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downloading deps
ta muchly
meanwhile, what the hell is --with-prefix
what should it be set to on windows?
argh. It's not possible to return by ref from a generator :-(
@WesStark --with-prefix=C:\Use\A\Proper\Dev\Env
yeah, as far as I remember it's just to set the destination folder for make install
isn't that --enable-object-out-dir ?
@Gordon tell adobe to support linux
because i'm totally not buying apple products
@JoeWatkins what do you want me to try?
@JayIsTooCommon why?
@pmmaga i can enable pgo \o/ whatever that is
@JayIsTooCommon people get hurt if they do that here
is anyone know to make ssl to localhost project
i need help on it
i cant find the mistake i took
use a self signed SSL Cert
conversion from 'size_t' to 'int32_t', possible loss of data @pmmaga the amount of these
it's thousands...
where i have to change
i mean in which file
im using wamp server
apache 2.4.23
same in all browsers ?
wamp version 3.0.6
in firefox it showing as Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG
@FairyDancer look at this ? stackoverflow.com/questions/119336/…
this socket class thing is making everything a ton times more complicated …
@LeviMorrison ping
@WesStark :P btw, then let me know if you machine still suffers a lot with running the tests
when I built it on win a couple weeks back I had no issues (slowness, 128 tests still failed)
how many hours? :B
github.com/amphp/aerys/compare/socket_transfer_commandclient … @kelunik do you like it? ;-) \cc @Trowski
@bwoebi I have never mistyped it.
@bwoebi Why length prefixed JSON? You could just use line delimiting.
@kelunik is \n not an allowed char in a JSON string?
@bwoebi Not within values, so as long as you don't use pretty printing it's fine.
just gonna use a NUL byte
Why? Line delimited JSON is pretty standard.
5 messages moved to Trash
JSON streaming are communications protocols to delimit JSON objects built upon lower-level stream-oriented protocols (such as TCP), that ensures individual JSON objects are recognized, when the server and clients use the same one (e.g. implicitly coded in). == Introduction == JSON is a popular format for exchanging object data between systems. Frequently there's a need for a stream of objects to be sent over a single connection, such as a stock ticker or application log records. In these cases there's a need to identify where one JSON encoded object ends and the next begins. Technically this is...
still compiling lol
it's taking way more than vc14
I'm thinking of abandoning the php-ds polyfill in 2.0
anyone work on facebook graph api ?
my question is how can i receive 2 seperate post_id for 2 seperate photo upload?
@WesStark whoa.. did you pass the /MP option?
to what?
@bwoebi @kelunik @Gordon @JoeWatkins I have cobbled together a machine with a Q9505, 8GB RAM, 80GB SSD, 250GB HDD, I'm going to flatten it, put virtualbox on it and create an opengrok VM (most for easy backup) and give it the whole system
@DaveRandom Why that instead of a docker container?
@Vamsi are you there
is anyone know to make ssl to localhost project
i need help on it
@kelunik opengrok itself sits in a docker container, but there's a bunch of ancillary stuff (reverse proxying etc) that really is easier if you have an actual machine
plus if I have a VM I can back up the whole machine, including the index
Mornings r11
@kelunik changed that … otherwise fine?
@kelunik this has been a steep enough learning curve already. This is a way I know I can make work "fast" (i.e. today).
@DaveRandom Totally fine.
Also given that I already have a bunch of systems in place internally for backing up virtualbox machines, I can just add this one to that stack
@bwoebi Could you create a PR so I can properly comment?
@DaveRandom If there is a bit of processing power left, my Jenkins could use an extra slave node :P
@WesStark this
Morning room
yo pachu
Might anybody explain me the behavior of this 3v4l.org/T1qGE quick
@Xatenev If you need it quick stop using references like you should
If you want to know what is happening use the google: php foreach references
You are not the first, nor would you be the last
I know.
And I don't understand the explanations I found
Thats why I came here.
