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@JayIsTooCommon Could try to by writing a docs PR? I can fix up if you mess up, it'll be a learning experience for you, too. And I get a better understanding where people are having the real issues.
@kelunik i can give it a go, can you give me a list of stages / subjects that it would need to cover?
@JayIsTooCommon Choose anything you want that's not already covered in github.com/amphp/amp/blob/…
@PeeHaa but with the naming and args, does it really hide anything? I get what you're saying... I just hate the code without it. I'll see if I can come up with something else. Gonna finish built ins first
@JayIsTooCommon Yes it hides stuff
@kelunik alright, not sure when i'll get time but i'll give you a shout
$this->setReturnValue($this->tracker, 'getCount', 1, 1);
1?, 1?
No idea what those numbers mean
But I can't describe what an argument means, isn't that done via the parameter name?
No. It used to be done by method name
@Trowski like what?
@bwoebi Mostly just ensuring the keywords people search for are sprinkled throughout the readme and using those same keywords in blogs, etc. that links back to the website or repo.
github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/blob/… @Trowski @bwoebi Do you think we can extend TestCase to automatically run all tests as coroutines?
I haven't had a look at the code on amphp.org, there's some SEO things that may be able to be done there.
@PeeHaa yeah but generally speaking, arguments aren't supposed to explain themselves? I'm not disagreeing, just trying to understand
@Trowski I'm not sure how much we'll keep on amphp.org. I'd mostly like to move all docs to the individual repos.
@DaveRandom This sucks. This is also why I wanted redundant ones ^_^
@LeviMorrison indeed, I will get 02 running today
@JayIsTooCommon Actually if you go full OOP the arguments actually should explain themselves because you won't be passing around scalar to begin with :)
But that's a topic for another time :)
@kelunik That's fine, but it can be a landing page with some general info about the project and links to various repos.
Just continue @JayIsTooCommon. I like what you are doing anyway
@PeeHaa that I didn't know.. alright, i'll see if I can come up with something more readable. If not, i'll just revert to using it without the wrapper
@Trowski Yes, that's how I'd like it.
@DaveRandom I'll reboot opengrok01 again and hope it helps.
As said no worries. Just continue
okies, something to look at once i've finished built in's I guess
@LeviMorrison well it fixed it last time, I'll copy the indexes off as soon as it's back up
@JayIsTooCommon Yes it's fine for now. Focus on the great job of the tests first will argue with everybody later
We can also clone all ./docs once we have tooling for that. I'd like to continue with kelunik/daas in the future doing API reference + ./docs rendering with a sane search functionality.
@PeeHaa only if we argue naked :/
I am ready naked
thank you.
Also I am glad that at least there are more eyes on it
@DaveRandom It is now responding to pings.
yeh all up and running
!!lxr mb_ereg
[ /ext/mbstring/php_mbregex.c#787 ] PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg)
will let the re-index finish that has already started then disable the cron while I copy the indexes off
@PeeHaa wow, that's two "fuck you"s in one function
Checking something for docs not any code base I am touching :)
!!lxr decompress
[ bzdecompress() ] Decompresses bzip2 encoded data
@kelunik Job queues will be distributed. Of course there'll be a little additional latency, but it's scalable
@PeeHaa Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition
So @JayIsTooCommon I did the refactoring we spoke of earlier and it broke some BuiltIn tests, you want me to fix them or not? The former would arguably be better practice but will probably cause merge conflicts with your work
!!lxr PharData.decompress
@PeeHaa Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition
what are you expecting that to find?
!!lxr decompress method of phardata please<3 kthxbye
@PeeHaa Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition
oh pecl
yeh but also method defs are hard to find anyway
an annoyingly large amount of php-src does not use PHP_METHOD()
I would love to have some smartness Foo::bar that's also hard?
and also there's no handling for that yet afaik
it's probably doable but it would need some highly special-cased logic I think
@Jimbo I mean the additional complexity of running a separate service (the job queue).
But yes, depending on the use case, it's a totally valid approach.
I'd love to see that, especially when it increases the audience of Amp.
@PeeHaa aye, 'tis very helpful
@DaveRandom happy to fix them :) Is it just the isApproved?
still, screw you.
@kelunik So with react/zmq, you 'inject' back into the event queue (with a worker) with zmq really easily. You listen on :5555 by default, when something comes in, it hits EventLoop::yourMethod($data). Does Amp have some way of injecting back into the event loop using something like that (from an entirely separate process)
oh wait, I can actually just eliminate it from the tests entirely now @JayIsTooCommon
@bwoebi @Trowski FYI: I told the React people async-interop/event-loop has failed. I also asked whether there's interest in async-interop/promise or not. They at least have a PR for that, so it seems there's some interest.
