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To be honest I'm not particularly sure what your code aims to do
First forloop under the line $current_pupil_grade_id sets the first slot which is the earliest slot
I mean business logic
Are you trying to return the nearest meeting for a specific pupil, for example?
Or the nearest meeting out of all of the meetings
When you log into parent evening, you're logged in as parent but you only have one child selected. The parent loads up the meeting form which I want to pick the earliest time for that meeting, then I want to check if there is another child this parent has and also recommend slot times for other meetings if current/other child has any.
So it's basically recommend slots for all the meeting for all the children for a parent
so we can recommend the nearest times for all the meetings
but the parent doesn't have to take the recommendation if their done want to
It's just so that the parent can get slot times for all their childrens meetings around the same time
However the nearest time might be like an hour wait, but that's their fault for booking so late
@Wes moins
@Sean I just don't get why the in_array_r isn't working correctly
@Wes That's nice
Oh that part is because of your if statement
what's wrong with that?
@Sean which if statement is wrong?
@Sean I fixed the if statement inside in_array_r($array, $key, $val). I was missing ["meeting_id"] from $item[$key]. However it still does the same but with the next key == 6
@Chris $key is always going to be the pupil ID right?
@Sean correct
The gist is you're trying to look for your pupilID in an array containing meeting_id and endTime
function in_array_r($array, $key, $val) {
    foreach ($array as $item) {
        if (array_key_exists($key, $item) && $item[$key]["meeting_id"] === $val)
            return true;
            return false;
This better?
No, you're still looking in each $item, the pupil ID is the key in the top array, not the second ones
It's a little confusing to explain
To get the array for a pupil ID, you would say $array[$key]
so return isset($array[$key]) && $array[$key]['meeting_id'] === $val)
is really the only line you need in that function, though that misses a few sanity checks
It still allows me to add multiple with the key == 5 and meeting_id == 1812
Disregard everything I've just said
I missed an array.
So first of all your $ignore array is structured really weirdly
Is an example of what it looks like
How can it be done better?
in reality I think you might want it to look a little like this:
@Sean  $ignore[$item["pupil_id"]] = array("meeting_id" => $item2["meeting_id"], "endTime" => $item2["endTime"]);
@Sean that's now sorted
Almost: $ignore[$item['pupil_id']][] = array(...);
But before that, you need to check if $ignore[$item['pupil_id']] exists / is an array, and if it isn't then set it to an empty one.
I'd help you write it out but also working :P
why do i need an extra [] after the $ignore[pupil_id]?
Will one pupil be able to have multiple meetings?
Then that's why
Ahhh :D
Okay :P
That block of code is rather difficult to read, I'd recommend splitting it up into steps and/or adding comments as a basis to see what it's doing and why :P
This code is just test code :D
Sorry for no comments
@Sean I got it working :D
@Chris Woo :D Nice one
@Sean There probably a better way of doing it

function in_array_r($array, $key, $val) {
	if(array_key_exists($key, $array)){
		foreach ($array as $item) {
			foreach ($item as $item2) {
				if ($item2["meeting_id"] === $val)
					return true;
					return false;
but I took your advise structuring my array correctly.
foreach($array[$key] as $item) in your first foreach.
So you limit your searching to that pupil ID :)
function in_array_r($array, $key, $val) {
	if(array_key_exists($key, $array)){
		foreach ($array[$key] as $item) {
			if ($item["meeting_id"] === $val)
				return true;
				return false;
Woo :D
@Sean Cheers for the help, you've helped me so much. I can now crack on with what I want to do :) Sorry for being such a bother :P
If you want to put the answer on there, I can give you a tick for it.
.@tescobankhelp Holy crap - your fraud dept leaves the number to call back in a voice mail? Tell people to call num… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/785874918902595584
Evenings fine people
I am confused. Did somebody snipe your hacktoberfest pr?
morning puss/kitteh
@JoeWatkins did you find a mac victim yet?
@PeeHaa :<
Added MIT
Oh wait. It's cool
Yours is pr 92 his is 94
It was made a day later, they also commented in my PR with feedback beforehand. I was a little confused
Yours is good to go right?
Yeah, if the copy is all fine w/ you
I'm terrible with phrasing stuff, but feedback has been helpful
> @Ekin, you were just producing walls of text for the last few hours.
