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Hello, I am Galstaff.
What kind of cakes do you bake?
Cheetos. And mountain 'doo'.
7 mins ago, by Danack
Hello, I am Galstaff.
I just opened a tea bag, threw away the bag and kept the wrapping in my hand
Who's Galstaff?
Some scrub who had to cast magic missile.
With the elephant in front of him ?
I can't decide what to do
Recently had someone try to break into my home.
should I have separate controllers and views for this project and store error states in a controller
ask Jeeves ^^
or should I have only controllers (which return Response) and handle the errors using exceptions?
Trying to set up some web cams around the house over the internet is that a good idea?
... is it possible, that a crappy server will unilaterally reject multipart/form-data form sometimes, but not post forms in a general manner?
@tereško using exceptions sounds better than storing state in the controller
sorry, not controllers
@Patrick Yes I did fix my problem. It was basically a server configuration problem. I just completed your tutorial a few minutes ago. I have to say that I haven't followed a tutorial assiduously for a long time but I found yours really easy to read and very clean. My only regret is that you don't have a chapter on database abstraction layer. But I also understand why you didn't include it. Anyway thanks a lot !
3 hours later…
I am getting a error on my verify.php page that is launched by a form
Need some votes for better PHP >= 7.0 support in PhpStorm youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-35406
@NathanMarotta just ask with a specific question with some additional info
im getting a 500 Internal Server Error, but I cannot find the programming mistake
and it is a .php page that is triggered by the submission of a form
Nevermind, I found the error
o/ yo brzuchal
posted on March 14, 2017 by hakre

This is from the shock your co-worker department: There is an easy one-liner to make any composer based project spit “Segmentation fault (core dumped)” regardless of the Composer command entered: composer config -- vendor-dir '{$bin-dir}' Smuggle this endless-loop creating Composer … Continue reading →

1 hour later…
@Feeds AFAIK infinite recursion does no longer segfault on PHP 7.2.
o/ Mornings
Happy alt.valentine!
thanks for nothing bluehost support
Gorden can you please give me your skype id.I think You help me alot.your are brilliant man acc to me. — Gurinder Sandhu 4 mins ago
No, sorry. I don't do private support sessions. — Gordon 3 mins ago
okay.But really you are a great programmer. — Gurinder Sandhu 1 min ago
What if it was a girl.
please help me in this problem — Gurinder Sandhu 1 min ago
friggin help vampires
A voluptuous girl.
not sure why that should tickle my interest
can you explain?
Code for life no time for girls.
I am married
any thoughts on propel orm ?
is that still under active development?
Someone in here told me not to use orm's.
do they still use active record as their main db access pattern?
I thought propel died like 3 years ago
I guess according to github project it's pretty dead yeah
but it's the first that pops up when you type php orm library on gooogle
why ?
was it popular before ?
Yeah, the doctrine became the leader
Are you adding a database layer.
Let me know how that goes. I'm trying to add it too.
there is nothing wrong with using an orm when you need it
but chances are you don't need it
you might be fine with a table data gateway and plain old recordsets instead of entities
Someone in here said that querying the database is easy enough.
an ORM is not just about querying the database though. It also handles the mapping of row data to objects, e.g. it handles the object relational impedance mismatch, hence the name Object-Relational-Mapper.
I thought about that too @Gordon Truth is I come from the PHP frameworks world.. cake PHP , symphony and the one we are not supposed to talk in here. The thing is now I want to do things the right way and I want to take the best decisions possible at least for my personnal projects
@Valentincognito moving target
Cake no.
the best decision you take now might not be the best decision tomorrow
so just use whatever feels appropriate right now and make something work
Just don't even think about it. Just do it.
thanks nike
things change so fast I wonder if I will have the courage to be a developer my whole life and constantly learn new things
@Valentincognito Ha! Try JavaScript
ahaha I was looking at your github page before @MadaraUchiha I see you like JS
Madara Told me to learn Node
I thin it was him.
@SalOrozco Probably.
I went to a couple of meetups to learn node and then I was.. hum... busy
But I think it's good to learn multiple languages as a general rule.
