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@JayIsTooCommon it's likely to involve pictures of Nazi death camps and other graphic images that don't technically break FB's rules. The guy is behaving like an alt-right arse (but he isn't one, he's just trolling) and I'm sick of seeing pictures of trump instead of writing - as is basically everyone I know.
@DaveRandom ooerr
It became an el-cheapo astra @Wes cc @JayIsTooCommon because it's your car's big brother :)
@DaveRandom you seen the issue with !!translate?
@PeeHaa Oh yeh I did, will have to re-test but I guess it's just the edge-case of when it can't detect a language
I think I tested by sending it garbage at one point and it just came back with it being detect as english
@DaveRandom It doesn't have to do with the characters used?
@PeeHaa well yes that will probably be why it couldn't detect it
It can deal with e.g. japanese script though
oh k. I expected some control character
dunno, I just need to find out what the "couldn't detect language" API response looks like and post a nicer error message
Anyone worked on AOC day 4 ?
@BarneyStinson write a function that can calculate the checksum of a given string, then compare it with the given checksum
I did that here. Ans. is not accepted :'(
@Wes lol!
what's AOC?
Google says: Age of Conan :D
Dec 1 at 14:00, by DaveRandom
Room 11 Advent of Code private leaderboard code: 114365-5d3b257b
@BarneyStinson Still looking at day 1
thanks PeeHaa
@JayIsTooCommon I didn't understand their website so I also need to start :P
sometimes i miss things..
@brzuchal my google says AOC 24 inch lcd screen :P
@PeeHaa It's clearly been made by a back-ender, put it that way
@Linus nice one, I think I have one at work :)
@Linus Sometimes I miss the fun which programming was giving me in past few years, I think I'm bluring out professionally :(
'tis just monday, don'tchano ..
not heard of that ...
sounds scary
and then you read you can't debug them !
@Linus that was my thought
it's of limited use I guess
@brzuchal why ?
@JoeWatkins It's not just monday I think, I think the whole pleasure of developing is gone away, sitting in front of laptop with open IDE and instantly looking for other time fillers is non-productive like bluring out
turns out linux kernels have codenames ... I didn't know that ...
/me is current building Psychotic Stoned Sheep
@JoeWatkins 4.0 was "hurr durr sheep", iirc
@Linus I don't know, maybe I'm missing some attendees who will be satisfied from my work
@JoeWatkins yeah, but also super useful if you have limited writers
readers don't need to take any lock
if your readers are super fast, it makes sense too
but there are already read/write locks for that
yes, but they take real locks
seqlock's readers don't take any lock
but readers do not contend
@JoeWatkins in the classic reader/writer lock, readers can cause writer contention
because a writer needs to wait for all the readers to be done and release the writer lock
sure, but you already stipulated "if you have limited writers"
@JoeWatkins even more so, I don't want the little writers I have to wait eternally because readers never stop
that there is a use case, doesn't make it less scary ...
there's a use case for completely lockless programming ... but that's also scary ... it's difficult enough to understand how code behaves when 64 cores are executing it without restrictions like the inability to debug it, or just any of the caveats of working with lockless structures
I'm so non-productive maybe it really is because of Monday :(
in JavaScript, 4 mins ago, by Sven van de Scheur
@tereško I do know what MVC is, the reason why HTML does no longer do markup (it is moved outside of HTML to CSS) is because of certain ideas of MVC (separation of the information/logic/view) are applied to the HTML ecosystem.

I did not say that MVC is strict a MVC pattern, but in can be thought of it/explained in a certain way to indicate that some stuff should not be done in some places...
@BarneyStinson write a function that accepts a string - just the string, not the [checksum] - and returns a string, which is a computed checksum. When you have written that routine so that it computes the same checksum as the one you alreadt know for the string, then write a loop and deal with parsing the input.
I still don't have an xmas hat @Wes
@tereško Beautiful
in JavaScript, 4 mins ago, by tereško
@SvenvandeScheur you are using "MVC" in the same as Deepak Chopra uses "quantum"
Okay thanks ! @DaveRandom
i didn't understand ^ ,^
> That's the right answer! You are one gold star closer to fixing the sleigh.
