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I deleted it because it was just the same index, in a different order
it didn't reverse the meaining of the culms, just the colmns themselves
I actually need to get on with work shite but googling: stackoverflow.com/questions/41040301/…
phpstorm keeps flashing the windows taskbar icon like every five minutes, has anyone encountered this behavior? how the hell can I turn it off? I tried googling, but I guess it's something in phpstorm that triggers windows to flash the taskbar icon, and I'm not sure what.
@Tiffany it does that (reindexing) when it detects that some other thing changed the code
phpstorm has some weird window layering issues on windows, it always has. When you mix it with superputty (which has similar oddities) you can end up in weird situations where it's impossible to focus the window you want, and you have to click it 50 times until you hit the right point in whatever race condition is happening to break out of it
@DaveRandom that sounds frustrating as fuck.
@Wes is there a way I can tell it to do it silently?
I guess now that I know what's triggering it, I can google that
can someone help me quick, should this work
<!DOCTYPE html>

<?php include 'includes/head.html' ?>
	<p> head </p>
@Tiffany does it happen if you don't have it full screen?
the head tags is in includes/head.html
no, <p></p> should be in the <body></body>
Yes, <p> does not belong in <head>
its just a test
but with regards with whether the include would work... did you try it?
you need a semicolon, btw
yeh, its not saying "head" from the p tags
Also: don't use relative file system paths for pretty much anything ever
@DaveRandom why?
im just following this youtube tutorial who said to do it like that lol
@Danack I dunno, I suppose I'll try that
If you need something relative to the current file, do __DIR__ . '/includes/head.html'
btw github.com/snowie2000/mactype makes windows be almost usable.
@RachelDockter codecademy.com/learn/php if you're wanting to learn PHP, otherwise
!!docs include
[ Security warning() ] Security warning() function
@Tiffany because the current working dir is not necessarily the location of the current file, and worse than that, it's set by the invoker so it may change from run to run
Same goes for client side links
i.e. do <a href='/path/from/root'> rather than <a href="from/root">
why did @Jeeves link to include, but displayed link text for Security warning()?
@Tiffany Because
whats wrong with having an includes
@Jeeves errr... lol
@DaveRandom Yea I know. But what is so funny?
@Tiffany the security warning is an H1 and include is an H2 :P
was it possible to make the trailing slash optional in the Symfony Routing Component?
@rdlowrey so have you re-read from chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=35540342#35540342 on? (until the point where Aaron says he'd agree with me?)
!!docs declare
[ declare ] The declare construct is used to set execution directives for a block of code. The syntax of declare is similar to the syntax of other flow control constructs:
yay more special cases
@RachelDockter I think I told you couple days ago that the tutorial you were following is quite .. emm .. shit
this is a new one to build a log in systen
@RachelDockter nothing? but I may be missing something
where it keeps stuff in an sql database
what happened tiffany sorry
> whats wrong with having an includes
oh ok i thought thats what someone said
its still not working tho
the path has to be precise
like, it's super picky
i think thats exacly right
if the file doesn't have an includes folder with that file, then it won't work
but the file and the folder have to be in the same directory
I prefer relative paths, but when it comes to using include and require and variations of thereof, I might agree with @DaveRandom
i swear its in that exact path
this youtube guide is rubbish
@Tiffany With those in particular it's super important that you are as explicit as possible, because you are executing external code. If an attacker manages to upload a PHP script and change your current working dir...
I guess a general rule of thumb with programming is: only use youtube for talks, from a conference or something. Otherwise, google is your friend.
sometimes its hard reading stuff tho
Google is your friend, and w3schools is your mortal enemy
you might like codeschool
@DaveRandom MDN all the way
does includes have to be .php
it can be .html right
if it's hard reading, find something else. I struggle with abstract concepts a lot, so I have to be given examples, so I look for examples
I think so, but I'm not certain
Yeh MDN is good for client-side stuff. The PHP manual is good for PHP, the MySQL manual is good for MySQL. MSDN is a great way to get rid of any spare hours you may have lying around.
