer break) and the reading of it seems hard
probably too difficult task?
learn over time?
just practice?
is what I should do, exercises, writing my own code
then maybe do some reading?
like books
@tpunt that sounds like a thing you'd be really good at compiling ... it's almost complete is all the information I have about it, haven't looked at it in a while ...
I'm going to sleep now ...
but not the entire manual page after page
On last ferry home, 2500 miles in the last week ... Nice welcome back from Solent ... https://t.co/U2lweCS44d
@AaronSmith there is a lot of stuff in the manual you'll never use. IMO, it make sense to read the Language reference chapters and follow to their linked API chapters, like string functions and stuff.
Fairly broad question..I had another developer saying that if I build a website on laravel, the iOS and android app developers will have an easier time connecting to the features, so they won't have to do the work twice, this true?
!!wiki 5 whys
@Gordon Sorry I couldn't find that page.
5 Whys is an iterative interrogative technique used to explore the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem. The primary goal of the technique is to determine the root cause of a defect or problem by repeating the question "Why?" Each answer forms the basis of the next question. The "5" in the name derives from an anecdotal observation on the number of iterations needed to resolve the problem. The technique was formally developed by Sakichi Toyoda and was used within the Toyota Motor Corporation during the evolution of its manufacturing methodologies. In other companies, it...
@Darius ^
IDK if Laravel has anything to offer for mobile development. I suspect your other developer simply thinks that Laravel makes it easy to build APIs, so it's also easy to connect to them via mobile apps.
Why other guy said that? -> Laravel has Restful API layer. Good. :)
you can have restful APIs with Symfony or Zend Framework, too. It's not an inherent feature of Laravel.
Thank you.
I know about zend, it'd be my first time building anything with Laravel, that's why I ask.
I got a fairly decent amount of time to build a project for a client, and going to use it to learn the framework, something I've been putting off due to lack of time.
why learn the framework Oo
I always thought that learning engineering is well enough..
so I can put the pretty little words "Laravel" in a list of "can do's".
engineering is enough for most, yeah I can figure it all out, but some just want speed and memorized folder architecture for faster programming
I have "Laravel" in my list of "I have no fucking idea what that is" and I'm fine with it..
what (if any) framework do you dabble in mainly then?
I never actually used frameworks as a whole. at most some components like from symfony
@Darius there is no such thing as "folder architecture". folders are just spaces on your harddrive.
Lol, but you still gotta find where the controller, model, view , helpers, etc are.
how the templating hooks into it too
there are common folder layouts with certain frameworks. but they are just that: layouts. they are by convention.
yes, layouts is the word I was looking for.
On another note, I got a backordered domain today, that I waited for like 15 years lol. Just really wanted it.
was a good feeling. it was owned by a squatter before.
mornings 11 o/
Q: Wordpress redirecting connections on port 8080 to 80

calypsoI have a wordpress blog which is served by apache2(on port 80) and nginx(on port 8080) on Ubuntu 12.04. Now whenever a client connects via port 80 all is hunky dory, but when a client connects to 8080 to view the same blog, the connection is redirected to apache. Why is this happening? I searched...