@JayIsTooCommon I didn't see day 1 :p
@BarneyStinson You think you have a great solution and then @DaveRandom destroys your esteem with his example, at least in my case ;)
Spoilers my approach for the first star. Could have been done nicer I think.
same here ! @JayIsTooCommon I was thinking all is good in my case! before listening @DaveRandom.
@JayIsTooCommon it's about practice. I am considerably older than you. That is literally the only advantage I have.
Also if you want practice at algorithms (which is, at the end of the day, what AoC is about) then it's worth spending some time doing things like AoC, code golf, and I also have found writing network protocol implementations useful
@DaveRandom I know I know, was just joking - i know you're old ;-) <3
I am like, nearly dead.
@DaveRandom Agree
:V Just pile it on
@DaveRandom project euler?
Also, seriously, comparing yourself to others does a massive disservice to everyone involved. It de-motivates everyone.
@JoeWatkins that's fair, there's a term for that btw: livelock
@Linus this also is good
I haven't looked at that for ages
In concurrent computing, a deadlock is a state in which each member of a group of actions, is waiting for some other member to release a lock. Deadlock is a common problem in multiprocessing systems, parallel computing, and distributed systems, where software and hardware locks are used to handle shared resources and implement process synchronization. In an operating system, a deadlock occurs when a process or thread enters a waiting state because a requested system resource is held by another waiting process, which in turn is waiting for another resource held by another waiting process. If a process...
I seem to recall that it also has a focus on pure mathematical concepts, which not everyone is good at - nor do they need to be.
@DaveRandom I often compare the way I look with @rdlowrey, I only cry sometimes
^ Jimbo. Enough said
hoi jes
hot water boiler is gone
@Wes did you try throwing spaghetti at it?
yes. didn't work. also tried to add tomato but nope
@JoeWatkins o/ [back pain better?]
\o ... [it is not, it is a little better though]
managed to drive kids to school
@Wes :D
@Wes I have had success by disconnecting the power and leaving it for a day
used to have a really dodgy boiler at an old house, in the end they replaced the ctl circuitry
did you find a way to undo an explosion too?
er... no :-P
Like, a proper explosion, mythbusters style?

boiler trouble

2 mins ago, 1 minute total – 4 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by DaveRandom

That'll teach me
For day 1, part 2, is the answer supposed to be relative to your starting position or the position at part 1?
Relative to 0,0
Cheers. Got part 1 right but then tried part 2 and got it wrong. :<
though thankfully no :B mostly water came out :B but i think it changed shape like there are pieces in new places, and other pieces disappeared from other places :B the guy just checked. repair would cost a lot so i'm going to change it tomorrow
@Sean The trick is that you have probably been incrementing by the stated length, rather than incrementing by 1 unit, length times
@DaveRandom Yeah, I made that change and got it wrong :P
@Wes fuck :-(
that's the least of the problems. every year i pay like 100€ of maintenance (they just have a look at it) or stuff like gaskets
and guess what, the warranty expired just two months ago
Ah I misread the question, thought it was the highest number of places revisited, not the first one twice.
@Wes As long as you buy a rainbow coloured water boiler, you can setup a kickstarter and say you're promoting diversity :)
and even if it still had warranty they couldn't replace it because that model is old (bought just 2 years ago)
unless i wait weeks (without hot water) of course
Has anyone created mobile API on MAC system? I want to know about the location in which I can store my php files for specific project
Has anyone created mobile API on MAC system? I want to know about the location in which I can store my php files for specific project
How did you post that twice?
slow net connection..does a lot of wonders for me :)
Has anyone worked on it?
despite the explosion though, it still works. i'm not sure though i should continue using it :B
@tereško Yeah, I was referring to the latest one
It was OK-ish the last few ones
But this one made my eyes bleed.
@Wes I would argue that a boiler should come with a lifetime warranty in terms of explosions
I means I get that parts warranties are limited, fine, but I do not expect things to spontaneously combust when they are out of warranty
@MadaraUchiha I like Sasuke more.. :)
@iPhoneDeveloper Sasuke sucks
@MadaraUchiha why :O
Because he's an idiot
Hey @iPhoneDeveloper, when you phone developer, what do they say?
@DaveRandom I dint get your question
@MadaraUchiha yes but Madara is misusing his power to implement something which is not desirable by everyone..I don't believe in dictatorship
is it funny that this is not my first explosion? happened 2 years back too. but that boiler was 10 years old or something
@Wes Samsung boilers?
