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lol so much hate and love for php.
Anyone recognise this IP address?
you mean web01?
@PaulCrovella oh ffs epic fail :-P
I typod in nslookup
crepitate: to make a crackling sound; crackle.
I just put it into a new tab and it prints phpinfo() function.
Yeh it's my server :-P
running php 5.6.1... shame
Yeh I don't do much with it
In fact I don't think it runs any actual PHP applications, just a couple of static content sites
I think at one point I was using it for experimental builds, presumably around the time 5.6.1 was released
Apparently cron is broken on it
Also it's running CentOS 6
I think I will just burninate it and rebuild it on RHEL 7
So how did you put it on a internet?
On a host or accessing it by SSL?
by plugging the internet cord into the internet hole
@Antono it's a VPS
it seems to have a bunch of room11.org redirects on it
@PeeHaa can I move them to your server? It is in general less likely to catch fire than mine as I have a tendency to randomly break nginx etc when playing with stuff
who is running 5.6 ?
get them !!!
@JoeWatkins my VPS which doesn't actually have any PHP applications on it
That @PHPeeHaa guy is totally useless, though.
Do you regularly forget about VPSs and pay monthly fee for them? :P
@nikita2206 errr no. My evil twin does it all the time though.
@DaveRandom /me assaults @DaveRandom right in the face
/me accepts punishment
@DaveRandom Dunno what "them" is but sure
@PeeHaa just a couple of vhosts which redirect www.room11.org/github.room11.org etc
oh sure
/msg NickServ help
Invalid command. Use /msg NickServ help for a command listing.
am I being stupid ?
haven't been able to identify for weeks ...
Hey #PHP, the 90's rang, they want their IRC and mailing lists back ...
@JoeWatkins In production at work, me, until Thursday (all going well)
!!reminder check if I can talk to @Leigh again Friday at 08:00:00
@JoeWatkins I guess I'm late: check if I can talk to @⁠Leigh again Friday
jeeves is in the future
why are we so bad at this ?
@Shafizadeh cat /etc/*release
The time is logged after at
!!reminder examples
• !!reminder foo at 18:00
• With timezone: (ie. UTC-3) !!reminder foo at 18:00-3:00
• !!reminder bar in 2 hours
• !!reminder unset 32901146
• !!reminder list
• !!in 2 days 42 hours 42 minutes 42 seconds 42!
• !!at 22:00 Grab a beer!
So it ignored the day
!!reminder check if I can talk to @Leigh again at Friday 08:00:00
Reminder set.
that's not good engrish ...
@tereško +1
what ya doin'?
FWIW we started work on better parsing of sentences containing time / date, but it's kinda hard
@JoeWatkins /cc @Ekin
ah actually @Leigh you may be able to redeem yourself a little, are you busy today ?
We just had an eng meeting. As of Friday all new files will start with declare(strict_types=1);, so today has been successful.
you may not want to do that ...
are you going to deploy 7.1 or 7.0 ?
We have a nasty mcrypt dependency in 3rd party libs
I've gone off strict types anyway ...
Hah, you think our code has generators in it :P
I think it's pretty pointless, and it's difficult to model that some parts of an application work one way, and other parts another way ...
Why would some parts work another way?
"old" code and/or callables?
Yea that's the bit that threw me, I'd expect the whole application to work in the defined way
Sure during mixed strict/weak, you have multiple behaviours
A bigger task on my roadmap is to stop people using true as the last param of json_decode
> Sure during mixed strict/weak, you have multiple behaviours
@Leigh I always ask for an array
writing multi file gists is annoying, but if component A decides it doesn't want to use strict types, is developed and declares it doesn't use strict types, and then component B calls it with strict types, you get errors ... that's really awkward, and it means if anyone is using them, everyone has too ... which isn't practical ...
@PeeHaa same. anemic objects bring nothing but additional edge cases
@PeeHaa +1
@PeeHaa Well you are disgusting
I strongly disagree
Well actually no I am disguting
I agree with both of you
What is there to disagree with?
But in this case it's useless at best
@JoeWatkins What was the ping for yesterday?
I'm waiting for you to finish a pr ...
oh the random one
There is no reason whatsoever to ever want the stdclass thing
yea I saw that this morning
You cannot spell stdclass without STD
Or ass
that'd be tweet worthy if one message ...
Fake it :P
@Leigh which one is random one ?
@PeeHaa how ?
Golang's JSON un/marshalling spoils me I guess
@JoeWatkins config.m4 changes for the getrandom syscall
@JoeWatkins Write a new message :P
@LeviMorrison morning
moin levi
why can't I find that random one ?
@Leigh The big fat leaky hole is numeric object properties. If it weren't for that I'd probably be in your camp.
@DaveRandom And dashes
@DaveRandom Nobody sane designs an API, that communicates using JSON, and uses numeric properties
Oh yes, also that
You cannot spell stdClass without STD, or ass ...
