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there's still foam, but I don't understand the reason behind it, I'm curious as well
@WesStark pourhard.com/about doesn't really explain it, but gives some details about nitro beer
the foam is different
let's summon peehaa
!!annoy PeeHaa
!!annoy @PeeHaa
aw, was it removed?
lol, probably @DaveRandom after we kept using it on him when he disappeared
do you need annoy command to annoy PeeHaa??
nah probably just jeeves crashing into a wall of exceptional bricks
║ [50 minutes and 44 seconds] without an accident ║
║           since [2017-08-04 12:15:44]           ║
til draught beer. i used the term but didn't actually know the meaning
I am not sure if I can ask again, as this may be bothersome, but I have this:
$input[$x] = $y; // for arrays where key equals offset
array_splice($input, $x, 1, $y);
this is array_splice(), php.net
the key can be anything, 1, 2, 222, so the offset would be the same
so they mean that this would be the last key / largest key in an array?
I am not even sure if these two lines are together, but it looks like this
key equals offset, but what key, any, first, last?
Is this a typical way to implement soap? The payload type is just string, and they expect that to be an XML document with the actual request in it, rather than typing it as a complex type..
In that example, $x is the key
if not a certain one, I am not sure if this example makes sense, or what it "conveys"
Not seen it done like that before
yes, $x is the key and offset has always the same value, as the key
but is this any key, or first or last?
i'm not sure what you are asking @AaronSmith
and if any, what info / knowledge does this example "convey"?
this is php.net manual array_splice() page, Example #2
last two lines above the ?> sign
Datetime fails to unserialize "extreme" dates – #75035
On a scale of 1-10, how hard is it to build up an xml document with namespaces using domdocument?
@Sean 1
Excellent :D
if 1 is as easy as eating pie, and 10 is as hard as landing a spaceship on the surface of the sun, everything is a 1...
except for the spaceship thing
On a scale of writing it in plain text to using simplexml :V
Way easier than simplexml
anybody would understand what this "conveys":
$input[$x] = $y; // for arrays where key equals offset
array_splice($input, $x, 1, $y);
@ircmaxell eating pie is hard. ask my toddler
also, evenings o/
@Sean obviously, start with a base .xml, load it and change what needed
input - offset - length - replacement
dom api is like the most verbose thing ever
@WesStark verbose, but not difficult
it says "if keys equals offset", but there is multiple keys in an array or there can be
so what do they mean, this is what I don't get
[0 => true, 1 => false, 2 => null] // key equals offset
[0 => true, 2 => null, 1 => false] // key is not equal to the offset
so one of the keys of an array equals the value of offset, and what would this mean for array_splice?
@Jimbo so how's the Betrand? You didn't tell.
3 messages moved to Trash
ok, I will look at that
    0 => true /* offset 0 */,
    2 => null, /* offset 1 */
    1 => false /* offset 2 */
but I don't understand what you mean yet
you used different values for the keys and different order
but values can be different, I understand that
    1 => true /* offset 0 */,
    0 => false, /* offset 1 */
array_slice(0, 1) // returns offset 0, which is associated to key 1
array_slice(1, 1) // returns offset 1, which is associated to key 0
I mean, this is not a place for explanations like this anywat
so arrays can return offsets?
I know that array_splice() returns the taken out elements
array_slice returns offsets. they don't touch keys, and so does splice
so this is a new aspect to me, I will look into this
this is probably what I did not understand, and it is not explained there
I guess they could explain
things like this are not findable on google.com
at least for people at my stage
!!$ arrays
An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values to keys. This type is optimized for several different uses; it can be treated as an array, list (vector), hash table (an implementation of a map), dictionary, collection, stack, queue, and probably more. As array values can be other arrays, trees and multidimensional arrays are also possible.
imagine each entry in the array having 3 properties
["foo" => "bar"]
in this array the entry has key === foo, content === bar and offset === 0
second entry will have offset 1, third 2 and so on...
so I can get the offset from the number of the key
I understand it now
If I need to add `and` to `preg_split` along with other delimiters, how do I do that?

$first = preg_split('/[,.(12]/', trim($each[1]));
I am already tired for today
I am in the EU
it is 3:33 pm
thanks again, I will be turning off the pc
Who knew MongoDB, ElasticSearch and RabbitMQ had formed a national association? https://t.co/FmmIlM9rgB
@ircmaxell i don't know. I thought it never made it to php because of that. I don't remember who said that fallback to global ns was a problem. but then joe corrected me and said that the implementation worked
i imagine people complained about the php namespace
@JoeWatkins #lazyweb can I store closures in APCu?
I assume no
@Jimbo Spanish GF aye? What about friends outside of work? Those are always the hardest to find.
