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false alarm, i'm not sleeping :B
2 hours later…
hey bob
@Wes Heh, still not sleeping? :-P
yeah i'm new zealand
but not physically
1 hour later…
this is where I am at handling multiple intervals
that's a lot of code :B
ugh yeah
is that for jeev?
em, it is used in reminder before strtotime but just a simple part of it
I wanted to complete implementing all the flag cases
still not sure if the multiple case is ok
yawn mornings
you could move all those if in private methods
returning the object or null
that's not a good suggestion :B but i'm avoiding reading all that stuff
i hate regexps
hey ronni
also don't use spl exceptions :P
hey joe
@WesNetmo What *I* often get "lately" is that I question every single fucking thing I do to the point I cannot write code anymore :P
@DaveRandom i think the message author could appear as well in the tweet
Hi Everybody, what is a really good PHP plugin I can use for Polls?
I searched for quite a lot but they are really dumb
I want to customize it, and I am more interested if there is a way to make reports out of the IP addresses from which the poll is coming from, the time of day when it was done, etc.
Of course I can code all that but I was wondering maybe there is something I am missing and someone knows of it.
@Jeeves @Wes Before one studies PHP, mountains are mountains and waters are waters; after a first glimpse into the truth of PHP, mountains are no longer mountains and waters are no longer waters; after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters.
posted on October 11, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@tereško will you go to devternity.com?
when does enlightenment come? does it even come? did you just replaced "Zen" with "PHP"? :B
@Wes it doesn't come
@Wes yes, I did
life is hard, and then you die
how can i auto-start my laravel when windows starts?
i would like to ask why i get an " Trying to get property of non-object" in this line $amount = $r->company_amount == 0 ? $r->amount : $r->company_amount;
$r is not an object
(like the error message already told you)
how can I make it a object?
that doesn't make sense
@JoeWatkins ahh i see
@PureRhymerOrganization check for $r,think it is null or does not have the "company_amount" key
@Priyank57 yes it is a null thats why i make a condition in it that if is null the $r->amount will be inside of the variable
7 mins ago, by Joe Watkins
$r is not an object
should i make the condition in to $r->company_amount == NULL
@PureRhymerOrganization try to use isset() to check company_amount is set to there or not,and yes as @Gordon says before this,check to $r is object or not
@Exception we don't do laravel here
@Wes yes I saw discussion
mornings v2 from work
can any one help

Suggestion required: I am android dev. so i am having knowledge in Core PHP but not all frameworks.
Which is the suitable framework for discussions and debate websites ?
or core PHP only?
that will work, too
Good morning
@Gordon thanks
@tereško if you wanna go, I just got an email with a discount code. I dont think I will go, so I'd give it to you. its personalized, but I don't think it matters
gimme a moment to read through what they will be talking about there
take your time. voucher is valid until oct, 26th ;)
Q: Laravel 5.2 passport authentication with angular 2

Basheer AhmedI'm just new to laravel passport so it is kind of confusing to me. I have watched Taylor otwell tut on passport but still I am not able to figure out that Is it possible to authenticate an angular app with laravel passport? What I want to do is build a Full SPA application with angular 2 as fron...

1 hour ago, by Wes
@Exception we don't do laravel here
ask Taylor on Twitter
@Gordon :P
also, we dont do Angular here
so what you guys actually do? :D
nothing really
@JayIsTooCommon I heard some things about the women from over there. So yeah I could do that :P
@BasheerAhmed I work with laravel and ang2
but I havent touched any of those shitty services or etc
like passwort, I only use the bootstrap, middleware, di, controller and code the rest
Hi everyone
a microframework or a couple packages would do better
hope everyone is fine
i was wondering that why you amazing people are not answering this question
Q: View a specific category in Fullcalendar which is checked and hide other events

qais aliI have made an awesome Fullcalendar coding which is able to fetch events from MySQL database and view the events in Fullcallendar page. $(document).ready(function() { $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', ...

