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@PeeHaa weren't you cleaning up y's screwy session docs stuff from a while ago? what happened with that?
(the english is still pretty busted up on php.net/manual/en/function.session-regenerate-id.php)
1 hour later…
@DaveRandom o.O
All except 2 of my VMs have been deleted
opengrok1 and opengrok2
2 hours later…
... I can't even get dokuwiki set up correctly...
I've done this before; wasn't this hard >.<
Good morning room
My ssh key is taking a long time to propagate as well.
Well I have managed to confirm that most up-to-date version of doodle2 is just flatly broken with regards to voteType='multi'.
mornin all
Morning ^^
Does anyone here use a CRM/Billing Software that they can reccomend?
(For SaaS)
I originally made a program as a standalone script but decided I should change it to be SaaS, should I create a new database for each user? I can't really think of how else to do it but I could be thinking too inside the box
posted on July 16, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Alesana no... just add a db field that points to a user (or better an account) on each table where you need to filter the data
1 hour later…
@Ekin wat
ummm lol
that was totally not the message I meant to reply to
@LeviMorrison wat
I was thinking about this the other day, I have a "spare" VM kicking around from a company who are generally a little more reliable, I don't mind moving it there
@Trowski travis-ci.org/amphp/aerys/jobs/254097328#L300 … can you reproduce that failure locally? I can't and I have no clue why it could even fail… this also only fails on master …
@Patrick Just a column? I guess that makes sense, gunnu have to rewrite a lot though
Thanks ^^
@Alesana that's the approach that I've seen used so far in multiple companies and projects. But I'm sure there are other ways too
Yeah it seems a new db for each user would be overkill
Just make sure that you don't leak information between users, that's the danger with the column approach
Yeah that's what I was thinking mainly was the security aspect
Well it shouldn't be too hard just make sure that every DB query has a where user_id = ... clause in it
@bwoebi Something that creates the Endpoint directly, so I can pass it to the constructor instead of passing it via onStart
@kelunik What's the advantage of that? I see only the disadvantage of not being able to inject your own variables there in a constructor?
@bwoebi Why not my own variables?
@kelunik because the constructor is already called by the endpoint creator then?
No, the endpoint creator just creates the endpoint, I pass that endpoint to my websocket handler then.
@kelunik … but the endpoint is only ready once we finished Server::STARTED?
And why?
hm, doesn't matter actually
the reason is something else, … the Endpoint needs to be injected the actual gateway … which is also the class you need to use()
so you'd need to inject the endpoint into your class, register your class within the endpoint and then pass the endpoint to use
well, I don't see how this is viable. If you have a concrete proposal which is just as simple as the current one, I'm open for suggestions. @kelunik
Why not just an abstract class that's gateway + abstract methods for onOpen + onMessage + onClose?
@bwoebi github.com/igorw/evenement/pull/39/files is a BC break on 5.6, right? It's only equivalent on 7.0, no?
@kelunik what's the break on 5.6?
Aren't there cases that are accepted by cuf, but not via direct call?
@kelunik ah, that you mean. Well, then, yes.
But which cases are these?
@kelunik I don't remember
@NikiC ^ Do you know?
@bwoebi at least in the cases where the callable is 'self::bar' .
But forget those people....
All of the problem cases should be wrappable in a closure::fromCallable.
@Danack In PHP 7.2, where it doesn't matter anymore anyway.
@kelunik you mean 7.1?
@bwoebi Yes, that.
Hello there again
I have an HTML form with the method "GET".
When I use the code "if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=="GET")"
Even if the form is not submitted it's still getting in that IF block, why?
@PorFavorDama Because all "normal" requests are GET.
because generally every http requests are GET
!!wiki HTTP
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, and hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext. Development of HTTP was initiated by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989. Standards development of HTTP was coordinated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), culminating in the publication of a series...
@kelunik Can we say that "by deafult"?
open your browser's development tool, click on "network" tab and refersh the page
then click on one request and read "headers"
you need to do something like ... if(isset($_GET["some_get_parameter"]) { ... }
Thank you all by the way that was prepossesing me
@kelunik Isn't it kinda meh that if you hit onStart multiple times, you can't know which uri and which endpoint it was within the onStart? There's no way to get that information there.
You can return the $request->getUri onHandshake and use that onOpen but I don't see a way for it onStart
@Ekin (1) onStart should only ever be called once. (2) Why do you need the URI?
Anyone here use whmcs?
