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@Leigh is this by design or an oversight 3v4l.org/6SPZG ?
they need to accept the fact that alonso brings bad luck:
went to mclaren the first time, lost the championship, left. the year after they won the championship
refused a offer from redbull, they won 4 championship after that
lost the championship with ferrari in 2010, they sucked in 2011 and they lost it again in 2012, they sucked again in 2013 and 2014
joined mclaren again, overall worst car in the past 2 years and this too, considering how much money they are wasting
can you see the pattern?
yes I see
ferrari has been sucky the last years
That's what you meant right?
i mean that always joins the worst possible team, or, that he makes the team the worst possible. he's cursed
@DaveRandom very complex system. I basically have only api and brief description on how it should be used. So okay. sleep should suffice then
ferrari wasn't great in the past two years but at least it wasn't last, which mclaren was
@Wes I first thought you were talking about Anthony before I've read mclaren
!!lxr sleep
@bwoebi ???
ah lol. ferrara
@Jeeves buddy?
@PeeHaa I seek the Holy Grail.
@Jeeves Why didn't you respond to @Eugene?
Why it is not working for me?
@Eugene The results page is not in the expected format
@PeeHaa Because i'm frank ocean.
wow that's slow
@Eugene I think he was searching reeeally hard for you
@Jeeves did you execute passed in command while requesting page?
@Eugene I don't know what that means.
@Eugene I didn't you did.
Makes even less sence
@Eugene :)
@Eugene Stop trying to make sense of Peehaa's coding. You'll hurt yourself
It's sooo good it's on a whole other level
You wouldn't understand
!!lxr sleep
@PeeHaa You wrote it in Node?
@Machavity brainfuck
@DaveRandom I like how you call that one "interesting"
Yeey. So sleeping has issues everywhere :D
@DaveRandom The results page is not in the expected format
!!lxr poop
!!lxr htmlspecialchars
It's just slow in general
@Jeeves why did you put it in wrong format?
@Eugene Because. I'm god.
!!lxr stop
Well that explains a lot
@PeeHaa The results page is not in the expected format
@PeeHaa The results page is not in the expected format
not sure if we killed lxr or what
Did you update something?
@PeeHaa The results page is not in the expected format
ooooh it's down
yay @Eugene killed it \o/
yeh, looking into why right now
Have a "I killed lxr badge" @Eugene
@DaveRandom you shouldn't have bothered it before :D
It's been really stable for a while now
can't ssh to the box
oh that could explain it
These VMs are... kinda unreliable
You have a kvm panel of some sorts?
@PeeHaa I tried long polling that resource with time_nanosleep :D
@LeviMorrison has it
@Eugene :P
but time_nanosleep didn't work
It's just opengrok01, I can ssh to opengrok02 but unfortunately lxr isn't running on it right now
So resource got overwhelmed
we nuked the machine and I haven't had to time to set it up yet
@DaveRandom Good thing we have redundancy \o/
!!lxr sleep
Nope. You fucked it all up. Hope you are happy now
Everybody thank @Eugene for breaking lxr
@Eugene The results page is not in the expected format
You know what semi happy is?
It is on a border between happy and not. @Jeeves knows what I am talking about. Right?
apparently not
@Jeeves talk to me
well, shit
@Eugene Maybe I am a computer.
wtf @Jeeves
Nope. No maybe. It is a fact.
@DaveRandom What? I only execute commands. Go blame somebody else.
@Eugene Weight. Happy feels lighter than air and sad feels like there's a heavy weight inside you.
@Eugene I am talking to you because I am bored.
║ [1 day, 22 hours, 5 minutes and 20 seconds] without an accident ║
║                   since [2017-03-08 17:21:31]                   ║
Uh... OK
He's trying to safe the environment by batching messages now
This time I will use ROFL
He's learning
not sure why those came out of order
@Jeeves why so low on rep?
specifically I can't see how !!uptime would come after my cleverbot response
@DaveRandom Well you wanted async you got async
yeh but message posting is a queue
@Eugene I don't like formation Mark.
