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@Gordon no, it does not follow. It is the origin.
to be fair, scrum is just one concrete - and rather heavy - realisation of Agile.
I just don't fit into any of this ...
you are just joe :D
Yep i agree the agile manifesto is quite abstract, and does not point to who's responsible for commits
@tereško No, it's not. These are values towards a goal. The goal is collaborative delivery. Mind the preamble in the manifesto.
but my point is that each member in the agile team contributes and owns a stake/share in the project
@user3413046 because it's irrelevant. work together.
@Gordon yes, i was referring to the previous message "as a junior you don't really decide when or what to commit ... so you can't really make that decision whatever" by @JoeWatkins
@user3413046 because code made by junior devs is terrible
you still don't make that decision
@tereško thats quite anecdotal
no, it is not anecdotal
you guys should look up git flow model
I dont like git flow. I prefer trunk based.
couple that with ci/cd, you don't need to restrict commit access to contributors
@user3413046 you should look up who are you trying to teach
could you be a bit more specific what should I look for?
start with Joe, since you are so sure that he has no fucking idea what he is talking about
19 mins ago, by JayIsTooCommon
@user3413046 There's too many factors to give a blanket answer, it depends on ability, the company, the job etc.. etc..
that was actually spot on
for instance, if the company has prepacked vms for their devs, you might get a working dev env just checking out the vm and doing a vagrant up
obviously, you'd still need to get into the code
which is the next unknown. it might be total crap and hard to understand. or it might be cool.
@Gordon sans installing and tweaking your editor of choice until you like it :)
alrighty so 1 day to 1 year huhh?
while 1 year might sound much, there is companies that wont give you commit access for some time
I think to remember, Google or FB bar new devs for quite some time before they may commit. It wasn't 1 year, but a couple weeks
.. somehow I get a feeling that he does not understand, what you mean with "commit access".
he thins that we are saying, that a junior should not be able to run command git commit
I've never worked as a junior, don't work in teams, and am happy to admit I don't know that much about the methodology they use ... regardless of the name you give your methodology, allowing juniors to work on business critical parts of your application(s) is dangerous, and not something I've ever heard of happening ...
Well i assume its allowing your commits to be merged in with the main branch
some companies might choose not to give you repo access at all. meaning you'd need to pair with a senior for some time
sounds like a punishment
I like pairing
hmpf ...
@JoeWatkins if I started to work on php-src, do you think they would give me full access to master on the first day?
there is never anybody to pair with, nobody to review my work ...
I asked for someone, but there are a few people I have met that I can really work with on stuff ... they are all patrons of this room ...
@tereško certainly not
I'm a release manager and cannot access parts of php still ...
well .. that's what he is bitching about
Does anyone know if you have a domain that's pointing to one host, to create a subdomain of that domain and point the subdomain to a directory of another host?
anyway .. of to work
i asked about "How soon should a dev start contributing" question mainly cause a friend of mine just recently got fired 1.5 weeks into the job and he contributed about 4 commits / 600 lines of code and he put in a sincere effort, however they fired him saying "he did not put any effort into the job"
the same company ?
Is here anyone using Docker Beta on Mac?
nope different
you know the email address of your immediate superior ?
not yet]
the simplest, and best thing to do is just ask what is expected
@user3413046 well, the other spot on advice was "Ask them". That's really the easiest thing to do. Talk to people. You are the new guy. You need the guidance.
yeah that, when I replied with "within hours", I didn't know we were talking about juniors ... nobody is going to bite a junior for asking good questions ...
lovely people
also, ideas are contributions, I may not expect a senior to actually commit code within hours, but I'd expect them to be useful in some way ...
@Jimbo lovely Jimbos…
yomin @Jimbo
yo bob
@Jimbo when did you do your first commit at the new job?
What? Are the letting him near actual code?
Hi everybody . I have a time stamp named lastactivity like 1478862346 and i would like to select from the database where the difference between that timestamp and now is inferior or equal to 10mn. I did
SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE TIMEDIFF(NOW(), `lastactivity`) <=10 but it is not working. Can anyone please help me out in how to do this ?
I dont think so. He told me he had to refactor some crappy SPA as the first task.
Something very uncritical not worthy his pompous job title
@JohnMax What is mn?
@JohnMax there must be hundreds of Q&A already at SO explaining how to do it
@PeeHaa I mean Minute
@Gordon First day... but on an old legacy project bring it it back to life, why?
@JohnMax And what format do timestamps normally use?