@kelunik Remember what PeeHaa was asking yesterday? It's the same thing. He did go for a different way, basically used an Emitter but I was wondering still, if you for some reason do multiple hits, say /user and /admin or whatever else and you need to know their specific endpoints onStart, you wouldn't have that information.
Endpoint only gives you client info
@Ekin onStart is basically just a thing to inject the endpoint.
45 mins ago, by kelunik
Why not just an abstract class that's gateway + abstract methods for onOpen + onMessage + onClose?
^ What do you think about that? @Ekin @PeeHaa @bwoebi
I need to leave now, but I'd like to see how would that be and how it would do better than the current
And now for another episode of, "Let's admit things that are sort of embarassing!"
I'm our first contestant, and, well here goes... I stopped using PHP when 7 was in RC, er go, I have never built anything that wasn't <= 5.6
In fact, I think I've written more code for 5.2 since 7 came out than code for 7
lol but why (=
I started using heroin and .NET at the same time... so really, take your pick.
@Dan dat beard tho, <3
@bwoebi @Trowski I want to generate something like that for the release tweets, but I think it will be horrible with sometimes long and sometimes short release notes.
@kelunik It was the 'A::b' syntax
@Kaori Yeah, it keeps growing, lol
I noticed: with .NET there's only one crappy HTTP abstraction; with PHP you have a choice between crappy HTTP abstractions.
Hi, Does anyone know a good source to understand how Zend Framework works (v 1.12) , other than the Zend manual. I'm having real trouble in understanding what actually calls "autoload()" and then how Rest Controllers and Zend Action Controllers work together.
mornin all
@NikiC So basically all static methods?
@PaulCrovella I did fix a lot. But there is still so much crapo
ive installed WAMP and want to make a simple website. when i run wamp i can access my index.php file by going to localhost/project-name/index.php
but when i try to go to anyother file such as /about.php i get the following
Not Found

The requested URL /project-name/about.html was not found on this server.
can anyone help me fix this please?
I think I am understanding OOP correctly
Namespaces aren't a requirement for OOP are they?
@Alesana it would be stupid to not use them
@Patrick I don't have a problem using them, but I already scripted my whole app without using OOP so I don't know how I would integrate namespaces without rewriting my whole code
Now I am adding some functionality I wanted to start doing it with OOP
@Alesana then just use them in the new code
if anyone could help i have a StackOverflow question here - stackoverflow.com/questions/45128248/… and it would be very much appreciated!
I think I am going to have to learn a little bit more about them haha
@kelunik no, just the legacy syntax
Static method is ['A', 'b']
Ahh I have to write an interface now it makes a lot more sense
@virepo You would have to provide a little bit more information on your problem. The files exist in those directories?
@Alesana maybe quickly work through my tutorial before you continue? It uses namespaces and also shows you how to set up autoloading with composer (which you probably are not using if you don't use namespaces...)
@virepo sounds like your webserver is telling you that you should use a front controller :D
@Patrick tutorial looks cool. I wonder if if would be easier to navigate if it was in the wiki? you could transfer the markdown over , the wiki would give you navigation in the side bar
@Patrick I will take a look tomorrow, I haven't slept in some 18 hours so I don't know how well I would absorb the content in it :p
@the_velour_fog i guess i could. but been busy writing a book instead of updating the slightly outdated tutorial :)
cool well I like it so far. Im reading the bit about the error handling. Im just wondering, how you you make sure Whoops fancy error page doesn't show up in production ?
@NikiC I have never used an array for static methods.
19 mins ago, by Alesana
I think I am understanding OOP correctly
oh boy, oh boy, oh boy
@kelunik there's a non-trivial performance hit using the colon separated string format.
well, kind of trivial.
@Alesana I could say they are and nobody would care
@patrick ah ok, so if you are in production you basically if around the whole whoops code. cool. does whoops fancy error page trigger if it is a normal fatal error, e.g. like a parse error. or does it only fire on actual exceptions?
This woman that teaches us OOP said JavaScript wasn't an "object-oriented programming language" (sic).
She's right, but she's also wrong.
@kelunik then you just didn't use static methods at all
Now I'm even more confused than when I started
@Patrick the rest of the site is fine.....that page, is not so fine. They only wrote the 'store config in environment' because it's easiest thing for heroku (their employer), rather than being universally good advice.
because it never worked if people used a reasonable way to call functions
I guess you could say javascript is a strongly "object-centric" language
@NikiC Probably, yes. :D
I highly dislike javascript
That being said I use jQuery and all my JS code looks like shit
@Alesana Nobody really agrees on what OOP is.