I find it easy
Languages change, frameworks change, general abstractions and principles do not.
I find angular 2 easy.
@Valentincognito you could learn C. It didn't change much over the years. Also, it will make you turn into a squid.
Afternoons! o/
As a matter of fact I started with C
@Gordon you mean to say @JoeWatkins is a squid?
Assembly -> C -> C++ -> PHP
thats my life
what you guys think about this ? teachyourselfcs.com
@Saitama no, he can be whatever deep c creature he wants to be.
@SalOrozco you do that and tell us afterwards
@Gordon i'd place my money on him being a C-cthulhu
I'm asking is it necessary?
@Gordon haha
Happy π Day!
@DaveRandom o/
@DaveRandom Happy alt.valentines day
@DaveRandom Haπ Day!
oh shit, today's pi day?
Is morning for most of you.
Is bed time for me.
I started coming to this room, sometime close to pi day iirc
also happy national potatoe chips day if you are living in the US
I like potato chips.
I've never heard of pi day
and happy "learn more about butterflies day"
and happy white day for you japanese people
fuck visual studio
agree @Paul
though s&bj alt.valentines day is the only one worth celebrating imo
You probably mean fuck msvc, to be fair
And yes, fuck that guy
vs is quite good for things it's good for
@Gordon white day is also here in Korea
vietnam, taiwan, china..... ASIA
I just spent more time than I care to admit to myself getting vs to a point where it could actually open that peachpie project without moaning about everything... and then the build failures started
@DaveRandom you're talking shit, nothing ms ever done is good, maximally it's fit for purpose ...
I'm done. I give up.
@PaulCrovella watch some animes. It'll help
@Saitama you mean read some animes
Hi There
I'm getting this error on my WordPress Ecom site

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /home/mrignayani49/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 2344
@Gordon (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I'll flag you...
@AbhishekPandey read it ...
I tried this solution,
But didn't work for me.
which part did you try, and what do you mean it didn't work ? you got exactly the same error message ?
I tried all, PHP.ini, wp-config
But its still shows this Error
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /home/mrignayani49/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 2344
the exact same error ?
did you restart apache/fpm after changing php.ini ?
you must
Alright, lemme check
Hmm 90% of the time I am using Docker but for now im testing something with MAMP... >< Changes 'max_execution_time' in php.ini restarts the whole thing >< Still the default value... omg
Ohlol someone is doing the same here :p a few lines higher.
morgen mates
pihaa o/
Meh, someone help me decide which one to learn between Go & Nodejs
@samayo why not both?
Node.js all the way!
also, 2^
it somewhat depends on whether you want to be a hipster or a superhipster
or, any of the CG languages actually...
super hipster
both are easy
@Gordon Not too much time. I'm also learning other stuff. But not sure if NodeJs will be around in 10 years. It's so hyped, it makes me doubtful above its future
@GTodorov Hay I am looking for any thing which will beneficial for me maybe ERD or any thing else or just a transaction flow only like : any entry hits two things , one Assets debit and liabilities credit etc. hope you understand
@samayo it'll be around, very little actually goes away
in 10 years the computer will program themselves.
@SalOrozco tensorflow then? :)
Something like that.
tensorflow is slow
@PaulCrovella Yeah, but hopefully not like the state PHP is in right now. I'm doing my intern on PHP/Wordpress site, and they are already choosing another language to make a transition.
Wordpress yuck.
Yeah, btw: When people used to diss WP, I thought they were exaggerating by a bit, but I am still speechless as to what a mess it is right now.
I have premium themes that dump html, js(jquery), php, css in ONE page. WTF!!!
@samayo Premium themes are usually meant for you to pay. Not to edit.
@samayo That's how wordpress works...
A buddy of my works for Edison here in California. Guys get fried all the time working on the poles.
i liked it more before the edit @SalOrozco
posted on March 14, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@JoeWatkins Working fine, thanks a lot :)
@JoeWatkins Are you and Anthony still working on recki-ct?
