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Or make it as complicated as you want. Probably other ways, I just chuck associated data alongside the route
@JayIsTooCommon it's inferring it from the return type of the mocked method
(I think, I'm struggling to find this behaviour documented but it is logical)
Uhhhh wat?
Check that product information
@pmmaga i don't get it :(
i mean, i'm not sure if removing it would be enough
i'll try compiling it later
@Leigh cool, my camera needs reinflating
@Leigh lol
I wanted to deliver air at 480Mbps!
to a PC or a Mac
Ugh, this guy has come in to do an audit on our internal systems and I am considering beating him to death with his own sense of self importance
Mbps clearly being megabars per second, rapidly increasing pressure
@PeeHaa Boo! The message exceeds the 140 character limit. :-(
boo indeed!
He just attempted to tell me that I should be using HTTPS for things which never leave the LAN :-(
@DaveRandom Get naked and tell him you're ready for your screening
I'm already naked
Also, I agree with him
@Leigh ...seriously?
If I was disgruntled I'd totally arp spoof and hijack some insecure sessions
The data is not even remotely sensitive
In fact every single bit of data exchanged is presented to users via a GUI
except database IDs
and they can be found by viewing the source of web pages
do you have anything that does go over https? check the algos used, and if they're bad pull him up on it if he doesn't notice
If I wanted to do HTTPS I'd have to set up an internal CA and deploy the root cert into the trust store of every client machine
fingers crossed for rc4 and md5 certs :D
it's just not worth the effort, we have much bigger issues
@Leigh no, I know how to configure SSL :-P
ok, own CA is easy, cloudflare open sourced tools to make it trivial... they're windows machines you can force anything you want on them
every single HTTPS enabled web server I maintain is A+ rated by ssllabs
@Leigh yes but I have to maintain it. We have 3rd party apps (over which I have no control) which directly access the DB using the sa account. If we are going to fix anything, that's at the top of the pile.
internal HTTPS is like item #10228 on that list or something
I lol
sa account :(
One the 2nd day in this job or something I noticed that sa was enabled for non-local access, I disabled it immediately and all hell broke loose
I have tried so fucking hard to get the company that maintain that app to even understand why this is bad, I've now basically given up, no-one other than me seems to care
Will they listen to audit-cretin?
The management here probably will, yeh
see if you can get that fact in his report then?
getting the people who maintain that app to change what they do... bigger problem. But I can hopefully make it no longer my problem
@DaveRandom sa?
SQL server admin
Sql Server's "root" account
Many years back, I wanted to persist a backdoor on a colleagues machine. SQL servers scheduled tasks to the rescue ;)
What? I call bullshit
A: Error on session_start

Akshay PrakashTry this: In your php.ini set session.gc_probability to 0 It is caused due to automatic session garbage collection. Disable it and you are on. In Debian and Ubuntu, /var/lib/php5, where the session data is stored, has permissions of drwx-wx-wt and should only be cleaned by a cron script. So, t...

Besides the terrible advice does debian really do that?
been a while since I looked at a question on SO
session.gc_probability => 0 => 0
Oh wow
3 answer DVs in 30 seconds
@Leigh Yeah not even sure how I ended up on main tbh :P
Restart apache server — Akshay Prakash 17 secs ago
Yes ape. Restart apache
yea, quality has clearly improved since I last clicked around
affen mit waffen
are they really disabling session gc in debian?
Yes apparently
I don't find any cron though :|
Well they don't disable gc...
php -i | grep gc
register_argc_argv => On => On
zend.enable_gc => On => On
session.gc_divisor => 1000 => 1000
session.gc_maxlifetime => 1440 => 1440
session.gc_probability => 0 => 0
_SERVER["argc"] => 0
Oh figured it out. Updated PHPUnit. Broke all my tests again though, need to change from \PHPUnit_Framework_Testcase to \PHPUnit\Framework\Testcase. >_>
not gc, session gc
someone should probably tell them they done goofed
oh right
grep fail
why u no cv ?
