Does anyone here use a CRM/Billing Software that they can reccomend?
(For SaaS)
I originally made a program as a standalone script but decided I should change it to be SaaS, should I create a new database for each user? I can't really think of how else to do it but I could be thinking too inside the box
that was totally not the message I meant to reply to
@LeviMorrison wat
I was thinking about this the other day, I have a "spare" VM kicking around from a company who are generally a little more reliable, I don't mind moving it there
@Trowski … can you reproduce that failure locally? I can't and I have no clue why it could even fail… this also only fails on master …
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, and hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.
Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext.
Development of HTTP was initiated by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989. Standards development of HTTP was coordinated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), culminating in the publication of a series...
@kelunik Isn't it kinda meh that if you hit onStart multiple times, you can't know which uri and which endpoint it was within the onStart? There's no way to get that information there.
You can return the $request->getUri onHandshake and use that onOpen but I don't see a way for it onStart
@kelunik Remember what PeeHaa was asking yesterday? It's the same thing. He did go for a different way, basically used an Emitter but I was wondering still, if you for some reason do multiple hits, say /user and /admin or whatever else and you need to know their specific endpoints onStart, you wouldn't have that information.
@bwoebi @Trowski I want to generate something like that for the release tweets, but I think it will be horrible with sometimes long and sometimes short release notes.
Hi, Does anyone know a good source to understand how Zend Framework works (v 1.12) , other than the Zend manual. I'm having real trouble in understanding what actually calls "autoload()" and then how Rest Controllers and Zend Action Controllers work together.
@Patrick I don't have a problem using them, but I already scripted my whole app without using OOP so I don't know how I would integrate namespaces without rewriting my whole code
Now I am adding some functionality I wanted to start doing it with OOP
@Alesana maybe quickly work through my tutorial before you continue? It uses namespaces and also shows you how to set up autoloading with composer (which you probably are not using if you don't use namespaces...)
@virepo sounds like your webserver is telling you that you should use a front controller :D
@Patrick tutorial looks cool. I wonder if if would be easier to navigate if it was in the wiki? you could transfer the markdown over , the wiki would give you navigation in the side bar
cool well I like it so far. Im reading the bit about the error handling. Im just wondering, how you you make sure Whoops fancy error page doesn't show up in production ?
@patrick ah ok, so if you are in production you basically if around the whole whoops code. cool. does whoops fancy error page trigger if it is a normal fatal error, e.g. like a parse error. or does it only fire on actual exceptions?
@Patrick the rest of the site is fine.....that page, is not so fine. They only wrote the 'store config in environment' because it's easiest thing for heroku (their employer), rather than being universally good advice.
@Alesana Not to confuse you further, but technically namespaces have nothing to do with OOP. Namespaces are just a means to group related "things" together, to prevent naming collisions. The "things", however, could be type definitions, function definitions, etc., etc., basically, whatever the language you're working with supports.
Namespaces simply prevent my Component from clashing with your Component
So instead, you have My.Component and Your.Component
Component could be anything; it's probably a class definition, especially in the context of OOP, but it could be anything.
Think of namespaces as boxes. You can put anything you want into boxes: functional code, OOP code, imperative code, dogs, cats, bananas. It doesn't matter; they're just boxes.
The whole point is to organize things, no matter what they are.
And likewise, you don't need to use boxes; you can have anything you want scattered all over the floor.
But most things are easier to find and work with when organized into boxes.
And the autoloader is just a dude with a piece of paper who keeps track of what's in each box, and can go and get it for you.
That makes a lot of sense. I was thinking that the way that you implement namespaces would be through an object, but now I realize that you can have multiple namespaces in one file
@Alesana Definitely. Also, read into OOP and other programming paradigms, and try to understand them outside the context of PHP. The concepts are applicable everywhere. Then, when you understand it better in isolation, you can bridge the understanding gap between PHP's idiosyncrasies and the more generic programming paradigms.
So you don't accidentally warp your mind into thinking that autoloaders and namespaces have anything to do with OOP (outside of PHP or other applicable languages)
@tereško isn't namespaces a requirement for PSR-4? i.e. you register your root namespace against a folder, if you didn't have a root namespace you couldnt use PSR-4, isn't that right?
Tomorrow I'll be going through some PHP tutorials on some of those concepts so I don't get confused on what OOP is and what it isn't, and then to improve my code
I made a pretty simple file to create a user... I think it is using the concept of OOP correctly. It's the first time I am using a class, anyways.
Reportedly, Alan Kay is the inventor of the term "object oriented". And he is often quoted as having said that what we call OO today is not what he meant.
For example, I just found this on Google:
I made up the term 'object-oriented', and I can tell you I didn't have C++ in mind
-- Alan...
on-topic-ish ISO 8601 for durations gives the following examples: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, PnW -- is that to say that when using the latter week-format it's invalid to include other segments?
@Dan Someone from Sweden (I think) said "It's like the US has always been the more responsible older brother who we always followed, but now is addicted to drugs and their life really starting to fall apart."
@DaveRandom bonus tip: if your search results have a notice at the bottom that some results were removed due to a dmca complaint - click through to the complaint, it'll list the urls
I am indexing data from MongoDB that roughly looks like
"name": "John Doe",
"age": "25",
"education": [
"title": "Masters",
"status": 53,
"finalProject": {
"title": "Integrating Advanced STJs using KKO",
@WesStark Probably not. I'm working on fixing the wiki at the moment so voteType='multi' works.
@NikiC Very understandable.
I have commits for upgrading the wiki to the latest version. I emailed bjori to try them out when he has time on live since he's the only one with box access in case it goes wrong.
what if we added an object that makes it really easy to do RCE when you're doing deserialisation of user input. just as an incentive to secure your apps.
So I have a user table that has user id, user, pass, etc... but when I log-in I just select from the DB using the username not the id... Is it significantly faster to select by a numerical id instead of a username?
@Andrea it's the standard for sure but tbh i doubt it's better than base 10. it's just 1 million code points... most important are in the 0 65k range. and 5 base 10 digits are easier to remember than the hex counterpart... it would be great if \u{***} accepted any valid integer representation in php, but it's already late to change it now
The largest number that can be converted is PHP_INT_MAX * 2 + 1 (or -1): on 32-bit platforms, this will be 4294967295 in decimal, which results in dechex() returning ffffffff.