I know the variable stays as reference to the last array item. I just don't get that it affects 'dog' instead of 'horse' in my example.
ok… that's it… I am wrapping var_dump into function var_dumpo() now!!
about time @Gordon (=
@PeeHaa that's what all the girls said to you, isn't it?
anybody ? .p
@Xatenev I've written it out for you: 3v4l.org/avSFi
you're basically using $array[2] as storage for $a
my head explodes
It doesnt make sense to me =(((((((((((
The only thing that happens is that $a is reinitialized over and over again
how does that change $array. Wow. Im so dumb I guess
exif_read_data() causes Illegal IFD size – #74956
@faisaliqbal is it me you are looking for?
Jeeves totally needs a plugin for this
@Gordon i have one question is there any api which generated random words in any language?
Q: How generate random word from real languages

Tapa SaveHow I can generate random word from real language? Anybody know any API from internet with this functional? For example I send http-request to 'ht_tp://www.any...api.com/getword?lang=en' and I get responce 'Town'. Or 'Fast'. Or 'Received'... For example I send http-request to 'ht_tp://www.any....

i have already check it
@Xatenev no; the reference basically means make $a point to array[2]. Then every assignment to $a actually puts stuff in array[2]
so then why doesn't it happen to array[0]?
the more you look at mbstring the stupider it gets
It's clearly necessary to perform 4 encoding conversions to lowercase a string
@NikiC … 4? maybe 2, but 4?!
@bwoebi It's only two officially, but in practice it's 4
Because it can't directly convert directly from UTF8 to UCS4BE
@pmmaga I will see how it goes when it's up and running, another reason for doing it this way is that it will potentially serve as a host for other R11 stuff
It basically does utf8 -> wchar -> ucs4be -case-transform-> ucs4be -> wchar -> utf8
The fun thing is that for the case transform it really needs the wchar representation, but that's only available on the fly during the transformation, so it uses ucs4be instead and converts that to wchar and back an extra time!
… whyyyyyy …
@DaveRandom cool! I would like to add more userland projects to it but my VPS can't handle much more, otherwise the queue will get bigger than what the executors can handle
So it's really utf8 -> wchar -> ucs4be -> wchar -> ucs4be -> wchar -> utf8
@pmmaga the box we were runnin it on had 2 cores and 2GB RAM, it was totally fine with that, just the VPS provider has some serious reliability issues
for what reason does mbstring exist?
However lucene will basically eat all the resources you give it
but I can peg it back by limiting the docker container
@NikiC and why can't it just directly convert to wchar actually?
will just see how it performs one I get it up and runnning
@bwoebi It can, but you need to do it differently in that case (not materialize strings in different encodings, but transform on the fly). Which is what I'm going to do now.
ping @kelunik
Is this thread appearing empty for anyone else? externals.io/message/99970
@JayIsTooCommon Well, it's full! … with emptiness.
cheers ma dear
Hmm does fastroute not support options?
what kind of options?
@Linus this is for your obsession: youtube.com/watch?v=Qdi_yp9FA-I
:D thanks
is there any built-in way to get the error type from the constant's integer value passed to an error handler or do I have to hardcode that?
I want to get constant name instead of the number, e.g. when $type = 2 then I want the string "E_WARNING"
You could do it dynamically with reflection, but there's probably not much point, those values aren't likely to change, you may as well just hard-code a map
in C
afaik there's no existing map of int:string, no
If you want the constant names you'll have to make your own lookup table though, switch would do it or you could make an actual static map (switch probably more efficient though)
it's a small list that almost never changes and only ever grows
Forgot about user abuse.
@DaveRandom thanks. I'll just copy that switch case
Had a free lunch so I made a small chat bot for slack which controls our team's spotify on the tv
First thing someone does it play barbie girl..
nothing wrong with barbie girl. it's a song of great sociopolitical importance
and lots of cheesy fun of course
just me or is chat search broken?
ah nvm, just slow
Hello :D What would be a good folder structure for an mvc structured project?I was thinking of separating it like this
what do you prefer?
->presentatino->controllers & views
-> helpers
whatever works for you
how do you structure your projects?
however it works for me :)
Introduce interfaces PDOInterface and PDOStatementInterface – #74957
I don't have a default. I just do what makes sense at the time
Q: Does anyone here know if it is possible to setup a constraint between a doctrine entity and a non-doctrine table using annotations? (Using doctrine entities together with legacy tables)
@Gordon thanks :D
@Arslan.H Structure is pretty personal, but if you want to get some ideas you could just look at some existing frameworks and see if they do it in a way you like.