@iPhoneDeveloper Madara was discriminated against and looked down at his entire life, and it got his clan extinct.
That wasn't his fault.
It's all Tobirama's fault I say!
does samsung make boilers? nope though
@MadaraUchiha Well Naruto was looked down too..but that dint give him a right to do all that
@iPhoneDeveloper Naruto didn't grow up in a war.
@MadaraUchiha It depends on one's point of view..being secluded means the same whether it be secluded inside your own village or secluded in a war..
@iPhoneDeveloper Naruto didn't have 4 brothers under his protection, only to have all of them killed.
Also, Naruto wasn't extremely strong as a child and extremely feared of.
@iPhoneDeveloper It was a terrible joke, don't worry about it :-)
What do you call an Argentinian with a rubber toe? Roberto
@DaveRandom okay if you say so..
@MadaraUchiha it's the same as saying that Hitler was right to set up Nazi Camps and mistreat people
Wow that's full Godwin right there
why anyone discusses Manga comics like this is beyond me anyway
as if anyone cares whether Neuroto or whathisnameis was a strong child.
Yeh. It's not even a documentary like Star Trek.
@Gordon yes true ..no one cares..but if a person has kept his name Madara instead of any positive character..then I would definitely like to know his point of view..
@iPhoneDeveloper Madara didn't want to mistreat people
He wanted to bring (enforced) global peace
@DaveRandom you are welcome to discuss Star Trek ..the girl here knows all that stuff.. :)
It's you evil people who opposed to hard to it
@iPhoneDeveloper naming your account after a manga character is annoying regardless of who that character is
unless you are 14. then you can get away with it.
@Gordon true..
@iPhoneDeveloper I took the name Madara because I identify with the character, and I disagree with how they forcibly made him to be the evil villain (it is my opinion that the best villains are those that you are unsure whether you morally support them or not, early Madara was like that, then they totally butchered his character)
@MadaraUchiha Damn it...I could have been there too..lol
See: Light Yagami
@MadaraUchiha that is very disturbing and probably needs counselling
@MadaraUchiha okay..it's all cool..just wanted to know your point of view..that's it.
@iPhoneDeveloper $reputation++;
@DaveRandom lol
@MadaraUchiha I'll see Light Yagami too..sounds more like sitCom - Dexter.. if you have heard of it
Well folks I found the answer to my own question..nice discussion..ciao.. :)
@Gordon What, that I prefer complex human villains in serieses/movies over the kind that "can't feel love, can't feel joy, can only hate, only wants power, only wants world domination without later goals, super powerful and everyone fear him"?
@iPhoneDeveloper all of major Naruto characters were annoying twats
@tereško That's not necessarily even that
Light Yagami's goal isn't necessarily good, neither was Madara's
It all depends on whether you agree with it or not.
Madara was later made to be the asshole because of the whole Kaguya business, but before that, it was a clash of opinions and lifestyle, and not a clash between good and evil.
@MadaraUchiha are the translator getting hit by DMCAs? It seems that all of the new-ish mangas are suffering from poor translation quality
@tereško No idea
I did notice that too though
@MadaraUchiha no, that you identify with a fictional character enough to make it your avatar and apparently enjoy playing in character from time to time, incl. megalomanic statements about "mortals" and such.
@Gordon It's all made jokingly, and this is the internet
I considered using my real name and picture, but then I have friends who get harassed in personal channels with those
So I prefer to keep a separation vOv
(Especially as a moderator)
Also how is using a fictional character any worse than a picture of a bird or some comic piece?
Also, the "mortal" thing is a quote, so...
@PeeHaa would it be possible to do r without an API?
@MadaraUchiha a bird is much less obnoxious… at least unless the person makes tschirp sounds all the time
@Gordon Eh, if you dislike this in the room (which is clearly very on-topic) just say so, I'll refrain from engaging in this kind of conversation here.
Most people either don't mind or don't bother telling, but by all means, if it bothers you I'll stop.
@MadaraUchiha I don't bother telling
Well, you clearly did...
then why do I have to say so? ;)
Alright, now you're just trolling
So I'm going to take a break and actually do some work
Ban him @MadaraUchiha, go wild!