ehh... the more correct solution would've probably been to make the site URL (in settings) with the port..
Technically, couldn't different ports show completely different websites?
like https vs http
well, yes. it could. or it couldn't. I mean, there is no reason you cannot run the same app over two different ports. you can do that. just wordpress, doesnt let you.
I am using a wordpress for testing my extension with different sapis
@Gordon not just wordpress
a lot of CMS I know have this sort of limitation, to generate links et al
it makes sense in a way
but it's somewhat unexpected
@Gordon What do you mean it doesn't let you?
WordPress doesn't bind ports
@MadaraUchiha it will automatically redirect to port 80
That's not a limitation, that's just them being inconsiderate :D
Invalid write in zval_delref_p() – #75128
on the initial install wp saves the uri (like
it can be overridden by adding shit to wp-config
or downer search replace on db (it hardcodes in into every blog post also) .. beware of serialized data
so it does allow non 80/443, but you have the uri and port when you install it, dosent support uri shifting around, that requires a bit of work
@Leigh ping! :)
@J7mbo Dude you really hate Laravel
Hate is just the aggressive form of fear… @Jimbo is afraid of Laravel
@Gordon fear the Larvel
Morns o/
I have my followup job interview in a couple of hours
Good luck
As a figure of speech of course, what I really mean is I hope you show of your skillset and get the job instead of getting it by luck :P
@Gordon he is Larafraid
wow, I think we might just have invented a word today
Larafear leads to Laranger. Laranger leads to Larahate.
Unrelated: Laravel leads to suffering.
@Gordon IMHO, hate is the aggressive form of being annoyed
@tereško no one asked for your opinion! stahp ruining making fun of @Jimbo!!
8 years ago today I was apparently skanking
that looks more like a necessity because the ceiling is too low
you sure you wasnt just crouching?
yeh I dunno what's going on there, not sure where that is
@DaveRandom Looks like me last weekend
Hi guys
I am getting this below error :
Converting circular structure to JSON
Below is my structure :
    Node-1-1 (Node-1)
You can't do that, JSON doesn't have any way to express a circular reference
@Learning did you try to google the error message?
A: VM1374:32 Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON(…)

Andrew MessierThis is a pretty common problem. Converting circular structure to JSON(...) is thrown because you're trying to print out an object that eventually references itself through one of its properties. Here's a JSFiddle of one of the simplest ways you can get this issue: var a = { b: null }; // Pr...

Yes i tried but there are some solutions which are way tool old
I hate old solutions
The solution is to eliminate the circular reference
I checked this above solution
But it is saying that if i have structure like below :
a = { name: 'Groucho' };
b = { name: 'Harpo', sibling: a };
a.sibling = b;
Why do you need to store the parent?
then i will get structure like below :
You already have a tree
{"name":"Groucho","sibling":{"name":"Harpo","sibling":"[Circular ~]"}}
1 min ago, by DaveRandom
The solution is to eliminate the circular reference
On a more interesting note:
Why do we bother with vendor top level names, and then a unique library name?
Ok let me try to explain.Below is my structure :
e.g. why bother with Danack\Response - when it could just be DanackResponse.
Vendor has more chance of being unique maybe?.
@Danack ah
    Node-1-1 (Node-1)
Where i am storing parent with each of the node
You don't listen
Now with each node i have 1 sql query associated
@Learning you're being a moron. We understand exactly your problem, and told you the solution.
It just isn't the answer you were hoping for, so you're ignoring it.
I apologize for this but sorry i didnt see any solution
@Danack because of things like amp/dns
Are you saying that there is no solution for this?
@Learning what you are doing makes no sense
In particular I have:

DanackResponse\Response; <--- this is an interface.

And I want to put the implementations in:

@Learning json can't be used to store circular data, only tree-like data.
+1 for eeeew
...or could put them all in one dir.
I guess.
Actually what i am trying to do is i want to get fields for all parents of Node-1-1-1
That is why i am storing parent with each of the child node
you cant do that @Learning
if the parent has the child it and the child has the parent, it becomes infinite , hence the circular ref error
a has b has a has b has a has b ...
@Danack Oh I see what you are getting at. I would go with Danack\Response\Responses\FooResponse.
But yeh it can get a bit shitty, that stuff
<style font='walken'>just not enough response.</style>
I many ways, IResponse has a lot going for it
@DaveRandom Fuck off
If anything ResponseInterface
@_DaveRandom Fuck off
I think I'll just leave everything in the root dir for once. It's all in a library, and no-one will actually be using the interface, as it's just a root for 'value-like' objects.
I often do that as well, otherwise you end up with a root dir with 1 interface and 1 dir in it, and all the actual code in the subdir for no particular gain
A side benefit of this is it's one less use decl
@RonniSkansing So there is no way to solve what i am trying to do
Any other solution for this?
11 mins ago, by DaveRandom
The solution is to eliminate the circular reference
doesn't matter how many times you ask, that's still going to be the answer
@DaveRandom But i have seen some solution but didnt understand what they are doing
They aren't solutions, because you cannot decode them in a standard way.
So let say i have this structure :
    Node-1-1 (Node-1)
If you start augmenting standards, ytou may as well just invent your own thing
Let's say not
You already said it
We already gave you the solution
So what those solutions are doing with above structure?
At least 3 people already did
PHP's serialize() can cope with circular references
JSON cannot
Q: Chrome sendrequest error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

