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I DID IT (maybe)
i'm cautious this time
i miss futurama
> 1507 curves joined into 225 closed curves.
@kelunik amp's logo is 225 cells :B
spotted some mistakes
the struggle is real
@PaulCrovella my favourite is:
Zap: "Kif, I'm feeling the captains itch!"
Kif: "I'll go get the powder sir..."
Zap: "No!, the itch for adventure"
1 hour later…
just need to add colors
how hard can it be. it's just 592 cells.
thrash metal
@PaulCrovella i.imgur.com/jyM3ghN.png just look at it, in all its majestic quality
@WesStark I was expecting it to be made entirely of arrows facing the wrong way.
the elephant is lovely though
i hope it is. i don't know anymore if i like it
the outline of the tusk/tusk-hole only matches on the inside (with the curl of the trunk) - it may be a bit thick otherwise (with the other outlines basically gone)
i've no idea if that makes sense to you
not sure what you mean :\ curl of the trunk?
inside the curl, where the outline is thick on the trunk - that side matches fine
the other side, particularly at the tip of the tusk and where it meets the face, the thickness of the outline looks out of place
as the rest of the lines there are slight
@PaulCrovella sorry went out for a run... i still have no idea what you mean
the black outline is consistent, ish
the tusk has slightly larger stroke because it wasn't visible enough at low resolutions
if i wasn't exhausted i would try to improve it
this logo started one way then changed like a million times
consistency got lost in the process :B
illustrator is such a prick
@WesStark God ..! I don't understand, why people (specially my co-workers at work) are killing themselves for an ordinary series?! It's just a series, so calm down!
it's not really ordinary
Anyway, does I need to have an unique index on the table to see "update" part of INSERT ON DUPLICATE UPDATE ?
it's like 50 times better than anything else on tv
@WesStark :-) I don't think so
The Big Bang Theory? Maybe!
to see update part?
@WesStark yes, when update part happens?
does it depend on an unique index?
any duplicated key
i mean yes
not just primary keys i think but i'm not sure
ah .. so a "duplicate key" will be determined when it sees a unique error violation?
yes something like that
are you sure you should be using that
morning all
looks like something your code should sort out
@WesStark I don't know what "sort out" means, but yes I'm sure I need it
@Linus \o
sort out = solve
@WesStark ah ok
Quack quack Wes
@Linus Are you simulating the sound of a duck?
good morning guys
morning all
I'm reading a book on the history of glue I just can't seem to put it down
He's dead, Jim.
@Linus how's ur weekend?
Will class_exists($classname) return true if the class hasn't already been loaded? I have an autoloader in place.
@Akshay what is that?
Are you on leave to day or it's working day? @Linus
umm @Trowski yes, fwrite emits an E_WARNING if the buffer is full. But the buffer also may be already full if you start writing (if done in a loop like within ResourceOutputStream) … then it will return 0, even though the stream is still valid.
@Akshay working ..
oopss that's what i meant by first question :p @Linus
Also @Trowski it is impossible to distinguish that case from actual failure except by errno parsing, which I wouldn't rely on
posted on July 15, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

i hope all is weel
please can i ask about the apache server
anyone know this server apache for the music?
> Don't ask to ask, just ask.
If someone wants to answer your doubts, they will ;)
🎵 We belong to the music, we don't answer to you 🎵
@Trowski okay, now websocket tests also pass for me, awesome!
posted on July 15, 2017 by bwoebi

* Fixed an issue with writes filling the internal buffer exactly. (StreamException thrown if internal buffer is full and a fwrite() call thus returning 0.)

@WesStark too bad it's not 255 :P
downside of setting max execution for 5000s?
in php.ini
@winresh24 whatever you are doing, you are doing it wrong
max execution time only applies to a web server environment, you don't want to let web requests run for a long time
if you are running in the CLI, there is no maximum execution time
what are you trying to do?
Hi chat
how to properly write below code:
const ERROR = [
error nr: %s.
by using PHP
that thing looks like Perl
is there a PSR for creating a common interface for all Oauth2 clients?
I was wondering, At what point i should start telling people that I know "PHP".

