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nice. forgot tab at work for one week: 12960* messages.
Godmorgen @PeeHaa
coding all the things?
Yeap :)
Language mismatch. – #74981
wots up people!
@Jeeves Just kill translations. Please
@PeeHaa I'm understanding.
ping @kelunik @bwoebi @Trowski
and @fabor
Oooh, @Ekin takes the lead at 14.
never Fabor
not even in that one ^
fuck off
who's the hater?
I mean. Ohai @FélixGagnon-Grenier
@bwoebi have you starred my happy birthday message? I bet it's you.
oh wow.
lol burn you just got dissed
hey, any of you watched the destroyAllSoftware talks besides the legendary "wat" one? the trailer shows some greatly interesting possibilities
I have seen another one iirc
Think its was also a lighting talk. not sure
this week needs to go by fast
so I can go on vacation
and play a ton of path of exile read programming books and clean
Tiffany, star my happy birthday please
and don't star @Ekin's.. She was bitching about you earlier, calling you smelly and that.
uh huh...
I stuck up for you though.
I'm glad you have my back
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've just watched the free/comedy ones
this one might be even better than "wat"
@Dereleased Oh right that's the one I member
I remember using an extension for PHP
Good morning PHP ^^
Which boosts the performance of Request/Response type apps
Does anyone know its name?
I seem to have forgotten the name
FastRoute? (not really an HTTP Request/Response app...nevermind)
Does anyone on here program with chronic pain? I am trying to figure out how to improve my concentration :|
could anyone please help me to find what is wrong with my wall of code?
@Alesana That must suck, I'm sorry.
@Riccardo no way :x
@Alesana Are you allowed to ingest caffeine?
i'm trying to update a sql table and nothing happens the table is not update
@Riccardo did you write that code?
so why?
you have a space bar, use it
yes I did anyway @Patrick
@Tiffany Yeah! I ingest a lot of caffeine :P
@Riccardo do you think that code is easy to read?
@Alesana that would be my suggestion. Can you talk to your doctor about having trouble concentrating with pain?
there was an error this is the correct version
no one is going to read that because the code is ugly
Oh, I read it
what could I do to improve the readability?
It doesn't do a lot of things, it's actually very easy to read
@Riccardo you have a space bar, use it
spaces before and after equal signs help tremendously
hell yeah you're right
reload it
@Riccardo Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels
why not pass in the other arguments like that? then you don't have to assign everything to it's own variable
new bin!!!
please look at the new one I used the space bar now
wrong button :P
not in between lines...
@Patrick will do it and reload it
!!? space bar
Search for "space bar" (https://www.google.com/search?q=space+bar&lr=lang_en)
• Space bar - Wikipedia - The space bar, spacebar, blank, or space key, is a key on a typewriter or alphanumeric keyboard in… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_bar)
• Spacebar - Robert Muda - Home - Spacebar Grafisch werk door Robert Muda van Hamel. Affiches LP & CD hoezen Boekomslagen Contact. Th… (http://spacebar.nl/)
• Afbeeldingen van space bar - No description available (/search?q=space+bar&lr=lang_en&tbs=lr:lang_1en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX2vXMlKLVAhWOhRoKHYM_DUAQsAQIPA)
@Tiffany and how?
see where you did $stmt = $db_con->prepare("SELECT * FROM attendance_tbl WHERE row_id=:id_record LIMIT 1");?
$stmt = "some value";
@Tiffany That's not a bad idea
@Tiffany call me stupid but I can't get at what you're saying to me
spaces in between lines don't help, spaces surrounding your equal signs, do
now I gotcha
and both spaces is still better
it makes the code easier to read
@Riccardo When you're finished making this work, separate your validation away from your DB stuff please.
do you mean two bins?@Fabor
or could I delete all the validation part?
create methods that do the validation beforehand, then pass in those already-validated values to the db portion (I think)
Yeah ^
Try and keep things simple by not putting it all on one place.
separation of concerns
Is there anyone who watches "Game Of Thrones" series?
@Fabor could I simply delete it ?
@Shafizadeh @WesStark
@Riccardo No. Validation is a security requirement.
@Riccardo but you would still want to validate what is being entered, correct?