@Jimbo You risk adding a lot of logic fragmentation that way… which in the end makes it harder
@bwoebi Of course, you need a good architecture to it. The opposite can be said for genuine async - a shit tonne of callback hell, functional-style shit
@kelunik Without the loop, I really don't care.
@Jimbo that's why you have coroutines
I'm proposing taking care of that architecture in an initially opinionated but configurable way
@Jimbo No, there's no such thing, you'd have to build that.
@DaveRandom yeah, this is on master branch, right?
@Trowski well, it'd allow us removing react logic from amp itself
@kelunik That's the problem. Injecting stuff back into the event loop from somewhere else (so can be entirely decoupled and the event loop is just an intermediary). Until that happens, I can't really use Amp and Aerys
@Jimbo But you'll have to monitor your queue and the workers additionally instead of just aerys.
I'd love to contribute too, but I wouldn't know how to do that
@kelunik Yep, in-built logic for that
That front-end I talked about could also manage it
4 hours ago, by Joe Watkins
@PeeHaa you'd have to design some kind of RPC ... I think I mentioned that ...
@bwoebi I suppose that would be a small win.
@PeeHaa No idea how I'd do that with Amp, that's my problem :-)
@Jimbo Where's the exact problem? You just need to store where the client is connected and send something back to that instance.
I doubt it will be merged since another_clue seemed rather opposed.
@kelunik And how does a separate process, once it's finished, send data back into the event loop (non-websocket). ZMQ allows a bloody go-lang app to send some info over port 5555 and it's put into the event loop for you, this is the powerful stuff I'm after
@Trowski Well, let's see what they reply to @kelunik
Last 3 commits @JayIsTooCommon, built-ins are no longer responsible for checking room approval, rather it's managed by the event dispatcher and specified with flags /cc @JoeWatkins
@Trowski But a win. I'm not concerned about Amp itself, more about other things accepting just our promises.
@Jimbo The queue.
@Jimbo a simple socket should do it? … or yeah, the queue.
Without blocking?
@Jimbo How would you do it with something else?
@Jimbo what exactly do you understand under "putting in the event loop"?
@Jimbo Sure, as long as your queue has some form of subscribe mechanism that supports multiplexing and not just waiting for a single queue.
so... if my employer is sniffing the stuff I consult on my machine, will I get flagged by consulting this chat's transcript with pr0nhub links in?
$pull->on('message', [$eventHandler, 'ourNewMethodInEventLoopEventHandler']);
^ Anything that gets sent over port 5555 hits EventHandler::ourNewMethodInEventLoopEventHandler (the one that also contains onSubscribe(), onConnect() etc linky /cc @bwoebi ^
@DaveRandom + version stuff - i'll pull now and update them
@FélixGagnon-Grenier If your employer is sniffing your data to prevent you from visiting site you have the wrong employer
@kelunik At this point I'm just not going to get my hopes up. But if it happens, awesome.
@JayIsTooCommon oh shit I also broke some other tests
although they are unrelated to what you are doing I think
and they are in the wrong place anyway
I will fix those now
@DaveRandom wait 2 secs
@PeeHaa oh, I am positive I will not be having any problem. And if they'd notice, I would have the chance to blame you before getting any trouble. Was just wondering \o/
@Jimbo so, where's the problem? you just execute ourNewMeth…Handler whenever some data arrives with that data as a new coroutine?
@Trowski Same here. I just noticed it while documenting v2, see second paragraph of github.com/amphp/amp/blob/… in the blockquote.
@Jimbo That seems like some pretty trivial sort of async stuff. Is that code that exists or just pseudo-code for an example?
@Trowski Code that exists according to linky
@bwoebi I haven't used co-routines before :-)
@DaveRandom okies, as long as they're not in BuiltIn dir, shouldn't be any conflicts
@Jimbo Oh, being React code that shouldn't be blocking. Would be absolutely usable with Amp v2.
@Jimbo Let me draw a picture for you.
@Jimbo well, all you'll have to do is basically new Coroutine($cb()) and be done and the code will basically run in its own event loop context
@kelunik I love pictures, please draw @PeeHaa's mom in it too <3
@bwoebi Wait, and the co-routine is executed entirely asynchronously?
@Jimbo He's going to need a lot of paper…
@Jimbo yep
no fucking way
@Jimbo Weren't you doing talks about async in php?
Sorry sorry :P
Entirely functional, and potentially blocking I/O or http calls?
@Trowski it will be zoomed out a quadrillion times.
@Jimbo no, no blocking
Hey fuckers
that's my mom you are talking about
@bwoebi That's the problem, my solution means you can write entirely blocking stuff, http calls, whatever, workers handle it, then put stuff back into the event loop only when done
She's a glorious and classy woman
@Jimbo ah, yeah, then you'll like amphp/parallel
@bwoebi And I'm guessing that does it in processes right?
yes (or optionally pthreads)
@Jimbo Seems like you might want to use amphp/process or amphp/parallel to run stuff in another thread/process that communicates back to a main, non-blocking process.
