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@JoeWatkins wut?
serious, that's where it installed cmake
@JoeWatkins I'm pretty sure that's not by apple then
no, it's cmake ... but still ...
that's some third party vendor doing bullshit
normally they would install it to /usr/local/bin
the path to the toolchain is also stupid, but there are symlinks
but if you install Xcode 2, everything breaks because there is a space in the pathname
@JoeWatkins yeah, it's symlinked, so no issue actually
I got bored and shut the thing down
@JoeWatkins Xcode 2?? 2!?
i think i've finished setting up phpstorm again
i can go to bed now -__-
gn \o
why do people keep saying that
I didn't call it that, that's what it called it when it installed it
nn @Wes
@JoeWatkins … what's your OS version?
can't get yosemite to boot
yea… not sure about OS X 10.9 anymore…
@JoeWatkins but what's the problem with the space?
shitty scripts not being able to handle escaping?
I dunno, I don't understand anything, was just trying to build libui, which needs cmake
everything fails with errors about path "/Applications/Xcode" not being a valid path
@JoeWatkins Is this in a VM?
I need to get my hands on one ...
@JoeWatkins I could give you teamviewer access to my machine tomorrow… It has everything installed, so you can probably start quickly then
oh that would be excellent
I anyway have two machines here (desktop + laptop), so you can use one of these while I use the other and it won't disturb me…
thanks :)
Just ping me tomorrow and I'll give you access when I'm here
@JoeWatkins I even have cmake installed here^^
@Wes no, it wouldn't. there's zero data loss.
@JoeWatkins oh that'd probably be easy enough once you're in HSL, because you now have hue expressed in degrees round a circle
though idk what makes colours clash mathematically so
> though idk what makes colours clash mathematically so
		$smiley = new Path(Path::Winding);
		$smiley->arcTo(new Point(75,75), 50, 0, M_PI * 2, false);
		$smiley->newFigure(new Point(110, 75));
		$smiley->arcTo(new Point(75, 75), 35, 0, M_PI, false);
		$smiley->newFigure(new Point(65, 65));
		$smiley->arcTo(new Point(60, 65), 5, 0, M_PI * 2, false);
		$smiley->newFigure(new Point(95, 65));
		$smiley->arcTo(new Point(90, 65), 5, 0, M_PI * 2, false);
nn all
1 hour later…
@bwoebi Valid point. Other languages use Promise without being a thenable.
PHP implementations just copied JS, but we could change that.
I think I'll mention that before merging.
$a = new stdclass;
$a->{'0'} = 0;
$b = (array)$a;
assert(count($b) === 1);
$c = (object)$b;
assert($a == $c);
also mornings. how long can one survive without sleeping properly? :B
you might want to fix the rfc though, i think some text got eaten by markup in the paragraph "High-level"... or simply i don't get it :B
found the "programmed to run automatically" washing machine actually running in the house
catch (e) {
    if(e.message.match(/^Cannot find module '(?:.*)'\.$/)) {
because types are too cool for js people
^ that didn't come out in english. js people are too cool for types :B
1 hour later…
posted on October 22, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Hey Joe
morning all
Damn Russian text :(
Anyone tried FastRoute with non-latin text?
More specifically Russian :P
@Linus Today is Saturday. And Sunday comes afterwards
@Fabor In Soviet Russia, FastRoute tries you.
moin ekin, linus
@Fabor enable mb overloading
no it was a joke, don't do that :B
urls are ascii and urlencoded, you shouldn't need special treatments to handle utf-8 urls
$r->addRoute('GET', '/' . urlencode($utf8foldername) '', 'whatever');
@Fabor this is a bad bad idea
better option is to translitterate
I anyone is using Chrome, how many profiles do you have? Do you have one developer and one regular profile, or maybe one profile for each big project?
firefox has had profiles since it was called firebird
mornin tereško
@tereško why?
gah naming is hard
what are you naming?
remember the big findInterval() method? trying to split it into separate methods
it can be split into 4 methods, 1) interval only 2) with leading 3)w/ trailing 4) both
and I already had a method called parseInterval() that is equal to #1... just the return value of parseInterval is DateTime, where the #1 would be TimeInterval
@Wes I saying that from personal experience
@Ekin make the interval into an object
if it's protected stuff i don't mind phrases rather than names, eg
public methods, they are nicer if shorter
this is what I'm trying to split
yes if you can split in different classes it's even better, stuff that you can stack up in "layers" rather than having everything bound to everything
I have a TimeInterval class already
but the main thought for that was to have it hold the extra data like trailing/leading along with DateInterval
@tereško i do use utf-8 urls. they work :P i'm for sure doing something wrong with them, though :B
this is how i would do it: for each interval pattern i'd have a class, all implementing the same interface. then i'd have a function finding occurrences of [a customizable list of] said patterns in a string
$patterns = [new ISOWhateverIntervalPatternMatcher(), new WhateverIntervalMatcher()];
Array<string|Interval> $result = findIntervals($string, $patterns);
or something like that :B
I kinda like the bitmasked flags way I have there though
and it keeps the finder method as an entry point, then I could call a private method to handle what is expected by the given flag
bitmasks make you feel you are a binary wizard, but they are actually meh :B
ooh someone wrote tests for it
:P it will be disappointing that this method will change
someone = peehaa?