@Danack where would you put it instead? just a file?
Well that makes me feel better, then
@Danack Is that where those weirdos got it from?
@Alesana Not to confuse you further, but technically namespaces have nothing to do with OOP. Namespaces are just a means to group related "things" together, to prevent naming collisions. The "things", however, could be type definitions, function definitions, etc., etc., basically, whatever the language you're working with supports.
Namespaces simply prevent my Component from clashing with your Component
So instead, you have My.Component and Your.Component
Component could be anything; it's probably a class definition, especially in the context of OOP, but it could be anything.
Rather, in PHP: My\Component and Your\Component
@Dan I didn't realize you could use namespaces for things other than class definitions. Thanks for the clarification, it didn't further confuse me
/me is trying incorporate some DDD concepts in the latest project ... now that's confusing
@Alesana Yep, in PHP, constants, functions, classes, interfaces
All can be grouped under namespaces (anything I'm missing @room?)
I dont think you can namespace a function
I would prefer fake Obama to be president than.... nevermind.
@the_velour_fog yes you can
@the_velour_fog yes you can
@the_velour_fog have you tried reading the fine manual? php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.basics.php
,, ya know, before making assertions
hah fair enough - I didnt thnk you could
So if you do OOP correctly you wouldn't use include('...'); you would just use namespaces?
@Alesana Again, namespaces have nothing to do with OOP
They're just an organizational construct
@Alesana you would still use include, but taht would be hidden behind an autoloader
However, it would be a very good practice to use autoloading to help manage your namespaced things
What @tereško said ^^
Yeah sorry I just realized that haha
Think of namespaces as boxes. You can put anything you want into boxes: functional code, OOP code, imperative code, dogs, cats, bananas. It doesn't matter; they're just boxes.
The whole point is to organize things, no matter what they are.
And likewise, you don't need to use boxes; you can have anything you want scattered all over the floor.
But most things are easier to find and work with when organized into boxes.
And the autoloader is just a dude with a piece of paper who keeps track of what's in each box, and can go and get it for you.
namespaces also allow you to use PSR-4 autoloading
Again, nothing to do with OOP or any other paradigm.
That makes a lot of sense. I was thinking that the way that you implement namespaces would be through an object, but now I realize that you can have multiple namespaces in one file
@Alesana Yes, technically true; also a generally accepted bad practice, but yes
@the_velour_fog the connection between those two things is incidental and not related to be nature of namespacing
Now I guess I never got the concept of an autoloader, I will look into that now ^^
@Alesana Definitely. Also, read into OOP and other programming paradigms, and try to understand them outside the context of PHP. The concepts are applicable everywhere. Then, when you understand it better in isolation, you can bridge the understanding gap between PHP's idiosyncrasies and the more generic programming paradigms.
So you don't accidentally warp your mind into thinking that autoloaders and namespaces have anything to do with OOP (outside of PHP or other applicable languages)
@tereško isn't namespaces a requirement for PSR-4? i.e. you register your root namespace against a folder, if you didn't have a root namespace you couldnt use PSR-4, isn't that right?
@the_velour_fog remember that part about making assertions?
Tomorrow I'll be going through some PHP tutorials on some of those concepts so I don't get confused on what OOP is and what it isn't, and then to improve my code
I made a pretty simple file to create a user... I think it is using the concept of OOP correctly. It's the first time I am using a class, anyways.
> so I don't get confused on what OOP is and what it isn't
good luck with that :D
Q: So what *did* Alan Kay really mean by the term "object-oriented"?

Charlie FlowersReportedly, Alan Kay is the inventor of the term "object oriented". And he is often quoted as having said that what we call OO today is not what he meant. For example, I just found this on Google: I made up the term 'object-oriented', and I can tell you I didn't have C++ in mind -- Alan...

I used to think that an object and an array were pretty much the same exact thing
Sorry my friend is an asshat
@Alesana Definitely read what @Gordon posted, several times
@Dan I've read this several times in my life. And I still don't know what OOP is :D
@Gordon Yea, but it can't hurt ;-)
Actually, it probably can but whatever
OOP is when you only make one mistake, I thought
@DaveRandom Yes, mistakenly thinking you understand OOP
My instructuctuoror actually calls it oops.
It's annoying.
Clearly he makes multiple mistakes
@DaveRandom lol
> Oops, I'm an instructor! Time to damage these nubile young minds!
