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@JoeWatkins no worries. It should hopefully be plug and play, at least in terms of getting an usable internet connection. The RJ11 port connects directly to one phone line and the RJ45 WAN2 port connects through one of the TP boxes as with the asus. Admin user/pass is admin/admin, WAN admin is currently disabled so you can plugin it in safely. There's no need to configured the static IP addresses, the network will just always give you the same WAN IP automatically.
@JoeWatkins ahahahahahah :-)
@bwoebi yeah, pretty good ... the post lady was laughing as she asked "I assume the name is Watkins ?" ...
@DaveRandom excellent ... I'm sure you're right, but I can't cut internet for now because work ... so will wait till this evening ... also need move holes in walls and drag desk out to plug in, which means cutting power to desktop probably ...
@JoeWatkins passing on 7.2 now, nice to have that in place early.
Can anyone give me 'Laravel is shit' resources/conversations? Need to prove that I'm not talking out of my arse to people who are not technically inclined.
@rtheunissen excellent
@JayIsTooCommon Laravel is shit
I was just about to do that
@JayIsTooCommon You could dig up the issue when they decided to use vendor/ as their personal cache directory... and fought changing that.
What do you think of these lines kopy.io/VlcCX
or point them at "facades"
Not sure what I'm looking at @JohnDoe2
looks wrong
> people who are not technically inclined.
This is going to be difficult without being able to use code examples.
Yes... I'm just going to have to go with 'Trust me'
if you can't summarize any of that, try this
It's a deeper issue than that though. It's an attitude, the documentation, strange design ideas, not being able to trust that what you're writing will work the way you'd expect it to work.
@Jay you can usurp Laravel for any other monolithic framework, while there are objectionable aspects of Laravel, what is more objectionable is the method of using a monolithic framework to write applications ... monolithic means that it solves more problems than you have when you begin to write an application, given a venn diagram of the problems you currently have, and that which are solved by a monolithic framework, there is hardly any overlap ...
Used Django for 2 years, didn't think I'd miss it when I moved to Laravel/Vue, having not actually used Laravel much before. If I had to start something today, I'd probably use Django for it. I love PHP though. :(
and then you come onto the details of each framework, which as already said, comes down to attitude of the author, strange ideas and so on ...
has anyone worked with mysql and php and cookies and would be willing to help me
trying to set up a login and register function and i think my code is wrong
@rtheunissen i think Rails is better
Speaking of strange design ideas.. why does true echo 1 and false echo blank?
because php
@AdilIlhan haven't used Rails so no opinion.
@RachelDockter as far as i know, we aren't fortuneteller. so you should show your code.
$cookiename = "loggedin";
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$database = "snake_database";

$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $database);


	die("database failed to connect" .mysqli_connect_error());

if (isset($_POST['login'])){

	$user = $_POST['username'];
	$password = $_POST['password'];

	$phash = sha1(sha1($password."salt")."salt");

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$user' AND password ='$phash';";

	$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
1 is the minimal expression of truthyness, nothing is the minimal expression of falseyness ...
thats what i have so far, error on line 30
@RachelDockter what's the error?
$cookiename = "loggedin";
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';'
@JoeWatkins It's forcing us to write things like var debug = {{ config(app.debug, false) ? 'true' : 'false' }};
@AdilIlhan sorry what?
@rtheunissen looks like JS
It's a blade template, but yes JS.
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (180), "/");
@rtheunissen brb, vomiting
you forgot to add a parenthesis.
Should have been {{ config('app.debug', false) ? 'true' : 'false' }}
Should I keep posts and theirs edited versions in the same table?
We were getting this: var debug = ;, because the false echoed blank. :p
theres parenthesis right there
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (180), "/");
theres loads in there
Which we didn't get locally because debug was true, ie. "1"
!!> echo (int) (bool) 0;
@RachelDockter nah
@RachelDockter That's different to the code you pasted. Up above, there is no closing parenthesis
@Leigh is that saying i should use another encyrtion
oh yeh, ur right
my bad
Yeah yeah, just a case of whyyy. The docs say it's so that you can convert between the two, but (bool) "0" is also false.
@RachelDockter That's saying you should use the password_hash API - and it's not encryption.
It's also saying you should use prepared statements, rather than injecting variables straight into your SQL
i have no idea what any of that means lol
I can't help you thar, but you could pr something at the blade level to fix it, I guess
we're stuck with it in php, I think
@rtheunissen php wasn't really "designed" so much as just sorta happened
I'm well aware. :p
now its saying it cant even connect to the database fml
The `password_hash` function is designed to be secure, and stop people inventing their own less secure mechanisms (which is what you've done).