You cannot spell stdClass without STD, or ass ...
@Leigh hahahah sane. Good one ;-)
@Leigh I agree. However I interact with insane APIs on a daily basis.
this is php after all
Insane is the baseline
It's not even that far off an anagram
But yes, I ensure that every named key in every bit of data in any format I ever output is a valid C identifier, because afaik that covers every programming language in use today
Although I'm quite certain @FlorianMargaine has several exceptions that he uses every day.
yes but he is weird
I use null characters, but I'm malicious
@tereško I'm just playing with linux's command line :-) Actually I'm trying to get used to working with OS by command line environment
the main magic in CLI is pipes:
and xargs
cat /some/file | grep find_this
and redirection
^ that would be: cat /something/somtheing > /write/here
Can I pull the tests later today @Ekin so we can see what we still need to test or do you want to add more stuff before I do that?
My favourite site for learning about a variety shell scripting things: ss64.com
And manpages, obviously
You sure love your men pages
and [test] or test
[ -d /tmp/dir ] || mkdir /tmp/dir
@PeeHaa You English is really hard, I don't know how should I translate when two verbs (sure love) come next to each other.
create /tmp/dir if it doesn't exist ...
@Shafizadeh You know what else is hard?
/me stops now
@PeeHaa ?
@Shafizadeh "sure" is synonymous with "certainly" in that context
I lol'd
his penis. he means his penis.
@PaulCrovella if so, then that was impolite @PeeHaa
@DaveRandom I see, thx
oh oh and $?
if I would have said "hand" would that have been impolite?
@PeeHaa :-)
@JoeWatkins what's that? I know $! and $$
retval of last command
You are all such nerds
Real men just use google and find the same articles over and over again when they need it
real men write everything as makefiles ...
real men write everything as makefiles ...
!!xkcd butterfly
I love that butterflies one ...
@PeeHaa \o/
I've used Makefiles in PHP projects; here's one: github.com/morrisonlevi/Algorithm/blob/master/Makefile
@PeeHaa see ^
they are actually quite powerful ...
Such a show off
In this case packaging up the phar and making a single file to include the whole repo were nice. The latter matters since we don't have function autoloading :'(
Somebody should fix that situation...
oh oh well ..
The real situation is that we have different symbol tables...
I can't remember why I didn't do it, but there's an actual reason (not just lazyness)
__get() and __call shouldn't have both existed either; __call should have just been __get($prop)(...$rest).
I think nikita asked me a question about it that I couldn't answer, but don't remember the question ... there is something in the way though ... none of this is useful, I realize that ...
@LeviMorrison I do find composer files autoloaders an acceptable solution to this
s/solution/crappy workaround
@DaveRandom Last I checked it couldn't glob; has that changed?
  "scripts": {
    "pre-autoload-dump": "make load.php"
^ That's in my composer.json ^_^
@LeviMorrison No, I hadn't considered this, that would indeed be useful
@tereško "grep" in linux is the same as "regex" in php?
I've never had a project with enough bare functions for it to become problematic, but being able to do "files": ["src/**/functions.php"] would be awesome
@Shafizadeh man grep
(you can use man for most commands, and a few other things, but usually the name of command is good starting place)
@Shafizadeh I think the correct answer would be "not only"
@JoeWatkins oh .. good
What is the easiest way to solve the Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by error?
@tereško also, | in linux is the same as || (OR) in php?
@Dan stop sending something before your header
@DaveRandom I doubt this will be my complete list of functions, but look at this: github.com/morrisonlevi/Algorithm/tree/master/src
Definitely not going to type those out one-by-one. And I tried manually maintaining a "load.php" type file but it would get out of date periodically because that's not usual.
@Shafizadeh no. The pipe operator "|" means "take the output of the command on the left and pass its output to the command on the right"
it's basically "chaining"
input of command on right*
oh .. sweet :-)
I like linux :P
@LeviMorrison see in most cases that's precisely what I want to avoid (func-per-file). However something that accepts actual glob strings can cover both of those
@DaveRandom makefiles or gtfo ...
/me gs tfo
@JoeWatkins btw, I guess "output" is correct ;-)
however I'm not sure
you shouldn't guess ...
oh I didn't read it properly, it's right yeah ...
> "take the output of the command on the left and pass its output to the command on the right as the input"
I just didn't read it @tereško my bad
@Patrick what could I be sending? The error says line 27 which is a stylesheet?
Q: How to fix "Headers already sent" error in PHP

Moses89When running my script, I am getting several errors like this: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /some/file.php:12) in /some/file.php on line 23 The lines mentioned in the error messages contain header() and setcookie() calls. What could...

one thing, cat is an editor in linux?