actually we stuck
@PeeHaa :P \o/
how can i auto-start my laravel when windows starts?
Came in because of the tweet
momring @Jimbo
Last message posted 1 hour ago.
Last message posted 2 hours ago.
mogin jimeboob
Gooooood mornin' vietnaaaaaam
@Jimbo! Nice to see you kicking about. Enjoy PHPBG?
@Sean Yeah man, by far the best conference I've been to. Such awesome people, about 630 or something this time
Does anyone understand the point of speedy boarding if you all have allocated seats?
Like, I'm watching people standing, queueing, and the flight isn't for another hour...
@Jimbo limited overhead space for hand baggage
@Patrick That's it? I haven't once had to put my bag underneath my seat and wouldn't mind if I did so I can grab the laptop easily...
@Jimbo sometimes they require the last few people to check in their stuff, seen it happen a couple of times
If it's just something small it doesn't matter I guess, but not everything fits under the seat
@Jimbo On the way back from Barcelona on Sunday, saw the same thing. Long line of people queuing to board before the gate is open. Like, you're all going to get on at the same time, there's no first class or anything
Also our flight there on the Friday was delayed for over 3 hours, partial refund get
Yeah I'm just sat here watching everyone queueing. Same with trains really, I watch people get up and wait for ages before the train stops. Negligible really unless you actually just want to stand a bit
@Jeeves LMFAO
\o @Kel
if($qry->num_rows() !== $res->company_id) can i do this if the company_id is NULL?
@PureRhymerOrganization If it's defined and NULL, it will work. If it's not defined, it will work but generate a notice
oh i see so can i do something if the company_id is null?
Hello is anyone free to take a look at something for me?
@sean im thinking of doing this

if($qry->num_rows() !== $res->company_id){
//add company_id
Oh, hello Jeeves.
@sean: !!eval
!!eval var_dump(0 !== NULL);
@pmmaga Cheers :P
Okay the idea is to have a meeting already loaded which in the example below is an ID == 1812. On first meeting load, it will loop through the pupils giving the first pupil which pupil_grade == grade_id the earliest meeting slot based on the meeting_id. This will then be added to array to be ignored because the slot has been taken by the pupil. I want to be able then to keep looping through the arrays to assign the remaining pupils to the nearest slot to the earliest slot time which has already been taken.
I mean, I also don't know why you're trying to compare the number of rows to a company ID anyway. Seems a bit XY
im checking the rows if the company_id was already in my db so if the company_id is not present in my db ill add it in my db with its data
ps sorry for my bad english hope you understand
@Wes doable but remember we only have 140 chars to play with. We do our best to optimise that as much as possible (trim whitespace, convert to NFC etc) but (via @PHPeeHaa) would've pushed that over 140
!!command list
Commands currently mapped:
 > - Executes code snippets on 3v4l.org and displays the output (3v4l # Eval)
 ? - Retrieves and displays search results from Google (Google # Search)
 anmol - Get a random dad joke (JeevesDad # DadJoke)
 at - Get reminded by an elephpant because, why not? (Reminders # at)
 caniuse - A quick search tool for CanIUse, a browser comparability feature list for modern standards. (CanIUse # CanIUse)
 canon - Posts links to canonical resources on various subjects (Canonicals # canon)
who mapped "anmol"? :-P
we lost some aliases a couple of weeks ago so if anyone finds that anything is missing then please remap it
!!command alias 3v4l eval
Command '3v4l' is now mapped to 3v4l # Eval
@ChrisBeckett I've read that 3 times now and I still don't understand the description of the system... I'm trying to relate it to the real world and it just seems mind-bendingly complex. Can you explain how humans interact with this?
Are people requesting appointments at a specific time and you are trying to allocate them the closest available to the time they requested?
I don't get the whole grade thing though
@DaveRandom Okay I'll explain now
I will be back in about 5 mins, just write what you gonna write and I'll read it when I get back
What's with the WebAPI dir?
Is that an API for a webserver or a webserver itself?
Feel like I've just been undercut on that readme PR LOL.
isn't that the aerys getting raw json there
@Sean webapi dir?
What's that?
oh :P
That's @DaveRandom's start of the webgui
@DaveRandom Sorry I'm really bad at explain, whatever in my mind I find it hard to get out into text :D

This is a parents evening system. A parent will load up the parents evening which on first load I will load the children assigned to this parent and all the meetings based 1 hour before or 1 hour after the currently loaded meeting.