I think it's sentient enough
ok I am going to annoy you for one last thing @Sean
Fire away
The optional exts is either one of the three
If you can fix that imma pull
hey guys whats a LDAP domain controller?
It's an indication of the wrong career choice :P
haha kill me now right
@BlunderCode More serious though. You are asking what a DC is?
@PeeHaa Yes sir
It's a windows server machine responsible for controlling things in a windows network
In relation to ldap it's just a node afaik
It's the thing you can ask stuff
Ok sounds good thats what I thought the LDAP thing is just a little confusing
I agree
I tried formatting that what the hell
lol :P
Keep trying young padawan. You will get it
where do I find my domain controller to put in the dc=example,dc=com part
authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth --ldapserver=ldap://ldap.example.com:389/ --ldapbasedn="dc=example,dc=com" \
--enablecache --disablefingerprint --kickstart
good enough lol
!!giphy victory
Very iffy! Jeeves found no giphy :(
@BlunderCode Most likely the sysadmin should be able to tell you what the dc is
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
@PeeHaa Yeah I figured I was hoping I could have just found it myself.
Thank you.
@BlunderCode Are you connected to the network?
Yes I am
Hold on 1 sec
Im follwoing this tutorial just in case it helps
oh god on linux. You're on your own :P
Sorry :P
haha thanks for the help you got me on the right track at least! :)
FWIW I know only one person i nhere who actually understand ldap but he's not online atm
OK good I'm pretty new to php and linux and all this so I feel like an idiot.
@BlunderCode you probably should try visiting IRC
@tereško Isnt this IRC?
@tereško what you mean?
PR Updated @PeeHaa, grabbing a bite.
@JayIsTooCommon @⁠PeeHaa find rust alternatives
I have a project that uses library1.0 and one that uses library1.1
How can I configure php+apache+svn so that each project uses their own version of the library without unnecessarily branching?
hey, you know what my boss told me today? this is grand: applications that I build don't need icons...
so in other words, all my applications will have the default java icon... He said that the title of those icons is just fine
That's sensible.
oh yeah, definitely... especially when the project isn't due until Friday and I already have it all coded and debugged
no need to spend the 15 minutes it would take to design and implement an icon
That's micromanagement then.
@Sean aight tnx
@rabbitguy It's a java thing. Who cares? :P
At least from my perspective. You should feel free to spend your 15 minutes doing the icon and scrapping it if for some reason your boss doesn't like it.
He is the king of micromanaging
@PeeHaa I understand Java is too complex for you... hence why you do PHP :D
hehehe #burn
lol... yeah... I should try to come up w/something better next time
that was just lame on my part
It's ok. It's almost friday so it's only going to get better :)
hopefully... I should be going out on another date this weekend
@PeeHaa do you have some time to try/review reminder?
!!in 5 minutes I will
Reminder set.
sure I'm in no hurry
Yahoo: "Your password is too similar to the one you've used previously." You wouldn't know unless you store it in an insecure way, again.
@PeeHaa I will
@JayIsTooCommon jesus...
@JayIsTooCommon isn't there a type of hashcode that can show how similar two strings are from each other? Maybe they stored a hashcode instead :D
!!in 10 seconds go pee
Reminder set.
@rabbitguy go pee
> Hashing a password, particularly with MD5, creates "similar" output for similar input, so they could be comparing hashes.
wtf I just read
yay! I'm not stoopid
by similar he means different
and by particularly he means even
In that case it makes sense :P
I would like to ap-lo-gize
Holy shit that entire thread is filled with stupid. No wonder shit gets leaked and will keep leaking
Maybe they are hashing the lowercase password version too.
@TomasZubiri Yes. That is probably it
@PeeHaa fo real
they are storing in plain text, obviously ...
Or the password is case insensitive.
or storing in a reversible way whatever
So they just put that message as a catch all.
At this point I am still hoping you are trolling :D
I dunno what you're talking about
> you could also store two hashes with levenstein distance between the strings these hashes represent.
that's it... im triggered
I... don't.... even
@JoeWatkins was @DaveRandom testing the windows build of ui?
stop reading, just stop reading, you could be replacing useful information by absorbing this nonsense
@PeeHaa he's going to yeah
are you near a mac yet ?