Absolutely not worth my pompous time
/me googles pompous
@PeeHaa my time stamp in my database is generated based on time(); so i have a result almost like 1478862346
@Jimbo because scroll up
Also what does timediff do? @JohnMax
Research two things. 1) what functions do you are using and 2) what formats the data is in of the things are you are using
@PeeHaa Timediff create the difference between two dates like this mysql> SELECT TIMEDIFF('2000:01:01 00:00:00',
-> '2000:01:01 00:00:00.000001'); But mine is not a date but a timestamp generated based on time();
@Peehaa so :D i am looking for the function that does that in mysql with this timestamp like my time(); generated in php and that actually is my question
You already have all the information you need
All that's needed to do what you want is basic math
maybe use FROM_UNIXTIME()
You don't need a function @JohnMax
It's just one single math operation
latestTimestamp - earliestTimestamp = difference
See @Greg can do math
@peehaa oh ok
Plz i can haz gold star?
Thank you :)
I am serializing a variable $foo = array();$foo['site_url'] = get_option('site_url'); //get_option is Wordpress method which fetch value from database. and serializing the $foo, then die with serialized value. Now, i am getting this as output which seems like incomplete as "http://www.bookatable.co.uk/blog" size 32 but serializer say it is 36..... and here is the output i am getting.... a:1:{s:8:"site_url";s:36:"http://www.bookatable.co.uk/blog";}
@Greg u mean i can just do select * From table where 1478862346-lastactivity=26 for example
any idea friends...
@PeeHaa do you know if it is possible to create a subdomain on a domain name that is hosted on one server, to point to a subdirectory of another domain on a different server?
I learned a cool trick with dates. Nothing PHP/MySQL specific, just basic maths. Writing out dates in full i.e. 20161117 means you can get the difference of days by just subtracting...
simple, I know, but it's the simple things that make me happy.
@Vijay Either the data has been changed after serialization or there are other hidden characters. Use a hexviewer
@user6618037 just point the subdomain to the other server?
in C#, 19 mins ago, by Proxy
yeah php has a dragon too
@Greg my problem here is that i am subtracting the name of a field with the value predifined . How do i do that ? WHERE 1478862346-lastactivity=26 ? And thanks again for the answers to all of u
@Stricted, do you mean just redirect the subdomain?
just set an A, CNAME, AAAA or whatever record to point the domain to the other server
I've tried that and it doesn't work.
@JohnMax you just answered your own question.
@iroegbu someone make a draPHPgon
@PeeHaa Thanks for your reply .... i will try with hexviewer....
If I point it to the other server, it'll go to the root directory of that server, I need it to go to a subdirectory on that server.
@PeeHaa :-D
@user6618037 then set up an vhost on that server?
@Greg @PeeHaa and everybody who helped me, Thanks to You all. Thank you, thank you and thank you.
@Stricted but the domain they are wanting to create a subdomain of and point to my hosting directory is already pointing to their own website lol. It's very confusing and I'm not even sure it's possible. So confused. :(
@JohnMax that will be 120 EUR ;)
@Gordon you're cheap ;)
@Naruto it includes a special R11 discount
r11? ^^
ah nvm, I get it :D
@Trowski Do you have any thoughts regarding github.com/async-interop/promise/pull/19#issuecomment-260993497 ?
When/if article 50 comes into reality, am I able to stop putting cookie consent banners on things?
Who actually does that anyway?
@Jimbo I had to do it for a lot of clients
Over here they actually fine public business of they don't
@PeeHaa I'd make it work only in IE8
Really? Crazy
hi! i know this isn't the best place to ask but still ... i have some bash script executed from php and it uses awk; in PHP i usually use prefix(?:something|) to match both prefix and prefixsomething meanwhile this doesn't work with awk. does anyone know how to do this in awk regex?
What retard came up with that anyway? It's exactly the same logic as putting a non-technical person as CTO, they implement retarded stuff
@Jimbo Well yes. That's also the exact reason :)
@user1257255 Why do you do something|?
What is that last pipe doing there?
@PeeHaa i think without the last pipe this doesn't match prefix but only prefixsomething
That's... an odd way to do it
Just make it optional by appending a ?
can you please show full example
yes, that works in PHP, thanks; but how to achieve the same in awk :)
@user1257255 Does awk even support non capturing groups?
@PeeHaa, how long have you been a PHP developer for?
!!? awk non capturing group
Search for "awk non capturing group" (https://www.google.com/search?q=awk+non+capturing+group&lr=lang_en)
• regex - awk: access captured group from line patt… - 2 jun. 2010 - If I have an awk command pattern { … } and pattern uses a capturing … That was a stro… (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2957684/awk-access-captured-group-from-line-pattern)
• regex - Why does the non-capturing group (?:) see… - 3 mrt. 2011 - Your regex has spaces, remove them: /expire\s*=\s* (?: 0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9])/ ^ ^. Also… (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5180766/why-does-the-non-capturing-group-seem-to-not-be
@user1257255 The first 3 results don't end up with aw specific things. But if I had to guess I would blame the lack of support for non capturing groups in awk
@user6618037 No idea. 10? years
@PeeHaa cool, just seem very knowledgeable that's all haha.