Who are you looking at?
all y'all
Main can die in a fire for all I care
Because first I'd have to search for duplicates
and lazy
Otherwise it's a valid question
I'm currently working on a laptop, which I hate the keyboard of
@Leigh Do you at last have a proper mouse attached?
how to fix your keyboard:
link fail
oh wait
now it works
@DaveRandom that would make sense, only their (peeHaa smells of piss) documentation does say null by default but that might be pre strict types
@JayIsTooCommon that's what I was assuming, I tried to read the source but I don't understand it
@JayIsTooCommon '"they're"
They are documentation, though
hi guys
if $a=$_POST['a'];
when I echo $a I should be able to see the value of $a right?
hmm, I wish there was a language construct for guard clauses
I know I can just write if (!someCondition) return; but it always feels wrong to put the return on the same line
@Riccardo did you try that yet?
3 messages moved to Trash
@Riccardo why are asking even before trying..
I would assume he already tried but it's not giving the expected result
so he is not confirmed on this PHP skills.. this is simple php code..
@Riccardo if this is not outputting anything, use var_dump() instead. that will.
does anyone know an example of a good use case for __invoke?
Is there any particular reason why E_ALL is 32767?
@Saitama I always use -1
@pmmaga any functors
@Gordon hmm.. do you any github link i could look at?
a cursory search is only yielding tests and such
makes sense, bitmasks
omg just heard this on the radio again
So good
@PeeHaa rockheads
@pmmaga nope, sorry. I sometimes use them in objects having only one interface methods as well. But it always feels weird over just calling the interface method
@Saitama Just thinking about how you wouldn't even know who the prodigy is :)
... I do not ...
cool kids listen to pop
The Prodigy is the Alter Ego of @NikiC
@PeeHaa one of my favs :B thats proper music
@PeeHaa I prefer SMBU
@Gordon Also good
1 min ago, by Saitama
cool kids listen to pop
So is voodoo people
And so is the pendulum remix
@pmmaga maybe en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_object#In_PHP helps to get some ideas?
my fav is voodoo people
@Wes The original or the remix
or invaders must die... or hot ride
I actually like the remix better
i don't even know a remix existed
i know pendulum :B
i prefer the original one
!!youtube prodigy mindfields
Search for "youtube prodigy mindfields" (https://www.google.com/search?q=youtube+prodigy+mindfields&lr=lang_en)
• Prodigy - Mind Fields - YouTube - No description available (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mKieArPRkw)
• Mindfields - The Prodigy - YouTube - This song is from the album : The Fat Of The Land Lyrics: This is dangerous Open up your head feel… (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alkbZPXbnJk)
• The Prodigy - Mindfields (The Matrix) - YouTube - Artist: The Prodigy Album: The Matrix Release: 2000. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HvSYTlyF5I)
or climbatize. dat tune
@PeeHaa do you know some big beat bands that i should know of apart the obvious ones?
probably not
I suck at remember things like that
@Gordon Nice! Thanks! :)
goddamn it @Jeeves
@Saitama It is Arthur, King of the Britons.
@Wes Yup, try it and run the tests. By looking at it, it seems to be enough but it may not be. Also, to be honest I'm not completely sure which case is this line trying to cover
how do you do var dump in c? :B do you use debuggers or something? any suggestions? should i get an ide, btw?
!!lxr php_var_dump
[ /ext/standard/var.c#83 ] PHPAPI void php_var_dump(zval *struc, int level) /* {{{ */
@Wes i was nearly shot the last time i suggested it to someone on this chat. :P but i'm pretty happy debugging with vscode
generally we don't do a var dump in code ... we use debugger, we might dump from there ...
does vscode have a debugger?
@Wes yes
@Wes yes, it uses gdb (for C) but with GUI easiness
means you can compile php with it? :o
any1 can help me with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/42645488/… ?
.oO( let's see if I can help with that… click… oh, it's laravel… cannot be bothered… ctrl-w )
@Wes yup, you can configure the build task as well.
TIL ctrl+w is a thing
@PeeHaa how can you not know that
@PeeHaa it closes the current tab. how do you close tabs? dont tell me you use your mouse?
@pmmaga thanks for giving a try :p
I use ctrl+f4
the only keyboard shortcut in chrome that doesn't require 3 hands with each 8 fingers
@Wes wrong, you also have ctrl + t :p
@PeeHaa you can't do that with one hand only. unless well, you are 2.50m tall :B
@Wes I indeed can't
@PeeHaa I'd need to press three keys for that. fn +ctrl +f4 and w is closer than f4
@Gordon ewwww get a better laptop / keyboard
I hate the fn key
@JoseSilva hum?
