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in other news, I passed the big D test with a broken neck. :)++
aaaaand? easy right?
@JayIsTooCommon breaking your neck during your driving test would have been considered a fail in my day
Yeah easy, only cost me a blowjob
There is no way to magically securely exchange keys right when there is a server in the middle right between two users?
E.g. I am lazy and I am wondering how signal does it
thesun.co.uk/news/1700411/… the "10 other ways..." section at the bottom
@PeeHaa isn't that the whole point of a CA cert?
@DaveRandom I'm asking about communication between two users
Not 1 user and the world and vv
@PeeHaa and the user cannot have a cert because...?
I am whatsapp. My users need to communicate with each other
And exchange their keys with each other
Right, and you can't just ship a unique cert because...?
Who's going to ship it and how?
The only way I could see it happen securely is real life visits and perhaps keybase?
Assuming keybase is actually secure
I download your app. I login to my account (done with regular HTTPS where trust is managed by the OS). You issue my account with a cert once it is verified - you can run your own CA for this - that cert is again sent over HTTPS where the trust is managed by the OS. The endpoint now has a cert, issued by a CA that the remote endpoint trusts. Job's a good'un.
Your "server" is basically just a TCP proxy
But I don't trust whatsapp
/ insert whatever messenger in here
lol ^ typo
til git worktree is a thing now
> A git repository can support multiple working trees, allowing you to check out more than one branch at a time.
@PeeHaa Ah right, yes that is a problem. However it is a problem that's "solvable" by making that application open source.
s/check out/fuck up/
@DaveRandom That has the problem that you will have to host to server yourself and that servers can talk to eachother
Or just live with a tiny network
why cant whatsapp be trusted?
I been looking but can't find info on php soap class
!!docs soapclient
[ SoapClient ] The SoapClient class provides a client for » SOAP 1.1, » SOAP 1.2 servers. It can be used in WSDL or non-WSDL mode.
I might special case that to return a link to noooooooooooooooooooo.com
@Linus Because FB for one
Secondly I am more wondering about how it could work in general
whatsapp is just an example
@PeeHaa yes, that's why I said "solvable". You can never be certain that the server is actually running the FOSS code unless you are the server admin.
@PeeHaa so yeh, keybase basically.
ugh, ask Scott
@Fabor where are you (geographically)? Oxfordshire or something?
Will also read the signal protocol
Catch you in 2018 o/
@PeeHaa is this anyhow releated to your question security.stackexchange.com/questions/119573/… ?
Related, but not an answer
See the comments on the answer
@Jimbo :'(
That's only being able to verify the validity
That's an unusually high quality phishing email there
even Google spam filters didn't get it
It tells nothing about a preventing a malicious middle man
@Patrick Haha, PR's accepted ;-) As if you chose to pick on that
Guess what lads, flight to Palma Mallorca in October: £23.
@DaveRandom You still use hotmail? :O
no, I still have a hotmail address which lands in my gmail
@Patrick How was the festival?
I used it for so long that I dare not delete it, I still occasionally find something that I signed up to with that address
here is my class for medical. I am trying to set code default to DB
That's what I have with my gmail. Some random domain renewals still end up in there
@Patrick what's issue with that?
@PeeHaa awesome, had a great time
I don't get the packet of crisps?
just didn't sleep to well on the campsite... guess I'm getting old
Was trying to come to you at some point, but meet some people and distracted :P
@Patrick I had a hotel too
@PeeHaa yeah same, was there with my gf and some friends. So there was always something going on
Hotel for the whole duration is such a festival n00b move
But I think I'll be back in amsterdam in october or so if you feel like meeting up for a beer
@DaveRandom :P
@Patrick Oh cool. yeah depending on when it is in oct I might just come grab a beer or two
Those keybase people are so funny
Ugggh damnit @DaveRandom. For every library thing I want to build for amp I need a rdbms hint hint
umm... moment
ummmmm wat?? :D
well, the pecl/pq stuff is functional, and bug finding is not going to happen until someone starts using it. There's a possibility that the API for listen/notify will change, but I think the rest of it is stable from an API PoV.