I have a problem can anyone can solve that
actually I was unable to ask question
@user6618037 I am really good at faking it
@PeeHaa Google is your oyster? ^.^
Someone used PeeHaa and knowledgeable in the same sentence
@iroegbu typo. :(
@iroegbu ikr :O
^^ he said it's a typo
@iroegbu you get wise as you get older... Sorry @PeeHaa.
4 messages moved to Trash can
@Prabhash 1) why are you unable to ask a question? 2) please use a pastebin.
Neural networks are cool af
Hi, could someone tell me why the symfony requires polyfill packages instead of suggesting them. Because I have no idea why do I need these polyfill packages when native extensions are installed (eg ext-mbstring)?
@Sean bye bye productivity!
@Gordon @JohnMax that will be 120 EUR ;) Lol
@Sean lemme draw a dick
@PeeHaa I can see this happening. Never forget the robot
Draw dresser -> /me draws a penis
DRaw helicopter -> /me draws penis
This AI is going to be awesome
Draw PeeHaa's mom -> /me draws penis
Yes mum?
Got your talk all ready for next year Jimbo? :P
@PeeHaa I did that yesterday. I also drew boobs and other things. It did not recognize any of that.
Draw finger-> /me draws a penis
@Jimbo Now I have an image of cowboys in the street, someone shouts "draw!" and they go for the zippers.
I'm pretty sure I have already seen that movie
@PeeHaa you have seen weird movies
damn. I should have written recocknized. missed opportunity.
I have :)
@Gordon hah
Have you heard of the band 1023MB? They haven't got a gig yet
@Jimbo Is your next talk going to be: "How a drawing of PeeHaa's mum made me draw a penis asynchronously with PHP" ?
sycophant: a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
I.e. a suck-up?
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ ./sapi/cli/php -r 'try { new class { function __toString() { return "a"; } function __destruct() { throw new Error; } } . "foo"; } catch (Error $e) {}'
[Thu Nov 17 12:52:31 2016]  Script:  '-'
Zend/zend_string.h(122) :  Freeing 0x0000000106e57b40 (32 bytes), script=-
=== Total 1 memory leaks detected ===
@NikiC Seems we're still leaking a ton of results if the exception happens in FREE_OP() opcodes at the end…
@NikiC We ought to alter HANDLE_EXCEPTION() macro to set the result tmpvar (if there is one) to IS_NULL and have the result properly cleaned up in exception handler
At least that's the fix I'd propose…
This is probably old but I've only seen it now: i.imgur.com/TS0kB1P.gifv
@bwoebi I still need to talk to @DaveRandom and listen to his talk to help me understand real async stuff, the stuff I talk about completely avoids that by throwing everything out of the event loop into a queue
@Sean Nah I wait until two weeks before, panic and then do it :)
@Jimbo so, uh, you are actually trying to do sync code in an async framework?!
@Jimbo you panic two weeks before already? you are such a wussy noob. two hours before is more like it.
@bwoebi I wasn't using Amp. But it was for web sockets :)
@Jimbo Pro tip: just dick around with amp
That will just make it click
@Gordon Sorry I need to clarify. I panic two weeks before, and then every minute of every day up until after the talk
@PeeHaa good idea
Actually I'm going to do what he suggested and look at C# as it might help me get my head around things
@PeeHaa this @Jimbo
If you are stuck you also have half a room to pound it in when needed
Stop thinking about how it works and just trust that it works, the how can come later
@DaveRandom That's what I'm saying all the time :-)
@Jimbo Just try it and ask questions as they arise if something bugs. blog.kelunik.com/2015/10/20/… might help you to get started. Also have a look at the docs, we why have them.
Good day all
@bwoebi but not everything uses HANDLE_EXCEPTION()
evening roomies
lol who stared it
RO's can anyone remove those
@Linus I gotchu.
thanks Levi :)
@NikiC shall I instead use ZVAL_NULL explicitly everywhere?
Hi guys, big php noob there in needing of a quick help.
I've created an object like $a = (object)[];
How to add something to this object ? Like array_push but for object ?
> I've created an object like $a = (object)[];
Why would you do that?
Have'nt found a beter working way but I'm open to proposition
This is an xy if I have ever seen one
$a = new stdClass();
What is the difference ?
@Baldráni Without knowing what you are actually trying to do my first reaction is why would you need a fake and useless object to begin with?
@PeeHaa store value in this object
One step before that
Why do you need an object to begin with
FatalThrowableError in HomeController.php line 517:
Fatal error: Class 'App\Http\Controllers\stdClass' not found
You took a wrong turn long before you wanted to actually store data in it
I must add a class to create this :/ ?
@PeeHaa I want to retrieve data from database
I want to drive a car so I bought ice cream
It work like this : continent (for each) -> country (foreach) -> city
Store something like
etc ..