Really cannot get used to that
@PeeHaa I can toggle it so that the f4 keys are actually f4 keys but the fn functions are more useful
@pmmaga wrong tag, miss click :p
@Gordon I have seen german keyboards so I already know you poeple are weird
just buy a mac ^^ cmd + w
or ctrl + shift + w = f4 = 1 hand
@Naruto no. just no.
alt + shift + w **
@Naruto that is even worse
Fucking switched keys
@Gordon work environment is all mac, I haz no choice
@Naruto how do you write emails? you cannot type @ w\out closing an app. and what do you mean by "work environment". last time I checked you were 14 or something.
@Gordon that would be me, dear sir
also, s/14/15
@Gordon @ is standard top left on a mac keyboard? And since when did I become 14? :D
Saitama… Naruto… Madara… all the same manga to me
Saitama... is....
from OPM!!11
I am sure OPM is Hentai or something…
@JoeWatkins If you heard how managers talk here, you'd go berserk in a second
no it isn't... but if you insist I can give you some names
I don't.
from now on, I'll just refer to you as the Manga Boys
Fine by me, 🤗🤗
you know… like the Venga Boys… just with Manga instead of Venga
I can't sing.. but neither could they.. so I guess I'm cool with it
@Gordon If you want to make them cringe, switch manga and anime
Like this
@Naruto that's fine. you can dance. @MadaraUchiha can do all the singing
@Gordon what do I do then?
@Trucy what do you mean "switch"?
I Lick them 2 sometimes
@Saitama dancing as well
@Gordon saying "anime" instead of "manga", and vice-versa
@Trucy uhm... s/reading/watching
@Trucy you say that like there was a difference? it's all japanese cartoons.
@Gordon yes but if you know the difference you can make the fans cringe/react™, like I did :D
@Saitama Thou fell it my trappe
@Sean when test frameworks know a little too much about you /s
ah so anime is to manga what cartoon is to comic. unless its hentai, then it can be both. very convincing.
@Trucy shite
@Gordon yup, and yup
so what's a japanese comic audiobook then?
Also, practically mangas can't be audiobook....
@Gordon Drama CD I guess
That'd be the equivalent
Or we could summon Madara-kun
But he'd tell us to discuss about it in the anime.SE
@Saitama why not? if the screen on your tv is broken, you can still hear them talk
@MadaraUchiha is it acceptable to flag someone confusing manga and anime? :D
@Gordon Hentai is "Porn"
Can be in either comic form or cartoon form
@Trucy I sit acceptable if somebody tells you (s)he watches either of them though
But yeah
@MadaraUchiha that's what I said
Zend_Controller_Front also implements the » Singleton pattern mfw
@Trucy ZF1 used a lot of Singletons
and conceptually it makes sense to say your app will only have one front controller
but its just not necessary to enforce this with a Singleton
because no one will instantiate a second one anyway
/me headbangs. Related: vimeo.com/180755459#t=0m48s
you haven't contributed an answer in two months
I've got upvotes
That counts as continual contributing
middle finger
@Jimbo Dat english PHP and charm!
@Sean If you couldn't tell, I'd just woken up when I answered those questions haha
50 shades of Jim lmao
user image
Ah yes "English charm"
.oO( and when I cannot be bothered, I just rely on looking like Justin Bieber )
@Jimbo scnr <3
hmm, got my first project from freelancer for $30. (to add a new feature to a webpage) and .. it's made with Laravel :/
Huh. Just found out, that time_nanosleep has some valid range for $nanoseconds parameter.
time_nanosleep(): nanoseconds was not in the range 0 to 999 999 999 or seconds was negative
What it did get, was value int(1000000000)
But documentation is lacking, that sort of information
I didn't even know that was a thing :P
fun experiment of the day: go to google's picture search and set the wanted image size to icon. then type in your name in the search box. marvel at how many of your friends and colleagues show up.