@bwoebi Processes / threads is only scalable vertically
Do a bit of heavy I/O on there and your server bogs down
You can scale workers w/ a queue
@Jimbo yeah, sure, then you need job workers on other servers which offload the work to the processes
We could extend amphp/parallel to also be able to push work to another server completely.
@Trowski well, that'd be another library though (or maybe on top of it)
@bwoebi Yep.
but yeah, I see that may be desired
So shoving everything on a single machine can be useful for some contexts
But if I'm writing a websocket-heavy application that does a lot of different things, db calls etc, I don't want to just do it on the same machine as the event loop
It's just one architecture, sure, but it's a legitimate one
@Jimbo no it's fine
@DaveRandom are you getting anything thrown with !!uptime after those changes?
If it's implemented on top of amphp/parallel it should be very easy to switch from local to distributed
How would amphp/parallel 'push' to another server? How would it return the information? Can't be polling
@JayIsTooCommon moment
@Jimbo That's the setup you want, right?
@Jimbo either a job queue or individual TCP streams it listens to nonblockingly
@kelunik As far as I understood him, yes
@kelunik I think you've described exactly that, compare with my diagram...
Event loop is just an intermediary here for registering an interest in receiving some data. The work is performed elsewhere
@Jimbo Don't say the event loop is the intermediary, it's a server sitting between the client and your workers. It's just implemented using an event loop.
^ this
@DaveRandom because it's not a generator anymore I think, so doesn't need to be resolved?
So the server is an intermediary then?
the event loop is an implementation detail
Ah sure, of course
@Jimbo yes
@JayIsTooCommon ahh dammit yeh I missed that
also I realised there's another edge-case
@Valentincognito did you fix your problem?
will fix now
@bwoebi It's that 'listens to nonblockingly' part that I'd use in amp if it existed by default
@Jimbo You'll need some form of client identification, probably unique ID per Aerys worker + probably client remote address + port + maybe some random ID to prevent port reuse from passing information to the wrong client.
@Jimbo well, the advantage of the job queue is that the workers can easily poll for new work and thus load balance themselves… With bad luck and direct TCP streams it may happen that a lot of heavy work is all directed to the same server
@Jimbo you should use some sort of job queue, whether it's now zmq or some little self-written thing for that, no matter.
@kelunik Yes, so there are two ways of keeping that 'tie' between a worker who has finished doing the work, and which client to send the info to. Either store that information in the event loop (preferable, so entirely decoupled), or send that client id out to the worker and return it as well (so no lookup needed in event loop, I don't like this but it's one way to ensure that information doesn't get lost)
@bwoebi No ZMQ wasn't actually for the queue, it was merely to get information back into the event loop without polling for it, it was for the message passing only
In fact, @rdlowrey I think looked at the ZMQ implementation in react and it might even actually poll under the hood ;-) but I can't remember for sure
You can then push to a rpc queue. Your workers will work on any item in the rpc queue, no matter which Aerys node the job belongs to. Once finished / at any time really, the workers can push updates to the Aerys node queues. Each Aerys worker gets its own queue. The Aerys workers monitor each their own queue and forward sent messages to the client if it's still connected.
@Jimbo Just like most React things probably. Many things are just a PoC.
Okay, this assumes Aerys is handling all the queueing and everything, I'd like an entirely decoupled implementation - hence using, say, beanstalkd (only because I've seen a talk on it and it's ridiculously easy to set up and work with)
@Jimbo anyway, for optimal scalability, you have decoupled webserver, queue and workers. webserver talks to queue, workers fetch from queue, workers inform target server about completion
I haven't looked at an rpc queue tbh, I'm not sure how that would work :)
@bwoebi Exactly what I just said dude, and in that diagram, that's what I'm after :P
@Jimbo No, queuing is not within Aerys, but some queue like Beanstalk.
I think we're all on the same page :D
I think so too
So making this as easy as the react / zmq api I described above would be the only thing I want to switch to amp
@Jimbo That's right. It's very simple. And we have a working client implementation for Amp.
ugh, I knew that fix felt too easy @JayIsTooCommon :-(
:( ?
@Jimbo It's just a few lines of code.
@JayIsTooCommon oh don't worry, it's my problem
@kelunik A little bit more, but a basic version could work in like a 200 LoC
Is it the uptime thing or the edge case?
@kelunik Would you mind showing me this? Once I've done those few lines in react, then I can write another line in a completely separate php file that sends some info over port 5555 and it hits my event loop method 'onWhatever'. How can I do this with Amp and a separate php file?