@WesStark Do you suggest it? I'm trying to start watching a new series
@DaveRandom pong
@Fabor / data integrity
@tiffany @Fabor that bin is just a mirror of my code
@Riccardo I stripped the filtering because you're using parameterized queries, but if you look at how I broke out date fields vs other fields, you could do the same for validation: pastebin.com/M4MszsEg
but that's what I mean by loops
@kelunik If I transfer a repo to amphp can you give me access?
that's just a small amount of readability based cleanup
@Shafizadeh yes, if you can get it in your own language. It'll be too hard to follow in English.
@DaveRandom Sure.
@Dereleased Heros don't always wear capes
@JayIsTooCommon I usually see English series by Persian sub-title
@Riccardo Doesn't matter. Point still stands. Validation shouldn't be in the same place. Recommend fixing it after you fix your insert issue.
@Dereleased did you find the reason why the update fails?
Not sure, maybe I had to say "by with Persian sub-title"
@Riccardo Is there an actual error? Like a line telling you the error
@Shafizadeh yeah, with is correct. Well it is a very good series and will kill a lot of time :)
@Riccardo error message?
@Fabor you got at what I was trying to say I want to fix that problem later now I have a major issue I've got to discover why it fails
@kelunik "This may take a few minutes" apparently
@DaveRandom It's already done.
As in, get one from the DB
@JayIsTooCommon nice .. actually I've some free time, that's why I'm looking for a good time killer ;-)
@Dereleased @Fabor i dumped the result array and it returns an empy row
And you already had your rights, but just changed it to the Windows team with admin instead of write rights.
@Shafizadeh well there's hours and hours of it. Get cracking :)
@Riccardo turn error logging on or check your error logs
However I guess I will not like it, since it has a war genre
the update condition is that the client id has to be equals to the sql server table
and they are equals and I turned error logging on
@Shafizadeh roman-like wars.
@kelunik ah nice one, ty
Nothing modern-day about it
I tried to do all I could to find the error and I failed to find it
@JayIsTooCommon ah ..
I will hopefully PR amp/process today @kelunik, I will probably do 2 PRs with the 2 possible APIs
@Riccardo What happens if you run just the SELECT query?
it returns the content of the table
posted on July 24, 2017 by kelunik

- Use `BlockingDriver` for SAPIs other than `cli` and `phpdbg`.

Guys, is there any English term which has this concept: "being a lazy and unemployed person who uses his family's money to spend his life"
but that's not the point
I need to find out why the update is not updating the wanted row
@Shafizadeh "freeloader"
@Dereleased the change you made to my bin will be useful when I solved this major problem
Basically, what @PeeHaa is
@Shafizadeh just say 'a @PeeHaa'
@MadaraUchiha wow great .. that's exactly what I was looking for
@JayIsTooCommon ha ha ha :D
@MadaraUchiha hah, i got laughs from your joke. middle finger
@Riccardo Updated my paste look at the extra error handling, please run something like that and indicate if any error messages come back
@JayIsTooCommon now that's playing dirty :p
@JayIsTooCommon No, that's not what a PeeHaa is.
!!urban peehaa
[ PeeHaa ] A cowboy shouting peeee haaa! while peeing and swinging a lasso.
This will never get old.
!!urban neet
[ neet ] Another acronym from sociologists... NEET stands for 'Not in Education, Employment or Training'. I'm not sure, yet, whether it has any global significance or derogatory overtones. However, like [chav], it seems to be particularly applicable to a social under-class lacking drive, motivation or ambition. I part this is due to poverty and lack of opportunity. But this burgeoning classification will soon become the darling of right-wingers.
@Shafizadeh there is thing slang term ^^
@tereško what's that slang? You mean "neat" ?
but I prefer using the word: parasite
yes "parasite" sounds good. this is nice too
@Shafizadeh no. neat was a bad wordplay.
evenin room
neet isn't necessarily living off mommy and daddy's money though, it covers benefit abusers, etc.
!!urban mooch
[ mooch ] Someone who wants something for free .. someone who takes and takes but doesn't give back.
@Dereleased I explained myself very bad i
I can't think of any word that combines lazy/unemployed and also taking advantage of others
the update succeeds but the row does not change
so it doesn't enter the error section
@Riccardo Try checking the rowCount() of the qry, it's probable that it just isn't matching the row so while the qry succeeds there was nothing to update
@Alesana "freeloader" is generally that.