@samayo congrats
@Gordon 0
taylor otwell shows up for my nick though
I feel dirty now
@PeeHaa we should've known
@Gordon only 5. Guess I have no friends
I get many pictures but only 3 is a friend of mine and that's because it's linked with linkedin
@PeeHaa set safeSearch on
@PeeHaa what was a thing?
Yay offf woooork
Ou. Okay.
Why do you need a sleep BTW. And why would you ever need that precision?
Well seting minimum in seconds, seems to strict.
With sleep I can not set sleep in milliseconds
That doesn't answer the question why you would need that
long pool
@PeeHaa or usleep
@Eugene yes those are both words
@Trowski @bwoebi Both cboden and another_clue are currently active in IRC.
But where does sleep come into all of this?
BTW if somebody is annoyed by the gif complain to Joe
It's friday and I don't give a shit atm
@PeeHaa under long pool I meant communication with other system through curl. Sending some check requests non-stop is no good
@Eugene But sending with a interval of milliseconds is?
Yes. Why not?
Might as well just request -> wait for response -> request again -> repeat
If you get response in ms, then I do not see reason, why interval can not be in ms
do you control the other system ?
@Eugene It can be
I just don't see the usefulness of it
, but hey it's friday \o/
@PeeHaa you mean you want us to bother him with gifes?
You can do whatever you want \o/
@kelunik what channel/server exactly?
#reactphp on freenode.
while (checkWithOtherSystem === false) { time_nanosleep(0, xxx); }
What do you / the other end actually gain by that?
nanosleep is completely pointless, just use usleep()
But I'm more interested atm with 3v4l.org and the fact, that calling time_nanosleep there has no effect whatsoever during runtime
it doesn't actually exist on a lot of platforms
@DaveRandom I am amazed it tells me it does on windows
btw @Joe my gf will follow a MOOC to learn C :D
@DaveRandom with time_nanosleep I can either set seconds if value is to high for it to be ns or ns if it needs to be small enough
@PeeHaa it's defined as a no-op in places that don't support it iirc
could be wrong about that though
!!lxr time_nanosleep
[ /ext/standard/basic_functions.c#4525 ] PHP_FUNCTION(time_nanosleep)
oh, huh
did I mention usleep (which windows uses for t_ns) ?
in case I didn't mention it, you are looking for usleep
that's usleep
you can remember it like "you sleep" ... but it's usleep
@Eugene yes but you have precision on the order of maybe 10^-5 anyway
u sleep, innit?
@JoeWatkins ease up :)
@Eugene usleep
time_nanosleep(0, 1); will take a lot longer (maybe 10000 times longer) than 1 nanoseconds, on a busy system it could take several milliseconds
@JoeWatkins what was that again?
@kelunik have to update OS first…
@PeeHaa usleep
@DaveRandom okay
@DaveRandom will any of sleep functions have same inaccuracy on a busy system or just time_nanosleep?
if you think you need nanosecond precision, you are extremely wrong ...
@JoeWatkins well, it's the minimum sleep…
@JoeWatkins üsleep with microseconds better how?
@Eugene Well yes, with any sleep function all you are doing is requesting that the scheduler ignore you for however much time, the scheduler will (most likely) ignore you for at least that much time, it will reschedule you when it has resources available to allocate
@Eugene usleep() exists and does the same thing everywhere
time_nanosleep() doesn't exist everywhere, and is implemented differently in different places
Still even using usleep to prevent "something" is wrong imo
Okay. So in short sleep issues will occur with every sleep function, but usleep is more stable due to existing constantly?
Either you are using the service wrong or you are using the wrong service
again imo ianal yolo
Well yes, but if you are using sleep() to avoid a race condition of some sort, all you are doing is deferring the race condition
XY: what's the actual problem?
frequency of the requsts
what requests?
curl requests towards other system
OK so what you are polling it for changes?
Yes. Exactly
To see the state
You don't want to be doing that at any level of frequency that would require that anyway, then. If you a polling a remote server, do it at most every second
Best thing would be to open a socket?
otherwise you are just flooding the network with pointless traffic and basically DoS'ing the server
I have been trying to say all that for at least 5 minutes now
Make that 10
Ideally you want the remote server/service to tell you when the state changes though
what actually is the remote server?

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