There should be a sign on #MSDN's documentation page: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
I feel a user script coming on
that's, like, effort and shit, man
I'm going to become so adept at building and installing debian VMs. Just building and installing, not actually logging in and configuring the damn thing.
if someone could let me know if this is correct, that would be great, gyazo.com/a2db78e472c5a0b51423139c0fe6f90b
my brain is so slow rn
@RachelDockter something something Lumbergh
whats lumbergh
Office Space
14 mins ago, by DaveRandom
If you need something relative to the current file, do __DIR__ . '/includes/head.html'
oh i missed that
@RachelDockter step 1: go in the "folder options" in the file manager, and uncheck "hide extensions for known file types"
to be fair, I've caught myself saying it. I've had to learn to stop
why teresko, is it incase i download a .exe and its pretending to be a .txt
the file the code you wrote, what's the name of it? where's it located?
@RachelDockter in case if you want to rename .html to .php quickly
its called index.html in the snake folder
oh ok good idea
but, yeah, it also improves the overall security
... Packard Bell ... they still exist?
are u laughing at my computer
Laughing, no
i tried put DIR . and that didnt work either
My first PC was a Packard Bell, it's no laughing matter how terrible it was
it looks like it should work, but I have trouble with using include/require, so I'm not a good source of advice
i like mine it works just fine
it's __DIR__
@RachelDockter are you seeing any errors?
Just not a brand I've seen for the last decade or so
yeh i put __ but it made it bold
no i thought errors came up on the webpage in php
evening room
theres none in console anyway i just chcked
@RachelDockter You can configure it to do that, but it's generally considered bad practice.
using three tick marks - ` in succession will turn the text into monospace and not try to format it
put this at the top of your index.php file:
text has to be surrounding though
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
above the html tag but belove doctype html?
I just found out why my debian install at home doesn't have web server programs: I hit enter on web server instead of space.
at the very top
before anything else
@Tiffany You can install those packages post-setup
that should for the full error reporting (but you will have to enable it in the settings as "default")
ah ok, nufin new came out
ok, what exactly are you seeing?
im looking in console at the html code and its coming up my php is a comment in html
show me the browser-shot
If your PHP is showing up in the html, it's a webserver configuration issue
to the left is how the webpage looks, it just says "body" from the p tag
yes, php is not actually enabled
.. welcome to xampp :(
i did php the other day tho
and it was working
@tereško no it's something more than that.. not enabled would just dump it as text.. this is being mangled into comments
it's not a shot of the actual page source
@Leigh chrome might be compensating
Unless Chrome does that now.. which would be... odd
@RachelDockter wtf
have i just broke the system
@RachelDockter What did you do to end up with <!--? in the first place?
duno thats just how it looks in chrome
in my webpage its <?php
make an empty php file and put <?php phpinfo(); in it
@RachelDockter if you want to see what's actually being spit out use ctrl+u instead of the inspector
its doing the same, just comments it out
and webpage is blank
so, php is not enabled
Feb 4 at 13:54, by tereško
... it might. XAMPP is notoriously flaky. It works for some people and other others it is a nightmare to set up
it was the other day, i was using the get function and everything
go in the xampp control panel
and try restarting apache
Next time someone needs help with Windows, definitely sending to Teresko :P
i did it and reloaded the webpage
nothing changed
oh wait i fixed it
ok so i just named it index.php instead and it worked
now to try on my includes bit
what was it called before?
what had you named it before?
yes, Apache won't execute .html files as PHP
lmao oops
Should have picked up on that when Teresko said turn on file extensions
does includes have to be .php
it can be .html right

if it's hard reading, find something else. I struggle with abstract concepts a lot, so I have to be given examples, so I look for examples
I think so, but I'm not certain
see its tiffanys fault
@RachelDockter it should be *.php
but you can hide it from the URL (which you will learn in few days)
whats the different between .php and *.php
*.php means something.php
oh kk
@Leigh I know, I'm lazy
my keyboard does have a backslash / key, its so annoying
errr... wat
i have to type in google backslash symbol and then copy paste it lol
/ is a forward slash btw
\ is a backslash
yeh i have that one /
just not the backslash one
Wait you are using Windows (I assume from xampp)?
well, for php's file-includes it does not matter which slash you use
yeh im on windows
i could use the alt code but i always forget it
How can you operate Windows without a backslash key? :-P
As long as there is google ...
I mean, I find it hard to believe ...
i always just have to google it and copy paste
I thought windows allowed / for path separators now
what if you don't have internet connection?
then i can use the on screen keyboard for it lol
dont that a few times
i think my keyboard is japanese or something thats why
@Leigh well it always has underneath, it's just explorer/cmd that are pissy about it
@bwoebi I still don't agree. What if I want to log information about the failure?
@RachelDockter Can you press Alt then type 92 and let go?
@RachelDockter I kind of want to see a picture of your keyboard now...