!!docs array
An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values to keys. This type is optimized for several different uses; it can be treated as an array, list (vector), hash table (an implementation of a map), dictionary, collection, stack, queue, and probably more. As array values can be other arrays, trees and multidimensional arrays are also possible.
Again: why an object? ^
Why not ?
Because it makes no sense
It really doesn't, not if you are talking about foreach or push operations
Ok lets go with array then
Dad, I'm hungry. Hello, Hungry. I'm Dad
@bwoebi I don't understand what you want to do
Where would you use ZVAL_NULL?
@Jeeves Yea you said it all
That @Jeeves guy just copy/pastes stuff out of the manual. Sometimes I wonder what his game is.
He's a bit of a prick imo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh fuck me
No thanks
You know you want it boy
Why are we fucking you, what's happened?
@DaveRandom It took me to realize to just now where you commit went from prod
um... wat?
oh right yeh, it's your box :-P
I was utterly confused why a) your commit didn't show up and b) why I had a commit
So stupid :P
Connecting dots is hard man
I'm going to start commiting shit to random repos in your name
That reminds me I still have access to some random repo github.com/mmina100/mina-mounir
No idea what happened there
Let's build an application in that repo
Ah damn. I'm just collab. Not admin :(
make sure to open the console
and use the latest chrome
rad? dad please
Why can't you have a nose 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot
!!giphy engrish
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
Or if they don't take your fancy, how about some minge pies?
Guys, for a given html form that have specific javascript code, if this javascript code is big , should it be put in a js file apart or it's ok to leave it in the php file ?
Is there any reason why you want to leave it in the php file?
!!? minge pie
Fewer requests, although a separate file would be separately cachable
Search for "minge pie" (https://www.google.com/search?q=minge+pie&lr=lang_en)
• Urban Dictionary: Minge pie - Top Definition. Minge pie. A fanny eaten at Xmas. Open up love. I'm ready to eat yer Yuletide minge… (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Minge%20pie)
• Would you eat a Minge Pie? Iceland make embarrass… - 28 okt. 2014 - The hashtag #MingePies began to trend on Twitter after Iceland appeared to make an e… (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/would-you-eat-minge-pie-4524157)
@Tiffany you probably don't want to do that
> Urban Dictionary: Minge pie - Top Definition. Minge pie. A fanny eaten at Xmas. Open up love. I'm ready to eat yer Yuletide minge… (urbandictionary.com/…)
Where "fanny" in that particular case is the British meaning
Minge is British too I think
Anyone can help me with implementing multi language site?
@JayIsTooCommon Yes, we are really classy
so it is better to leave it in my php file, even if it is becoming a bit big ?
@zouza probably not
it's not a simple yes/no, but most likely it would be better in a separate file
@DaveRandom but it is specific to this file :(
so what?
@zouza That doesn't make a difference
@DaveRandom but you just said that means caching
ok ok i get it, one last question , how much is too big ?
if you have to ask...
It means that you can have that js file cached separately if you configure the web server correctly
i have 25 lines of js for that instance
is that ok ?
I written have js files that are 50KB+
@zouza Size doesn't matter, it's what you do with it
I don't recommend that you do that
I mean i just want to know how much is too much
@DaveRandom I written have?
you heard :-P
I'm not even going to change it
need more coffee?
No but tea sounds like a plan (English, remember)
I woke up an hour ago
Hi Friends can any one help me with the below issue please :-

I have a website (http://www.apoyowellness.com/) in Magento. I want to implement sales tax functionality that will be calculated based on the zip code inserted during shipping of the cart products.

My problem is that I have a many tax excel sheet given to me by the client of UNITED STATES. And every state has more than 2000 zip codes and united states has around 50 states.

Magento give me the default panel of sales tax in which i can make sales tax region and apply them to rules, but here I have so many zip codes in a single s
Does the buyer not have to enter a state when they make a purchase?
yes he will enter the state..
is there any free extension or any other method in magento
@LeviMorrison I've been stupid busy too. Worth having a catch up over the weekend / next week?
ok nop if any one can help that will be appreciated :)
"Can you do this for me urgently please" "Alright, can I have this small bit of information from you first?" Cue radio silence for a day
@Sean happens to me frequently. I've grown rather apathetic to "urgent" requests...
@NikiC so that retval isn't undefined when we use zval_ptr_dtor() on it…
> Using standard flags helps us prioritize problems and resolve them faster. Please familiarize yourself with the list of standard flags
I love the snark "Please familiarize yourself with the list of standard flags" though
I flagged this with a custom flag because the thing was edited and clearly stated so
Can't blame them with their shitty job though :P
I think we could get rich by offering a Sales Tax as a service API
Then again… the pain… the pain…
> Please go and visit that place and become a happy .

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