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She was like... just 'sorry'
Couldn't he just... rollback?
presumably you got her insurance details, including address though right ?
thank you thank you
/me slow claps
Yeah they did all the things I believe
@Ekin More serious. Are you hurt?
Well you are by the looks of it, but is it bad?
I am. I can't walk properly
leg(s) / back?
ekin are you american and will you sue for a million?
I'm picturing this
Bad part is the reminder of the times I couldn't walk for about a year
Legs @PeeHaa
Sucks :(
not walking for a year... it must be aweful
@PaulCrovella I shouldn't, but I lolled
Anyway it'll pass, just needs time
you have dogs, and some little bags ... presumably you know how to start a fire ....
@JoeWatkins with the big plans
Ah, good ol'C
I'll never understand why people think it's cool to put everything in one header ...
because one 22000 line file is "minimal", and hence good
it comes from a million years ago ... used to be considered an optimization ... now it's just a pain in the ass, nobody can bundle in distro, and to use outside of that repo is just made harder ...
not quite a million ... nearly ...
@JoeWatkins found your nemesis codepen.io/joe-watkins/#
yeah seen that ...
I am krakjoe
nobody is sure of my real name, not even me ...
lol he's a front end guy
By day he fixes php-src, but by night he turns in a fancy designer
Who would have thought
yeah, I just pretend to be awful at graphical things to keep my identity secret ...
I think that guy left us his ip ...
and then he got ddosed xD
"That's what you get for having the same name as me"
Can please someone explain me what's "moodle" in two sentences ?
@JoeWatkins shows me mine for me
wow that was poorly phrased
ah that's what is going on ...
is there a way in ffmpeg to put one portrait image over a landscape image
@Shafizadeh have you looked for yourself ?
> Moodle is a popular, flexible Virtual Learning Environment that is designed to support face-to-face teaching with a wide range of versatile online tools, as well as providing a place to upload resources for courses. It is very popular around the world as a tool for creating online dynamic teaching sites and supporting classroom training.
Can you deploy gitamp today @Ekin?
> Moodle is a Learning Platform or course management system (CMS) - a free Open Source software package designed to help educators create effective online courses based on sound pedagogical principles.
@PeeHaa Sure
@JoeWatkins +1
@BoltClock you missed out the years people spend trying to turn it into Java.
@Ekin take it easy....
Thanks, trying :-)
@Danack Aren't we still working on the merger?
@PeeHaa on to c++ now, sorry
We are so close to just being able to add a public static void main(String[] args){} and it will just work
@Shafizadeh pure. Shit.
great, now there are bits of vomit in between all my keys @PeeHaa
@JayIsTooCommon :D ..! why are you hate it?
because he has had to use it
@Shafizadeh broadly speaking, it's a clunky badly coded piece of poop.
@tereško :-)
well ... I think that's wrong ... I think it's more complicated than that ...
assembly ftw
@JayIsTooCommon but seems very popular ..
@Shafizadeh aye, as is Laravel
it's one of the most powerful languages we have
@JayIsTooCommon aye, as is [insert framework here]
@JayIsTooCommon in your opinion, Laravel is shit either ?
it's not popular because it's good, it's popular because it's basically the only free option out there
that doesn't make it fun to work with, doesn't make it easy to use, doesn't make it easy to deploy ... doesn't make it good ...
@tereško true .. as is bitbucket :-)
@Shafizadeh My opinion of Laravel is based on other people's opinions. I've never used it nor looked into it's base. So my opinion is shallow, best asking someone else :)
@PeeHaa don't worry, just a bit further down the road it'll turn it into a blend of ada and haskell, with a bit of cobol to keep dan happy
we should have a !!canon why is Laravel shit
do any of you have/use a mangoDB?
next step: browser-side PHP
@Shafizadeh actually very few use bitbucket
@Pizzalord yes, I keep all my mangos in a database
at least compared to self-hosted and github
@tereško really?! why? it presents private repo for free .. so, why should people use github?