I completed 100% at code academy, i know PHP database etc...I can make a login page...some simple stuff. But i cannot make my own code (like uploading a image, or ajax code) etc... I can just copy/paste
@Toby that not really a subject, that you can naturally insert in a conversation at a cafe
lol what xD
@tereško Don't think so, but there is an attempt to create an HTTP client PSR.
how are you all
@Toby You need to work on a few projects, friend PeeHaa, work on a few more projects.
can i ask about the ampache server for music?
Mustafa, you're doing this wrong. You're supposed to trick people into helping you.
Also, you can just ask your question.
@Mustafa Not sure whether you mean Apache or gitamp.audio :P
apache server you can check it in the git
only type on googling Ampache
Oh, that's indeed a thing.
have no support enough in the google
@Mustafa Try asking in their support chat? kiwiirc.com/client/chat.freenode.net:+6697/…
also i ask in the support chat no one response to me
@Mustafa Just wait, might take time for people in IRC to respond.
thank you very much
i will ask again in the chat
If there's nobody, the also have a forum.
yes but i have no permission to ask in the forum
just ask… chances are high, we don't know the answer though
ok thank you brother
@Gordon Unfortunately, the graphics are rather low res.
Try holding them further away?
@kelunik yes, I know. Sorry for that. We will replace them with better quality images.
!!urban ftfy
[ FTFY ] [FTFY]Fixed That For You
me no understand?
@kelunik ^?
@Gordon Just kidding, because Amp vs. APM. Any plans for long running apps?
@kelunik certainly once they go mainstream in php
we do it magically. we intercept zend_execute. but it would be nice if amp provided some sort of scoreboard like fpm does for connection metrics
Do you need hooks there or do you just create your own hooks magically?
(I mean Amp's side, not the user's side)
amp is on my list
gah. I suck at editing
guys i have a problem
kelunik stalks me :B
!!blame twitter
i am using an __autoload function to search an include a class filename searching recursively through a directories structure based on the Class given name. Is there another way of doing that ? does the php include paths can be a workaround ?
@user544262772 You're probably doing it the right way. Using include paths for anything is usually a bad idea.
I'd quite recommend just using the autoloader that comes with Composer though. It's good enough for 95% of people.
mbstring functions version 7.1.1 are slow compared to 5.3 on Windows – #74929
@user544262772 Yes.
!!docs spl_register_autoload
2 messages moved to Trash
!!docs spl_autoload_register
[ spl_autoload_register() ] Register given function as __autoload() implementation
@user544262772 __autoload() is deprecated as of PHP 7.2.
@Danack Rather 99.9% or something like that. /cc @user544262772
i need coffee
but i'm too tired to go and have one
how do i solve my problem????????
@Jeeves help
@WesStark What do you need help with?
and how can I get the current script's directory location in case of an include ?
@bwoebi I noticed this last night and was planning on fixing it this morning. Why only on the first write though?
Oh, n/m, missed that it just returns after the first write. Yep, looks good.
!!do we have generics yet?
tnx @Jeeves...
@PeeHaa You're welcome!
@JayIsTooCommon how's the head? :P
sparkling wine bottle is ready github.com/amphp/logo/pull/1 for when @kelunik pushes merge
@bwoebi I bet that was leftover from when the watcher callback only attempted a single write instead of looping.
Then comparing against 0 makes sense.
@WesStark Gratz! \o/
Hello there
I have a really simple question for you guys, which I couldn't find a way through. But I am really wondering
Let's say I have a while loop . How can I write the value on "the same line" instead of the former value, each time it loops?
example input and expected output please
OK, what would you like to change about that?
For example is there anyway to write those outputs overlapping?
Like a countdown for example. Is it possible only using "while" ?
You want to do this in a web browser or on the command line?
And yes I think I know I will have to refresh the page each time to see it change. But I wanna try if that is possible.
In a web browser
Like how to overwrite a line? Or delete a line for that
OK what you probably want is javascript
@PorFavorDama jsfiddle.net/44ghfban
Thank you so much. Exactly what I've asked for. That must be difference between PHP and JS then, right?
Well PHP (in the context of web, anyway) is basically just producing a string
evenings o/
@PorFavorDama not really, more a question of the environment.
@PorFavorDama It's used to dynamically generate HTML and potentially other things, but you need to use client side techniques (JS/CSS) to make the web page "do stuff"


