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Well if we pick 2/3 or 3/4 then we can use a smaller increment for quorum.
Such as 18 for 2/3.
My opinion is probably more strict than many others.
I'd prefer >= 80% with 16 minimum yes voters.
I think 2/3 is probably high enough, but want to be able to suggest another model for discussion, to try to keep some kind of focus
why am i still trying to use inkscape? i really wanted to give it a chance... it's a piece of shit...
but suggesting one well reasoned model is better than nothing I suppose ... 12 yes voters isn't so bad I guess ...
@Wes i've used inkscape last week and think it's pretty neat as free vector editor for Linux
@Wes What free svg editor is better?
i know @LeviMorrison none is...
so we have roughly:

primary votes: these are the reason for an RFC, must achieve 2/3 majority
secondary votes: these are to resolve unimportant detail in the rfc, may achieve 50%+1
quorum: minimum 12 yes votes for primary vote
for that price is awesome, let's put it this way :B
I don't know how to unambiguously define what a secondary vote is
@JoeWatkins 2/3 with minimum 16 votes in the affirmative?
@JoeWatkins what if secondary has 3 options?
If you are sure about 2/3 then you can bump in smaller numbers.
@brzuchal that's a thing we avoid now, no solution to that now
@MadaraUchiha actually the answer is you can actually create fulltext index on two columns ;)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier All the better
Got it
@NikiC Does it need an RFC? I'm not familiar with what is being done there ^_^
do we maybe need to look at historical data, to see what would have fallen foul of quorum of 12 or 16 ?
@JoeWatkins No - that's a good way to make people irate ^_^
@LeviMorrison no and yes
No, probably it doesn't, yes, someone is probably gonna ask for one
Whew, finished void support, finally
You also want to have a high enough quorum count that a handful of naysayers can't prevent it from passing.
If we introduce a quorum, we should also define what changes are explicitly not subject to RFCs, and how these cases should then be resolved
To begin with, anything that introduces a backwards compatibility break needs an RFC.
Note that new deprecation notices are not considered backwards compatibility breaks.
we'd have to define in detail what a bc break is too ?
@JoeWatkins Yes.
Honestly this is partly the trouble with our completely open model. We probably need to have more consensus on smaller details than a different model might.
sounds very difficult
also, would it be legitimate to require derick to rfc big rewrites to parts of date in some future version of php ?
fucking powershell
for example ... or anyone else who tends to maintain an extension/a few extensions
@JoeWatkins that in particular would actually be good ^^
If we had a group of 10 people who dictated the future of PHP then all that needs to happen is that they agree.
okay, what if dmitry wanted to rewrite opcache ?
@JoeWatkins Internal change ;)
I assumed by "big rewrite" you mean "introduce microseconds"
I.e. user-visible backwards-incompatible change
well break is debatable there ...
I think it's always debatable, and someone will always debate it, even if it isn't ... trying to define what it is, and have 3/4 of people agree to it ... I'm not sure if this is doable ...
but I can't see another criteria we could use
anyone else ?
do we have any document anywhere that attempts to describe in any detail what a bc break is ?
Hmm, does anybody remember how to run phpunit with coverage, but without xdebug?
I know phpdbg can do it, not sure if that's what you're talking about though
@Levi why are additional warnings not bc breaks ?
I'm trying to figure out what exceptional cases to a simple rule like "A backwards incompatible change is a change which effects the behaviour of code without modification" are ...
wait that's too simple
but we want to start from some simple place, and then explain acceptable exceptions, I think
@JoeWatkins ended up compiling+installing xdebug :-\
oh I didn't ping
Np - couldn't find it, I remember that it used phpdbg somewhere, just couldn't find the right flags :)
I'm super unfamiliar with all that ... I've only used the text coverage thing ... you don't need any brains for that really ...
@Ocramius phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
@JoeWatkins sure, but your ideas are as always most appreciated ;-)
@NikiC even more reasons to fix \o/
@Ocramius @JoeWatkins Not sure if it has improved but the --help for phpdbg used to miss most of the cool flags
not in a place where I can run it, but phpdbg --help would give you no indication you can do -qrr
@PeeHaa thanks!
PS C:\Users\foobar> Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId 0 -Command "ls"