@JayIsTooCommon Yes. Scrape it like a man
Make a post request in the json format expected (something like {code: "magic r code"}) and scrape the result
You're such a reb
it only took a month to get a hardware accelerated framebuffer to work ...
@MadaraUchiha FWIW I always thought @MadaraUchiha was an asshole
Anyone read "Production-Ready Microservices
Building Standardized Systems Across an Engineering Organization" http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920053675.do - is it worth buing/reading?
@PeeHaa Oh, I'm definitely an asshole
The character started out nicely, but then they had to hurry up with the ending so they took the easy route with him
So tempted to tweet that
@DaveRandom What, that I'm an asshole? Go for it
I mean, I'd like to think that I'm a reasonable asshole
@MadaraUchiha you're a selfish asshole who wants to destroy the world I live in :(
@Naruto You're a selfish asshole who prevented me from saving it vOv
touché ;)
(For the record, I nearly never start those conversations, people ping me and prompt me to answer)
@Gordon How does it recognize?
judging by the examples at the bottom, it only checks for variables in the sql strings, but IDK for sure
That was so yesterday
@Gordon unstared as already in stars list
dammit, belgium is in there.. I feel so embarrassed now :(
I was shocked about the Malaysia
@JayIsTooCommon yesterday was sunday. today is monday. I dont chat on sunday
so Guns n' Roses will give two concerts in Germany next year. Tickets go on sale on Wednesday. Let's see how much they'll be and whether I'll manage to get some. I expect them to be pricey though, e.g. at least 80 bucks, probably higher.
@Gordon here in Israel, tickets to Guns n' Roses could easily reach $150~$200
The non "premium" kind
(read: the no personal space kind)
yeah, I fully expect them to be around that high
I expected axl rose to be older
Or rather I expected him to be dead by now
he wasn't when I saw him last year with ACDC
Oh right. I think I\ve seen the video
!!? Guns n' Roses
Search for "Guns n' Roses" (https://www.google.com/search?q=Guns+n%27+Roses&lr=lang_en)
• Guns N' Roses > Home - Guns N Roses official web site and fan club, featuring news, photos, concert tickets, merchandise,… (http://www.gunsnroses.com/)
• Guns N' Roses | Facebook - Guns N' Roses. 30602724 likes · 2077141 talking about this. On tour now! http://gunsnroses.com/tour… (https://www.facebook.com/gunsnroses/)
• Guns N' Roses - Wikipedia - Guns N' Roses are an American hard rock band from Los Angeles formed in 1985. Their classic lineup,… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns_N'_Roses)
He is old. Also he might wear a mickey mouse shirt at stage
also 'nin
he is 54
Do we consider this a bug with ping stripping @all @DaveRandom?
!!en :34419744 fp cat dog apple
@PeeHaa fp cat dog apple (translated from English)
@PeeHaa sorry wut?
!!en :34419765 We can let jeeves ping people by using reply id
@DaveRandom We can let jeeves ping people by using reply id (translated from English)
@Gordon Hmm not that old then. But well, comparing to November Rain, Paradise City videos...
Oh right yes that would be a bug I think
Probably just strip /:[0-9]+\s+/ from the start of the string
No need to translate it to an escapable @mention for translate IMO
I mean we could do that but I don't see the point
Does that mean you can get him to command himself? Or does he ignore stuff from himself?
No there's a protection against self-invoking commands that should be watertight
I'm sure now I've said that someone will prove me wrong :-P
It's based on the user ID of the poster, rather than string based stuff which will always have edge cases
!!en :34419779 <3
@Jeeves <3 (translated from English)
!!en !!uptime
!! uptime (translated from English)
Oh right, also the translate API randomly adds spaces
on dev-mode I remember it did reply to itself (I was using my own account for the bot back then)
Sometimes I really wonder if these front-end JS muggles actually look at what they're committing ... like, thanks for adding me to your code review... rejected...
@Ekin yes that's currently what "dev mode" does, it just disables the user ID check
but we left it false for prod I think
In fact I don't know why I'm telling you that, you implemented it :-P
nah you helped me a lot, so we implemented it
btw I have the changelog change ready buut the internet here sucks so I can't do shit
No worries :-)
Sorry I had to go yesterday
no problem at all, I too had to leave

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