@bwoebi That's a few for a complex scenario like that.
Also I'm heading home soon, but I'll come on afterwards. If I can set up a working example that I understand, and you don't mind me asking a few Q's here and there if I don't get it, then I could change my talk to be basically about Amp
@Jimbo I can setup a very simple demo for you.
@kelunik It's actually very simple on the high level…
@JayIsTooCommon the edge case, which I ran into while testing the uptime thing
And with the given higher level libraries it's just simple @kelunik
@kelunik @Jimbo You can probably set it using workers from amphp/parallel with very little code. It would be local, but could be easily extended to be distributed amongst servers.
can 10 thousand peoples be reached with 5 dollar ?
i mean using facebook ads ?
@Trowski You don't even need that. I have code ready for that already somewhere, just need to find it.
@neo that's a pathetic post
Right, it's actually pretty simple using just IO watchers.
@JayIsTooCommon that means ads rate vary for each one ?
> Please share this post to send Facebook a message that suppressing history and protest movements is not ok.
Oh yeah, because that was obviously their intention.
guys i have a plan for a small project which revenue is going to be from ads
i have no option for advertisement by money because it too much compared to my revenue
when i enquired facebook ads price it was like 3 dollars per 1000 viewers and 0.38 dollars per click
and was planning to drop the project
but now when i saw this it gave me a hope
you're in a PHP room
maybe ask Facebook again ? :)
you're in a PHP room all hope is lost
i know but i thought anyone have any idea about facebook ads
sorry for bothering
@neo you could just ask them again, send them that photo, ask for information on how it can be achieved etc... Or, I think facebook have their own forum for stuff like this
@JayIsTooCommon thanks let me have a serious enquiry about it now
@NikiC how are the "hash code + steps" called exactly? :B i've seen them called steps, i'm using steps, but i don't know if it's correct :B
eg bucket is occupied, try index + 1
@DaveRandom nice
@kelunik yeah, that's the problem with by-ref … it's not explicit.
@bwoebi Should probably make that explicit and otherwise a notice.
@Wes "Probe count"?
For RH hashing in particular DIB (distance to initial bucket) is common
@DaveRandom what's the purpose of getCommandParametersAsMarkdown? Struggling to work out what it does without testing and local copy isn't workign :P
@JayIsTooCommon e.g. sayf
!!sayf %s / strikethrough
!!sayf ---%s--- / strikethrough
uhh... OK
it's broken @JayIsTooCommon, don't test it yet :-P
@DaveRandom it's only used on alias
OK yeh it's not fully broken it's just not used right
so when using alias, it's supposed to include the markdown in the command, right?
That's what it does @JayIsTooCommon ^ otherwise you'd lose the link, it would just take the text
8 messages moved to Trash
Why are math rooms always dead....
Because mathematicians are dead inside
@sweg_yolo_69 they are not dead. just their messages converge towards zero.
@DaveRandom thank you :)
Welp can't find any active chat rooms/forums
I don't suppose there are any mathematicians in here though?
> Don't ask to ask...
@sweg_yolo_69 just call Ma, the Matician
OK, here goes nothing:
21st question
The answer is C, but why?
!!? length of a helix
Search for "length of a helix" (https://www.google.com/search?q=length+of+a+helix&lr=lang_en)
• Formula for the Arc Length of a Helix | Owlcation - 22 jul. 2015 - helix length formula and examples, length of string wrapped around a tube, length of… (https://owlcation.com/stem/Arc-Length-of-a-Helix-Formula)
• Calculating Length of Helical Curve | The Chicago… - 4 jun. 2015 - The curved arc length of a helical item, used for a number of applications such as ha… (http://www.cmrp.com/blog/faq/calculations/how-to-quickly-calculate-the-length-of-a-helical-curve.html)
Yeah, but the thing is to figure that out with 10th grade math
they probably practice that in 10th grade
It's just circumference + pythag, I'm just trying to visualise why pythag applies though
oh right of course
because the square thing (the tube unrolled) creates a 90deg
(is that so?)
^ that
They must cover that as part of the standard textbooks though, I can't imagine they are expecting people to work that out from first principles
But the math doesn't work out though
we don't have that as well, in 10th grade / 9th grade... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
isn't equal to 125
Which is the correct answer
And the information that the plant is wrapped around the pole 5 times shouldn't be irrelevant
That's the formula for one helical curve
!!> echo sqrt((0.2 * 0.2) + (0.15 * 0.15)) * 5
(I think)
It's the formula for one "wrap"
That was my first guess as well, to "unwrap" the pole so as to make a rectangle and from there work out the diagonal etc..
That's effectively what you are doing, but dividing it up into right angle triangles and using pythag to get the hypotenuse

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