So what you are saying is somebody should start crash testing it?
pretty much yeh, but it would need pecl/pq
Oh it only needs a punch in the face
not really, remi has a build
oh thank god
needs pgsql 9.3+
Or higher I hope? :P
which needs centos 7
I run 7 on at least one machine that is idling around
Not sure what my main machine does
I think remi's package is called php-pecl-pq
> Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
It's meant to say hardCore though
it's built automagically from git tags pecl.php.net release as well, so it should be bang up to date
Let me try to yum fuckup it
just use the head of the new-api branch, I've run a few informal tests on it while developing and I'm confident it at least vaguely works
> php-common x86_64 5.4.45-11.el7.remi
hmm I have some fixing to do
err... wut :-P
github.com/amphp/pgsql/blob/new-api/examples/poc.php - this script runs properly, I know that much
@DaveRandom I still use some odd repo config thingy I think where everything is php70-thing
I should probably fix that properly first
oh right yeh that's from when it was still beta I think
I have always been afraid to fix it
(I do not understand rpm)
Nobody does
I'm fairly certain it involves removing everything and starting from scratch
@Saitama E_NSFL
@PeeHaa very possibly, I know I have been through it successfully without concluding it would be simpler to reinstall the OS though
so that's always a plus
okay, got it
!!urban nsfl
[ NSFL ] Not Safe For Life. Goes a step beyond NSFW, because it doesn't matter where you view the material; you will be scarred.
I've got a question, does this JIT will be a way to provide binary build from PHP application?? I'm talking about Dmitry post externals.io/thread/268
@DaveRandom that basically how I feel about flat earthers and SJWs
@brzuchal I'm going to go with an almost-certain "no". Not in any meaningful kind of way.
@tereško those too
So what it exactly does? Right now OPCache stores opcodes in file and with JIT it'l store what some binary like elf?
or in memory
@brzuchal It stores in shared memory
Sorry for that question I just want to clearly understand the idea
@NikiC yes, but on drive can also store and then just load from drive to shared memory
there are such settings in opcache ext
Indeed, but those are not currently (and will continue to not be, I imagine) portable, so you wouldn't be able to ship a binary
So what it does? turns opcodes in bytecode and store it for seconds usage like HHVM?
I don't actually understand this enough to explain it someone else btw, but Joe explained it to me once, you will be able to find that in the transcript somewhere
As a dreamer I dream about shipping binary from PHP application :(
or maybe not, maybe it was IRL, I forgot
> You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should
So it won't help in my needs, and any way to provide no human readable codes is actually patch opcache so it can read from drive stored cache without source codes, yes?
If you really need to ship a PHP application and don't want people reading your source, there are commercial obfuscators out there like ioncube.
@brzuchal There is unlikely to ever be a sane way to provide binaries that cannot be converted back to readable source code
Hell, most of the time you can't even strip the docblocks
While you can do $$var = 1; and $var();, there is almost no information you can remove
because PHP is zomgmagic at runtime
@DaveRandom yes I know that, but I mean only non-human readable files, most of the time it would be enought because it's the same as providing PHP app with ZendGuard code encoded
yes, and that's also a pointless exercise :-P
and for free
Nope I borked it
> Active: inactive (dead)
I wasn't actually expecting it to work to just remove and reinstall binaries
Hoping, but not expecting
@DaveRandom I have been running for 14 seconds, since 2016-09-01 12:22:23
Oh it just didn't start?
works fine when I ran it manually from the CLI
there are two types of people in this world, :P and :-P
wait, let me try the service
oh I think I know what it is
The service is hardcoded probably to the binary
Because i suck and I should feel bad
oh right yeh
I will check since I am in now
Oh noice! All my sites are down too \o/
@Chris are you ssh-ing into @PeeHaa's pc?
is it symlinked to the the file in /config?
@DaveRandom It should be. It was always symlinked
@Saitama s/pc/server
I was gonna ask him to search for pr0ns :(
huh you fixed everything @DaveRandom?
sites are also up now
I didn't change anything, just manually issued start commands for jeeves and php-fpm
Not sure what you did but tnx :P
So it works till the next reboot! \o/ russian server roulette!
