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haha nice because I would've added it tonight otherwise ...
what do you think is better, an MVC framework like symfony, laravel or your own from scratch? independly of what do you want to do
@Trowski btw. the failure is because loop rethrowing in the next test (as the assert is inside a when()) because wait() is used…
anyway, previously Body returned partial results when an exception was thrown, see BodyTest::testFailedFinishedStream()
@Tapasa I like MVC, I use codeigniter, I am new to laravel, just installed laravel once.
and thus the when callback was called with ($exception, $partialString)
<3 yield from
now, when you use Deferred or Placeholder, the partial result isn't forwarded
@rdlowrey <3
@rdlowrey Going to bed soon … anyway… are you making nice progress? :-)
I'm starting to. I stopped to take a nap for like three hours earlier.
I'm confident we're going to have a nicely working Artax client until Thursday evening … At least with all the domain knowledge we now have. ;-)
generators and subgenerators make this so much easier to write
I'm doing this iteratively ... Making an MVP that works first.
Then adding features.
@rdlowrey Btw. when you have the rough interfaces, can you please show them off?
No more of those long development cycles
I think the API wasn't that bad actually
@rdlowrey MVP means?
interface HttpClient
    public function request($uriOrRequest): Observable;
MVP = Minimum Viable Product
@rdlowrey are you going to try to mimick the main API of the v2 though?
do you mean internally?
@rdlowrey no, externally
The only API that really matters is the client, right?
@rdlowrey And Request/Response
CookieJar isn't uncommon either
Those will probably be the same. Unless they just really need to change a lot in which case we can just make it Artax/v3
@rdlowrey we anyway will need Artax v3 I think
Alone because of the Signature changes from Promise to Awaitable etc.
@rdlowrey I just wonder, what are the actual pain points with the external API currently?
Not sure. I'd probably like to make the request/response immutable but we'll see
@rdlowrey response anyway should be immutable
But why make request immutable?
Because reasons. Anyway we can figure it out later. Those are easy to modify at any point. The client is the real work
@rdlowrey as you wish :-)
Going to bed soon, will talk to you tomorrow then
@rdlowrey You get a week off. Really planning on spending it doing more coding? :)
@Fabor STFU!!!
@Trowski last note before going to bed: I haven't fixed the Aerys code as I'm not sure what path to go. I though do not think it is necessary to include partial text (If you really need to, you can just use the Observer API then you have always the full text which has been received until now.)
So, I think best solution is just fixing the test
Have you watched D.Gray-Man?
Don't think so
In Aerys can I get the clientId in the onHandshake method?
Eh, it's too late (early) to be doing this.
Well color me silly! I actually wrote Java code that compiles.
What happened to me? I used to throw more exceptions than Paris Hilton shopping in West Hollywood. :/
That feeling you get when you've just spent an hour typing up code and you compile it for the first time ... and no errors! i.giphy.com/12CA1SvpJRYIjC.gif
youtube.com/watch?v=gFm3brOdxcw what? fixing hardware with water? not even distilled?
prestashop anyone?
@Sherif meh. java is so strongly typed, how can you even write code that doesn't :P
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at #ClosingCeremony as Super Mario to let you know that #Tokyo2020 will be lit. https://t.co/gtXg0BtiI0
@Jeeves <3
@Linus I love you too :-)
WTF? Why is SO all of a sudden asking me to fill out captchas?
I've been here for 3 years, and never once has it asked me to do that.
All of a sudden I'm a suspected bot now? Talk about being late to the game...
@bwoebi I force pushed some updates to the strict-types branch on aerys. Update the tests you mentioned and that branch should be able to be merged in amp_v2.
@bwoebi I was going to work late tonight but I decided to take two Valium and watch TV instead. Looking forward to artax work tomorrow :)
Q: Create SQL loop via GET&AJAX

TheQuestionerManThere are any way to make a loop by using AJAX&GET that pull data directly from SQL via PDO&PHP ? The table "posts" includes three parameters (url - the link of the rss,cat - the category,num - Number of rows that i want to read from the rss). The full function: <?php function parserSide($fee...