@Shafizadeh no, it outputs a file (or stdin if no arg)
are you sure? I've read about it like below:
> cat will show contains of /etc/passwd file.
@Shafizadeh there are more editors on linux then countries in the world
cat will output files in argument
@Shafizadeh In this example, the command was cat /etc/passwd
@Trucy what's that mean, can you please give me an example of it ?
@Shafizadeh cat myfile will output the content of myfile
the most common command line editors are "vim" and "emacs"
cat mydir/myfile will output the content of myfile in mydir
what's the meaning "will output"? output means "result of an operation", so "will output" makes no sense
@tereško yes yes, I heard about vim already
"it will dump the content in the command line, but not execute it"
@Shafizadeh what @tereško said ^
still vague, but never mind, I don't need to know it now ..! I will try to understand it later ;-)
The best way to know is to try :D
running cat will usually be safe
^ running cat ...
!!giphy nyan cat
^ flying cat …
wow. That's the first relevant giphy I have ever seen posted by jeev
hold up, !!giphy just worked?!
@JoeWatkins curiouser and curiouser about understanding the concept of cat
@Shafizadeh man cat
these websites you are reading are copies of manual pages, the same information shown to you by man
@JoeWatkins man in linux is the same as --help in git?
@JoeWatkins I dare you to picture search "man cat"
@Gordon there is a man cat guy ...
I know. I picture searched … and wish I hadn't
git commit --help === man git-commit
@Gordon saw a documentary on him once
@JoeWatkins got it
^ sitting cat
there's also a lizard man ...
@tereško well now I'm doubt either I don't know English or you guys .. the pictures you're publishing are lion (not cat) .. cat is actually a small type of them.
^ classy cat
something trumpy about it
probably the orange face
"make savannah grrrrrrrrreat again"
@tereško 502 Bad Gateway
finance failed ... I hate everyone and everything ...
/me boooooos
not because of me, because of age of car ...
(oh god I know how to write savannah only because I played M:tG too much)
So you need to ask for a brand new one instead?
has to be newer than 2010 ... too expensive :(
you know, that's really hard to be where you cannot understand people in there as well :-( (while you really interest to understand what they are talking)
BTW I just reliazed that lions are pretty amazing and that I want one
Pretty sure they don't need a lot of upkeep
They can get food themselves
as long as you don't mind being eaten occasionally, anyway
@PeeHaa whaat? you cannot own one .. they are wild .. they will eat you !
@DaveRandom Just spary some water on the kitty
@JoeWatkins seems they are drunk in this video
no, they are just domestic ... they were never wild animals ...
TIL @PeeHaa ran as president of the good ol' US of A
I didn't know
I just want a bunch of cats
@JoeWatkins wow
I'll become a crazy cat woman
@DaveRandom lol
@PeeHaa agree, it's remarkable ... not the only person to look after big cats like that ...
@Trucy become?
@DaveRandom You mean I'm already one?
@Trucy I think it's a default setting for all humans, you have to actively work to not be one.
@DaveRandom Like becoming a dog person :(
still, you can't teach them to communicate like you can apes ... Koko is the most remarkable animal I've heard of ...
of course not, they're cats - they teach you to communicate like them
that one is not real, but there are others ...
@PaulCrovella I don't see why "of course not" ... they're reasonably intelligent animals ...
was that a mac commercial?
@PaulCrovella when my cats meows like crazy, I meow back, but she looks at me like "the fuck you said?"
@PaulCrovella no, conservationist thing ... about destroying their home ...
@Trucy put it this way: how many times have you mentally spouted unintelligible nonsense at someone and then throw a cat at them? I've done it many times in my head.
@JoeWatkins I mean because they can't be bothered to
@Trucy I think you meant "cat lady"
@Trucy I also do this daily
I also accidentally kick my cat almost daily, she still hasn't grasped the concept that humans can't see black things in dark places.
@PaulCrovella oh that's probably true ... herding cats is impossible 'n all ...
@tereško oh right, me is bad english
@DaveRandom got a blind kitten here... it's a real hazard
it would be fascinating to know what they want to say ... any animal ...
@PaulCrovella born that way ?
@Trucy "cat women" requires a lot more black leather
I know what my cat wants to say.
@JoeWatkins born feral, when found it had a really bad eye infection.. I don't expect much recovery
@Greg "feed me you tall-two-legged-hairless-giant thing"
That's about it.
@PaulCrovella :(
@Greg You forgot the part about world domination
@tereško what if I get into BDSM then? I'll be both?
My cat's "world" ends at the garden fence.
@JoeWatkins she's adapting well.. super playful like a kitten should be... but a bit of a worry around the stairs
@Greg your certificate is expired btw
@Greg Mine also includes "I need a shit and I need you to know that before I have one"
she's indoor only cat ?
like not even allowed in garden ?
Do you often use "sack" to express "dismiss from employment?"

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