With all the meetings and pupils loaded, I'm going to use this information to recommend the best slot times for this parent. So e.g. First meeting could only have one their children in so it recommends the earliest time, then based around this time it will lo
can you please help me out guys i need a regex to validate a date like this format 18:59 where the first two can go from 0 to 23 and the last two can go from 0 to 59
That's not even a date
it is if you are a fly ... or some species of spider ...
@ChrisBeckett Out of interest, what's the point in trying to calculate it for them? Why not just show them all of the available slots and allow them to book what they want?
^^ this
@JayIsTooCommon I already do that but I thought i'd give them a recommendation so that they can book all their children in at once.
you are solving a problem that doesn't exist, the assumption that everyone wants the earliest time is wrong
Sorry time , will this cut it ? ([0-2]?[0-3])(:([0-5]?[0-9])
@ChrisBeckett I see where you are going with this and it seems like a nice idea, let me have a think about it for a bit in terms of how practical it's likely to be and how to implement it
Is it only 1 meeting per child @ChrisBeckett?
are you doing this for a client ?
i.e. you don't have to worry about different subjects (teachers) per child?
@JoeWatkins I think what he means is "nearest non-conflicting time to other meeting"
at least, that's how I read it
@DaveRandom Thank you :) I just thought I'd try and give them a bit of a recommendation so that they can try and get all their children's meeting times around same period of time.

The children could be in multiple meetings. Then also all the children could be in the same meeting. E.g. there might be twins
@DaveRandom Exactly how I mean, sorry my explanation is wrong
@ChrisBeckett You need to handle that case and treat them as one child in that case (I would say)
@zouza RegEx route: (?:2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]
Because you otherwise you can't have a collision avoidance strategy
because I'm available at 3:00 for a meeting, doesn't necessarily mean I'm available at 3:30 is what I'm saying, you're trying to fit into the schedule of the parent, not the schedule of the teacher ... what you're designing is best for the teacher, but not useful to a parent imo ...
It's a suggestion only though (right?)
@JoeWatkins -> I'm just going to give them a recommendation, they don't have to actually take the suggested meetings
I understand why you would want it if it's just a recommendation, as long as it doesn't prevent them from booking out of that recommendation
Are you going to mark these suggested time slots as taken when you issue the suggestion?
without information about the schedule of the parent, how on earth can you make a suggestion that is useful or relevant ?
a suggestion is pretty annoying if someone else books it between you suggesting it and them pressing "book"
No I'm not going to mark them as taken, people will still be able to book them
If they don't end up booking quick enough, then it's their own fault
I'm just giving them suggestions
Hi, is there anyone to solve this question :0
Q: View a specific category in Fullcalendar which is checked and hide other events

qais aliI have made an awesome Fullcalendar coding which is able to fetch events from MySQL database and view the events in Fullcallendar page. $(document).ready(function() { $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', ...

