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lo dear php users
I think I should marathon all six LotR movies
well .. ok .. no ... not marathon
I have to work tomorrow
@tereško Extended directors cut versions?
i have a basic question . I built php7.1 and I try to config apache now. my php installation dir is in /usr/local/php7.1/... I realized my httpd installation is having a module directory (/etc/httpd/modules/) with shared objects inside.
I guess I need to throw my php shared object there but I am confused because I have the php binaries on my system, why would apache need a shared object to process my php script, can it just use the binaries ? anyways i am confused and I need to find the best and sexiest way to install php, i'm asking
which distro
fedora 25
also, why apache ?
just I am born with apache and feel confort with it
I would probably go with this
... hymm .. the download is only 12GB
that should take like half an hour or so
hmm thanks but this article is 5 years long, also yum is kind of deprecated. but besides that this article doesn't really answer my wondering.
long ? wondering ?
But maybe I should open a Apache room or something, because that is not really related to php
I'm not versed in fedora so this my not be relevent but did you make sure the php-apache module was installed?
@Mic1780 yeah the php-apache module is not installed, and I need to know if there is a way to directly tell apache to use the php binaries
@tereško 5 years old*
@ballangddang no
have anyone here used bitnami?
nvm.. i misunderstood your reply
Why there is a meme on the goto official documentation page?
Why wouldn't there?
If you know what you are doing you can are able to understand why it's there
I still think it isn't the place for "official" jokes.
Why not?
It's a serious page. It is not a blog nor an comic page. Have you ever seen another official documentation page with this kind of joke?
@PeeHaa "can are able"?
foobar is so serious
@Tiffany lol know idea what happont thare
> know
@Murilo It's a serious page?
there are hundreds of examples on the php site that use foobar
It's a medium of communicating a message
The comic is part of the message
@PeeHaa I swear you did this on purpose.
Wait goto is an actual thing in PHP? I always believed it was just a meme embodied
it was a thing in BASIC
@Mic1780 It is. I actually used two weeks ago just for the fun of it leaving a catch segment :P
top kek
twitch chat is leaking
@Murilo So you did not heed the comic...
or wait, that was a 4chan thing before twitch...
shrug, don't care, it's time for home
@NikiC Well, in my defense(if there is any) I used in a pretty safe/clean(kind of) manner.
I just image(and laugh) other developer looking at that code and rushing to the blame on git to check it out how is the infamous developer
@WesStark I.. video seems to be blocked
whats up!!!
if @tereško is against @Murilo than im also against him !!!
im so confused
my page speed variates too muuch
thats cool!!!!
Am I doing something wrong if my php needs more than 150mb ram?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yeah too late
it was a shit show though
@tereško Wow! Enjoy your flag!
@Murilo he's always a bit aggressive like that, don't take it personally :B
@WesStark Sorry but I took personally. Though I thank you for the warning the flag remains.
@bassxzero Thank you so much
@tereško And also thank you too. :)
you know russian road rage? replace "road" with "computer" and you have @tereško :B
@WesStark LOL.
@user7594714 depends on the traffic... if you are doing stuff like resizing images you can easily waste a lot of memory compared to the rest of the application
@WesStark He's actually a very okay person... Humans are just unreasonable beings.
...except when he's sober? :B
Are you referring to PeeHaa?
If you make a really cool web app, and you require javascript, that's fine and makes sense. If I can't browse your dumb restaurant's shitty menu without javascript, you are a poop
@WesStark what was it? you got me all curious there...
@Dereleased but meh lodash!
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Non!
Hey, French question
is "C'est la guerre" more like "Welp, that's war", or, "THIS MEANS WAR!" ?
That would be the latter
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ignore it. i thought it was some formula 1 shit but was a stupid concert in london
!!en C'est la guerre
@IROEGBU Sorry, I don't speak en
The former would rather be "À la guerre comme à la guerre"
like, well, you do in war as you do in war
Huh. Not what I'd guessed. Because all I've ever heard is "C'est la vie" for "That's just life" and "C'est l'amour" for roughly the same but s/life/love/
interesting, it's true that both totally do not amount to the same principle
What is the rough meaning of "Hon hon hon titty croissants"?
is the general meaning I make of it
oh, probably a pun I don't get. french people, y'know
the croissant gave it away, late
it's just $french_phonemes
Wish I weren't missing DC25. Wanna meet next year at 26?
what's taht?
(sorry, busy trying to get a rocket into orbit)
@Dereleased TELL ME WHAT IT IS!@!!!111
@FélixGagnon-Grenier DefCon
oh, that's soon
Yeah, I'm not making it to 25 (this year)
but I want to make it to next year
Sounds like a very good excuse to get to vegas
@LeviMorrison news?
github.com/php/php-src/pull/2603 people's priorities...
@JayIsTooCommon still buzzing
they will die of starvation. fire would've been much better :B
DateInterval subtraction across daylight savings change is incorrect – #74914

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