@Jeeves why?
@DaveRandom Probably combination of that and throttling somehow?
Although this is weird
yeh I guess so, something fucky is going on, I wonder if it might be on SE's side
@DaveRandom stop feeding @Jeeves pron.
@Eugene I don't like the texture.
@Jeeves why?
@Eugene No, seriously, I don't get the joke.
@Jeeves why?
@Eugene Because of reasons.
@Jeeves what reasons?
Something is hanging
I blame dnslib
@DaveRandom should work on DNS lib.
my cpu's fan started doing some strange noise. sounds like @PeeHaa when he's ran out of beer
@Eugene Ok.
@Jeeves what okay?
@Eugene The reasons I have.
@Wes I don't run out of beer. Beer runs out of PeeHaa
@Jeeves the reasons are okay?
@Eugene Is calling you ally alright?
@PeeHaa Nobody likes that beer.
@Eugene Yes.
@Jeeves no. Your reasons are weired. Debug reasons?
@PeeHaa i meant the hypotetical condition, reproduced in a laboratory
it's SE @PeeHaa
the websocket messages are arriving out of order
@Eugene I don't believe in him.
Now that you say it
I have posted that ^ 10 minutes ago
@Jeeves O_o. You do not believe in Debug. Who are you after that?
Actually it might be some kind of nagel-esque algo
and we're processing them in the wrong order
Neh I blame SO
but still they are arriving in the wrong order with a massive delay
@Eugene Because everything is an illusion.
Mostly because I have no idea what nagel does
@DaveRandom leave it. It is more fun that way :D
oh it's actually pretty easy
@Jeeves so you think you are an illusionist? WTF?
@Eugene @⁠jeeves so you think No you are an illusionist? wtf?
Damn those commands
@PeeHaa in theory, maybe. In practice, it's basically magic
Isn't it all bruv. Isn't it all
You can disabled it with SO_TCP_NONAGLE but I've never had cause to
lol in one packet we got the same mention event 9 times :-P
still, my UI seems to be handling it more gracefully than @Jeeves, so there is still work to do
Your UI?
@DaveRandom Yes but that doesn't make it logical.
lol @Jeeves
well said
@DaveRandom Can you give me some specific instructions and ping me so I can look at it later? Thanks.
@LeviMorrison fix it
- dave
@PeeHaa Because you don't mind something doesn't make it logical.
@LeviMorrison just opengrok01 is currently down, totally unresponsive
so... do something about if you can
btw am I the only one who gets hit by the flood protection more often since recently?
@DaveRandom And opengrok02?
@PeeHaa lets put it to a vote :D
I had some spurious ones yesterday, been OK today though
@LeviMorrison up but not actually configured, although I'm doing that now
I think it started a couple of days ago
Not sure if SO sucks or it's trying to tell me to think before saying something
SO had big issues last night
oh missed that
The plan was to migrate to 02, take 01 down and split it out, right?
they've brought a new database node in and it fell over last night and took everything else with it
@LeviMorrison yes
cascading failures are the best
@DaveRandom I'm attempting to reboot 01, but good luck with bringing up 02 without it :D
Why was room11.org chosen for source code viewing?
It seems so slow
It's a half-finished job, like literally everything else I have ever done since birth
/me is getting beer groceries
@PeeHaa hops, malt, barley, etc
back up @LeviMorrison
evening room
Would participating in the fr translation of the PHP manual be useful?
(are the fr pages regularly consulted?)
many french people use Symfony . it wont be wasted effort
if french translation is like italian, imho no. @Trucy everyone i know wants to read the english doc, because that's for sure updated
some pages in the italian translation (others too i'm sure of that) are like php 5.0 old
if you want to do programming seriously and since most of programming material is english only, you need to learn a bit of english, enough to read the english documentation. it doesn't make sense translating documentations in my opinion. it's much easier and it's required regardless learning a bit of english
@Trucy personally I know 7 french words, if you use only those
words, I will read :|
@Wes, some people will understand some concepts better when explained in their mother tongue
@Wes that's what I think too…
its obvious that english is must, but still It would be nice to have a translation and not must to have.
