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oh hey, that crovella you knew in italy - anywhere near pietrelcina?
apparently I've some family dating back around there
no that crovella lived in milan, but i don't know if he was from there
and, i was born 100km from pietrelcina
crovella is i think a very popular surname though
really? it's ridiculously rare in the states
actually not so much @PaulCrovella gens.info/italia/it/…
I guess we moved up north at some point
and now that i see the map, i think the crovella i knew was from torino, not milan :B
planning to learn italian? come back to base, we have pizza :D
I'd love to, but I'm terrible with natural languages. I'm sorta trapped to places that can understand my 'merican.
I can probably pick a fight most places, but getting along is a whole 'nother deal.
visiting petrelcina is on my list though, it looks like a lovely interesting little town
it's mostly known for en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padre_Pio which was made saint in recent times. that is mostly what pietrelcina is about. ie, tourists are 99% religious tourists
yeah, I've read a bit about him
campania (the region whose capital is naples) has a lot of wonderful places but some others could be quite scary for new tourists :B rome, milan, bologna, torino, venezia are way more tourist-friendly
if I go I won't mention that his stigmata and whatnot is all bullshit.. people enjoy it and there's no harm in that
I'm not all that interested in touristy stuff. If I can spend some time in a quaint town, walk around and get by, I'm happy.
:P not interested in history? rome is incredible... has so much history in it, it would take months to visit everything
I am.. somewhat. But small local history that people have a connection to draws me more.
btw, have you checked ellis island's records?
my dad's done a lot of that sorta thing, I haven't dug into it much
my mom is into these things too, in fact she even claims our family is related to Lt. Dan :B
also known as gary sinise... :B
his grandfather is from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ripacandida
6 degrees of separation, true story
I like how every photo of a town in southern italy is a a beautiful place on a hillside
check "castelmezzano"
oh wow
that is one of the most iconic i think
that is something special
see, I'd love to live in a place like that, but I can't imagine what I'd do that'd be useful there
they have internet, though :D
enightmare.it/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/cra.jpg Craco, ghost town but you can visit it
shame that it's little more than a TV setting now :/
tv setting? :B
place they film tv shows (and movies and whatnot)
ah, yeah they actually should film something there :D
not actually hollywood movies :B though in Matera mel gibson filmed "the passion"
wait, they filmed a 007 movie there? lol
i didn't even know... gotta watch the movie now... i'm not a 007 fan, unless it's sean connery's 007
1 hour later…
Anyone worked on Infusionsoft API before?
Link to issue I'm having:
@tereško Recommend any good transliteration libraries?
@bwoebi pong
even staring at wall become interesting sometimes :p
I'm totally bored of docbook
most of yesterday afternoon and the last hour, and I have managed to document 4 classes
I mean ... just ...
also I never noticed before, but the tooling is really very terrible ...
constructors will not be shown in class synopsis by default, unless you mark them as normal methods - which is what everyone does ...
having no methods (even if you have a properly marked up constructor) will cause the parser to generate silly errors also ... which is annoying ...
everything still says ReturnType for every kind of return type, no matter what information you use ... even though they've been supported forever ...
it doesn't do marking classes final ...
and probably a million other things ...
tl;dr php is shit ...
@JoeWatkins Is it like this for you with PHP?
it should be, but no, I'm just going to leave it all broken :D
> Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network
why this happen to me google always display it
never seen it
1 hour later…
> UI\Controls\EditableCombo — EdiableCombo Control
I'm so tired, that seems funny to me ... maybe I will eat the combo box control control box ...
none of these words mean much any more, after you typed them a billion times
@Danack Thanks, I'll prepare something and announce RFC for discussion
posted on October 23, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Danack I did it, my first RFC posted for discussion, jeppi :)
I've written a small OSS project: https://github.com/Hamz-a/php-base-translator
Feedback is appreciated.
Flight delayed by 3 hours :'(
@Archer take a nap? Well let's hope you won't oversleep :P
@brzuchal cool, welcome to the very elite club of php sourcerers ... probably the least elite club in the world ... welcome, anyway ...
@Linus you either share an IP address with lots of other people, or your internet provider does dynamic IP address allocation. And that IP address has been used for dodgy stuff. Or your computer is being used as part of botnet.
@Danack his computer or an appliance in his home...
Oct 17 at 20:13, by Wes
Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. This page checks to see if it's really you sending the requests, and not a robot. Why did this happen?
@HamZa what's the php for? ;-)
@FlorianMargaine hmmm, should I remove it? I wanted to make clear it's written in php :P
@HamZa I'm just saying that the project could be an html page and a bunch of js
js, get a room!