@PeeHaa done
i meant mongoDB
@PaulCrovella hahahaha
@Shafizadeh because it has better integration for opensource. And large majority of closed-source projects tend to host their own git repositories
@PeeHaa also I tried the if(true) :D
soooo annoying-fun indeed
@Ekin hehehehhe
@Ekin Nice \o/
indeed \o/
@tereško "their own git repositories" is the same as "self-hosted", right?
I just read the PHP documentation for mcrypt constants...
@Ekin Can you please tell me what's the meaning of "\o/" ?
We always talk about how outdated info prolongs bad habits
@Leigh avoid that thing… it's for the graveyard.
yeah soon we can burn it
> <constant>MCRYPT_MODE_CFB</constant> (<literal>cipher feedback</literal>) is the best mode for encrypting byte streams where single bytes must be encrypted.
@Ekin woo! :)
@JoeWatkins Not sure, since it moved to PECL
same thing really
isn't that ... your fault ?
Nope, that would be the RFC authors fault.
It's my fault for pushing ahead for what was voted for.
scott ...
@Leigh isn't PECL the graveyard?
put big red warnings everywhere
(and fix it, I guess)
@bwoebi Sure, I have no intention of maintaining it. But we have to leave the docs until 7.1 is no longer supported I guess
@Leigh that's true
@Jimbo here. you are a yaml fanboy, now support laravul: stackoverflow.com/questions/41566725/…
not sure if an extension has ever been deleted from pecl
hoi wessington
@JoeWatkins What if it was considered harmful? :D
under the same umbrella is all unmaintained code ... soo ... most of pecl ...
I don't suppose there are many in this actual category though ... might be possible to actually ditch it eventually
@Gordon Disgusting
yeah seen it. do i need to do something on the rfc page?
turn off the poll or something?
Guys, non of you don't use an English dictionary for writing in here?
probably best to just remove the voting widget/doodle thing, and put in under discussion or "On Hold" section on /rfc index
@DaveRandom you're pretty familiar with docs right?
/me is afk, school run
@Leigh Nah he prefers dressing up as nurses
@Leigh Well, that's clearly a trap.
@Shafizadeh @bwoebi uses a thesaurus I think :)
@DaveRandom I think I've done the hard work. I have an outstanding patch, but it goes a bit funky in places.
What do you actually want? If it's a docbook question then I'm definitely not the right person.
@JayIsTooCommon Why would you think that?
@bwoebi big words init
@Leigh OK, define "goes a bit funky"?
@JayIsTooCommon I am very temped to trash that for init
@Jimbo hahaha
@bwoebi :P
that's one big-ass patch
@JoeWatkins done. thanks
@DaveRandom never mind, another brain-cache invalidation issue. Someone has fixed it and committed it
@Jimbo dont be so harsh to yourself
@Leigh the mcrypt one?
omg nsfw
nsfw tag pls :P
@PaulCrovella ta
too late!
@DaveRandom aye
lol @JayIsTooCommon was thinking exactly the same.
@Leigh something weird is going on in the editor, I think someone manually SVN'd it maybe? Can you delete the outstanding patch from the editor otherwise those files will be locked
@Duikboot @JayIsTooCommon if you're clicking "ass patch" links at work, that's on you
Ahhhh, waiting for this slow-ass computer to start my IDE, my favorite thing of the day
@PaulCrovella Yep, I just saw a pretty colour and clicked
and adding "nsfw" would only serve to tempt you more
Also, it's not nsfw… Well… or your definition of nsfw is far too restrictive
I mean the only clear cut way to solve this is by asking something which can't possibly be subjective
@Jeeves are ass patches nsfw?
@Sean What job will you be taking?
56 mins ago, by PeeHaa
thank you thank you
blah blah blah
even js doesn't wanna be js ...
@Jeeves we can dance if we want to
@Leigh We can leave your friends behind.
