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Guys wgat do you think about typechecking and typecasting using as construct like in C#?
Sorry for my typos I am on mobile now watching my 3yr old son taking off the sticker he put on a stairs.
@brzuchal that composition > inheritance
@WesStark What prompted switching to PHP Storm?
and that views > casting @brzuchal
@WesStark You were just asking questions about it.
I assumed you switched IDEs.
Curious. People have tried to get me the switch but it seems unnecessarily heavy.
phpstorm is not heavy lol
still using notepad++? i'm so sorry for you :P
I use Atom.
phpstorm is great <3
@WesStark I need to read more about this to fully understand I think
I'm scared of an Eclipse rerun.
I also use PHPStorm
Tried Atom but it lacks of functionalities
PHPStorm feels native. doesn't even feel like a clunky java app
The refactor feature in PHPStirm is tge best I ever seen
class A{ function bar(){} } class B extends A{ function bar(){} }
A foo = new B();
foo.bar(); // calls A::bar, not B::bar like it would do in php
@brzuchal What were you missing?
@brzuchal well it's not good as the Java ones
The packages are pretty inclusive and Electron is not hard to hack.
Plus...I work in more languages than just PHP.
phpstorm is also probably the best ide for javascript
i doubt there are other ides that are better than webstorm/phpstorm at understanding jsdoc
@Allenph moving renaming classes namespaces and extracting variables function methids. Also psr4 and psr1 support. I had a feeling that Atom is faar away from PHP newest features.
and i hear is also great for typescript
@WesStark What about C?
That was just for a begining
there's Clion that is still the same ide, different bundle
@brzuchal Fair point.
@Allenph edit.com from 86 DOS
@WesStark Hmmm...
@Allenph the best for C for developing php-src is IMO VSC
@Dereleased Before my time.
It's not free?
> Establishing secure connection...
confluence.jetbrains.com/display/PhpStorm/… @Allenph the EAP version is free. you can buy it when you understood its value :P
i'm no way associated with jetbrains. i just think it's an incredible tool
@WesStark Mkay. We'll give it a try here in a the next week or so.
I've learned to just listen to you people.
I have tried goto declaration ( ctrl + click ) plugins on almost all editors and nothing matches PHPStorm's .
@Vamsi Stop. the PHPStorm fans in here can only get so erect.
btw check out github.com/vamsiikrishna/vex . some Russian site linked to the repo and it's trending again on GitHub github.com/trending/php :D
... so back to work after two weeks of vacation. I had forgotten the constant "screw good practices in the details" air around here.
When preg_replace fails, please write to error_log – #75133

"Just do it this way. It might not be the right way, but it will work right now."

(One Month Later)
"I don't understand why it takes so long to do anything in this application!"
^ Me when that happens.
@Allenph to jump on the PHPstorm bandwagon, a license was purchased for me a few years ago. I've been a strict N++ user for years and years. I eventually forced myself to start using PHPstorm for a project, and I couldn't be happier. I only use N++ as basically notepad now to paste stuff in or type plaintext.
all aboard the PHPStorm rocks bandwagon!
It has quirks, but it can be customized pretty extensively, and JetBrains has documented their software extremely well. I can look up a menu item to see what it does, and JetBrains has it documented on their site.
One thing I do wish it could handle is UNC paths.
But, I love it so much that I've bought a personal license to use at home for personal/client projects
Mind you, I started using PHPstorm before I discovered this chat. So it wasn't their poking at me to switch. I decided I needed to start using it because my employer was paying for it.
@Tiffany what are those and how does it fail to handle them?
@Danack UNC stands for Universal Naming Convention. By using UNC pathing, it is possible to connect to servers and other workstations without mapping a drive. The syntax for a UNC path is as follows: \\\\servername\\sharename\\directory\\ (stole it from Microsoft's site). For most programs I can type like \\computername\c$\path\to\something\file.txt and it will recognize it as me accessing the C drive from another computer.
I had to map drives for phpstorm to recognize my web servers, since the servers are hosted on-site. I was used to UNC paths to access them for everything else.
@Allenph vimeo.com/13439458#t=654s //cc @FélixGagnon-Grenier
the relevant part goes to the 15min mark
I started using PHPStorm a week ago for a demo project to be used as part of an application to an agency, and I have to say, I am well pleased. If my travels keep taking me down the path of PHP, then I'll pretty much demand it. It gives me PHP productivity comparable to what VS gives me in C#
Still looking for the "best practice" php deployment/ci tool (jenkins? phpci?). If anyone knows of some good product, tutorial or whatever I'd be happy with the information
it's an IDE and so it does IDE things
@tereško Is that relevant to What Felix and I were talking about or what you and I were talking about earlier?
Either way...bookmarked. I'm just at work.