no :D
someone else
it looks kinda easy to test with current way
public function testFindIntervalWithTrailingData(string $input, TimeInterval $expectedTimeInterval)
    $intervalParser = new IntervalParser(new ParserSettings());
    $timeInterval = $intervalParser->findInterval($input, IntervalFlags::REQUIRE_TRAILING);
    $this->assertEquals($expectedTimeInterval, $timeInterval);
meh backwards compatibility :D
congrats for having someone actually using your open code. i'm aiming to that goal too :B one day.....
yeah I was very surprised :P
it's all because I tagged a few issues as hacktoberfest
and yeah, if anyone misses PRs for that, feel free to submit PRs to this repo :P
@Ekin Yes, I was also surprised that we got a PR to amphp/file.
Git for me stands for "Git off my code -_-".
It is nice, isn't it :-)
it seems people follow sites like hacktoberfestchecker.herokuapp.com
where you can see the moment when someone uses the tag
> Now you're just showing off.
heh :D
0 / 4
It's not too late to start!
indeed it isn't :-)
@Wes It's really not too late.
i've actually started already
You could PR some things to kelunik/daas for example. :P
i'll do the ui for sure on that one
I wonder though if everyone who gets 4/4 really gets a shirt
it's already too advanced for me @kelunik :B
it's like code i never saw before, like the code from the spaceship in independence day
and i'm not jeff goldblum
@Ekin No, spam ones will get filtered. :P
:D good
Everybody else will get one. But it will take its time.
Well, I waited 4 months to get the SO goodies...
I got used to it :P
Hi all, Please can someone tell me how may i add an image in the chat ?
do you have a link or a file on your file system?
there's an upload button next to where you write...
hmm I have a png file on my computer.
This message window simply has a send button next to it. There is no upload button here.
hmm, maybe it requires more reputation than you currently have
Oh that must be it then. Because I am new to chat.
you could upload it to imgur and paste the link
Actually I have a bit of a code on a pastie and that requires a few images that I thought I would paste in here. But I can't. Can you suggest an alternative?
Ohh sorry saw your message late
What is imgur ?
Ok its a website
like pastie for images !
@Ajoo Either too low reputation or you're on mobile.
right, not a problem
No I am on a pc. Guess it's low rep
Thanks all !
btw is there any docs entry on Amp\file @kelunik?
I couldn't find it, though there was some example code in Jeeves
I guess I should be reading the functions file when I wonder about the usage
that hurts
pff, does it make sense or do any good if I take what's in here and put into a private(?) getIntervalWithLeadingData() ?
basically do that until everything does one thing
@Ekin Yes, just read the functions.php for now. I currently work on better docs.
great, thanks
Question... if I hit the "squash and merge" button on this would the merge commits break?
I remember that happening once but it wasn't on github
@Ekin What do you mean with break?
Last time I did a rebase on cli when there were merge commits all of them were broken into original commits
I'm not sure if it's the same thing or not
@Ekin Sure, because otherwise you can't rebase them. But if you squash anyway, those will be gone anyway.
Hmm, that makes sense. So it should be okay I guess?
I'd squash and merge, yes.
Let's try and see anyway
Yeah, all good, nice.
what are the patterns that your parser thingy supports so far?
do you mean inputs? or time strings
yes time strings, some examples
abbreviations like h|m|s|d|w|mon - hr|min|sec|day and plurals of these - full units
mons wouldn't do though
foo in 2w8d9hrs or 3weeks 8 hours 3secs would work
cause all those get normalized first
ah, i see
i was thinking to do the one for datetimes, and perhaps add intervals too, since i'm on it
fortnight etc, ordinals and alikes doesn't work at the moment
basically the relative times etc all needs a review
I may have made a big mistake naming this "Interval" actually
cause this could have support for both relative and fixed
it could have been TimeParser :(
or DateTimeParser etc dunno
you can rename it i think
also on packagist, and old name will continue to work i read somewhere
I'll open up an issue for discussion but maybe it'd be better if I wait until the current way is properly splitted/refactored
but clearly that would be really nice
and yeah, add in any sorta nice thing you may think of :-)
i'm not sure if i'm able to do it easily... i suck with regexps :B
we could give them a try until it works :D
and if not ping bwoebi for the rescue :P
:D damn talented kids
it's ok being good at something, but they are good at everything
heh :D
i'm not sure anymore what i wanted to do was a good idea
 _(\    |@@|
(__/\__ \--/ __
   \___|----|  |   __
       \ }{ /\ )_ / _\
       /\__/\ \__O (__
      (--/\--)    \__/
      _)(  )(_
TIL: Zombie is a great word for a pangram, which is a sentence using every letter of the alphabet.
which Total War game should I get?