@Jeeves get up, come on get down with the sickness
@Leigh Yeah, I don't know anymore from that song. Do you like Taylor Swift?
@Jeeves does Infosec Taylor Swift count?
@Leigh 'So why can't you see you belong with me? You belong with me.'.
@Jeeves Is this real life?
@Trucy Why are you being so mean?
@Jeeves the real question is: why aren't you?
@PaulCrovella Because I do not find it funny.
@JoeWatkins @DaveRandom @PeeHaa Who wanted to install a proxy to accelerate views on wiki.php.net?
yeah I remember talk of a caching proxy or something
Honestly we just need proper hosting for our infrastructure. Aside from git.php.net and the website mirrors they are really bad >.<
apparently we have a stack of vm's available that are not used on digital ocean, dunno how good they are
@LeviMorrison I heard we have sponsored boxes from DO that aren't used?
No idea; I'm not on systems@.
I'd put up wiki and lxr on them immediately ^_^
I still think r11 needs it's own lxr
I could provide one but I doubt my VMs are much more stable ^_^
(they were really cheap)
@LeviMorrison I'd help.
what's wrong with ctags -R and vim? :)
If only there was a PHP foundation all those PHP users could send their donations to
Yeah no kidding ^_^
@JoeWatkins What do I do now? Just change the voting doodle to closed="true"?
if existing gifted boxes aren't being used, I wouldn't expect any donation I made to be used well either
@kelunik you can do, but I'd remove it and start over when we can reopen ...
@Trucy I don't think they're directly interested in PHP and it's troubles, they just wanted Zend
@PaulCrovella The problem is we don't really have leadership for this stuff.
someone just has to emerge as leader and make enough noise to assume that position
get access to the boxes you need to get access too, root access, and you can dish it out to whoever
@Leigh yeah, sad :(
getting root access is a matter of asking rasmus, or contacting server providers from at php dot net addresses
fuck it, I'll be leader. you can send your donations directly to me.
also, you'll need access to dns
I would make the noise myself ... but stretched pretty thin and want to do a good job of things I've started ... also, it's not really my thing ...
from: "Definitely Jim" <[email protected]>
reply-to: [email protected]
Subject: root access to PHP servers
has rasmus ever showed his face in here?
In my opinion we need LXR in a containerized env with a load balancer.
god no, not in here ... but he's in IRC ... he committed code to php-bugs yesterday morning and was chatting
@JayIsTooCommon most of the people in here haven't shown their faces in here
at least not voluntarily
/s/code/2 characters/
Wiki probably wouldn't work to spread across multiple machines well, so a caching proxy + a beefier node there.
@LeviMorrison imo it would be useful to have non core projects on an lxr for r11 ... I really want that ...
I had a week deadline for a 2 character change once
@PaulCrovella living the dream
went ahead and did it during the meeting
I know better now though
@PaulCrovella Did you still wait until an hour before it was due to begin the entire process? I'm assuming that kind of deadline means there were 5 levels of documentation, 4 different servers, etc...
…and slacked for a week
lots of stuff for core is missing from current lxr, no pecl, no hhvm, no other implementations (all used to be present) ...
@Dereleased "documentation" - that's hilarious
I'm glad we shortened it, personally ^_^
well pecl extensions are useful, hhvm is useful for referencing only ... not too bothered about parrot and whatever
I've worked mainly at two kinds of companies. Two weeks to change two lines, but write 100 pages of "documentation" -- not the kind that helps devs, just CYA for the business/compliance side (and justifying the several layers of PMs)

-- and 30 minutes to make a fundamental change to the system architecture and have it in production
The company I am at now started as the latter, and is trying to transition to being the former, but with the deadlines of the latter. It's dope.
@JoeWatkins If I restart I have to choose another title, wasn't there something like that?
I currently have "review code for PHP 7 compatibility", so, been a pretty light week
@Leigh haha, nice!
no, you can just create the same doodle with the old title and it will show the old votes, that's also fine
I don't really do deadlines
I can host a room 11 lxr. Can't really work on setting it up for a while though.
