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@Wes yes, you get to send failed/warning tests to the internals!
I'm on trial until Thursday
You are on trial and you remove le tests?
@iroegbu yeah reply to some emails, that always helps :P
Why would a developer ever choose to become a project manager?
More pay? Shit development? Never had the passion to begin with?
@Jimbo delegation powah! you can come up with all the cool ideas and have the peons implement it for you.
perhaps fulfilling the peter principle is a life goal for some people
Experience something else.
what is the command in codeigniter to truncate the data of a file ?\
!!docs ftruncate
[ ftruncate() ] Truncates a file to a given length
@Jimbo writing code sucks. wouldn't you like to just design stuff in your mind / on paper and get it implemented automagically? :B
@Jimbo more pay, less practical work I guess?
@Jimbo more monies
Actually more pay?
Or are we talking a few k
Dunno, ask the managers
Also, once the tasks have been specified and apart from a bit of maintenance, do they just fuck around with jira all day?
@Wes the only spec sufficiently detailed to implement what I want is code
@Jimbo in many cases yes, there's also a lot more room for further advancement
ftruncate() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given ,how it resolve??? if($this->input->post('clear_log_file')){


guys I do the ftruncate function but i got the error as
@bwoebi when does one free the handles in uv? it's uv_close right?
I had the pleasure of watching a developer turned passable pm rise pretty quickly to become a terrible vp
@phoenix `
how do i type hint (params) for a class from internals?
Anyone here ever used the EventBrite API?
@RAJMOHAN start by reading the error message?
and the manual
hoi Joseph
@Patrick Bro i am asking about second parameter
I found this: eventbrite.com/support/articles/en_US/How_To/… and eventbrite.nl/developer/v3 But I am looking to create a 'ticket' registration from my own website to the back-end of EventBrite.
@RAJMOHAN 1) he isn't your bro 2) read the manual.
@Jimbo PM is a more strategic role, so yes, you will spend time prepping release plans and stuff.
@brzuchal I normally want to punch people who post screenshots of code, but I'll give you a pass here
@brzuchal zend_begin_arg_info etc etc isn't for reflection only?
@PaulCrovella Is there room for them to build something awesome code-wise and make a tonne of money from it?
monday it is @Joe, you wanted me to remind you the phpdbg not-that-terribad leak :)
do that again, +9 hours @Ekin
@RAJMOHAN 1) I am not your bro 2) read the manual.
@DaveRandom what's up with lxr ?
@Wes AFAIK no. You can parse parameters inside method using few internal functions, also some which parses to zvals
!!remind @Ekin in 9hours to ping @JoeWatkins
Have a look at the time again, yo!
@PaulCrovella THX, I dotted it :)
@JoeWatkins shhh that's my excuse for not doing C
arginfo is used for error generation when zpp fails
!!remind @Joe that phpdbg leak in 9 hours
Reminder 36083107 is set.
@Jimbo depends entirely on the organization
Thought so ;)
@brzuchal it's not so much the expansion, it's the picture of text rather than just, ya know, text
@PaulCrovella It was faster to find on imgur, sorry, I'll remember :)
@Jimbo the bad rep of PMs usually stems from a disconnect between team and the PM. if they are ivory tower eggheads and expect them to implement stuff from half arsed ticket they refuse to talk about, then they suck.
it doesn't have to be that way though
there's also a healthy distrust of anyone who desires power over other people
Hence my wondering ^ Why would a dev become a pm?
assuming that they desire power over other people would be incorrect though
More Money
Some organizations see dev to pm as promotion... So, it's a growth path
That's almost hilarious
yes, because they consider devs as workforce
even if managing is totally different from developping
if in zend_parse_parameters i have a "O", will i need to add two variables to the variadic, right?
@Jimbo well ... I can be more productive when I don't code
@Trucy it's also totally different from leading
one getting the object, the other the class entry that is expected
(right now, being a fast food employee sounds good)
> O - object of specific type given by class entry (zval*, zend_class_entry)
@Trucy goat farming, I'm telling ya, is the way to go
@JoeWatkins were are you reading it? :B
(honestly, if I'm fired my next job will be one that has nothing to do with IT)
thanks tho
@PaulCrovella was thinking bartending :p
@PaulCrovella my team is conflicted between goats and pigs
morrow christoph
@Jimbo counter question: why wouldn't s/he?
