> Note that traditional init scripts continue to function on a systemd system. An init script /etc/rc.d/init.d/foobar is implicitly mapped into a service unit foobar.service during system initialization.
guys, gals! I think I have uncovered a computer science sensation. I have thought about it long and hard and I am convinced now. Whoever coined the term duck typing really wanted to say duct taping but the guy who wrote it down misheard it.
To be "installed", it needs to be "in" (symlinks are fine I think) /etc/systemd/system, /run/systemd/system, or /usr/lib/systemd/system. To be enabled, it is symlinked from within /etc/systemd/system/target-name.wants/
Interesting. Well, if something is installed on your system, it should be in /usr/lib/systemd/system from a package, or /etc/systemd/system if you want to customize it further
But making a package might be more work than it's worth :P
@Jay OK, terminology is really important here. What do you mean by "soap class"? You mean some XML schema stuff, or some PHP code, or some PHP code than generates and XML schema or... what?
An exception was not handled:
Sep 01 15:12:34 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net php[661]: Amp\Dns\ResolutionException: Connection to udp:// failed: [Error #101] Network is unreachable in /srv/www/Jeeves/vendor/amphp/dns/lib/DefaultResolver.php:446
Might be just that the interface wasn't ready yet
Is there an easy way to implement a retry @DaveRandom?
@Jay Right. a) that sounds sounds like a bad idea. XML schemas are generally static. Sure, you would use code to generate it rather than hand crafting it, but you would generate that file once and pass the path of the static file, don't generate it every request. b) SoapClient does not have a method called setClass(). Did you mean to instantiate SoapServer instead?
Search for "systemd wait for network interface" (https://www.google.com/search?q=systemd+wait+for+network+interface&lr=lang_en) • NetworkTarget - Freedesktop.org - 21 aug. 2016 - www/ Software/ systemd/ NetworkTarget. Edit · Page … Whether any network interfaces… (https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/NetworkTarget/) • systemd-networkd-wait-online.service - Freedeskto… - systemd-networkd-wait-online is a one-shot system service that waits for the network to be … Networ… (https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-networkd-wait-online.service.html)
@Jay right, but your code does not create one of those. It creates one of these.
I cannot express this strongly enough: you really should try to explain to whoever told you to do this that it is a terrible idea. SOAP is borked, and trying to run a SOAP server based on anything other than ASP.net is insane.
The tooling just doesn't exist for any other architecture, and the reason for that is that everyone except MS realised how bad SOAP is many, many years ago.
@Jay As much as I sympathise, they have asked you to do something that is going to take you literally weeks of learning before you can even start to write it. This is an unbelievably complex (read: dumb) thing to do. You need to go to them ASAP and explain this to them otherwise it is going to come back and bite you.
@DaveRandom Oh wow. That's scary. You need to take things into account like not feeding it at after midnight and not letting it get in contact with water
Search for "bork" (https://www.google.com/search?q=bork&lr=lang_en) • Bork Horeca Automatisering: Home - Bork Horeca is de leverancier voor uw horeca-automatisering. Van Touchscreen kassa afrekensystemen… (http://www.bork.nl/) • Bork Sloopwerken: De kunst van het slopen - Voor Bork bedrijven is slopen meer dan alleen slopen. Wij willen goed en verantwoord slopen. Dat vr… (http://www.borksloopwerken.nl/) • BORK BEDRIJFSPRESENTATIE - YouTube - Een korte impressie van http://www.borksloopwerken.nl/ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEPZ_V08oo8)
@LeviMorrison if it ever does, it should be largely generated (i.e. we add more and more specializations to VM [we do not have to use them all in normal builds else the compiled output size would explode], and the code is then compiled by concatenating the highly specialized handlers together and piping it then through the LLVM optimizer or similar)
i.e. the native code generation should be abstracted away as much as possible and not really raise the bar to contributions
so, like, we compile the VM code normally, but with volatile placeholders which get replaced at run-time or similar, and LLVM optimizer can do constant propagation afterwards + further optimizations
It would also work nicely if we ever did have a JIT.
Native code execution usually happens on function boundaries - making those boundaries larger through inlining means more opportunity to generate optimized native code.
Identifying targets for inlining can be difficult but there are some fairly safe things we could start with, such as inline functions that aren't saved to variables (just used as parameters)
We also need opcodes for adjusting scope still.
For example, inlining this:
public function call($f, $m, ... $args) {
return $f->$m(... $args);
If $f->$m calls a private method inside it we need to pass visibility checks.
So we need opcode for adjusting scope or a way to elide the visibility checks on inlining.
@LeviMorrison I remember to have used assert(... instanceof ...) instead of type checks just to lower down CPU instructions on a very resource intensive script (that shouldn't have been in PHP at the first place), but it doesn't really compare to how function calls are expensive.
@NikiC What exactly is problematic about it? if (rand(0, 1) { require "MyClass.php"; } try { (new MyClass)->do(); } catch (Error $e) { require "MyClass.php"; echo "now included\n"; (new MyClass)->do(); } or where lie the main issues?
@bwoebi I don't know exactly, I haven't tried myself. I can imagine that autoloading a pretty large issue
Due to the randomized loading order and the fact that files that would be important for optimization (e.g. the parent class) are only loaded afterwards
@NikiC That's true. But autoloading will still be triggered if the class does not exist yet. and if it turns out to a be different class loaded by autoloader, then we can fatal error and tell the user to turn the optimization of inlining off
@NikiC At least I consider it non-trivial to rollback from an optimized/inlined version to a newly compiled non-inlined version of the code, at run-time, preserving current execution state
@bwoebi Small issue I noticed: WatcherProcess asks for an instance of PsrLogger, but then calls flush() on that object. Should it call flush conditionally or should the class require an instance of Logger?
Hi seniors, This is to ask that I've been in development field since 2 years and I've done diploma but yet I am not able to start from the scratch. I am always dependent on frameworks. Any way round to get stick with and be a good engineer. Your suggestions are welcome Thanks
@WyriHaximus I know there is no amp specific lib for me. I was more wondering whether you know anything loosely coupled enough to be repurposed for amp :)
@Trowski yeah it's more off actually sitting down for a few hours without interruption and doing it, currently my time consists off small 30 to 60 chunks with interruptions in my spare time. Great for working on small things for projects, kicking something off not so much :X. (ADHD is truly a P.I.T.A. with these kind of things.)
@PeeHaa anything specific you're looking for? Currently working it out in reactphp, plan is to add the interop later on when they is more matured/supported
@MadaraUchiha the bounties on this question were apparently started by an alt account of the asker. They don't seem to be doing this to transfer rep between their own accounts, is this still abuse worth flagging anyway?
@MadaraUchiha maybe people watching android will upvote any horrible piece of trash they find with a bounty on it? maybe they've got a, um, circle of friends - I've no idea.