@FlorianMargaine oh in that sense... Well it was mainly to practice and get a little bit back into php since it's been a long time
<script language="php">$document->body->textContent = "we do only php here";</script>
@JayIsTooCommon We need it for the === $null check, because we previously override the last known status. Before you only did that the first time.
@JoeWatkins thanks, that means a lot for me, from about 10 years I know PHP I was just complaining until I decided to stop complaining and do something
I don't know any of my colegues who does did this step
@Danack not sure about botnet but yeah i have dynamic ip address allocation
@JoeWatkins ping, the next
@bwoebi pong && morning
@JoeWatkins still needing to compile libui on os x mac os?
yes, please
will give you access on twitter in a few min
@JoeWatkins goto look_at_DMs;
screen must be huge
why? and yeah, it's 2880x1800
lots of scrolling :)
@JoeWatkins your turn; cmake is installed&run
Boarding at last \o/
@bwoebi only 3k warnings ...
not bad
@JoeWatkins you can continue, I figured it out
@kelunik ah ok, and the returning success object, why is that preferable over returning null?
@JayIsTooCommon Keeping the return type consistent.
And if you want to return null, better use return null; than return;
Also note the yield in the repeat timer. If something goes wrong, it will appear in the global error handler instead of just being hidden.
@bwoebi can you get me screenshots of those please :)
@JoeWatkins libui works on OS X?
@kelunik yes
I never did an osx app before ...
@JoeWatkins there you are :-)
So the next cool thing will be desktop apps based on Amp and libui?
we would have to learn how libui works ...
I don't know very much yet
@kelunik yeah, we just need to be able to stream_select() on it first
I'm quite friendly with the guy who writes it though, I'll start a discussion one day when I have time to listen to his response
now to commit package to pecl and doc to svn ...
then I can stop for a while, I think ...
@kelunik Already dicking around :P
@Ocramius when not at home? but… you dont have a home O.o
Now we only need a sane "compiler" / installer to make it really easy for end users :)
@Jimbo never flew business class with anything. but as a rule of thumb: air berlin sucks
@kelunik libui-node for example resorts to doing recursive setTimeout() to poll the ui ………
@Wes do you also need OS license and a monitor in that budget?
@bwoebi Is that the thing that powers Electron?
@kelunik right ok, thanks for explaining
@kelunik hmm… electron is giving a negative charge when googling… not sure what you mean
@JayIsTooCommon Actually I wanted to add that feature, checked out the branch, then noticed it's already there, nearly in the same way I had implemented it.
@kelunik That's not libui based isn't it?
No, I think it's just Chromium + HTML + JS.
yeah thought so too
Adding         en/reference/ui
Adding         en/reference/ui/book.developer.xml
Adding         en/reference/ui/book.xml
Adding         en/reference/ui/configure.xml
Adding         en/reference/ui/constants.xml
Adding         en/reference/ui/entities.functions.xml
Adding         en/reference/ui/entities.ui.xml
Adding         en/reference/ui/functions
Adding         en/reference/ui/functions/ui.draw.text.font.fontfamilies.xml
Adding         en/reference/ui/reference.xml
Adding         en/reference/ui/setup.xml
docbook sucks so hard
For I second I thought it might be, would explain the rants of @bitfalls if it used recursive setTimeout for the UI.
@kelunik That's suspicious
But it feels like he rants about everything, most things he mentions work just fine for me. ^^
@kelunik yeah, it is
Yeah that's also true :P
@kelunik well that's a good sign, as it means my code isn't too insane :)
@JoeWatkins But I have no idea what's fucked up on my system so that I had to manually specify -F (the system frameworks path with headers) there…
@JayIsTooCommon I just noticed there's another bug. Should I fix it or do you want me to tell you?
What is it?
@tereško nope. i have the rest, case, fans, hdds
no clue, I would never, not in a million years, have been able to figure out any of what you did to make it work ...
@DaveRandom cheap ms word? You often know good retailers for this sort of thing. Any ideas?
@JayIsTooCommon Currently there's a repeat watcher for every room. The first to be executed will fetch the new status and send it to that room, but it won't send it to other rooms, as it's already known then.
@JoeWatkins I've manually added the framework include path to the generated makefile definitions -.-
it might just be unfinished in libui, it doesn't even have a make install, for some strange reason
It's enough to have one repeat watcher that gets created in the constructor and only have an array of rooms that rooms get added to in enableForRoom.
@kelunik but what if it's not enabled in any room?