@PaulCrovella I think i'd actually prefer goat farming..
@FlorianMargaine that's an option I hadn't considered, I can see it being a toss-up between them
@Trucy bartending is hard
Humans are more difficult to please than computers
drunk humans doubly so
I do other jobs sometimes @Trucy
Maybe woodwork or something
That's also really hard
@iroegbu yes, but right now I have to satisfy both computer and a human whom is less decided on what they want than a shitfaced drunkard
I build and restore and service trailers and horse boxes during summer months, and also sometimes buy and restore motorbikes, and the odd car ... and used to do Saturday delivery driving for a local brewery when I lived in Kent ... this year just planning trailers, bought shiny new welder the other week ...
right now I dream of a life without code
I do woodwork.
I still code most days even when I'm doing that stuff ...
I also Coach youths.
I'm a contract killer.
but it's a way to get outside, and a project to work on with wife, nice to spend time together ...
Personal trainer. lol
@DaveRandom hehe
Motivational speaker.
@DaveRandom IMO the average contract killer have more morale than the average pm
btw Chris.. your son is the spitting image of you.. without the beard and hair
that's kinda how it works @Jay
!!? birds and bees
Search for "birds and bees" (https://www.google.com/search?q=birds+and+bees&lr=lang_en)
• The birds and the bees - Wikipedia - The birds and the bees is een single van Jewel Akens. Het volgde op een periode dat Jewel Akens dee… (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_birds_and_the_bees)
• The birds and the bees - Wikipedia - "The Birds and the Bees" is an English-language idiomatic expression and euphemism that refers to c… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_birds_and_the_bees)
• Sam Cooke - Birds and the bees songtekst | Songte… - Songtekst van Sam Cooke met birds and the bees kan je hier vinde
you're welcome
I thought females were asexual
@SalOrozco Trucy needs some motivational talk, and a way to deal with his pm
or some goats and a plot of land
not all managers are arse holes
@iroegbu I'm a her btw
Oh sorry about that...
I'm doing a fair amount of that ... I'm extremely reasonable ... most of the time, unless you try to argue with me
the best managers I've had have been those reluctant to take a management position
@iroegbu it's OK :)
that's me age ~3 ^ @JayIsTooCommon
@DaveRandom aww
Your son?
@SalOrozco !!xkcd 214
!!xkcd 214
@SalOrozco no me, this is my son though
son looks more like you than you do ...
I like my children like I like my women; heavily armed and sockless
@DaveRandom jesus that's weird
@DaveRandom <3
looks more like you then you do.
@DaveRandom oh god
he really looks like you
poor kid
@JayIsTooCommon it was the 80s. I got off light.
@DaveRandom if you flip around the part before the semicolon it still technically means the same thing, but sounds way way worse
!!lxr mb_ereg
ugh still borken...
lxr is dead, ereg should be dead, and mb wishes it were dead
yeh opegrok01 is down again
@PeeHaa The results page is not in the expected format
when Levi appears and can reboot it (which fixed it last time) I will get opengrok02 up and running today
tbh I'm not super confident in these VMs though, they have not proven to be particular stable - and it does seem to be the VMs rather than opengrok
setup nevis as failover node ?
Can't we setup nevis as main?
if you want
I was thinking about shoving it on my VPS, which is pretty bulletproof, I've had about an hour of (non self-inflicted) downtime in the ~3yrs that I've had it
I don't really do anything with it right now
do anything :)
in fact it's currently serving as the front-end for lxr, which it why you get a 504 rather than just a connection timeout
@JoeWatkins well it's a docker image, which makes it a shitload easier to redeploy
@DaveRandom why is your avatar breaking every now and then?
It's a gravatar issue
someone was complaining about it the other day, for not just me
(well, my avatar is gravatar and I haven't touched it recently so...)