@JoeWatkins It's my weird kind of comedy I guess :P
@JoeWatkins Nope. Still not home
dude, go home ...
I've reached the point that I shouldn't drive anymore :D
that old or that drunk?
Where / what / how do you want / need me @Ekin?
@rabbitguy lol the latter
@PeeHaa jump into 110670 if you still have time/want to review how it is now
or go home maybe, if that's safer or less boring :P
Via taxi :)
if (md5(strToLower($newPassword)) === md5(strToLower($oldPassword)){
echo "Your password is too similar to the one you used previously";
Neh. I will stay over here for the night
is what I am saying.
@TomasZubiri lol nope
but you'd have to have stored the old password for that code to work
@PeeHaa I hope you're not with another man.. I won't be having that.
@rabbitguy you are right
if (md5(strToLower($newPassword)) === $oldHash){
echo "Your password is too similar to the one you used previously";
is what I actually actually meant
@TomasZubiri That means 1) what @rabbitguy just said or 2) it's waaay more likely they don't store several hashes and use plaintext
for realsies this time.
@JayIsTooCommon There is only one real man in my life
Aw, thank you <3
it's okay... if Trump is elected he's gonna get Yahoo. He's gonna get them so good. They are gonna wish he wasn't elected prez because he's gonna get them better than anyone has ever gotten them before
also... mexicans
@rabbitguy hahah, sound just like him :p
And he's told them he's going to get them, and they know that he will do it, because he's told them he's going to, and that's why he told them ...
does talking like this have a name ?
I think
prediction, btw: Trump will lose the election but then sue the government claiming voter fraud and we will actually for the first time have to push out the presidential inauguration bcz of it
I might teach my young boy to speak like this and send him to america to make his fortune ... apparently they lap it up ...
I hope he looses, but it may not happen ...
Just the alternative is pretty shite
no... he can't seem to gain any more swing voter support... acting like he does just makes his core constituents happier and louder which makes it seem like he's doing better, but all the polls show Hillary taking off now... some are showing double digit leads even
the only people that are shocked by the things he does are those people who have already developed distaste for him, at this point nobody on his side is shocked by anything he said, and other than politicians trying to protect their own interests, normal people won't abandon him ... the reason they follow him is precisely because he says mental things ...
I'm not advocating Hillary, but I am definitely saying no to Trump
I think after Brexit I've learnt not to trust pre vote polls
iirc they predicted that remain were well ahead, but that's uk I guess
they work the same, they use a tiny number of people compared to the number voting, for that reason they aren't useful when votes are close ...
depends on how well you are calculating your margin of error really
and the biggest part to consider is the percentage of the population who is undecided but plans on voting
that part of the polls is quickly shrinking after that past week
how many adults of voting age in the usa ?
127m ?
they use in the order of thousands of voters to construct polls ...
it isn't on the sort of scale that can be useful imo
if the stats are done correctly, it will get you pretty close... again, how do you calc your margin of error (how confident are you in it), and what percentage of voters polled are still undecided...
bcz if you say that Hillary is ahead by 20 points, but 40% is undecided, then her lead means nothing
let's be generous and say they use 100,000 voters (they don't), being 20 points behind among them means nothing when 127,000,000 people are voting ...
how many stat classes have you taken?
you're argument would be similar to saying, "well, there are 2 billion smokers worldwide. we sampled 1,000,000 of them, and half of them died of some kind of lung disease, but that doesn't mean that half of them overall will. The rest could be just fine..."

yeah, they *could* be just fine, but the odds aren't in their favor by anyone's book
/cc @PeeHaa stop smoking please.
@JayIsTooCommon Why?
It's great and does all the things
Because i will have no one to answer my noob questions? Priorities man
So? Start smoking too and it will solve itself
lol xD
depends on what you're smoking
for instance... start smoking meth. your priorities will almost immediately change :D
@rabbitguy and what actually happens is like surveying 10 smokers from the 2 billion and saying they are alright, everyone should carry on smoking ...
@rabbitguy For the better though
there needs to be a decent sized sample for stats to be useful and there isn't ...
there isn't just one survey that happens... it's not like I just read NBC's poll and go celebrate that Trump is losing and consider it a wash... even Fox's poll shows him losing now
as the polls are ran over and over and over again and the numbers come to agreement the more confidence there is in them. No, polls are no guarantee (see Brexit); you sane judgement
yeah you're lucky in that respect, I think we only have one or two bigs ones at election time, then news papers and whatever run them, but they don't have the reach or resources of US television networks ...