@PeeHaa You can defer the watcher creation to the first enableForRoom.
@kelunik would using persistent storage solve that?
@kelunik True
@JayIsTooCommon You don't need any storage.
I think I will step away from computer now, maybe even go outside
On a related note @kelunik. You want me to pull the PR yet or do you want to add mor changed?
I can just append to my PR, but if you want to fix it, feel free, then I'll only review.
Neh. I'll let you are @JayIsTooCommon fix it up
@PeeHaa Depends whether @JayIsTooCommon wants to work on it now or whether I'll fix it.
@Wes in that case go with i5-6600 + Cooler Master Hyper T4 + whatever motherboard you want + Gigabyte GeForce GTX 950 2GB Dual WindForce
I'm not following to be honest.. I get why it wouldn't send for the other rooms because the property has been changed for the first response, right? Why wouldn't using persistent storage (which is per room based) solve that? So saving the last known status to storage other than property
I'm out and can't look at code so apologies if I'm way off track here
@JayIsTooCommon Well, it would solve it, but I think it's not needed.
oh, wait , you also needed a PSU
The advantage of persistent storage would be, that it doesn't have to discard the first "change", which might be an actual change.
I think @tereško should just startup a gaming rig online store
it's not even a gaming rig
just a basic work PC with ability to do some HW rendering
the GPU cant run any decent game, but it was never intended to
> At this point we know this was a sophisticated, highly distributed attack involving 10s of millions of IP addresses. - dyn.com/blog/dyn-statement-on-10212016-ddos-attack
someone has a massive botnet there apparently
@Gordon yes, it also goes buy a popular marketing term: "internet of things"
@PeeHaa PR should be fine now.
In a relatively short time we've taken a system built to resist destruction by nuclear weapons and made it vulnerable to toasters.
Note: We don't have disableForRoom yet.
@Gordon basically, yes
I suspect the IoT will be the VR of 90s
@kelunik kk
Interesting error on 5.1.0: 3v4l.org/bjZ4d
@kelunik ok, I'll pester / take a look when I get back
So are we for persistent storage as a solution or ?
As the advantage of not discarding the first change is a good point too
@JayIsTooCommon You can do that if you want. On the other hand, Jeeves isn't restarted that much.
github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/pull/107/files just broadcasts to a all enabled rooms.
If you want to use the storage, you have to compare the status with every room, but you should still only have one repeat watcher. We don't need to hammer GitHub more, just because we're lazy and fetch the status for every room separately.
Does anybody have a useful project idea for me? Need something simple to learn Haskell.
@kelunik ahh right now I see what you mean. So really, persistent would only partially solve the issue. Will try and make both of the changes when I get back :) /cc @PeeHaa
thanks for explaining (Y)
@JayIsTooCommon The PR is fine as is except for the last status / first discard issue.
I think we should have a global plugin storage for that instead of per room.
@PeeHaa @DaveRandom Why reason for github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/blob/master/cli/run.php#L53? We have $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"] :P
No idea :)
Hi all
That's why you don't even start aligning things in the first place: github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/blob/master/cli/run.php#L74-L79
@kelunik No, that's why you don't have that long class names and definitely no factories (heheheh)
@Gordon you can watch the commands it's being sent: twitter.com/MiraiAttacks
Anyone can suggest me a good eu based dedicated server which can handle ~250 online users ?
@user3304007 You have to define 250 online users first. It mostly depends what they do and how many while(true); your code contains.
well, 1 users means about 1 mysql query per 4 seonds
select * query.
@user3304007 Hopefully with a LIMIT or very few rows.
Pro tip: it's a trap
well, yeah, and ID search
should I condense on cpu cores or more ram for many users at same time
dont redirect me to serverfault, nobody there on sunday
@user3304007 That'd be 250/4 queries per second, makes 62.5 queries / second. That means you have 16ms for each query. Most small servers should be able to handle that.
Note that you just defined that users run queries. There's no other backend code in that equation yet. :P
can you define 16ms for each query
oh gotcha
Sure. query = 16ms. :P
!!haskell let query = 16 in query
Return value: 16 — Output: none
!!haskell let 2 + 2 = 5 in 2 + 2
I am thinking to go with ovh but some guys here dont suggest it, what you guys wthink / suggest ?
Return value: 5 — Output: none
20 hours ago, by kelunik
@user3304007 I suggest Digital Ocean. It's an US company, but you can choose where your stuff is hosted.