SkizitI've got the following... chrome.extension.sendRequest({ req: "getDocument", docu: pagedoc, name: 'name' }, function(response){ var efjs = response.reply; }); which calls the following.. case "getBrowserForDocumentAttribute": alert("ZOMG HERE"); sendResponse({ reply: getBrowse...

Asking it 10 times instead of 9 doesn't change anything
I see this solution but didnt understand
14 mins ago, by DaveRandom
You can't do that, JSON doesn't have any way to express a circular reference
Just stop now
Ok so any idea if anybody can give me
Use XML (yes, I'm serious)
they already did
@Learning try to understand why it doesnt work
that would help you alot
@Learning Everybody did. Multiple times
I will remove this circular reference
Start reading
stop running from your problems by copy pasting answers
@HamZa o/
@Linus \o
Actually i was thinking like if want to get all parents for Node-1-1-1 then i will traverse whole tree and then i will stop on Node-1-1-1
@PeeHaa If you could politely remove your slightly offensive thoughts from this place, that'd be very nice.
Does this make sense?
@bwoebi hahahahahhahaha. My "click to see what it is a reply to" thing is still broken and was utterly confused what you were bitching about :D
@Linus *trying to swift through your answers to remember who you are before changing your display name*
@HamZa anmol?
I just returned from my username changing spree
you are in time to see my actual name :P
@Linus ah right
@Learning why do you even want to store a ref to the parent?
@RonniSkansing:Becuase it would be so easy to get all parents of Node-1-1-1
@Learning oh yes you are having a easy time right now?
@RonniSkansing Just give up :P
I need to go
But i didnt know with this solution i would land up to this problem which is not possible to solve
(= no ofc it's not your fault
Are you saying it sarcastically?
yes but not to be a meanie
@Gordon I have sent a txt to the number I have for him but I haven't actually communicated with him on that for 2+ years so I'm not sure if he will get it or not, will give him a poke next time I interact with him though, I may be going to phpnw ug next week.
At the very least he will be at phpnw
the conf
yeh he will certainly be there
hey @PeeHaa! i assume you already have your job hunt figured out
@pmmaga No man. Current status totally in limbo
See dm in a minute
@PeeHaa what happened :O ?!
all right!
Does anyone have an example of psr 7 streaming response actually being used? just a simple streaming from file would be good.
@HamZa public tl;dr had some personal stuff to sort out :-)
Mostly that I got the feeling @DaveRandom didn't love me anymore
@PeeHaa i see, best of luck man
tnx <3
@DaveRandom You keep saying <3 this <3 that. But it feels... different man :(
Dunno. Maybe we should try counseling ?
Would you be up for it?
I have made a promise not to let that night affect our relationship, but it's... it's so difficult to ignore it.
The memories, the images...
sometimes I see that coathanger in my darkest nightmares
and the chicken... oh god, that poor chicken
I... am just hoping.. that you guys are talking about a chicken abortion
As dark as that is it's the best image I can come up with so I'm just gunnu keep it there
Let's just say it was bad and we refer to it as "the situation"
@Alesana I here that Trump is going to sign an executive order that requires eggs to be sold as "chicken abortions" next week.
Yeah you there
@DaveRandom I already call them that to mess with people :P
A little dark? I feel like that might crossing a line for a Monday...
hi guys
Q: I have a naive socket server in php (stream_socket_server) and want to check whether a client is enabled the TCP_NODELAY flag or not.
I tried this code:
while ($conn = @stream_socket_accept(...)) {
$sock = socket_import_stream($conn);
$res = socket_get_option($sock, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY);
but seems like $res always equals 0.
@Alesana Except the audience
everybody loses \o/
I am not sure if you are implying that anyone who would go to watch the show is a loser :P