@MadaraUchiha yes both "freeloader" and "trust-fund babies" are fine
also maybe "live off sb" be fine too
@Shafizadeh "trust-fund babies" generally implies they were born filthy rich and thus never worked a day in their lives
@Alesana how could it happen ? I mean could there be nothing to update?
Uhm.. @DaveRandom why the wiki? Just use docs as all other packages?
all I have is a table and all its values are zeros so the onload select returns all zeros
and when I try to update those zeros with new values I can't edit those values
@Riccardo I think you need to change $idRecord to $id_record
I bought shoes from a drug dealer once I don't know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day
@kelunik how is that done? Is there a separate repo?
@Alesana $idRecord variable is correct if I dump it I see the expected row
that is not the problem
tbh I just wanted a place where I could quickly write some md
I've already tried to change it anyway
@MadaraUchiha I see
@DaveRandom github.com/amphp/website-shared#setup-for-a-new-repository and then just put markdown files in ./docs
which I will do soon, because in particular I want to document the security mechanism before I forget how it works
@Riccardo Right, but you are binding :id_record as $id_record but I can't see $id_record defined anywhere
Just $idRecord
fucking hell you maybe saved my day
@Riccardo have you not tried running the code I sent you?
I didn't notice it
@DaveRandom Within the same repo, wikis have the same problem as one dedicated docs repo: Docs get replaced with other docs for new major versions and nobody finds the older docs then.
@Dereleased not yet I think I change it as soon as the update query succeeds
@Jeeves wazzap?
@PeeHaa Who's your favorite actor?
Part of my fix was not just readability, it was making sure everything was treated in a uniform way
and separating out things that couldn't be
@Jeeves Donald Trump
@JayIsTooCommon He isn't in Star Trek.
@Jeeves Well, you're not wrong.
@Dereleased Thank you, everyone calls me names at school :(.
@Dereleased I really thank you I will change it as soon as the update query works
heh ^^ he definitely picked that up from lonely kids.
I want to deal with a problem at a time
psst, kids... want some gOt spoilers?
@Kaori You'll be paid in kickmutes!
okay... :( sad pepe
we'll make a new room... "PHP, but with GoT spoilers"
with black jack and hookers
I've got an Excel medical model which takes some inputs, performs looads of computations (mainly within for loops) and produces some outputs that I can then perform further analysis and visualisation on. I'm looking to make this into a web tool and currently weighing my options. Given that i'm doing so many calculations, would I be right in assuming I should be looking at nosql storage solutions rather than mysql? I can't help but think it would be efficient with mysql.
My current idea is to use something like Redis as a cache manager(?) to perform the calculations and then save the final outputs permanently to an sql table. Does this seem reasonable?
the choice of storage system should be based on the technical requirements
the "what feels more efficient" does not actually affect it in any shape or form
Unless one of the requirements is efficiency ;)
also, mysql is not the only SQL database
@Jimbo there is this subtle between "it feels like it should be better" and "it actually is better"
I was using mysql as an example, those types of databases don't seem as efficient with grabbing data, performing calcs and then throwing out the initial value
o/ @tereško :P
@Fabor \o
I still hadn't had time to re-visit that build :(
I think Redis looks fun anyway. There's my decider.
@tereško are you sure this sentence is correct? "hadn't had" ?
@dipper You sure something like numpy doesn't suit your needs better?
@tereško No worries. Skyrim can wait :P
To be honest, I'm still not sure (only just started looking at it). I basically start with a couple of base values, and then use them recursively to get all the values I need (but we are talking quite a lot of values). I assumed something like Redis would be a typical use case for this. Perform ur calcs -> store in memory -> final save in sql db
@Fabor well, I installed Darkest Dungeon (and even played for an hour)
try that
@Shafizadeh Not the worst thing but "haven't had" would be a little more usual. If someone said "Hadn't had" I would assume it's a regional thing.
any recommendation for mocking framework
I could mock that framework all year long
No you couldn't, it's full of static crap
Oh hello. amphp windows maintainer
@Fabor yeah ... I actually realized that it's actually simplified Latvian and not even proper English (yes, the tenses in Latvian are more complicated than in English)
@PeeHaa Days since the last heap corruption: 0
good one, but I am looking for library to mock a class to use with PHPUnit .