@samayo Latest commit f55a3ad on 22 Dec 2014
@Gordon I thought Anthony said, he was working on it locally. Can't find the chat link.
I hope it's not abandoned. Specially, if this is true twitter.com/ircmaxell/status/517404060958195712
if he does, he didnt push since 2014: github.com/ircmaxell/recki-ct
I didn't really work on recki, I worked on the JIT backend for it ...
and no, not working on it since 2014, as @Gordon said
it is true that it could outperform HHVM by a very wide margin, but these are synthetic benchmarks ... it was never anywhere near running any real world application
@samayo :|
1) why 2) wat
If it could outperform HHVM just by using trivial or basic PHP features, it still would've been a nice thing to have.
@PeeHaa I was interested since the first time I read about recki-ct
there's not the same kind of motivation there was back then
Dave might know a little about it... He helped me get it working on Windows
php7 can outperform hhvm in some circumstances
or was it the JIT? I can't remember now...
it was the jit
also, there's an almost complete JIT for PHP7 already ... it was a cool idea at the time, but it's been superseded by progress elsewhere imo ... recki might have some other uses though ...
@PeeHaa how's unfucking the sessions manual coming?
anyway, the performance of your web app has little to nothing to do with how fast zend executes user instructions ...
@PaulCrovella Focused on other pages first. Low hanging fruit before trying to dive into that crao
@samayo didn't even consider python ?
@Vamsi I'm learning it. So far so good. But not sure which one to go for web framework django/flask ..
django seems heavy like symfony, flask seems tiny as slim
I like python fine, but if you want to dig into another language in order to get new perspectives on things I think it's better to step further away than that
I would love to learn C, but I have no use for it. I trying to learn something to add on my CV. So, it's a career choice.
I think for now I will go with Go :)
you can contribute to PHP if you learn C
theres nothing much to learn in flask tbh
and C will likely be around for the next 25 years
its like Cobol
both have a C in it
start with it even
@Gordon I am trying my best to complete K & R , and thats my plan
some day
@Sherif just lately?.. when have I ever?
@Gordon Yeah, that's what I wanted the most, but C to me, seems quite hard for some reason. I have this irrational fear of it. I feel it's beyond me :\
everything that came after it is more complex than C
I'm serious, there are a handful of guiding principles and a handful of standard headers that you need to know before you can write useful C ... the same is not true for any other language .... anything that came after has a vast standard library, and the guiding principles are innumerable, and still being debated
I'm not saying anyone who can learn any of those language can learn C, I don't believe that, but on the face of it, C is simpler than anything that came after it ... it's just that the principles you do have to learn may be harder to grasp than those of it's derivatives (almost everything) ...
@samayo started learning C... IMO it's easier than PHP
assembly is simpler than anything that came after it
no actually it isn't
It's easy but tedious to write
I do have a sick appreciation for how strings are handled in C
@PaulCrovella yes that is sick
Yeah, my fear is irrational I guess. I never thought I would be a programmer 7 years ago when I thought computers were like machines that work by magic :).
you mean, they don't work by magic ?
So now, after learning it's all written in C makes the language sound a like a difficult thing to understand.
they'd have to work first
@JoeWatkins a small doubt, when learning to implement data structures . does it matter if the language I am trying to implement them has pointers or not ? lets say C v/s python
references instead of pointers
no, a data structure is abstract, you could implement it in any (non-esoteric) language ...
@samayo people create complex systems in C (linux, php, insert package name here), but the language is in principle simple ...
@Saitama you were right
@JoeWatkins follow up question, does it matter when performance is in question ? ( ie not having access to pointers )
@Vamsi depends on what you call "performance"
usually, no, it doesn't matter.
jus to be clear not talking about Asymptotic Notation/ Big O
same here.
@Gordon omg what is that
@JoeWatkins well, @Saitama figured out you might be the Great C-thulhu
'tis scary looking shit
which is just what you are doing in C, too
plus it lives deep in the paCifiC oCean
pah-C-fic… that's a sure indicator
Morning @all o/
@Gordon thats..... perfect!
morning V2.0
morning both

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