@Jeeves Y U NO INHERIT?!
@pmmaga I know.
@DamienOvereem il do thanks
also is the router a part of the presentation logic?
Well the cat likes my cupcakes. It ravaged the bin to eat the cupcake wrapper.
@Fabor so it doesnt like the cupcake. it just likes the wrap
heh maybe
@PeeHaa looks like someone is re-vamping web-news
we were too late
there should be room for design support

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
@Fabor my cats generally only do that when meat is involved
I love constructive feedback in our little PHP room..
I put meat in all my cupcakes.
well there's your problem
@DamienOvereem you smell, really bad.
There are some latancy issues going on Jay. I applied deodorant 15 minutes ago.
@DamienOvereem deodorant without a shower first... is not a good idea
Tho his name is junior he will never be senior (pun intended)
@JayIsTooCommon Ping.
@DejanMarjanovic to me it sounds like the title should be changed to "Why I should be a senior dev"
that room is empty so ill just post here
what should i put in the whitespace i.imgur.com/7NjSNwM.png
only thing i can think of is an ad
debug log
@LeviMorrison are you after more maintainers for web-php? Response time for PR's is kinda bad atm
@JayIsTooCommon Yes but given how much PHP is just driven by volunteers... most just fizzle out.
@LeviMorrison well, if I can help at all - happy to
I'm all words atm, I'd love to help out too
@DejanMarjanovic senior dev includes much more than that imo
coaching juniors, architecture, taking a project from start to finish...
And i have a question :D Can i consider the domain object in the model as a validator and Organizer of the data to be inserted in the db?
@DaveRandom pong
@Arslan.H a domain object shouldn't know about the db
the db only persists the state changes of your domain objects
I didn't tell that it will know the db just the data thats is passed to it.So does it make sense that it if i can it call that way 'organize' the data?
@Patrick Yeah, true, senior is basically a lead (not manager).
@DejanMarjanovic a junior should be able to do most if not all that stuff after a couple of months. Or maybe in a year. But that doesn't mean he's senior
Yeah, not in a year, I mean, if you're just focused on learning, then it's possible.
And over the service i would make the communication between the domain object and the data mapper?So the domain object would check the data and the data mapper would store the data?@Patrick
@DejanMarjanovic if you take the time to onboard and coach new people, it's possible. Most companys probably don't do that
@DejanMarjanovic both the article and the comments suck so much
@Patrick I haven't seen such, most of them expect "fully trained" to work for least money possible :-)
@Arslan.H sounds like you are treating your domain objects as data containers?
Can you give an example of one of your domain objects and it's behaviour/methods?
@FlorianMargaine Article so-so but commenters are from php weekly :D
"A Senior PHP Developer who writes all his code in PHP is indeed a Junior. Senior level requires a good knowledge of the internals and extension creation. Extensions are a must for high performance PHP."
@Patrick I'm starting of a new project and i was reading some tereškos posts(stackoverflow.com/questions/5863870/…), and i wanted to organize my model in the proper way.The thing is that i don't know the exact way how should it be done...It was just to see if it makes sense or not.
@Patrick BS
@Patrick my reaction as well
@Patrick yeah I saw that
I agree with every word, now shut up and dance for me, juniors ...
@Arslan.H have a look at DDD
it gives you an approach for your domain model
and when you have a real life example come back here and ask again :)
@Patrick il do thanks man :D
@Tiffany ... just start watching season 1 or korra ... so far so good
@Patrick Looked at the other comments, classic hater :-)
Anyone know of a hack to autoload functions using use function in php 5.6+?
@Arslan.H i recommend watching a couple of talks from mathias verraes on the topic if you have time (and read his blog).
@Patrick consider as done :D will do for sure thanks
@bassxzero define hack
lickspittle: a contemptible, fawning person; a servile flatterer or toady.
@samayo anything other than a method supplied by the devs
@Patrick source?
@bassxzero you want to autoload functions using use keyword?