I generally just use phpunit as a mocking lib
PHPUnit already has one bundled
main issue I am having with getMockBuilder is the setMethods(), its bit ambiguous to me
How often do you actually use getMockBuilder?
<- uses it way too much
createMock is enough in 90+% of the cases for me
@PeeHaa yup, for testing service layer classes
most of the time I need to
@PeeHaa IIRC, that pathway is partially deprecated
Not it's not. The old api is
ah, right, the getMock()
Don't even remember what it was called
@tereško right. That was it
I have seen people use mockery somewhere at some point @Vamsi
No idea if it is any good
if it's less verbose its good for me
May I ask why you can't use createMock?
@Vamsi you are fixing the wrong thing :P
@Ekin takes the lead again against @JayIsTooCommon
oh - it's a competition.
@rlemon hey bae.
@Danack They're trying to see who has the larger Peehaa
@Danack A popularity one, yes :)
@tereško your hair looks really nice today.
thank you
You're not starring the message he wants
I think it's actually down to the author. People prefer @Fabor over @PeeHaa. Nothing to do with me.
@PeeHaa most of the times, just addicted to fluent interface
@Vamsi wat?
createMock has a fluent interface
when my job is wearing me down, I'm thankful I can come here for a laugh
lifts my spirits, boosts my motivation
@Tiffany Sure. You can laugh. You are not the victim here...
more laughing at the competition between @JayIsTooCommon and @Ekin
Still zero sympathy for you though
Wait can you see who starred what?
@Alesana no, so feel free to just star my HB message. Ekin will never know.
@PeeHaa , I will explore the phpunit.de/manual/current/en/test-doubles.html in detail. adding a new dep when not needed is not cool :)
@PeeHaa who is? :P
@Shafizadeh star this chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/38265737#38265737 to get free GoT episodes. It's awesome. #actuallyWorks.
@Ekin Clearly i am
9 mins ago, by JayIsTooCommon
I think it's actually down to the author. People prefer @Fabor over @PeeHaa. Nothing to do with me.
How about you help me? :P
I heard @Ekin prefers @Fabor too
Oh no he didn't
fwiw I prefer fabor over you too @JayIsTooCommon
Geez :P
@PeeHaa dude, we're just joking around here. There's no need to get personal.
@PeeHaa when I discussed with a team member, the answer I got is, there are some cases where we need a mock method instead of a stub ( null )
"some cases" is different from "most of the time I need to"
need to as in, recommended by team
Change teams? :P
I am feeling loved ^_^
@Fabor whore.
Aren't we all in one way or another :)
New job, or as the Swedish would call it - yob, has me learning about Ansible and other things finally.
btw @PeeHaa what were you doing with amp/process on windows the other day?
Would be good to try running it against that ^
@DaveRandom off-loading password_hash to a process
For some reason that always confuses me
3 messages moved to Trash
@DaveRandom It doesn't actually do much. It's just call this php file with this parameter basically
Obviously I can test if you want, but not sure how useful it is
wait... you were passing a raw password on the command line?
@DaveRandom no
good :-P
Also I have no event drivers on windows
So probably usefulness-- even moer?
you don't need them for this
it's just sockets, works fine with select()
What did you make? a php extension?
I have no idea what you actually did :P
> coverage/coveralls — Coverage decreased (-54.6%) to 1.003%
Oh tis an actual exe
Yeh I added a lot of code and zero tests
@kelunik Damn. I still need to get that working for my stuff. So nice that is points finger
I will write some tests
@PeeHaa It's always good to get tested.
the point is more that there is now some code for people to argue about APIs with
@DaveRandom Added some comments.
I meant Dave but w/e
Too late. I am officially offended
@Fabor I see
@PeeHaa #triggered
triggered means "taking something back"?
if im trying to get a count going in my loop, where would I put $i = 0? would it be inside my while or outside?
obviously outside
@DarrenBachan use for instead?
Also what @Shafizadeh said
@JayIsTooCommon I did it ... however not sure what you mean by "to get free GoT episodes"
.... so # is still a valid comment marker in PHP. TIL.
@Shafizadeh no. It is related to some bullshit, that is happening in some parts of western academia, mostly related to post-modernism and communism.
you really don't want to know more about it

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