@DaveRandom @PeeHaa can I pass a gist url to !!eval pls?
ooh interesting
yeh that shouldn't be too hard
@Gordon Not unless you pr it
morning all
@Gordon Frankenstein lives?
@DaveRandom My machine or are you ADDing to what @Gordon asked? :)
> Installed:
php-pecl-pq.x86_64 0:2.1.1-1.el7.remi.7.0
[daverandom@... ~]$ sudo systemctl enable jeeves.service
[sudo] password for daverandom:
Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory
wtf? @PeeHaa
lemme check what I cocked up
[daverandom@... ~]$ systemctl status jeeves.service
● jeeves.service - Jeeves as a service (JAAS)
   Loaded: loaded (/.../Jeeves/config/jeeves.service; linked; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-09-01 14:26:22 CEST; 6min ago
 Main PID: 10672 (php)
   CGroup: /system.slice/jeeves.service
           └─10672 /usr/bin/php -d error_reporting=0 -d display_errors=1 /.../Jeeves/cli/run.php >> /.../Jeeves/data/log.txt 2>&1
(for the record)
hmmmm. I don't understand systemd
31 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Nobody does
@PeeHaa It's the evil twin of init. It lets you set startup processes stupid easy, but it's backwards from most other commands init uses
> It lets you set startup processes stupid easy
If that is the case.... fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it
Is the service enableable? enable != start
To be enableable it needs to specify a target, I think
Is that a directive in the config?
> Try again with a password you haven't used before
# cat /etc/systemd/system/jeeves.service
Description=Jeeves as a service (JAAS)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/php -d error_reporting=0 -d display_errors=1 /srv/www/Jeeves/cli/run.php >>  /srv/www/Jeeves/data/log.txt 2>&1
@Danack hehe
@KevinMGranger ^^^
systemctl enable servicename
no fiddling with runlevels
...wait. How do they know I've used that password before unless they're storing it plain text somewhere.
[root@149-210-224-55 peehaa]# systemctl enable jeeves
Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory
[root@149-210-224-55 peehaa]# systemctl enable jeeves.service
Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory
@Danack shh that's a secret
@Danack they can keep old hashes
@Danack Or they are just storing the old hash until changed
> Loaded: loaded (/.../Jeeves/config/jeeves.service
That doesn't match with the file you're showing me
@KevinMGranger very interestingly, I tried a variant of the old password with different case....
and it still got matched.
@Danack lolwutwtfbbq
Unless it's symlinked
@Danack LOL ... burn that password immeidately
@PeeHaa it's okay - it's only gmail.
@KevinMGranger Oh yeah. It's symlinked to the jeeves config
[daverandom@... ~]$ sudo systemctl enable php-fpm
[sudo] password for daverandom:
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/php-fpm.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service.
Also ExecStart=/usr/bin/php -d error_reporting=0 -d display_errors=1 /srv/www/Jeeves/cli/run.php >> /srv/www/Jeeves/data/log.txt 2>&1 is wrong, the ExecStart command is not executed in a shell. Redirection shouldn't work
@PeeHaa worth noting ^
@DaveRandom Oh nice
so fpm should start properly next time (?)
@Danack Yeah, gmail does that. If you try logging in with an old password, it also says "You changed your password X days/weeks/months ago", so it also remembers when you changed it. They definitely keep some log of that.
Yes, but that should be under a target. By default, services are supposed to get an implicit basic.target, so I'm not sure what's goin on here
@KevinMGranger So it should ignore it rite?