Prepared statements prevent another class of security errors, SQL injection attacks, it basically splits user supplied data from the query itself, so that the user supplied data cannot interfere with the intent of the quer.
no md in ml replies @Leigh
blame @PeeHaa
Intent is visible :)
i used md5 encrytion on the password field on the sql database
ha, md5 encryption
i know it sucks but its only a school project
Which is exactly why you should be learning the correct way to do it
while your brain is still soft and sponge-like
(also, calling md5 "encryption" makes me twitch, please don't do that)
my brain is like on fire, i had to watching this tutorial of this guy who cant stop voice cracking every 5 seconds and now it still doesnt work
!!? difference between hashing and encryption
Search for "difference between hashing and encryption" (https://www.google.com/search?q=difference+between+hashing+and+encryption&lr=lang_en)
• What's The Difference Between Hashing and Encrypt… - 18 dec. 2014 - Hashing and encrypting are two words that are often used interchangeably, but incorr… (http://www.securityinnovationeurope.com/blog/whats-the-difference-between-hashing-and-encrypting)
• security - Fundamental difference between Hashing… - 9 feb. 2011 - I see a lot of confusion between hashes and encryption algorithms … Well, you could l… (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4948322/
!!? is md5 still secure
Search for "is md5 still secure" (https://www.google.com/search?q=is+md5+still+secure&lr=lang_en)
• hash - Is MD5 considered insecure? - Information… - 8 sep. 2012 - After all these articles circulating online about md5 exploits, I am … MD5 for passwo… (http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/19906/is-md5-considered-insecure)
• passwords - Is salted MD5 or salted SHA considere… - 20 jun. 2014 - Can one get away with using salted MD5 or SHA and still be secure? … you still get t… (http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/61489/is-salted-md5-or-salted-sha-considered-secure)
@RachelDockter Keep in mind, most PHP tutorials are bad or plain wrong
MD5 hasn't been secure since the 90s
yeh, i googled my md5 password and it came up on google
as long as it works, its fine for now
i just wanna get it working first
there are only two sources of truth: php-src and room11
password_hash and password_verify work
@RachelDockter not really
well it wasn't really ever secure, right ?
Technically no
And if we find a fatal flaw in AES, it was also never secure
but we use it for now
@RachelDockter i said what you should do
parenthesis and variable
i added the parenthesis but now its not connecting to the database
@JoeWatkins no worries, I may or may not be around on chat this eve, not sure what I'm doing tonight yet. I have a couple of spare 19" rack brackets for those units so if you ever decide to set up a proper rack then let me know
	$user = $_POST['username'];
	$password = $_POST['password'];

	$phash = sha1(sha1($password."salt")."salt");

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$user' AND password ='$phash';";

	$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
	$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
@RachelDockter not the best idea in this case, php has an API for password generation/verification - for your md5 based stugg you implement your own API - question is: Why?
Most crypto stuff is "secure enough for now and for the foreseeable future". It's that unforeseen future that's a bitch.
@ThW i have no idea what an api even is
i litrally know nothing about php
@RachelDockter here you are that is a bad approach and not compatible with the password api
"Application Programming Interface"
it's a general computer science thing
not specific to PHP
API is a generic term for an agreed/defined way in which two computer programs can communicate with each other
!!wiki Application Programming Interface
In computer programming, an application programming interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building application software. In general terms, it's a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components. A good API makes it easier to develop a computer program by providing all the building blocks, which are then put together by the programmer. An API may be for a web-based system, operating system, database system, computer hardware, or software library. An API specification can take many forms, but often includes specifications...
ok i understand im doing it a bad way but cane someone just tell me a way to fix it please, my skin is starting to itch beacuase its fustrating me
im not looking to store peoples credit card details so md5 is fine for now please
Gordon is today's grand command executor it seems :)
@RachelDockter It really is not
!!docs password_hash
[ password_hash() ] Creates a password hash
@RachelDockter passwords are worse
No need for crappy tutorials
@Leigh while I am waiting for some VMs in CloudFoundry to spin up…
We just have it right there in the fine manual
your thinking that "I'll just get it working" is all wrong
Lost interest, laters.
Hi guys, I am looking for a reason why local value is different from the master value.
As the company employee changed a php.ini settings to display_errors=On (on a development server) however the local value remains on Off.

Yet when she changed the display_startup_errors it did get pushed forward.