20 hours ago, by kelunik
DO is in Frankfurt and Amsterdam IIRC. I can't really recommend others, as I haven't really used them.
you are happy with them ? does your website has high traffic
In your website they included as "Droplet", is it means dedicated
DO is pretty good.
The reason I dont like DO is,
1- Bandwith limit of 5 TB
2- 8 core cpu server is 480 $, which is way too much more than ovh
@user3304007 Start small and see if you really need that. You don't have any provisioning cost or anything like that.
@Gordon ^
@user3304007 unless your app is doing something crazy, there's no way you should need an 8 core machine. You probably just need two 1-core machines. One for frontend, one for the DB.
@PeeHaa may I ask your opinion on #21?
@Ekin Gimme 5 minutes to finish my breakfast
sure no rush at all, whenever you'd like to check it :-)
There are some things that need fixing. But just pull it and I will fix
@Danack well its a chat website. and it can have some peaks on some times.
Also do you have time to setup travis (while I help you when needed)? @Ekin
merged, yup was looking to that at the moment
Hovering over the Y/n dialog to upgrade servers to php7.
What could go wrong?™
php7 doesnt support mysql_query()
Yeah, we use PDO.
does it better perform than php 5.5 ?
AFAIK yes, metric tests do show 7 performing better than 5.5 in full applications
Though 5.5 is faster when running tiny tests, like echoing a million times
err 5.5? 5.6
Sean, you are the first english man that prefers "yeah" instead of "yes". Its an american thing mate :p
:P Huh, never noticed
your image animation on homepage looks cool
That's bizarre, I could have swore php7 created a php7.0 directory on my other virtual box, but it's made a php/ directory on production
Does it check if php/ already exists or something first?
OH it's php/7.0
why this chat allows external image files ? you know its just 2 lines to get all ips who see it
no, anyway
yeah, something something broken dependencies
Forgot I needed to add the repository for apache2 too.
@PeeHaa it's enabled on travis, not sure if I need to do anything else but reviewing the docs now
@Ekin It probably needs a push
yeah I guessed
I'll setup codecoverage and PR it
great, thanks :-)
Brilliant, apt-get isn't liking me trying to install libapache2-mod-php7.0
Does it suggest to install nginx instead? :P
:P Hahah
Hmmm no idea why it doesn't give me coverage reports @Ekin.
hmm not sure why either
oh lol
maybe I missed setting something on travis side
learn to read @peehaa and woman...
> Error: No whitelist configured, no code coverage will be generated
I'll fix the config :P
evening roomies
hey linus
is that whitelist on .yml file @PeeHaa?
Nope in phpunit config xml
ah right yeah I actually meant that
like in Jeeves
We need to tell it what files are part of the coverage
@Ekin yeah
yup I get it now
@Fabor elaborate on purpose? i.e. where you are installing it and what you will be doing with it?
php7 is complaining about a lack of mpm_prefork module shrugs
@PeeHaa \o/
:-) awesome, thanks a lot
Next time we will setup scrutinizer which guesses how bad your code is
okay cool :-)
@kelunik Is that reliable in the CLI SAPI? tbh I have a somewhat irrational fear/hatred/dislike of using $_SERVER anywhere ever, so yeh that is probably a better way
@DaveRandom I think it's always set, in every SAPI. But yes, I prefer the current way, too. ;-)
How high were those who wrote X.509 RFCs? >For the purposes of this profile, UTCTime values MUST be expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu)
for second i thought there is my face in that tweet :p
Can someone explain to me exactly why thinking about "message passing" is better then calling methods? I can't decide whether or not my brain already thinks in the way of message passing when I write OO code...
So I'd appreciate some articulation on this point
Is it just that, in message passing, you can pass any data to an object regardless of whether or not it has a method to handle it?
@Jimbo depending on context, that could just mean command-query separation...
Or even just tell-don't ask - pragprog.com/articles/tell-dont-ask
Huh. So the default php7 install file still tries to refer to .dll extensions, even on ubuntu o.o
I have never seen somethign like that
Yeah I think it's time for a reinstall
There's .so mods in the extensions dir but they're not the right names
and the config file has extensions disabled with .dll
dude@uk2:/$ php -i | grep .ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php/7.0/cli

dude@uk2:/$ cd /etc/php/7.0
-bash: cd: /etc/php/7.0: No such file or directory
What is even going on
That's from a fresh install of php7.0
/etc/php is empty
@Sean :s
For some reason apt-get install php7.0 is doing literally nothing
Isn't it just apt-get install php?
I thought ubuntu made 7 default
Not for pre 16
dunno, don't use apt
oh php7.0-fpm was lingering about for some weird reason.

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