@Fabor not spanish iirc.
@Gordon Quite nutty, and doesn't mix great. As in, the nuts fall to the bottom and I have to keep swirling it around. I'm not normally a fan of nuts apart from @PeeHaa's, but I thought it was okay actually. Not a great amount of protein though
@Fabor actually, I know I recall correctly unless he changed gfs recently, just not sure if @Jimbo minds me about revealing details
@Jimbo will try it out next week I guess
@DaveRandom doesn't opcache cache them?
@WesStark I want to store sort of "compiled" routines with expensive-ish decision trees working out what to do, I'll just wrap them in classes
@DaveRandom github.com/jeremeamia/super_closure - you almost certainly will regret using it though.
yeh fuck that, I'd rather just use a class
got a six pack of porch rocker, hurray international beer day
not that anyone cares
lolwut flags
@Gordon Well 10 months in.
> international
You're in the US, and have a US-made beer ...
@Jimbo You need protein?
@Leigh some of our beer doesn't suck
Yeh, some of it blows
I don't drink macrobrew crap
ding me when you're in London, I'll give you the beer tour ;)
@Leigh might be a couple years
the beer will wait for you
@Leigh I'd much rather go to Gordon's Wine Bar again… for obvious reasons
I remember I really like their Port
afk for gym now. laters
I can only drink port if it's really dry, even then it's a bit sweet
I prefer sweet :X
moscato, yum
beer I got is like lemonade
and I need to drink it much slower
what comes off drinking beers? as I have heard they are mostly bitter.
comes off?
as in, the perks of drinking beers
depends on the beer, in my opinion
they're an acquired taste, though
I see... :/
I used to hate beer, but I had only tried macrobrewery crap in the US which notoriously sucks
people only buy it because it's cheap and gets them drunk
guess I will find it out myself when I get old enough to drink ;)
then I discovered craft beer, and I tried a bunch of different ones. I found ones I liked, found ones I didn't like.
Hoppy beers are bitter, wheat beers are okay
I don't know how barley affects the flavor
looks like beer is kinda rocket science... so many terms that I do not even know :P
@DaveRandom yes, no
Named Continue/Break – #75036
can someone explain the refactored portion at the bottom in Dispatching to a Class? I'm trying to make sense of the array keys, and which array it points to. I realize it's the one in the Routes.php file, but it doesn't seems like the array keys match up.
np, ty
gg, fw, tp
I shall refer to the Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society by it's full name
@Andrea can we have null propagation please kthxbye
null propagation?
I would think in ['GET', '/', ['Example\Controllers\Homepage', 'show']],, the ['Example\Controllers\Homepage', 'show'] would have an array key of 2, but instead there's $className = $routeInfo[1][0]; $method = $routeInfo[1][1];
code review - code seems very unsure about wtf is going on
what am I missing that makes the array key 1?
you are fan of c#?
very much so
@Danack code is having an existential crisis
Yeah reading up null propagation...
@DaveRandom you wrote all those methods wrong ...
@Tiffany $routeInfo is an array with 2 components: index 0 is a result code, and index 1 is the "data" for the route. In your case the data for the route is the array with a class name and a method name.
@JoeWatkins things can be null. It happens.
it's better not to write code that returns null, than to modify the language to accommodate bad code ...
@DaveRandom but doesn't it have three components? GET, /, and ['Example\Controllers\Homepage', 'show']?
@DaveRandom call on a non-object already raises an exception ?
are some rfc left abandoned without discussion as above?
@JoeWatkins $nodeHas2Parents = $node->parentNode?->parentNode !== null;
what does this $any?->of()?->these()?->might?->be()?->null(); produce, another null !? I mean ... don't you see what is wrong with that ?
Well obviously that is a highly exaggerated example. Generally there's only one in any given statement.
I dislike the idea, doubt my mind can be changed, I don't know what code you could show me that would make me think it's okay ...
@Linus many. Scroll to the "Open Issues" section for a summary of the problems.
@Danack Thanks will see.
@JoeWatkins what if I show you my boobs?
couldn't hurt
that would probably work ...
There speaks a man who has not seen my boobs
I will DM you some sexy pics later
@Andrea I will also DM them to you if that's what's required to make it happen
/me is out
but but
php.exe giving error The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) – #75037
@Fabor Actually, none really yet
Let's be more like microsoft: remove exceptions from PHP8, and replace them with nonsensical hexdec identifiers; RuntimeException = 0x000000F1, and so on ...
@Jimbo The stickers arrived. Let me know where you'd like them sent.