@RachelDockter I will tell you with a high degree of confidence that you will get pretty annoyed with PHP - and all C-like languages - pretty quickly without a backslash key. It's a pretty important character :-P
yeh that works
i know dave i been coding for a few years with this keyboard
@bwoebi and I don't think the driver should control backoff.
Wow I would have thrown it out of a window after about 10 mins
@rdlowrey You're now making scenarios up. If you want that, you basically don't want to consume an API, but control the protocol
@bwoebi no i'm not.
This is a real thing
I admire your perseverance, but equally... keyboards are not expensive
I need to see that my network is having issues
And emit metrics indicating that that is occurring
im a student i spend all my money on pasta to live
@rdlowrey you'll see that with everything else than unsubscriptions too
so that I can have alerting to my infrastructure team and pass things through to pager duty
@RachelDockter What's that above the right shift next to the enter key?
that's usually what one does use pings for @rdlowrey
picture is kind of small and key markings are fuzzy
@bwoebi the point of the low-level driver is to give you the functionality you need to do everything
@RachelDockter if you can afford it, please change it ... even if you get accostumed to the inconveniences, it'll slowly suck the life out of you.
nothing stops you from wrapping the driver and nothing prevents you from not waiting on the promise
above the shift i got a key for # and ~
you're allowed to discard the return value and people do it all the time
although the button says backslash and straight line
I legitimately need a promise back, so the API is going to have it
@rdlowrey yes, but I don't want to take care of backoff myself.
the driver is then too low-level for typical needs
@rdlowrey the point is … what should the behavior be after a failed unsubscribe?
just wondering how long would you guys keep a websites page cached
Shall we then continue receiving subscription updates? Shall the whole connection abort? @rdlowrey
So, I'm used to MySQL, but I want to move away from Oracle's clutches. Which database should I use that will be the easiest to transition to?
all that changes on my pages are a view count for videos
@RachelDockter your keyboard mapping is wrong then I guess - images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/… definitely should be a slash
should i set it higher that 10 mins?
i think so because it happens on other keys aswell
like the 3 button says hash but its a £ when i click it
UK configuration?
sounds like you have a UK layout, idd
@Tiffany Postgres
im from the uk yeh
i didnt configure it in any way tho
oh, doh
If you live in Manchester I will give you a free keyboard, I have like 50 spare ones in a pile right next to me
i was thinking i could set it higher like a whole day before updating it?
haha i actually do
i go to the uni
@littlepootis that's what I was thinking of using. Not difficult to install/setup?
not at all
@RachelDockter UoM or Met?
met, dont judge
Or... is UMIST still a separate institution?
@RachelDockter nothing wrong with Met
met isnt as bad as people say tho
yeh its just in uoms shadow
Well yeh that's the only problem it has, image-wise
It's just a newer institution though, in reality
it went up alot in uni ranking past year
Anyway, you can still look down on Salford, if you're into that sort of thing
I will look down on Salford for as long as you reside there
I don't live there any more :-P
i mean, its not a good uni thats just a fact lol
im ok with met not being as good as uom
i got D* D* D* in college so i probs could have gotten in either if i applied
There are D*s now?
I mean if I got a D, I wouldn't care about the * :x
it was a btec, so D* = A* equivilent
-oh, distinction?
althought people look down upon it lol
quite rightly
yeh distiction star
@RachelDockter fyi I have been an IT professional (telecoms/network engineer and laterly developer) for a decade, a pretty damn good one if I do say so myself. I don't have a GCSE in IT.
I don't have a degree in anything
Qualifications mean fuck all in the real world
not to say it's not worth getting them, but the point of getting them should be the learning rather than the piece of paper at the end
but to choose between having a degree + experience to no degree or experience its an easy choice lol
plus ive learnt alot
i should have added a £50k debt too
@PeeHaa :D lol...
@RachelDockter indeed, I am in that situation because I was a lazy-ass teenager
@Ekin ha! <3
thats like me sometimes
but now i have an assignment due and i have to get my head down
last week i spent about 5 days straight learning node js and sockets and built a snake game, counts for 12.5% of my uni grade this year
ok, what did I miss
who worked on the sessions for php 7?
@rdlowrey what you really want is some sort of callback which informs you about sent frames, received frames and failures. you do not want to handle each unsubscribe individually.
@tereško Not sure if I touched it, but I can definitely point a finger at someone who did...