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Yea yea that's what I'm talking about
Those guys will be happy to help you out and explain stuff
"Dynamically" generate some stuff
So, excuse my ignorance, one couldn't do that with the PHP right?
I've seen some other guys doing some similar stuff but with database.
@PorFavorDama PHP can help you dynamically generate the initial state of the page. JS is used to manipulate the state of the page after PHP (the server) has finished with it
@PorFavorDama "Dynamically" is the wrong word, more "Interactive"
@PorFavorDama You can not do it with PHP because your environment (the browser) does not run it.
I need to go do some housework now, but as a final thought I will tell you that MDN is the best single resource when it come to client-side things
@DaveRandom Couldn't be explained better. Thank you, also for the example
@DaveRandom True words
@ThW Thank you for the help :) Now, I got it
@PorFavorDama :-) JS on the server (node.js) has the same limitations.
sigh Pythons way of patching stuff for mocks is convenient, but a little scary.
Thank you again! :)
@PeeHaa still trying to work out what chamo is
Not bad, stayed on spirits so not too rough
also there were applets , which in theory sound good
@JayIsTooCommon Such a tough drink
Our boy became a man last night @Ekin. Look at that powershot
I know chamo as a similar thing to chango, as in buddy/pal
That's what google told me too yeah
Do you want to tell us something @JayIsTooCommon?
Actually nevermind I already know that for all your attempmts to seduce me
Somebody hacked my account
Also why do I have the feeling that is going to follow me around for a looong time :P
neh it was just relevant this time
evenin php lords
or Dosis
Like it
What does the favicon look like?
like a penis
Was that intended?
Why don't skeletons ever go trick or treating? Because they have no body to go with
Is that the new windows GUI?
nope... just something im working on.. :P
but tbh tho... material looks really nice :B
It has its uses
@WesStark nice
I locked the door and forgot keys inside :p
It happens :-)
That's why several people have my backup keys
:p backup person standing with me
my previous car's alarm had this awesome feature that if i left the car open it would lock itself automatically
with the keys inside...
i had to smash the window to get the keys..
What? :P
i had to break one of the windows of the car to get into the car :B
Surely you could just jimmy it open?
jimmy what
we tried with a metal stick but we failed
yeah we couldn't do that without damaging the door
Don't you have something like the adac there?
@WesStark My dad's car has the wonderful feature that you can't lock the car with open doors. It's practically impossible to forget a key inside.
How many times happened that Wes?
aftermarket car alarms = worst thing ever
morning Paul
hey paulaner
another time we got a flat battery
and guess what, you can't open some cars without power (a toyota)
you can't even use jump leads obviously because yeah, the bonnet is locked too
wow, seems like you had a hard time with that car :P
that was one of company's cars
also... on a side note, is anyone hyped for Dunkirk? :B
all the reason required to watch that movie is that, Nolan is directing that movie..
yea must be good
I didn't watch single episode of Got. Is that acceptable?
it's not acceptable
@Trowski yeah, back then it was fine :-)
@WesStark … but outright bad?
║ [15 hours, 32 minutes and 58 seconds] without an accident ║
║                since [2017-07-15 01:02:51]                ║
It's unaliased
but it didn't ping me? mhh
@WesStark what are these artifacts at the top of the image?
@WesStark yeah, that bar of blueish/pinkish colors at the top
they are based on the fibonacci sequence
@WesStark … what?
you're making that up to make it sound meaningful
doesn't seem bob enjoyed the site's look
Can I chain setting of stuff on instance of class using the __set magic method?
@WesStark Good sign
@Julix no
also, how many thousands properties do you have that you feel the need for that?
Like 3 :P - Need is a strong word that doesn't describe what I feel... want maybe? :D -- I dislike repeating myself with similar looking code. Manual setters and getters annoy me. I get that they're 5 x faster
was it you that you want to submit an rfc about this? (ignore me if you have no idea of what i'm saying)
Don't understand that... Request for comment? "Remote Function Call"? - yeah... no idea, sorry
you wanted to implement the feature yourself in php
If by implement you mean use in my homework if it already exists, then yes - if you mean add it to the things that PHP can do (if it can't) then definitively not! - I'm pretty arrogant, but not quite arrogant enough for that. - I'm sure if it's not in the feature set there's probably a reason for that.
someone actually wanted to implement the feature. i don't remember the nick. appeared in the room just for a few days
basically he wanted a "native" fluent interface, e.g.
$foo = new MyObj();
$foo->bar() &->foo() &->qux()
where & always points to $foo
Interesting. But yes, definitively not me. I'm just short of 1 year since I started watching my first "how to be a programmer" video on Lynda.com - since then mostly focused on font-end (html, css, js) until February. Then had to learn wp and php. -- I totally like the code you wrote there, but I would just have assumed there's good reasons why that doesn't exist yet.
indeed. it's totally overkill

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