Rome was looking good, I watched my bro play it a lot
ah, that reminds me to check Steam. Thanks
F4 is on sale
I think I will be holding out till winter sale now, unless there is anything with -80%
posted on October 22, 2016 by kelunik

- Renew on new domain name added to an existing common name (#34) - Don't require `--server` and `--storage` flags for `auto -c` (#35) - Report errors with challenge file creation directly (#37) - Fix cron documentation to be POSIX compliant (#39)

heh, all fallout titles are windows only. I think I can restrain myself then
@tereško age of empires.
Yo Joe =) life alright
@Wes age of empires is not a total war game
@Gordon well, yeah, there is a limited amount of games for linux
Just wish Mac would sort its shit out and get decent gfx in them
@Gordon Wizard is better imho :)
@Jimbo since apple seems to be floundering, keep wishing on the star
@Jimbo Pick any non-mac gaming laptop, install a good linux distro, save money, get better performance, win
@Leigh Yeah I don't mean for mobile performance, I have a windows gaming PC, just like the mac os and wish they'd sort it out
I know you can get external graphics, I don't even know if they have gone anywhere
(GTX 1080 over thunderbolt or something)
well, over thunderbolt I guess it could work, since that's directly mapped to the PCI bus
but it's not going to be full speed
@tereško kinda. total war is cool on the actual battle field but all that moving troops on the map kills you after few hours. you will beg for skipping all that stuff. age of empires is basically the same as star craft
@Jimbo from what I have seen, the Apple's strategic plan for 2015-2020 was written on a napkin and said: "remove ports"
@Leigh why not? just buy a cable short enough to not have significant penalty due to electric signal transmission speeds.
@bwoebi isn't internal PCIe using 16 lanes something like 32GB/s?
@tereško This is pretty much the strategy since Steve Jobs' return…
@Wes you either dont know starcraft or you dont know age of empires
@Leigh depends on your version I believe
@bwoebi I am not sure if Apple is worse than Corsair or not, since their napkin said: "add more LEDs"
@bwoebi And thunderbolt has to carry displayport and pcie, I doubt it's full speed over any length of cable
@Leigh Trunderbolt 3 has 4 PCIe lanes
@tereško it's very much the same game, except that star craft is more frenetic and makes you crosseyed :B
@Wes when I buy the latest expansion, we should play 1v1
I just read that you can get maybe a 5% performance drop
@Jimbo emm ... and what will you do for power?
@bwoebi Yea even if it's PCIe 3, that's not enough for top end graphics
i don't play star craft, i don't like it :D but i do play age 3
@Leigh It's like 4 GB/s … how much speed do top end graphics have?
@tereško Still need a PSU that goes into it :P
@bwoebi Why do you think they're 16 lane cards
@Jimbo and some cooling ... basically you want to connect a better PC over thunderbolt
@Leigh hmm… to work at full speed with PCIe 1? :-P
@tereško The GPU enclosure will handle the cooling etc
Effectively you need two small blocks on your desk: GPU in case and PSU behind it
I like the idea of coming home, plugging laptop in, bam I can for absolutely no reason play crysis
enclosure, thunderbult interface, cooling, power, gpu ... and if it's for laptop, you also need to send the picture back (and that will require encoding - thus, some CPU, with cooling and RAM) .. it's a PC
@Leigh dunno… but the difference in FPS and the like doesn't seem too significant
Yeah maybe :(
@Jimbo just buy a good gaming PC.
Well I have one, although it's a bit old. It's got an i5 (4Ghz quad) and a Geforce GTX 780 which is still actually alright
should be ok for 1080p (maybe dipping in medium settings on few latest games)
Yeah it is, or was for games a year or so ago, haven't played games much lately with the move and everything
I need to bang out a couple of pull requests for hacktoberfest, any easy targets?
@Jimbo you probably should look for the update when AMD's new shit comes out in beginning of next year (which will also cause pice drops for Intel gear ... if that's your preference) and relegate the old machine to TV-computer
attach some wireless gamepads and it will double as a living-room "console"
What is the best way to retrieve zend_string sub string?
From specified index with specified length
@tereško How did you get on with your steam controller in the end?
it's all right, but the touchpad sensitivity is some games is way too high
(causes issues with twin-stick mode)
Aye exactly, I like the fact it doubles as a proper mouse, but dual stick is impossible
nearly impossible
worked really well in dark souls 3 though
uh should've waited your review @PeeHaa for that PR
now I might expect that for all PRs for tests :P
also mornin'
morning :)
@Ekin Meh. Incrementally better will also make it all better :)
Cool ^^
@Leigh I tried playing a friend's DOOM game (latest one) with the steam controller. Seriously, two sticks is so much better
@Leigh actually, I should have checked the sentence before posting. it's not a pangram
or 25
@Gordon Oh the sentence itself was supposed to be? I noticed a missing X and assumed it wasn't :P
@Leigh yep, the entire sentence (without the TIL). But it's also missing a jkqx
function is_pangram(string $string): string {
    return preg_replace('~[\W0-9A-Z_]~', '', count_chars(strtolower($string), 4));

var_dump(is_pangram('Zombie is a great word for a pangram, which is a sentence using every letter of the alphabet.'));
@JoeWatkins you got anywhere with your color thing?
what is joe doing?
He wanted to use color harmonies but got scared once he found out what it involved
I could take a stab at it if it's still needed for science

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