@Dereleased this was just a manager who was pretty clueless
@Leigh I have "turn chunks of PHP 7 into a dll and integrate it into a .NET application" -- I have two days
If someone can find out how much disk space I'll need that would be great.
@LeviMorrison can you give someone who can set it up access ?
Oh, and my .NET familiarity is maybe 3/10
And if it has any arcane OS reqiurements or anything.
well it needs tomcat(7)
solaris it is, then
@JoeWatkins As much I'm sure you would hate to admit this to yourself, you are probably the most qualified to do that, given that you have actually touched tomcat ever.
@JoeWatkins Not for the initial setup; once the VMs are up I can give access to them.
@LeviMorrison that's what I meant
i've touched tomcat, but I wouldn't expect you to trust me with power
I also have touched tomcat
Had to reinstall the whole thing afterwards because I messed up badly
seriously though, I don't need to do it, it's not voodoo, it's an app server
@JoeWatkins that sounds like voodoo
it's a little voodoo
Everything related to computers IS voodoo
It's Apache and Java. It's clearly voodoo.
@Dereleased Nasty. I mean the .NET part.
@JoeWatkins sudo apt install tomcat7 ?
Shouldn't be that bad right?
well ... configuration is stupid xml files, but everything in java is ...
it may be possible to use 8, or glassfish, or some other app server ... current lxr uses 7
I'm sure it's no harder than configuring a modern PHP environment, but that's pretty hard when you don't know what you are doing.
and since it fails hard all the time, it actually might be an idea to try something else
"Java is a DSL for taking large XML files and converting them to stack traces"
^yeah, that ...
RT @avalanche123: "Java is a DSL for taking large XML files and converting them to stack traces"
@JoeWatkins Do we know why?
no clue, it just gets restarted ... standard procedure to fix anything to do with java is restart it or the machine executing it ...
Well hopefully by having 3 crappy VM's + load balancer it will manage to stay up.
@Leigh Yeah I'm pretty excited * muffled weeping *
hasn't anyone written a lxr that doesn't require java yet?
despite myth that java is memory managed and can't leak, it can and does chew through memory ... that may be the problem ... we won't know until we can see ... although we can say that since we started to publicise it, and integrate it into tools, it has got less and less reliable ...
@Leigh I dunno actually, may be worth finding out if there's anything comparable
Does lxr not cache everything it does? Is it re-scanning the source every time? I had assumed it just made a really, really complicated graph
Currently researching... ctags index format
oh no, it indexes and searches that index
Uh yea, so opengrok is a layer on top of a ctags index
the provide a comparison with similar tools page, which may be a useful way to find something else
Once I get the VMs ready we can play around with newer versions; website says Java 1.8 + Tomcat 8.
hopefully it crashes because of bugs in old version of something
> 2GB of memory for indexing process using OpenGrok script
I wonder how much the VM we currently provide uses?
the tags file is pretty inefficient, I think we could parse it into a trie, then we could keep full tag defs in mem, chuck it into an aerys, add a bit of search, bosh
another solution sounds nice ... but will take a while to be productive I think ... og is very mature software, we are all used to how it works ... it has got some things going for it ...
like it's already been written
yeah, it is mainly that
If you could go back in time, and unwrite Java, would you?
don't blame me, I didn't write it
nah, java is mostly fine enough
Although I doubt a Trie in PHP will be faster than anything in Java.
(I have bench'd this myself on PHP 5.6 vs binary tree in PHP...)
I know what a trie is, which is why I said it :p
@Leigh ctags is mentioned on that page.
@PaulCrovella you know when dementors go near harry potter and start sucking the life from his face ... java does that to me ...
You know what, if I was going to actually do this, would probably use Go. Byte slices going to be way more efficient for comparing portions of a string
I don't know harry potter stuff, thankfully
but I think i get the gist

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