3 hours ago, by PeeHaa
I have no idea I just assume yasuo fucked soemthing up by default
@Leigh was there anything changed in implementation of session handlers?
I definitely sent mails telling him not to do things
@tereško Yes, yes there was
@RachelDockter my condolences :-P
we are seeing some strange race-condition after upgrading to 7
minor: We're investigating delays processing repository push events as of 2017-02-08T17:21:21Z
well if you want a free USB keyboard, let me know and I will find a semi-decent one and leave it at the concierge desk in my building (on St Peters Sq) and you can pick it up @RachelDockter
Although also you could buy one for a fiver :-P
thanks dave i might just take u up on that
its taken me about 3 hours to get through this 15 mins tutorial video
you should have been reading the book instead
i know but i need to make a login database thing and its quicker to just watch a video
.. based on what experience
i mean like if i want something specific it would just fustrate my reading a book on all areas of php
it would probs be more worth it in the long run tho
Rachel, what exactly is the course you are studying?
You probably want to be gaining an understanding of systems in general - language agnostic
i do game design but only a 4th of what i do is game design
@Leigh I guess the primary question that I have would be: is session_write_close() always a blocking operation?
this year i do web deisng which is what im working on now, 3d modeling and profession development
@tereško urgh, it used to be blocking...
not sure if it still is
@Leigh well, is it always blocking operation, even if you are using session handler, that uses memcached
@bwoebi log and backoff
@RachelDockter Do you really need to work on login systems for web design?
@rdlowrey for logging, you want a logging mechanism. Not a Promise.
but without the promise you can't log it
short of passing in a logger to the implementation which is a terrible mix of unrelated concerns
@rdlowrey yeah, but you can't log the second failure either
10 mins ago, by bwoebi
@rdlowrey what you really want is some sort of callback which informs you about sent frames, received frames and failures. you do not want to handle each unsubscribe individually.
you can log all of the failures with the promise
nothing stops the backoff functionality from returning a stream
@Leigh yeh one half is a node js assignemnt and the other half is a php assignment which is what im doing now
@tereško I can't comment, no idea what the memcached session handler does under the hood - I'd obviously expect session handlers to obtain locks, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't...
without the promise you don't know what your application is doing
and that's a problem
@rdlowrey The issue is basically that a Promise returned by unsubscribe() tells me that I'll only stop getting updates until the Promise actually resolved.
@tereško What exactly do you mean by "blocking operation" in this context? In the sense that you can't really use non-blocking writes unless you have a poll loop to make sure it actually completes. File system writes are always blocking (well, more accurately, atomic) iirc
@rdlowrey I do want a mechanism which immediately unsubscribes me and stops pushing updates to the callback.
Also unless you session data is enormous, I can't see it having a significant performance impact
@rdlowrey I do not want to have to care about backoff manually; it's easy to forget manual backoff. Provide a sane default.
@tereško php.net/manual/en/memcached.configuration.php did you touch any of the *lock* settings? I'd expect a locked session to not be susceptible to race-conditions
@Leigh someone wrote a custom session handler
fucking legacy project
Then you're probably not locking
Non-locked sessions sounds... awful. Even more awful than regular sessions.
I hope we will be getting rid of those .. I mean sessions, as whole
@tereško memcached has a CAS command you can look at
Doesn't seem to be an elegant way to implement locking there, no atomic combined set/get
I have a couple questions.

1) Can I use an ORM with ReactPHP without blocking? (Namely Eloquent)
2) Can I have a huge array of promises that resolve on their own without blocking as they come in?
3) Is there a way to ensure that a MySQL query completes before an API request is sent, while still maintaining an interval of a second?
<3 Redis SETNX
@Allenph 1) no (you can use an ORM, but only if it's specifically designed for being non-blocking), 2) yes (there should be specific helper functions for merging multiple promises into one, 3) so you want to skip timer runs if there are overlaps?
pretty sure that the intersection of people using ORMs and people writing async code is empty
@bwoebi 1) Yes, but you might have to write your own ORM :)
2) They wont resolve on their own, something will have to resolve them...
@Leigh that's what I meant
@NikiC I hope so
@Allenph I would recommend user of ActiveRecord based ORM
and it probably does not use the async mysqli queries
good: Everything operating normally as of 2017-02-08T17:53:54Z
@bwoebi Hmmm ... I see your logic. I'm sure we can come up with a sane compromise
@Jeeves could you link to youtube.com/watch?v=aJFyWBLeM7Q when you do that?
@PaulCrovella No thanks.

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