you can try to install for example xampp or wamp server on your machine and start it as localhost ... yes apache is good... try search here:
xampp has many of things included and you dont have to make big head with configurations...
it contains apache
mysql as DB...
pretty good thing
people here, please, could you help me resolve my bug problem please?
I have some interesting question... it is 13 hours that I am trying to do $.post() request with laravel in php ... I am using controllers and so on, MVC architecture... I have project setted as in first answer here: ... but I cant find out what to do next, because web terminal says POST http://localhost:8000/insertFeedback 500 (Internal Server Error) ... can somebody help?
maybe I am not debbuging as you think.. how shoul I debug in php? On debugg in php I saw some solutions, but I think that will not help here... because whole Jquery code proceed well to end... and after that it fails ... path to controller is set well, because when I remove it, it gives me cannot find errror...
i guess so, but assuming that only userland is on strict_mode i think this would cover most of it. not gonna push for it though, was more for the challenge tbh