I looked in the apache2.conf, nothing found. Checked the VHosts to get rid of all posibilities where the websites are "hosted", nothing found there.

There is no httpd.conf.

There is no HTACCESS
Anyone has an idea what else it could be?
a sneaky ini_set somewhere
local means something in the script overwrites it
@RachelDockter: 1. fetch the user from the database using only the username (not the password hash) 2. use password_verify() to verify the loaded password hash with the input.
I'm with @Gordon, magic, or possibly you are cursed ... have you recently annoyed any gypsies ?
Oh, before I forget, anyone going to PHPUK next Thurs and fancy a pint. Ping me (I wont be there on the Friday - there will be someone with my name badge, but it wont be me)
All you apes look alike anyway
@PeeHaa I am directly speaking to my own php script which doesn't have any other calls from any other scripts (it's a class file and doesn't edit a thing with php.ini)
posted on February 10, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I also speak to my scripts ...
@MikeM. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ php doesnt agree
heh =) frydai
@PeeHaa Yea, like all of you kaaskoppen
@JoeWatkins I do because I am alone in the office, yet the php script, doesn't talk back. Might be a good new feature?
I'm not sure you'd like what php would say
mine talk back, all the time ...
@JoeWatkins That might be the beer that kicks in mate...
No but in all seriousness, is there anything else, except a script, HTACCESS or httpd.conf that can change PHP configurations?
@MikeM. a fervent belief that you can be the changes you want to see in the world ?
@MikeM. did you grep for error_reporting and ini_set? Otherwise it's going to come from a loaded ini file (can be many see: php_ini_scanned_files) or a SAPI config (i.e. apache conf
@Leigh Aren't all ini master?
I just realized I have no idea how that works
per-dir too?
I honestly don't know
"Be the changeset you want to see upstream." -Gitdhi
Me neither :P
@PaulCrovella unless you can be BatMan… then be BatMan
I don't like that you're using capital Ms :(
yeah, @MikeM. that's annoying
Argh -.- trolls
To get past the bridge troll in Monkey Island, you had to give him a Red Herring
ah, monkey island. such fond memories
yea, I played the third not long ago
i'm still looking to buy the full series somewhere
random fun fact: I have a LeChuck's Grog mug with LeChucks face on it. Whenever I use it, my son points at LeChuck and says Daddy
@Rovak think its on GoG
even 3 and 4?
the curse of monkey island was the best
any of you ever played Grim Fandango?
The original yes, not the remake
just started playing the remake
Good old Manny Cala...damnit...
ye , too many memories.. agh going back to hacking all the things
I wish there was a good remake of Loom
Bobbin Threadbare!
We could probably make one...
but.. lazy
wouldn't be able to re-master the music though
$articles = array();
foreach ($data->channel->item as $item){
'title' =>(string)$item->title,
'description' =>(string)$item->description,
'link' =>(string)$item->link,