OK, that's an edge case but need to know the parameters
What parameters would you like to know?
@ChrisBeckett is it reasonable to say that if a parent has multiple children in the same grade, that will be a single meeting?
@Sean thanks :) i completely eliminated every thing from 10 to 19 XD
@ChrisBeckett no I mean that's why I was asking about whether you were holding them
Also, are meetings always 5 minutes?
actually that probably doesn't really matter
@DaveRandom If only...
@PeeHaa inorite
@DaveRandom At the moment, I'm working it as if there is a parent with multiple children in the same grade. Then the children act as individuals being booked separately as they'll have their own pupil_id
and the meetings aren't always 5 mins different, they can be 5, 10 and 15 minutes
I think it would be smarter to invert your priorities, and collect schedule information from the parents, then try to resolve all the collisions using some fair rules ... the teachers are going to be there anyway ...
@ChrisBeckett OK so if I am a parent with twins, I need to book 2 meetings for that grade?
I would use that, but the chances of your suggestions being useful are pretty slim ...
^ this is my concern
@DaveRandom Exactly how it would be
and i will change it to your idea, where i'll put a block on booking if they're already suggested to someone else
well that makes it way more complex :-P (but also somewhat more useful)
You can only hold them for a minute or two though
Love complex ;)
like e.g. ticketmaster does
@qaisali please dont spam
Yeh I will do that
So it's fair on other parents trying to get slots
@ChrisBeckett you must be new at this ...
@JoeWatkins Yes I'm fairly new
So @ChrisBeckett here's what I would do (and it may be what you are already doing and I have got the wrong end of the stick): rather than basing it off the first meeting that they book, at the start of the process you generate a set of candidates based on your rules. Then you present all of those candidates to the user and say "here are some things we suggest, you can choose one of these or proceed to manual booking".
If they choose a generated set then fine, if not then they have to book all of them manually.
If you don't find any sets that match your rules, then just dump them straight into manual selection
Actually tbh I probably wouldn't do any of this magic unless I was specifically asked for it, and even then I'd probably try and persuade the client that it was a bad idea :-P
but I will admit it's a kind of fun problem
making this transactional (i.e. holding slots) is going to be really fucking hard, I suggest you ignore that element initially, at least
@DaveRandom - Okay when you log into parent evening, you're logged in as parent but you only have one child selected. The parent loads up the meeting form which I want to pick the earliest time for that meeting, then I want to check if there is another child this parent has and also recommend slot times for other meetings if current/other child has any.
> but you only have one child selected
if I have more than one child at all, surely you should know that at the start of the process?
Yes when I log in, it has all the information from all children
for that parent
Which I can switch between each child to show their information
Give me a few mins to try and put something together
Thanks :)
I would check amount of children first, and when displaying available slots just highlight x number of slots that are together. x being the amount of children.
@JayIsTooCommon this is basically what I am thinking
@JayIsTooCommon They might not be in the same meeting, so I can't highlight the slots
@JayIsTooCommon I could do that if the children were in same meeting, but there might be times where there is a different meeting for the individual children
I'm doing this idea so that I can recommend to the parents time slots, so that they don't have a really early time in one meeting then a really late time in another meeting
but they don't have to take the suggested times and just manually select which slots they want
Worth adding LICENSE.md @PeeHee?
(As well as adding to the readme)
@DaveRandom If it helps, i'll always have the first meeting id because that's the one parent will be selecting. Then i'll be loading all the other meetings based around that meeting. So 1 hour before the first slot startTime, then 1 hour after last slot endTime
do names ...
class Button implements SomeEventInterface {
    public function handleEvent() {

handleEvent will be invoked on click for a Button, but other controls have other events, (onChange and so on) ...
names for interface and function ... go ...
what about onDoubleClick?
if you want a single handleEvent method, you won't get around making the EventHandlers into objects and register those to the UIElements
@JoeWatkins do you mean that interface should be as general as possible or should it be like "Clickable" and stuff?
alternative would be to have interface SomeEventName with the handle method prefixed by "on", e.g. onSomeEventName. Then you can have the Button implement all the event interfaces.
@nikita2206 yeah general
@Gordon because one click also fires events :)
and onClick or onDoubleClick doesn't make sense for controls that have onChange or whatever
class Button implements Interactive {
    public function interact() {}
can anyone help in

even though it sounds pretty fucking stupid "Eventable" gives good idea of what it is
or EvenSubject (because implementor is a subject to this event) just to throw in something
maybe EventSource? I'd look into existing UI frameworks to see how they do it

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