I don't know, I only care about you
is it going kind half-gray sometimes? @FlorianMargaine
looks fine to me
open dev tools, "disable cache while dev tools is open" and hard reload a few times
probably you have a cached error
ah, yes
the SO default avatar, in green
lol. it was fine for me until I opened that url
oh right yes that happened for a few people on Fri
gravatar is really messing up, eh?
there's a se post about it, I think
There's a meta question linked somewhere, with an official statement from SE saying that it's an upstream problem at gravatar and there's nothing they can do
gravatar is WP so I can't say I'm surprised...
I believe their suggested fix was "stop using gravatar"
@FlorianMargaine yeah this happened the other day for me with @Gordon's
w.r.t lxr though, I'm just waiting for the other box to be available so I can copy the index off so we don't have to spend a day and a lot of pointless CPU cycles re-indexing it
I think it's the big image that's cached the wrong way
like, for small ones it uses your correct avatar, on multi-lines it switches to the wrongly-cached avatar
Probably that's a non-standard size that gravatar doesn't have cached, and the on-the-fly resizing logic is borked in some way
Uhhhhmmmmmmm I kinda know what who happened to the session regenerate id page, but wtf... /cc @salathe
What the actual fuck @ the examples
Like goddamnit wtf
why oh why oh wyoming
@PeeHaa is that new, or from their big session doc rewrite a while back
You just mean one single person right?
It's new in the sense that's the first time I see it in that broken state
I'm not sure if Y. is solely responsible for that page, all the sentences are approaching syntactically valid English
I noticed that too
But the examples are wtf level asian
use Y.
because indexed
i looks very Y-like
Sep 13 '16 at 2:27, by Paul Crovella
i really wish yasuo would run things by a fluent english speaker before updating the manual http://php.net/manual/en/session.security.php
I wish they would just stop
@PaulCrovella WTF
@PaulCrovella wtf
@PaulCrovella wut
I do feel kinda bad for criticising other people's English skills, but it's pretty important when it comes to documentation.
@DaveRandom I'm not a native english speaker, I can criticize.
I mean he certainly speaks much better English than I speak Japanese
if it were just language skills that were a problem, I'd be okay with it ... it's every single thing that is a problem
!!remind try to unfuckify session docs in 10 hours
Usage: !!reminder [ examples | list | <text> [ at <time> | in <delay> ] | unset <id> ] Try !!reminder examples
Reminder 36083866 is set.
!!issue reminder improvements - respond to other natural formats
@JoeWatkins Issue created - github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/issues/187
We are @Ekin is already working on it
good, now we have issue to track progress
There already is one I think
good, now there are two
maybe not though, there was a perpetually WIP PR for ages which we eventually closed
yeah, I need to finish that already
Oh it's a dash
you're a dash.
@JayIsTooCommon mind if I change !!issue to treat / as a separator as well?
sure :)
That's what I intuitively want to use for some reason
because windows
I think because sed actually
I disagree
@FlorianMargaine known bug in Gravatar. the solution is to upload your avatar to SO directly instead of use that other service they offer
@JoeWatkins wait, windows doesn't even use / for basically anything :-P
@DaveRandom it's still cmd switch isn't it ?
Oh god session destroy may also be infected svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revision&revision=340011
while you're working on issue, would be nice to be able to post a comment to an issue ... !!issue #no content-possibly-multiline
Oh right yes that, I forgot that because I think in posix-style args
@JoeWatkins Doable but I'm not sure how useful, since people would always end up going to github to look up the issue number in the first place
@PeeHaa you should assume everything about sessions in the manual needs to be fixed
I'd have used it already
@PaulCrovella s/in the manual//
@JoeWatkins OK, should be pretty trivial I think
pretty sure back in sept he wrote to internals saying something about rewriting a bunch of stuff, but everyone ignored his email because... well...
Key word is fixed, that's probably not what that would accomplish
@Gordon I blame SO
@PaulCrovella oh god
> Comments, questions, corrections and additions are appreciated!
@PeeHaa it's terrifying to think you might have to pay attention to his emails, I know
^ ^ Fair enough, he did ask
he said mandatory, everyone drink a shot of whatever is closest to your desk ...
