@LeviMorrison But I don't think I have any code to enforce that, so this might be something related to stderr being closed during shutdown. I've had issues with that in the past
just to sanity check, try to sapi/cli/php -dzend_extension=`pwd`/modules/opcache.so from within the build dir? I don't trust relative paths in extension loading
@LeviMorrison ext/opcache/Optimizer/statistics.c. Though probably those stats aren't what you're looking for anyway. You probably want something more granular
I've came across a really interesting bug in PHP 7.0.11 where declare(strict_types=1); enabled does not make the array_map() nor array_walk() aware of strict typehinting. I read somewhere that by enabling strict types PHP also uses strict typehinting in core functions, but this is not the case.
@NikiC Is it possible to modify the oplines during runtime? For example, I'm fast-forwarding the opline, to skip execution of subsequent opcodes in each stack frame, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
@ZahidSaeed The many-to-many relationship is already resolved by having the teachers_subjects table - you don't need two relationships between teachers and teachers_subjects
@ZahidSaeed FYI, if you delete the lower identifying relationship (solid line one) between teachers and teachers_subjects, be sure to make the upper dashed relationship identifying (a solid line)
@ZahidSaeed Your teachers_subjects is your resolution table for the many-to-many relationship. One teacher will have many subjects, and one subject will have many subject_teachers.
@ZahidSaeed You still need to reverse the relationship between teachers_subjects and subjects. Also, the relationship between subjects and teachers_subjects should be an identifying relationship
@ZahidSaeed You will also need to use either a new surrogate key for teachers_subjects, or use a composite key of the two surrogate keys from the joining tables (teacher_id and id)
@ZahidSaeed Is the primary key in teachers_subjects a composite key of both primary keys of joining tables also? If not, then it should be. And if it is, then you need to make both relationships identifying (solid, not dashed)
@ZahidSaeed The best way to learn would be to just give it a go and see whether it looks sensical or not, rather than simply asking for what needs to done
@PeeHaa i'm not sure whether i should use data providers now, as i'd mostly have data providers with a single test only. maybe it's a good idea do that regardless..
@JoeWatkins fyi: rethinkdb.com/blog/making-coroutines-fast - one essentially only needs to backup rsp[0] (the return address) and rsp[1] (the stack pointer) and restore the rsp from the other context and push the return address onto the stack, then ret and be done.
(that's just extended information we can use to make it even faster on a few target archs)
@PeeHaa testing through the public api might hide problems, no? while idk, accessing a private field and checking it's actually what it's expected it to be is very straightforward and unambiguous
I don't care about the private stuff, because I know when I throw a beer, throw 0 beers, throw 999999999 beers, throw a lizard, throw -1 beers in it the outcome is what I expect it to be
you know... the thing with that stuff on it... you know... that guy you know through that other guy was talking about how his friend was talking about it the other day
@bwoebi I know it's your thing now (and like that) ... but can answer questions about it is all I was saying ... wasn't meant to come across as a dick head :)
I do work on it a little ... tbh I have no clue how we managed to write that in the week it took us to write it, it's very hard to find the time I need now to do interesting/useful stuff with it ...
if there was a bunch of people able to work on it, it would have existed before we wrote it ... there just aren't people able ... even if they were willing ...
$ ~/opt/php/nikic/bin/phpdbg -dopcache.optimization_level=-1 -dopcache.opt_statistics=1 -eperf.php
No opcodes could be compiled | No file specified or compilation failed?
@Trowski I don't think so. Weak typing makes sense for PHP because it's a web language, so most input is strings. Also, because integer/float conversions are annoying, and because truthiness and falsiness is useful.