For some reason I thought nubile meant malleable.
you clearly don't watch enough pr0ns
Just not ones where to word "nubile" is used.
He prefers "senile"
Not due to age though, young-adult onset senility
22, wearing a bathrobe, throwing orange peels at mailmen and stuff
Where do I apply?
@DaveRandom Throw your application and some coffee grounds at the nearest police officer, they'll forward it along bring you to see me.
@Dan I'm worried about the negative press covfefe grounds
lol, without getting into it, I must say as a Canadian... Watching the news now is like watching your alcoholic neighbours yell at their kids.
yeh, I wish I was a psychopath atm
as it is I just can't bring myself to find the humour in it
ISO 8601 for durations gives the following examples: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, PnW -- is that to say that when using the latter week-format it's invalid to include other segments?
Such that P12WT5H (12 weeks, 5 hours) is invalid?
Or, P1Y1W (1 year, 1 week)
@Dan Someone from Sweden (I think) said "It's like the US has always been the more responsible older brother who we always followed, but now is addicted to drugs and their life really starting to fall apart."
@Alesana "It's like the US has always been the more responsible older brother who won a small lottery and yells at everyone from his Camaro"
Fixed that for you
Regarding the ISO 8601; I ask because I have a Period type, that when you stringify, should return the ISO P... format.
!!> var_dump(new DateInterval('P12WT5H'));
[ 7.1.0 - 7.2.0alpha3 ] object(DateInterval)#1 (16) { ["y"]=> int(0) ["m"]=> int(0) ["d"]=> int(84) ["h"]=> int(5) ["i"]=> int(0) ["s"]=> int(0) ["f"]=> float(0) ["weekday"]=> int(0) ["weekday_behavior"]=> int(0) ["first_last_day_of"]=> int(0) ["invert"]=> int(0) ["days"]=> bool(false) ["special_type"]=> int(0) ["special_amount"]=> int(0) ["have_weekday_relative"]=> int(0) ["have_special_relative"]=> int(0) }
[ 5.6.0 - 5.6.30, 7.0.0 - 7.0.20 ] object(DateInterval)#1 (15) { ["y"]=> int(0) ["m"]=> int(0) ["d"]=> int(84) ["h"]=> int(5) ["i"]=> int(0) ["s"]=> int(0) ["weekday"]=> int(0) ["weekday_behavior"]=> int(0) ["first_last_day_of"]=> int(0) ["invert"]=> int(0) ["days"]=> bool(false) ["special_type"]=> int(0) ["special_amount"]=> int(0) ["have_weekday_relative"]=> int(0) ["have_special_relative"]=> int(0) }
[ hhvm-3.15.4 ] object(DateInterval)#1 (0) { }
seems to work
@DaveRandom More of a standards question though
I don't really care what Derick thought imagined.
@PeeHaa Yup still here.
@Dan how the fuck is an international standard not available unless you pay for it?
Exactly. (I was hoping to piggyback on someone else who had bought it, lol)
@DaveRandom chuck "pdf" onto the end of your google search and suddenly it's available
So I got a job with a US company. I need to figure our payment. US company for a UK citizen who is residing in Vietnam. o.O
@Fabor You're gonna need another job to pay for the taxes.
@Dan true
@Dan heh. Precisely what I am trying to figure out.
evenin r11
Your head is big
@Dan it's notably absent from the spec. I would say it is strictly disallowed, but it makes sense to accept in scenarios where it makes logical sense.
Today I shaved my beards and moustaches...
@DaveRandom So, square one, lol
@Dan safe bet is to assume it is disallowed
Actually there's way more allowed than I realised
How so?
Oh, the alternate formats?
@PaulCrovella thanks, I guess. I got what I wanted but I now regret having wanted it.
@Dan yeh, and the ranges with an absolute start and end
@DaveRandom bonus tip: if your search results have a notice at the bottom that some results were removed due to a dmca complaint - click through to the complaint, it'll list the urls
> You're not allowed to look at all this stuff we have linked directly to right here
not so much "you're not allowed to look" but "here's the list of urls we're not allowed to show you"
I was looking for a suitable image, but found this instead: it'll have to do:
Q: Solr schema - Conflicting wildcards for fields

Kamran AhmedI am indexing data from MongoDB that roughly looks like { "name": "John Doe", "age": "25", "education": [ { "title": "Masters", "status": 53, "finalProject": { "title": "Integrating Advanced STJs using KKO", ...