(tea for me, obviously)
/me drinks shot of copier toner
@JoeWatkins a shot of vape juice might kill me
@Gordon SO is offering the built-in integration for gravatar, so they're the ones to blame
@PaulCrovella I hate the fact it's in internals only instead of docs
@PaulCrovella lol
I wouldn't have seen it there either, but probably cmb or salathe would have found it
@JayIsTooCommon after putting it up live
@JoeWatkins :D
@PaulCrovella yeah, good point
Hey everybody,
I'm struggling with Laravel/Valet I need to run a website with php5.6 however I do not find how to specify to Valet which php i want to use.
I've read that Valet was running under Caddy but looking at .valet folder I only see Nginx. Do I have to install Caddy myself ?
We're not good at using Laravel or Valet here
Last time someone here tried it, it shut down a part of Amazon WS3
@Trucy Wut wut lol ?
@Leigh if it was hosted on a different domain, sure
^ that
@Ekin if you free them manually, yes, otherwise once they're inactive and not referenced anymore.
@Leigh having a pornhub url in the proxy logs sure sounds like a good idea :D
anyone doubting the sfw-ness can just go to the link though
2% of female pornhub visitors use Linux as their desktop OS
@Leigh Those are weird stats
Would there really be such a difference between men and women?
I actually don't expect it
They have the numbers
@Leigh 2017 is the year of the Linux desktop CONFIRMED
@Leigh Wat. Did I miss it
1 sec
how do they know they're female? (haven't clicked link)
Chrome os 33% difference on 1 % market share :P
Might be limited to signed in accounts
So 3 men are using chrome os and 1 woman
anyway, meeting :)
@JayIsTooCommon Marketing / tracking profiles would be one way
@JayIsTooCommon it's like how we know you're 12, but automated
they have a category for women also
When are you going to release the new 7.1 @JoeWatkins?
@PeeHaa 3 men using 1 woman sounds like the typical ph content… using chrome not so much.
@JoeWatkins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Gordon :P
yay \o/
youtu.be/8mRoZBmnbPU @PeeHaa the guy almost cocked it up, then went back on track and won
Also, afternoons o/
@Wes :D
@Saitama o/
@PeeHaa I may ignore all emails coming from that author; he hurts my brains.
@salathe The problem is that everybody does that now and it results in docs vomit :P
Not just docs... but yes I understand. :)
How are you doing btw @salathe? Don't see you often in here
If you want to work on un-Y-ing the session docs, you're very welcome!
guys is the ads price for news website different than normal ads rate in facebook ?
@salathe Yeah already set the reminder
Registered reminders are:
• @⁠DaveRandom http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33706606#33706606 → Id: :33706826 → Saturday, 29th April 2017 12:01 (UTC) - Set by Gordon - Time left: 1 month, 16 days, 1 hour, 7 minutes and 18 seconds
• what happens → Id: :35514705 → Thursday, 21st December 2017 00:00 (UTC) - Set by Trucy - Time left: 9 months, 7 days, 13 hours, 6 minutes and 18 seconds
• Happy PeeHaa day → Id: :35763899 → Wednesday, 21st February 2018 00:00 (UTC) - Set by Trucy - Time left: 11 months, 7 days, 13 hours, 6 minutes and 18 seconds
we try not to say the name @salathe
because indexed
@JoeWatkins fixed
also if you say it three times it might summon him
also, hi :)
@PaulCrovella :D
@JoeWatkins if you do a search, we're passed that :P
@neo Hooooooooow about asking facebook instead :P
!!annoy @salathe
@⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe @⁠salathe hi
@JayIsTooCommon we don't need to keep doing it though ...
@Gordon :)
@Gordon fyi if you ping in the invoking message it shouldn't ping in the resulting message
@DaveRandom Yeah, Jeeves didn't ping.
!!annoy salathe
@salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe @salathe hi
we've been conditioned to hedge all "won't"s to "shouldn't"s by a lifetime of php
That should ping
@DaveRandom I can confirm that it did. :)
although I'm not sure if I actually tested it
oh cool
\o/ something I wrote works for once
!!poop works
💩 works
!!alias poop-on sayf 💩 on %p /
Command '!!poop-on' aliased to '!!sayf 💩 on %p /'
@PeeHaa wa?
!!poop-on peehaa
💩 on @PeeHaa
@JayIsTooCommon ?
Wot wa? :)

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