print_r ($articles);
when i print this
output display like this
'title' => array(
'description' => '1',
'link' => 'active',
{ 'title' => array(
'description' => '2',
'link' => 'fail',
{ 'Player' => array(
'description' => '3',
'link' => 'active',
looking at the gfx, I'd say it doesnt look so shabby even by today's standards. aged well. store.steampowered.com/app/32340
where is the VR support?
but i want to display content only present in array so how can i do that?
output display like this
'title' => array(
'description' => '1',
'link' => 'active',
{ 'title' => array(
'description' => '2',
'link' => 'fail',
{ 'Player' => array(
'description' => '3',
'link' => 'active',
g2a is shady as fuck
Never had a problem personally
Well found that shitty magic spell
Going all lucasarts it seems. There was also 'the dig'
oooh the dig
There was an .htaccess but it was hidden from my account, thus requested root access.... and found that damn file.
yeah, the dig was nice
@Leigh even aside from stolen keys and money laundering, there's this magic
@Leigh I dont get what this does
@PaulCrovella Mine is disabled and I never had to do that
@Gordon The digging was real, got a shovel and just kept digging in my pc to get root access...
The Dig was by Brian Moriarty, too. Same guy that did Loom
@Gordon I think I got stuck at some fairly early point in that where I had to get a combination of crystals to open a door and it bugged out. I spent a whole afternoon systematically trying to brute force it and it never worked.
Personally my favourite as always been Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
€3.48 with a paypal transaction fee on it
Because they obviously let me say that I'm outside of the EU, and don't have to pay tax
Christ, what a muckup.
I can't say which Lucasarts Adventure is my fav. They are all great.
SSL cert expired without warning ._. that old chestnut
Outlaws :D
@Gordon Full Throttle, Sam 'n Max Hit the Road, X-Wing
in that order
I was super disappointed by Outlaws
@rdlowrey Oh yay full throttle
I was never a monkey island guy
I knew you were cool
Full Throttle was the balls
Haven't really played the others, grew up with Outlaws though
totes balls
Also grim fandango btw
I never played it :/
Myst always made me frustrated.
7th Guest gave me nightmares
Did you play 11th hour too?
I did not. I was too scared lol
A lot of Civ2 and SimCity
@rdlowrey I find your lack of Monkey Island enthusiasm disturbing. What about Labyrinth, Maniac Mansion, Zak McKraken, and Day of the Tentacle?
Heck, I'll shoot Brian Moriarty a TY on Twitter
I did play DoT
none of the others, sadly
I need to go on an old-school LucasArts binge
when i print array my output display like this output display like this:
'title' => array(
'description' => '1',
'link' => 'active',
{ 'title' => array(
'description' => '2',
'link' => 'fail',
but i want to display content only
please help me how to do this??
@rdlowrey Did you play any of the newer Sam n' Max ones they did about 10 years ago?
@rdlowrey did you have some further thoughts about exposing a simple API where the consumer doesn't have to care about unsubscribes and connects?
Sorry for starting a serious topic :-P
when do we get a heretic/hexen reboot?
heh, old people games
When a system is running php 5.6 and still using mysql_connect()....
(just noted that php.net can search by function name or class, FINALLY)
@MikeM. s/and still using mysql_connect()/
@PaulCrovella that was.. beautiful.
@Trucy PHP does LOVE it's backwards compatibility. (no, I'm not salty at all about the way my RFC is going.. :P)
@pmmaga was it the binary string one?
@pmmaga While I agree about not breaking things between minor versions, PHP should go ahead and break things when needed on major versions
the vote will be open for one more week and a couple days.. we'll see
@pmmaga Everybody who matters voted for though :)
@pmmaga Can you sit on my engine hood tomorrow morning?
@PeeHaa indeed! ;)
It's freezing overnights thus well I could use some of your salt...
@MikeM. probably next week i'll be on point for that :P
Who is discussing your face?
That's what I hate the most in PHP, fucked up function names and argument order
@Trucy I was hoping to see your face now :D
@Naruto A mix between a completely straight face and a look_of_disaproval.ascii
Has anyone come across the isatty tests failing everytime? Test stream_isatty with redirected STDERR et al
@PeeHaa @Ekin 2017.phpsouthcoast.co.uk doo ittt
we should pin that URL.. get 11ers going
/me can't promise on anything that involves me to deal with the UK embassy :P
If I have the money I'll come
But I already have my graduation ceremony in april and a friend's marriage on july
@PeeHaa did you just restart gitamp?
errr nope. Don't have my key on me right now :(
wait wat
Did you?
how the heck it started working back now then? :D
weird :D
\o/ though
apparently timelib created a fatal error (tried to allocate 320 bytes)
wtf is timelib? :P
violate causality?
@Ekin oh that looks bad
I smell a leak
Might be because it's been running for so long without problems :P
@JayIsTooCommon I want to say something but I will refrain
Not sure yet jaymon
@PeeHaa it sounded presumptuous to me too
@Ekin yeah that's bad
Most likely something is leaky
Do you know what version of extuv is installed?
argh wifi is terribad
@PeeHaa nope, can't check either at the moment
Jeeves used to leak too, but bob fixed it a while back
@Ekin No worries
@PeeHaa he put diapers on @Jeeves?
just shove a cork right up in there
@Gordon wait
Why didn't @Jeeves respond to that?
@PeeHaa Because
oh good o/
Probably the question mark attached to the name
@JayIsTooCommon <html>
Morning everyone
oh fuck you jay
@Jeeves did cleverbot change again?
@PeeHaa <html>
!!plugin disable terminator
Plugin 'terminator' is now disabled in this room
And no I haven't properly fixed it yet / implemented alternatives yet
It's CB fault, isn't it?
"fault" though
better try that .io one, /me thinks
I am confused.. in W3School's FILTER_VALIDATE_URL page It shows the use as if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) but wouldn't it just be easier to check if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) What's the difference?
@Ekin Yeah you better
I guess I should've seen it coming...
!!docs filter_var
[ filter_var() ] Filters a variable with a specified filter
> Returns the filtered data, or FALSE if the filter fails.
@Ekin :D
Ahh thanks!

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