@WesStark Probably not. I'm working on fixing the wiki at the moment so voteType='multi' works.
@NikiC Very understandable.
I have commits for upgrading the wiki to the latest version. I emailed bjori to try them out when he has time on live since he's the only one with box access in case it goes wrong.
halp, I caynt name shait
so ... it is considered a good idea to not use suffixes and prefixed for various class, but what the hell do I do with repositories?
@bwoebi Looks like you fixed this already. I assumed it was due to not filling the buffer on whatever system runs on Travis.
Repository is fine to me, stuff like Interface isn't @tereško i like easily recognizable stuff
@Wes ... @WES
ta ta tatata ta
Omg, you're releasing that logo?
that was yesterday
today is gotday
to not be confused with goatday
goat day? :p
the premier could be weird, it could be both
but actually it's tomorrow for me. unless i find a way to stream hbo illegally
hbo.com not available in your country
@bwoebi I also have no clue how that is failing and why now… it worked fine before.
what if we added an object that makes it really easy to do RCE when you're doing deserialisation of user input. just as an incentive to secure your apps.
@kelunik I like that idea. Truncate long notes as usually the important stuff is at the top.
does someone know if something is streaming hbo for free? :B
(i pay cable, i just don't want to wait tomorrow...)
Ah, streaming. Nah.
amazon does it it seems 7 days trial
not a prime thing
@Trowski yeah, that's what I saw too, hence I have no idea…
@Trowski yes.
i can't wait to spoil it to bob
10 hours!
@WesStark sorry, but could you please gently remove yourself from this chat? thanks :-)
i'm an asshole but not as much. don't worry i won't spoil anything :B
So I have a user table that has user id, user, pass, etc... but when I log-in I just select from the DB using the username not the id... Is it significantly faster to select by a numerical id instead of a username?
@WesStark You can spoil me, I don't care. :P
you care, shut up :B
Need to watch season 1-6 first anyway.
Can't make that in 11 hours.
but you can do it in one week, just in time for the next ep
@WesStark Thought about that one week ago ^^
@WesStark that's what I did (last season)
How long does GitHub cache these avatars? ...
@kelunik doesn't it change them instantaneously?
@WesStark github.com/amphp is still the old one for me. If I change the version or size in the URL it loads the new one.
you didn't click "update your profile" after you uploaded the pic is my guess
I guess I didn't, but github.com/organizations/amphp/settings/profile shows the new one either way.
then you did
github.com/Netmosfera do you see the husky or the skull?
avatars4. - avatars8. show the old one for me while avatars1. - avatars3. show the new one.
high availability fail
@WesStark it could be done but I don't see the value. hexadecimal is the standard way to represent Unicode codepoints and the most useful imo.
@Andrea it's the standard for sure but tbh i doubt it's better than base 10. it's just 1 million code points... most important are in the 0 65k range. and 5 base 10 digits are easier to remember than the hex counterpart... it would be great if \u{***} accepted any valid integer representation in php, but it's already late to change it now
but i suppose \u{12034d} would be good enough
or something like that...
Lol, linus
that head
@WesStark s/cry/cri
Hi guys
I want to convert a 64 bit decimal number to Hexadecimal.
How would I do that? dechex only supports 32 bit numbers.
@HassanAlthaf it does work.
Really? the doc says only 32 bit
the doc is wrong
Wow, nice to see.
@HassanAlthaf no it doesn't
The largest number that can be converted is PHP_INT_MAX * 2 + 1 (or -1): on 32-bit platforms, this will be 4294967295 in decimal, which results in dechex() returning ffffffff.
on 32-bit platforms
They didn't say anything about 64-bit
And the parameter says integer.
integer I believe is 32 bit in PHP?
'string dechex ( int $number )'
@HassanAlthaf 64 bit ints work fine, make sure you're on an appropriate platform and using a correct build
Is there any way to do this
So that I don't need a 64bit platform?
you're probably already using one
@HassanAlthaf on what are you running the code, that is not a 64bit machine?
most of the toasters are incompatible with PHP
@WesStark till?
@tereško my personal machine is 64 bit.
But the machine that will run this may not be 64 bit.
Looks like my 64 bit machine cannot run it.
Look at the screenshot, it returns 0
dechex not working -_-
07FFFFFFFFFFFFFF = 576460752303423487
but PHP returns 0.
PHP_INT_MAX returns 2147483647 for me
what do you see, when you call php -v ?
you are using a 32 bit php

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