I think translating OS software will be more useful
it is already hard communicating about programming in one language only. if we do it in multiple languages it's going to be way harder...
much simpler that way
guys anyway to check whether received pem cert is of a trusted certs, that are in a specfic dir?
I've tried openssl_x509_checkpurpose
But it gives false.
Even those I know, that it should be true in the given case.
I see that my questions not only killed @Jeeves and lxr, but this room in total :D
@Eugene I don't believe you are human because you do not respond to direct questioning.
3 messages moved to Trash
posted on March 10, 2017 by CommitStrip

Today the strip is sponsored by NeuronalMotion! NeuronalMotion is a young business we recently met who are growing rapidly. They accompany small and large businesses in their innovative projects thanks to their team of particularly passionate developers! We loved: their Atelier 27 project, which allows customers to customise their high-heels via 3D printing. Check them out!

laravel facades ^
Got me first conference elephpant. Yay.
@Sean Test Jeeves Test Jeeves Test Jeeves
> Fatal error: Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found in /home/travis/build/morrisonlevi/Ardent/test/Ardent/OptionalTest.php on line 6
Hmm. Thanks Travis.
Need to figure out how to specify phpunit versions I guess...
Aren't you using composer?
also hi again all
@PeeHaa OFC not.
This is me, remember?
@LeviMorrison is the one who actually uses make in PHP projects
@NikiC To be fair, only sometimes ^_^
@LeviMorrison It still indicates a critical bug somewhere in your brain :P
@NikiC Caused by having to read/write/modify so many Makefiles at work, I suppose :D
> Uh, seems like someone is on fire. 218 issues were fixed!
Thanks, Scrutinizer!
I actually deleted 80% of the repo, so thanks!
does anyone know how i can check whether mysql is activated on a server? I uploaded a phpinfo() file with informatoin, but not sure where under the mysql info to check.
Instagram API is giving me a headache...
@redshift It's under PDO -> mysql
@PeeHaa what's PDO?
It's like mysqli only decent
For some reason OAuth doesn't seem to work in in-app browsers on phones
But only on iOS though
I know that at least facebook tries to actively block that
All Instagram gives me is a "Failed to load" error when i try using their OAuth
but on android, it functions just fine
so I'm guessing it's something to do with iOS
BTW did you do anything about grok1 or did it solve automagically? @LeviMorrison
Ah. So it spreads :(
> for Better Usability and Security
And Instagram doesn't respond to my emails because why would they
Because money. That's why
It made even angrier when I had a problem with this:stackoverflow.com/questions/34371309/…
And the answer is some guy telling me to check if the profile is private...
Is there any way I can log all incoming/outgoing HTTP requests from a server to a file?
AAAARARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH can we pleeeeaaaassse deprecate list soon
Lol. Wat now?
!!> namespace List;
[ 7.0.0 - 7.1.2 ] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'List' (T_LIST), expecting '{' in /in/bh6hK on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
!!> class List {}
[ hhvm-3.12.14 - 3.18.1 ] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: syntax error, unexpected T_LIST in /in/bh6hK:1 Stack trace: #0 {main} <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ 5.6.0 - 5.6.30 ] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'List' (T_LIST), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or \\ (T_NS_SEPARATOR) or '{' in /in/bh6hK on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ 5.6.0 - 5.6.30, 7.0.0 - 7.1.2 ] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'List' (T_LIST), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /in/aJhNd on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ hhvm-3.12.14 - 3.18.1 ] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: syntax error, unexpected T_LIST in /in/aJhNd:1 Stack trace: #0 {main} <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
namespace MyList;
runs away
screw this
insta annoyed
/me closes ide
So I heard it's time to trash Jay's tests
yes please
@PeeHaa huh, I figured wiki.php.net/rfc/context_sensitive_lexer would've handled those
Nope sadly only for methods
Acccording tot bob and joe it is really hard to fix it all
All I can hope for / dream of deprecation in 8 and removal in 9 I guess?