@EugeneLeonovich OK, so that means it's always not set?
Isn't that the expected behaviour?
@DaveRandom it always returns 0 no matter if a client sets this flag to true or false
@Alesana same thing happened in mayweather and pacquiao fight.
@Alesana well it's not my thing but I wouldn't go that far :-P
@EugeneLeonovich What the client did is irrelevant, you are querying the server end
TCP_NODELAY is per-socket, a socket is one end of a connection in the case of TCP
> TCP_NODELAY Reports whether the Nagle TCP algorithm is disabled.
falsy logic ftl.
@DaveRandom is there any way to check if the client set this flag on the server side?
the underlying option is called TCP_NONAGEL
@EugeneLeonovich no, because it's irrelevant to the server. The server just sees data arriving, it doesn't (shouldn't) how the client is determining when to dispatch packets...
@DaveRandom thanks. was hoping for someone to catch him at nw
X/Y: what's the actual high-level problem you are trying to solve here?
i.e. why does the server need to know whether the client has that option set?
@Gordon I will most likely see/speak to him before the conf anyway
@DaveRandom I feel somewhat bad for asking other people to bug him about that. but he hasnt responded in a month now.
yeh that is weird
@DaveRandom thanks for the explanation :) I was looking a way to write an integration test which will test whether client set this flag or not. I wasn't sure if it will be possible to detect this on the server side.
@EugeneLeonovich here's a reasonable analogy: If someone sends you a birthday card in the mail, you don't know whether they wrote the card immediately before they posted it, or whether they wrote it out immediately after your birthday last year and kept it in a cupboard for a year, ready to post. You have no way to know that unless they tell you explicitly, and the protocol for sending birthday cards does not include a place to put that information
@DaveRandom +1
thanks )
np :-)
@Andrea is correct.....the author of wiki.php.net/rfc/same-site-cookie is trying to pull a fast one by opening the voting early.
I got that vibe from the entire process tbh
Which is weird for such a feature where there actually is no rush
@PeeHaa he was trying to slip it into 7.2
> if a release managers wants to pick up it and embed in 7.2, I am not going to protest. Things considered, I see no reason to change the sentence.
was in reply to me:
> Although people might still vote for it, the RFC needs to be explicit about which version it is for.
Yeah read that
should we vote no?
For no reason. There is no rush. Better just do it correct. Why wouldn;t you
Just kinda weird
Yeah the (perceived) rush to get this in to 7.2 is a bit disconcerting.
@Gordon there certainly needs to be more discussion about the 2nd part of the RFC, the array bullshit.
I would vote against it on the proposed API alone, tbh. I already hate the setcookie() API, it needs a $flags, not yeh more args
I don't understand though, isn't that already how cookies work?
@DaveRandom Why not. Normally you don't say no against having an argument?
@Alesana no, if I submit a form from foo.com with an action of http://bar.com/whatever then existing cookies for bar.com will be included in the request
I rarely vote on rfcs, but I understand that you feel it needs more discussion and I trust you guys in that. so if you need my vote, let me know.
Site ignores language prefs; shows old English pages instead – #75129
@Jeeves Again
@PeeHaa We spoke earlier.
Ah I see, I thought it was saying that the cookies from foo.com would be included
We know the language picker is fucked and we should just give up on all translations anyway. Ping @salathe about making docs great again
Isn't this what Access-Control-Allow-Credentials is for?
no, it's about mitigating CSRF vectors that can arise from spoof domains submitting forms to real ones. The standard/functionality makes sense, in the context of HTTP

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