@Allenph mostly the former .. a tiny bit the latter
@Allenph what I linked to was a specific excerpt from the lecture
tl;dr; stay humble
I'll take a look when I get home.
starts at 11-ish minute, goes till the 15min mark
After I watch the season finale...
Also, essentially the reason why my supervisor doesn't want me to work on fixing a program that has a quirky behavior. "It'll take too long."
To be fair, there's supposed to be an upgrade in the next year or so, so my work would be wasted.
@Tiffany That I did learn...your boss is probably right.
Going outside of defined iterations is a bad...bad idea.
@Allenph seeing how Antifa shit has been escalating, it might actually be a good precaution :(
of course, it also means that military-industrial-complex have additional revenue stream, since army will start selling of their used gear
@tereško Let the Nazis and the Communists fight each other. Government intervention has never done anyone any good.
I'll take a couple of local skirmishes over a domestic war.
@Allenph that's how Weimar Republic fell
precisely how it fell
heh.... nazis and communists fighting each other... like a few dozen years ago...
History repeats itself
@tereško Good. I hope the US fails.
@Allenph fails how? o_O
not in this interconnected economy
It's going to fail eventually. Might as well get it out of the way before it's worse.
also, @Allenph, that's not how it worked out the last time \
I would prefer shifting through Agorism.
according to the history, the next step would be anexation of Canada
But...I doubt that's possible at this point.
@tereško Well, duh. That should happen. There's a lot of ethnic Americans that live in the south of Canada! ;-D
Or we give up and let Canada take over... that would be interesting
@Allenph also it would greatly increase the Lebensraum living space of USA
my point is:
5 mins ago, by Allenph
@tereško Let the Nazis and the Communists fight each other. Government intervention has never done anyone any good.
this is fucking scary
I understand your feelings. I just think this cycle is bound to repeat BECAUSE of government intervention...not the other way around.
because if either of those sides wins, we get either Fifth Rich or USSA
It's the existence of government in the first place that allows the consolidation of power.
l had more time to look at that link from earlier, @tereško. Ignoring some of the individuals I think partly Code of Conducts themselves in open source are a bad fit; I think this comment does a good job of saying why: reddit.com/r/node/comments/6whs2e/…
> "thanks to the CoC, our community is more open and respectful of each other"
Can this ever happen? Do people change their actions and feelings based on a document? Laws don't make people better, just makes them better at hiding their crimes.
@tereško It's a different culture here, though. Neither party will take over.
They'll just skirmish themselves into the dust.
And its parent comment:
> I really, really wish I'd see an example of "thanks to the CoC, our community is more open and respectful of each other". Instead I mostly see cases where it's used as a weapon for internal politics.
@LeviMorrison, well, I agree completely with those two comments
hehe happy mondays
@RonniSkansing Congrats on the job!
@Allenph lets hope you are right ... although, I think that the social mechanics of "if you are not with us, then you are with the enemy" will start pushing the moderated to take sides
thanks @Alesana
@tereško And you know why that happens in the US?
Lack of political diversity as a direct mathematic result of the First Passed the Post voting system.
If you want to talk about this much more we should probably move.
@Allenph that's definitely one of the causes
but there is also extreme lack of political diversity in academia and media
Due entirely to the belief in Democracy.
Democracy is either mob rule or oligarchy...no matter how clever your voting system.
It reduces political diversity neccesarily.
I've seen that series.
Those are actually really good.
I've pointed a few people there.
Here's the problem with even STV...
That statistically accurate voting body still has to vote on issues.
STV cannot be recursive.
So, ultimately it's mob rule.
all voting systems are flawed
That's exactly my point.
Microsoft's Virtual Agent is basically Google (or Bing) for the masses. I tried using it and it just did a web search for my question.
@tereško i'm totally going to use "tilt" too :D
@Allenph institute demarchy (reference to "Rvelation Space" book series) :D
@tereško Hahaha. No, I'm an Anarcho Capitalist.
And please Google it before you crucify me.
I know what Ancaps are :D
Not the dumb kind either. There's been a lot of new...dumb people lately. Not saying that I'm not stupid, but.
I would have to do a lot of reading to start debating anarcho capitalism with you
... hell ... I would have to start with reading the damn "Republic" :( .. and I still havent finished my Rousseau reading list
@Vamsi is this your repo github.com/jupeter/clean-code-php
I am fortunate enough that my dad was interested in philosophy and politics.
there is a better guide already search 'phptherightway'
So, liked it enough to read a lot about it.