@Arslan.H Djesi Alija nisam te prepozn'o :D
@DejanMarjanovic dok se ne slikam Aliju ne skidam :D
@samayo and constants, but yes.
@samayo Book One is pretty good, in my opinion. I liked Book Two, but I can see why other people did not like it. Book Three is just awesome.
Henry Rollins is the villain
@Patrick cheers
@bassxzero sounds interesting but check this out first packagist.org/packages/jesseschalken/autoload-generator
@Tiffany Yeah, so far I am not disappointed.
@samayo I'm familiar with include map generators (or whatever they are called), but I have a good bit dynamically loaded classes so I don't think this would work.
@Patrick DDD is a mess :P
@tereško no it's not... o_0
@Patrick I tried to write an microservice according to that approach and the result was a big ball of mud at the level of layers
I'm fu***d right now confused as hell
@tereško i've been using it for a while and the result was the cleanest code I've ever written
Btw @JayIsTooCommon I can't merge PR's quickly because I don't have access to the github org so I have to do it all via CLI.
Is DDD an alternative to MVC? I'm confused
@Patrick in my case it seemed like a step backwards
ddd is only the domain layer part
@LeviMorrison Understand, I wasn't having a pop, was just offering my help if it can be of any use :)
@samayo no, it is a set of constraints, that only applied to the M part
it's just using entities, aggregates, value objects, domain events, repositories etc
how can i setup my model?What should i follow is there any example so that i don't jump around?
not that different from what most people do already, just moving all the logic into the domain objects
@Patrick Is there an example of this?
cc @tereško
@samayo lots
and yet again, when I'm about to ask a question, something triggers in my head, "wait a minute, did I try XYZ?" I try it... and suddenly everything works.
@Patrick I had all of those leaking in the UI layer (alongside services)
I can highly recommend his books
I just need the chatbox for my rubber duck
@tereško then something went horribly wrong along the way
@Patrick I will give it another try in winter, but for now my conclusions is: DDD is not for me
It seems like a mess.
presentation layer (controllers, templates etc) only talks to app layer (commands and queries or app services) and only app layer talks to domain
I just learned about DDD yesterday, the idea of it seems interesting.
@Tiffany oh, the idea is nice. It's the practical part that is a disaster for me.
@samayo well it's java
you don't have to use Prooph, plain old PHP works better imo
this is an exercise btw, read the readme and check the pull requests
Anyone here worked with PeopleSoft or written in PeopleCode?
@bassxzero I'm sorry.
Hello! Anyone know if it's possible using a non zend PHP extension to run some C before the opcache zend extension? Or do I have to write a zend extension? I have it all working as a regular extension but the php internals book has me worried about delving into zend extensions
@Tiffany why?
Why would anyone even bother to use DDD? The Document Object Model is neat and understandable.
@tereško before you try it again, try to read IDDD. That one made everything click for me
@adeslade has to be a zend extension, sorry.
@samayo how are those 2 related?
@bassxzero I haven't worked with it personally, but stories I've heard from people that have... are not good. Plus it's owned by Oracle, and Oracle is satan.
@Patrick "IDDD"?
@Patrick well, I used Evan's "Complexity" book and some book called "Microservices"
the examples in them where terrifying
Oh okay thank you @FlorianMargaine
@Patrick oh, that's the one my coworker/teamlead was reading - he showed some highlights
@tereško evans is a little outdated, he wrote the preface for iddd and recommends it
@Patrick No idea. I think both are just a way to abstract a model
I could be wrong.
code in IDDD books seems worse that in Evans's
@samayo yes :)
@tereško what language is it mainly in?
I think
I read it as java
@tereško i noticed a lot of DDD guys don't take clean code that seriously... but the 2 work well together (just stay away from static firing events... eww)
I think I will just continue reading up on CQRS and see how I can apply it to my own code
have you tried the shittysoft tutorial?
or hire @Ocramius for a workshop through your company :D
Frankly we need to invent ideas that making coding fun, easier and quicker to write. All these new hipster fades and trends that ask you to split every word in a sentences into into own class is just crap.
@samayo hell no
that's how you get node

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