Dear Room 11, as of about twenty minutes ago I am using PHP 5.6 in production. Hooray!
I guess... tbh, I hate how we do presidential elections in this country. My vote basically won't count bcz Trump will win the state I live in...
@rabbitguy Do not get sucked into this idea.
Vote for whoever you want.
and I do
I've never missed an election... even mid-terms...
and when I was in college, that was a 4 hour drive to go vote
The plan is to move to PHP 7.1 in May. Hooray!
Now we're talking
We're also using Redis Cluster for sessions and running redundant webservers.
if I were running for president, I'd grab your PHP right in the Cluster
if I were running for president, I'd grab your PHP right in the Cluster
oh shit
@rabbitguy yes really. You made it to our feed \o/
the lowercase I in If annoys me ...
wow... this is just an honor! I'd like to thank...
I just annoyed myself ...
Actually @JoeWatkins that's something that has been bothering me for a while now
We should probably just uppercase the first char
yes do that, we have the technology ...
Php is ...
I'd really super hate that ...
Hate what?
I could add an exception to convert it to PHP instead for you :)
@DaveRandom Lucky tv is fucking awesome
@PeeHaa Amphp ... So ... Phpdbg ... the list is endless ...
Ugh stop raining on my parade
rain rain rain
I have more rain for @Levi's parade ... we ran our test suite against 7.2 for the first time a couple of weeks ago ...
@JoeWatkins What were you running before?
we are using 7.0 in production, we have been for months now ... still using 7 in production, but our test suite relies very very heavily on uopz, and that is effected by every little change, so we added master to CI ...
dot zero releases are usually scary, I think we waited for .0.4, and I was watching pretty closely what was happening anyway, so could be pretty sure we weren't in for any shocks ... for a thing that was almost completely rewritten, .0 has done very well ...
actually not even for a thing that was rewritten, it's done well whatever ...
@JoeWatkins Common breakages?
evening room
heya @Linus
sup PeeHaa
Nothing much. Testing @Ekin's work struggles with english
nothing new :p just traveling the places
Is it too much to ask to win the lottery? I promise if I do that I will give away 50% of it
most of the rest will go to my children anyway
!8ball will I ever win the lottery?
no magic 8ball here, eh?
@JoeWatkins eiiiih … lowercase ftw.
!!command alias will is
Command 'will' is now mapped to Should # Is
!!will @rabbitguy win the lottery?
Let me think about it … wait … yes … well actually, no.
fu @jeeves
@NikiC What is the uses named parameter for in the AST_FUNC_DECL and AST_METHOD nodes?
@tpunt unused
artifact of all function-like thingies being treated the same with different type
I'm fairly certain I know HOW to fix this, but I'm more curious on WHY it's happening. I'm inserting values from a form into a database. I have an array of checkboxes. Instead of the values of the checkboxes getting inserted into the database, "Array" is getting inserted. Why would this be happening?
@NikiC Ah, fair enough. Thanks
@Tiffany because you did not enable error reporting, duh
it's one record on the table. I would think both values would get inserted into the database, but does it start out with "Array"?
Isn't that something we can just fix @NikiC?
@NikiC there are a lot more problems with this form that error_reporting wouldn't fix.
@PeeHaa what?
Array string conversion stupid behavior like that
what is there to fix?
but for what it's worth, error_reporting is turned on already.
Anything but Array I guess :P
@Tiffany then you have display_errors disabled
You should be seeing "Array to string conversion" notices
Or just fatal, but I don't think it would fly sadly
I mean, I'm just going to convert the array values into something else before inserting it into the database, so I know how to solve it. Even if that isn't the "correct" way....
@PeeHaa Obviously the correct answer is to json_encode it.
@PeeHaa You mean replace "Array" by "Stop doing stupid things"?
Even that would be more useful tbh
"ERROR: an array was cast to a string"
display_errors should be turned on, but I'm not sure I have E_ALL turned on
how can you program like this
either way, that makes sense
I'm not even a real php developerr
don't ask me

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