Otherwise, honestly I would have been too lazy.
would be great to be able to read the code tho
the assassins creed origins steam community discussion is in shambles https://t.co/M5vkAQurlC
it's regarding the fact, that Ubisoft decided to make the Egyptians black
thiiiiis will be entertaining :D
wtf is "WE"?
it's a meme
origin of that meme is a "documentary" series called "Hidden Colors" (it's on youtube, somewhere ... right next to "moon landing is a hoax" videos)
know your memes said it originated on /pol/
it's used pejoratively
watch "Hidden Colors"
now I am courious
@RonniSkansing you will need a beer .. or something stronger
@Tiffany kinda, yes .. same way as flat-earther
@tereško I am going to making something real strong now
but I dunno if I can keep watching this
have you watched the David Icke "documentaries"?
lol what is this wormhole
if not, this might overload your cringe glands
like fuck, just this title .. "Sperm Counts, AI, And The Transgender Explosion Are All Connected "
ehh ... every time I expose people to the insaner parts of the internet, I feel just a little bit sorry for the poor sods
I have an IIS question, ask on SO or SF?
well, at least my reputation is above 300, so my reputation everywhere else is over 100. I don't look like some pleb.
though, you might look like an FBI agent
(gods, I'm old)
or you've been on SO for a really long time?
I don't get the reference for what it's worth
@tereško riiiite. I believe you actually have some kind of inherent pleasure about it =D
@Tiffany it's from old days of IRC:
> The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents
(fix, bad copy-paste)
ooooh, I think I've heard that a long time ago
so sooner on, I realized an api exposed the same resources through different routes (which is okay, they both have different parts of the resource exposed, with overlapping content) but the overlapping part use different capitalization, one of them uses camelCase, the other use snake_naming.
as I said, god, I'm old
it really is easier to pretend everyone else on the internet is male
I commented about it, asking that we maybe decide on one, and was asked to justify myself. I was somewhat taken aback, because apart from "less astonishment and time loss when using stuff", I can't really justify why I'd like that.
Why is naming convention actually good?
random complaint of the day: of the about 30 monospace fonts i've tried none has a decent unicode support (latin with common punctuation)
in fact many of them are exclusively ascii
monospacing emojis must be fun times
Aug 23 at 20:45, by Wes Stark
old school ascii is so much better <3
@FélixGagnon-Grenier "principle of least astonishment"
I guess I'll innocently drop these clean code talks on slack
@Tiffany "old women yells at emojies"
@Tiffany yeah :)
I can imagine two months down the line, someone will come across the two different things and go "wat" followed by "which do I use, which one is the right one?"
(just for reference)
Jan 21 at 16:26, by Leigh
solar powered ass-vibrators
I will just leave it here
not even the ellipsis character is supported
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the point of an API is that it should be guessable
in my current project we I implemented martinfowler.com/articles/richardsonMaturityModel.html "hypermedia" in the REST API
at first few coworkers were confused
now most of them are really happy about it
last feature that we implemented was a simple chat system
but before they started implementing it, I got sick ... but since there was a Postman export with resources, nobody had any questions entire week
> the Glory of REST
@tereško almost too good to be true
well, my current job is a bit odd place: we have a team of 8 developers (including me) and 3 of them are on about the same level as I am
then there is one junior dev and three "seniors" .. as in (have been doing the same thing for 10 years) and what they lack in skill is compensated by the experience
I need to start making myself spend at least an hour on a PHP project when I'm home each day
I am spending time on my Morrowind project now :D ... learning more JS
const request = new FormData(form);
for (let [name, value] of request.entries()) {
    // stuff
so this stuff works now in modern browsers
@DamienOvereem jenkins is possibly 'best practice' ....it's definitely not trivial to setup though. And the new version of it could do with some more finalising.
const wrapper = ((character) => {
    // content of a closure
also this works
@tereško this is the essence of js modules
((dependencies) => {/*my variables are safe and my scope is reliable*/})(dependencies)
yes, kinda
@RonniSkansing so, how's your rabbit-hole expedition progressing?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier that might be somewhat true. I just love corrupting the minds of innocent (there days people us the term "red pilling", but that's just so vulgar ... "corruption of innocence" has a lot richer feel to it)
The biggest problem about that, is that it's hard to realize at first, that stuff that happens on twitter is actually not how real life militant people mostly think. That can lead to disastrous irl discussions the first time you take some twitter culture term and bring it to people that actually have equalitarian ideals.
so, while indeed, being aware of the crap that happens on the internet is important, it must be known that, it's still some subculture (arguably shared by hundreds of thousands of [possibly unknowing] trolls)
^ I mostly stay away from twitter
there is no such thing as "unknowing troll"
well, I tried to refrain from insults such as "idiots"
a genuine old-school troll follows the "give them enough rope to hang themselves" concept
what you are talking about might be the "useful idiots"
@tereško I stopped it (= ancient aliens is more than enough for me
@RonniSkansing now do you understand why people are trolling the new Assassin Creed?
I havent really seen any of it
posted on August 28, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

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