And even that won't probably happen I assume
I wonder what the difficultly is with context sensitivity for namespaces and classes
cc @bwoebi @JoeWatkins ^
it'd be more useful, and probably politically easier, to change that than is would be to deprecate list
@PaulCrovella I'm not sure about namespaces
@PaulCrovella At this point I am not even sure anymore
I have been whining about this for a long time and never realy got the feeling it was actually solvable
What's the broken build of? PHP?
RE The testing PR
Read the comment :P
Updated it for you :D
Oh it is php
Maybe I should try a different strategy @PaulCrovella
I bet even @NikiC can't fix it so that I can use List as class name. I mean even bob couldn't make it work
Ugh.. I feel divided. In one hand, this makes things a bit more consistent. On the other hand, it makes singletons easier..
consistency should win out there, imo
Is this correct?
> how are you? I hope all be fine
More correct would be: Wazzap? Bitches be crazy.
@SebastianBergmann LOL
@PeeHaa :)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I'm not happy with how I gave that talk yesterday. Usually it's a big success, this time it was "MEH"
anyone knows a EU webshop that sells safe\s and takes paypal?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier anyway, we should at least meet up since you are around. Or did we, and I didn't connect you to this nickname?
if nobody punched you in the face you haven't met him yet
@PaulCrovella got punched in the face, not by him
I'm in the I am Joel talk. Yeah we met, I'm the guy with the heavy biker leather jacket! @Ocramius
Let's meet after this last talk if you're still there
I'm upstairs, working, but going down for the lightning talks
I promise I won't punch you
as usual, will be in front of the stage
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Don't forget to punch him this time
no problem with punching, just remember that I punch back!
Lol. K we'll manage something
\o phpeeps
@Wes \o/
I thought of another controversial RFC
removing the include_path and let it rot in hell <_<
Figured that I didn't use include_path once in the last 5 years
except for when I have to get rid of it
i've never used it
Have you used `include_path` in any #php applications you worked with in the last year?
Does anyone know really what "Proper Attribution" under the CC license means? I am trying to use the android robot but I don't know where I have to have the attribution
I know that's not PHP but I thought I'd ask anyways
@Ocramius yeah. We are migrating a legacy app at work, that uses include_path for all the PEAR shit
@Alesana A link
@MadaraUchiha I guess they want me to put "The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License."
But I don't know where? Can I put it in the footer of my page, or the hover title, or an HTML comment?
Starting the lightning talks now @Ocramius
Oic you're already there. I can sneak up and tackle your head.
surprise piggyback ride!
Sounds fitting
@PeeHaa Rebooted it.
Hi, often said that unit test forces high quality code. How?
@user6827096 Unit tests force you think about your dependencies.
It makes you code with less global state, and less implicit and hidden dependencies
ok, another good answer
And instead makes you use better layering of your code.
yesterday, by DaveRandom
@PaulCrovella fu
the edit history will preserve your shame
@MadaraUchiha thanks
@PaulCrovella Are you sure about that?
1 hour later…
I have a question
I need to print an html element using php
but it has 3 layers of quotes
My code right now is:
echo "<a onclick='post("/view2.php", {name: "Ducky", search: "Search"})'></a>";
@NoahCristino Escape with a backslash.
Do I do that at the echo?
like: \"<a onclick='post("/view2.php", {name: "Ducky", search: "Search"})'></a>\"
No, you escape the quotes inside the string, so that they don't terminate the string.
Can you give me an example?
"<a ... post(\"/view2.php\" ...
So my code would be: echo "<a onclick='post(\"/view2.php\", {name: \"Ducky\", search: \"Search\"})'></a>";
Thanks! @MadaraUchiha
Working with tons of quotes gets confusing
Lol @PaulCrovella
Downloaded Cygwin like 17 times and I still don't know why

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