Host       : server.name.here
Output     : {backups, composer.phar, pear, public_html...}
ExitStatus : 0
this is not what I need :(
I probably should find a windows admin ... somewhere
do they even still make those?
@tereško what are you trying to do?
use PowerShell to connect to a NATed machine in a remote network
it has to be powershell?
@Ocramius yw
@JuanAntonioOrozco yes
cant'n you use putty? i used to connect to a linux machine on my home network (NATed) using putty + hamachi (+ teamviewer as a failsafe)
or if you want a ps only this may help you hurryupandwait.io/blog/…
@Leigh help options
@JuanAntonioOrozco why do you have to assume, that I am retarded
????? im just trying to help dude
i never assumed anything, if you already tried that an "i have already tried it" is enought
no, I have not already tried putty or cygwin, or securectr
I have not even tried installing an OpenBSD on the VirtualBox and connecting from that
because that is not what I want to do
@Leigh yeah, it should return the options instead... (help options)
@JoeWatkins Oh right, I have to run it interactively, to get the options I need to run it with? :)
!!urban kys
[ KYS ] quick and easy abbreviation for kill youself
aaand closed
Seriously, people need to be less honest, when they're doing shit nobody likes
That and the fact you cannot even fucking formulate a question
Grmpf how do I catch an exception in an extension
that feeling when you get your LAMP stack finally set up
Anybody has a movie recommendation by any chance?
@PeeHaa hints on genre?
@ThW You probably shouldn't
Hmm don't really care. scifi? dumb action?
Did you watch some of the recent space ones? Interstellar, Gravity, that one about a dude on Mars?
Yes. Seen them all
hmmm, how do you feel about John Carpenter? :D
old skool cheese
!!imdb John Carpenter
John Carpenter: Fear Is Just the Beginning... The Man and His Movies (2004) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1121029/ ] - Chronicles the work of cult director John Carpenter through interviews with… [♥ 7.2]
Celluloid Apocalypse: An Interview with John Carpenter (2006) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0795918/ ] - [♥ 7.1]
Working with a Master: John Carpenter (2006) [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0791360/ ] - [♥ 6.3]
uhhh.. Halloween, Big Trouble in Little China, Assault on Precinct 13, Escape from New York / LA
That moment when the documentary is rated highest :P
Yea they're cult films, most people hate them, most people are idiots
What? Escape from New York didn't make it there?
Not sure I've even seen the la one
Might give that a shot
@Ocramius Not sure how omdb sorts by default
I'm planning to watch District 9 again tonight, because shrug I hate prawns
I was wondering, is there a Postgres library for PHP that returns values of corresponding data types, as opposed to only strings and null?
That would be especially convenient with timestamptzs and arrays.
tried with mayo? Leigh
never stops surprising me reading about register globals in the manual
@Leigh yeah, it's a bit unintuitive
@Leigh When I fuck up I fucked up, no need to decorate that with eloquency.
@JoeWatkins minimum 10 yes votes sounds acceptable.
@NikiC or rather, "do not require a RFC unless there is a major controversy"
@LeviMorrison I'm not a fan of 75% votes. It's nice when it's achieved, but e.g. scalar types wouldn't have passed then… would have been annoying
even 75%? wasn't it 66%?
There are quite a bunch of great proposals which are quite close.
Or also, typed properties. Sure, they're not uncontroversial and people may disagree, but I doubt we'd ever be able to get a 75% majority behind this - just because a fair share of people disagree with some semantics and then a few others do not see their vision of PHP matched.
Requiring a too high consensus may hinder progress.
@JoeWatkins @Levi … please don't overshoot. … Anyway, what are your arguments in favor of 75%? Are there instances where 2/3 supermajorities decided very wrongly [in general]? And a 75% vote would have prevented it?
75% would mean no new features, as a lot of people are extremely conservative and vote no by default
it should be 2/3 for changes that change existing behavior, and 50%+1 for additions that can be simply ignored if not liked
@Wes now you're painting it a bit too dark, but yeah, it will only ever make uncontroversial features pass.
i think like it is now is fair enough but 75% is way too high. did you check now many of recent years rfc would not have passed with 75%?
apart the obvious sth
unrelated: did you read my rfc, bob? i have just one question i can't answer myself as i have no idea about internals. is that a trivial implementation, right? my guess would be yes, but it's just that, a guess. (link gist.github.com/Netmosfera/200c5e923f34cbc00cdb31224d730de8)
@Wes not many
gist.github.com/DaveRandom/cd5e5d66fb78ceb9a17903870a2f6622 I have compiled more data than this but I stopped because I realised it's a more complex issue and this simplistic approach actually doesn't tell you much
but in general things that have passed either pass almost unanimously or are very divisive and hang around 50/50
that data is specifically passed 50%+1 RFCs because they are the only ones that are relevant
these rfcs are about relatively simple topics though, i think if you go back to 5.5 or something way more would not have passed
@Wes yes, should be trivial
ty \o/
@Wes I did about half of 5.6 then stopped, I will do the rest if you think it would be worth it
ha i don't know. i just remember of features that i liked that barely passed

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