The only shell-like features you get with Exec directives is env var substitution
Your script just gets those symbols literally as arguments. If it's already ignoring them then that's fine
meaning if you have Environment=FOO=bar, ExecStart=/usr/bin/php ${FOO} will run /usr/bin/php bar
Under systemd, you typically just let it log to the journal anyway
I don't like that journal guy :(
I would like it more if I could figure out how to get tail-like behaviour
Yeah, it's... interesting
and to be fair, I haven't bothered googling that
@DaveRandom It does tailing
@DaveRandom -f or --follow
-u service -f
/immediately forgets
@PeeHaa I have been running for 11 minutes and 11 seconds, since 2016-09-01 12:34:07
also we really should stop logging our own timestamp to the journal, it's really confusing
especially since I live in neither of the timezones for another month or two
Don't make your problem my problem dude... :P
But yeah. I could fix that easily
Logging in general needs an overhaul, I think the file logger is still blocking as well
Yes it is
I think we can do a fire-and-forget queued logger with resolve() though, doesn't need yield everywhere to fix that
Morning everyone.
[root@149-210-224-55 peehaa]# systemctl disable jeeves
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/jeeves.service.
[root@149-210-224-55 peehaa]# systemctl enable jeeves
Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory
Oh I just noticed that you did have an [Install] section. I have no idea then
@ziGi heya
What's in your /etc/systemd/system dir?
Did you manually add a symlink @DaveRandom?
Does anyone know what can actually clear a `static` variable in a singleton globally (I know it is a code smell, but any ideas?)

FooBar::$baz = 'fun';
outputs `NULL`
drwxr-xr-x. 10 root root 4096 Sep  1 14:47 .
drwxr-xr-x.  4 root root 4096 Aug  7 13:05 ..
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root   56 Mar  6 21:28 aerysplayground.service -> /srv/www/Aerys-Playground/config/aerysplayground.service
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root   54 May 20  2015 basic.target.wants
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root   41 May 20  2015 dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service
lrwxrwxrwx.  1 root root   46 May 20  2015 dbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.service -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service
@PeeHaa thus far I have done nothing but enable fpm (as posted above) and manually start the services
> Does anyone know what can actually clear a static variable in a singleton globally
tnx I just vomited
@DaveRandom Apparently disable works, but enable doesn't :P
¯_(ツ)_/¯ time to find a linux irc and say "linux sucks because systemd can't enable this unit"
!!irc you all suck and systemd is an arse >> #linux
Uhm that's the wrong way around :|
@ziGi the code you show is not possible at all, afaik. Therefore your real-world problem is more complex than that, and we need to see real code.
@DaveRandom so you say that there is no system way that PHP resets the static variables in a PHP CFG? Meaning that for sure something else is editing the variable?
Going to reboot again @DaveRandom. Maybe it solves itself :P
Considering all the systemd hate out there, many people would agree with you though
@PeeHaa noobing around again I see? ;-)
@KevinMGranger My hate mostly stems from having to learn new stuff and getting confused
@ziGi not unless it's a built-in class, no. There's no way to add magic property handling for static properties in userland
@PeeHaa Try enabling it with the full path: systemctl enable /path/to/jeeves.service
@Oldskool I migrated away from remi test
will try
@DaveRandom My idea is, the following, is there something which is not inside the project that can wipe out static data?
fpm auto starts so tnx @DaveRandom
@ziGi "that can wipe out static data" - what are you seeing that makes you think this is happening?
Code in production :D
@Oldskool I doubt that's the issue because systemctl status jeeves.service works as expected. It seems to me, based on the output of enabling php-fpm that the "No such file or directory" is being generated by a command along the lines of ln -s /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/jeeves.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/jeeves.service, which is being run by the enable action
the question is why /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/jeeves.service doesn't exist, and what would have caused it to exist
and what should be in it
and just generally wtf
ok I think the previous disable command actually removed the service :P
srsly, creating win32 services is easier than this. that's really saying something.
@KevinMGranger I have a service somewhere in some random directory. To where do I symlink it to install the service?
and/or what does the dance have to look like to please the systemd gods?
@PeeHaa why would service jeeves start etc work if it's not "installed"?
or is that doing something magic and not-systemd-ish?
That doesn't work aymore :P
ugh, it worked before :-P
I kinda borked that too now :D
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
ok I think the previous disable command actually removed the service :P
So basically I have a virgin systemd thing now for jeeves
!!? how the fuck do systemd services work?
We first need systemd to work for that ^ :P
lol, first hit is a reddit thread entitled "What's wrong with systemd?"

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