I like stickers
@JoeWatkins if ( get_last_runtime_exception_ex(&$HWND) === 0xFEEDADADDEADBEEF ) { splode(&$HWND); }
@DaveRandom can we please stop using those fucking "fluent interfaces"?
ah HWND ... I dunno why I said "ah" ... I have no nostalgia for windows at all ...
Could I just ask, is there any Stack Exchange site to ask about types of sites?
I'm looking to get someones advice if they know any websites that fall under a list of things I need, is there any sites to get advice about that?
no idea what you just said
@Trowski Hey! I'd like to have amp stickers too, if possible. How can I get some? :-)
I like stickers
@JoshHallow Can you elaborate on what you want to ask about?
Might be cheaper to have someone in the EU order stickers and distribute them in the EU. Just sending a letter to Spain will be about $5.
I'm looking for a site that will send me an email or SMS when one of my sites go down. I've looked around but wondered if anyone knew any free alternatives or ones that had a bit more than the others.
@Trowski I like stickers ...
you could send a bunch to someone in the eu for distribution ...
@JoshHallow I use Pingdom for that
assuming you have bunches of them ...
@JoeWatkins Was just looking how much it would cost to send a bunch to you.
Not free tho. But worth it
I have 100 of them.
I assume if nobody is texting or emailing me already then the sites are up
@Machavity does it have SMS alerts?
@JoshHallow Yep. I get one in 60 secs of the servers going unresponsive
I have no idea how to check the price of sending from here to spain ... you used to just put a few stamps on it and stick it in the red box, but I think you have to go and weigh it now, not sure ...
they're stickers. they're things you could stick onto other mail for free.
@JoeWatkins I honestly think it would be cheaper to order more stickers from Sticker Mule and have them ship them to you directly.
Or @kelunik or @bwoebi.
ooh stickers
@Trowski fwiw somebody may be able to distribute it @ phpnw
oh you should definitely get stickers there ...
Hey guys whats up
Also another reason why @WesStark shouold come
@PeeHaa Yeah, that would be great. Looking at prices it's definitely better to just order more stickers and ship them to someone who could distribute them at phpnw.
@Machavity last question, do they have any kind of trial?
Who's going to phpnw?
@JoshHallow No clue. Check their website
me, jay, ekin, chris, dan at least
Joe needs to escape prison so maybe he will go too
I've got a little question over here:

I am calculating some numbers for an energy efficeny tool.
In some calcs my php code just isn't as precise as it should be. Excel and other calculator exactly got the same numbers but php just got others...
Ohl leigh probably?
I'm going to come hook up with you guys for a meal, but not coming to conf ...
Don't think jimboob
@JoeWatkins Are you allowed yet?
@PeeHaa I'm allowed
@PeeHaa was it a response to me ?
dammed ;D
how could it be a response to you, did you read the words in the response ?
Was @Sean also coming?
@Traxstar whatever, it's a floating point problem, probably just the display of ...
no the result at the end is also wrong

F.e. php: 0.0035916466666, Excel: 0,00357316
/me is back to doing others things again. Can I ping you later to look into the distribution thing @Trowski?
@Traxstar yes, it's a floating point problem, they just don't work how you think they do ...
In related news. Let me give you all this
@JoeWatkins so how could i fix that up...
@Jimbo That's the hard one.
@PeeHaa Yeah, sure. Apparently @Jimbo is giving a tutorial, so there are lots of 11ers going.
@Jimbo doing a tutorial? How to look stupid without effort? How to try to ride a bike and end up in an ambulance? How to drink girly drinks?
@Traxstar fix your expectations floating-point-gui.de, then optionally configure how php displays the number with php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.precision
@PeeHaa How I met your mother
I feel like there is a tv series in there
So I image PHPNW is something like this?
I'd like to see the bike one ... can you do that one @Jimbo ?
and the girls drinks one ... but only if it involves you dancing in girls clothes ...
the IT Crowd was so great ...
@Traxstar Use integers instead of floating numbers
So if you are doing currency stuff, assume everything in pence and then divide ect
@JoeWatkins Which bike one sir?
> How to try to ride a bike and end up in an ambulance?
@PeeHaa lol
@JoeWatkins that was helpful in one way. my calculation is precise now using bcmul and bcdiv instead of just add or div. But dont know why my final result of summing all calculated values up differs in any way
PHP 0.01529868161342977, Excel: 0,01564420
@JoeWatkins youtube.com/watch?v=qIe6D81kr2g 1:01 here :D
@PeeHaa Yes
No ticket yet, but I am absolutely going.
Is that room 11 photo real? I don't see one beer.
@Fabor Can you not see the man love?
@Fabor Because PeeHee drank it all
Not even kidding, he was ruthless
Wait, which is PeeHaa?
Third from the right if I'm not mistaken
@PeeHaa that's a risky click....

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