Someone can help me pls?
posted on August 23, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Need help with geocoding address
Q: Problems fetching address for geocoding

Shanna Chambers<script type="text/javascript"> var geocoder; var map; function initialize() { <?php //Starts while loop so all addresses for the given information will be populated. while($result = mysqli_fetch_array($quer...

@ShannaChambers someone provided a reasonable answer to your question and your response was to dismiss it with "I don't want to" .. if you're so keen on doing things only in the particular way you feel like doing them then I suggest get you get to work on figuring it out for yourself
@ShannaChambers also, format your code so it's not a difficult to read tangled mess of whitespace. You're asking other people to spend their time helping you - respect that.
Good morning you beautiful people
@MikeSmith You're unlikely to find magento developers in here, try chat.stackexchange.com/…
o/ Morning.
@Epodax you flirt.
@PaulCrovella Already posted over there. That group is not much active. That's why i have put it here Anyways thanks
yeah, sorry. good luck :/
we're more active, but mostly useless
" Everytime I start reading articles by Martin Fowler I think,... damn this is all hard stuff to understand. "
@Duikboot interesting. I think he has a talent for explaining complicated things in an easy to grasp way. any particular thing you are having problems with?
Morning guys
Most of it are 't*erms' I have too lookup, and then im searching those terms and I distracted from what I was reading originally :P
!!wiki therm
The therm (symbol thm) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (BTU). It is approximately the energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet (often referred to as 1 CCF) of natural gas. Since natural gas meters measure volume and not energy content, a therm factor is used by (Natural) gas companies to convert the volume of gas used to its heat equivalent, and thus calculate the actual energy use. The therm factor is usually in the units therms/CCF. It will vary with the mix of hydrocarbons in the natural gas. Natural gas with a higher than average concentration of ethane...
@Duikboot yeah, it needs some foundation, but you'll learn a lot by looking them up
@PaulCrovella ;P
@JayIsTooCommon I do try every now and then :)
For example: martinfowler.com/articles/richardsonMaturityModel.html ( I never heard about The Swamp of POX " ( “The Swamp of POX.” You’re using HTTP to make RPC calls. HTTP is only really used as a tunnel. )
CodeMirror integration shows a simple textarea. Line numbers missing
any help?
What language are you writing @Nuju ?
/me shuts mouth.
Your posted code doesn't look much like php
@Duikboot pox just means "plain old xml". it usually means rpc or soap calls or anything with xml payloads
1 message moved to friendly bin
@Nuju please format your messages when pasting them here. Or use a Pastebin link. Thanks.
is there an unfriendly bin?
Friendly bin? What's the difference between bin and friendly bin?
Oh ok :) makes sense
Or have we added the friendly part in the hopes that it won't make people angry that their message has been moved to the bin? Since the bin is friendly?
@PaulCrovella "Gordon invited you to join Trash" is pretty unfriendly
@Epodax that's what the room description says
ah, sneaky
also mornings

friendly bin

To all loving Room Owners If you want to remove message and don'...
@Duikboot I want to write HTML language
@Gordon I like it :P
that's the way… aha aha…?
The above code is to create CodeMirror editor
so is the normal bin for when you want to offend people, or is there like a screw you bin"
@PaulCrovella unfriendly bin d75822.medialib.glogster.com/media/c2/…
@Gordon Aaaand now I got that bloody song stuck on repeat in my head, thank you...
@Epodax you're welcome :) and mission accomplished ;)
@Gordon I'll get my revenge at some point, even if I have to resort to barbie girl.
@Epodax fun fact: I love barbie girl. It was love on first hear. I even bought the whole record.
Anybody read Restful Object Spec?
Penny for your thoughts
@andho I like bananas, can you transfer the penny via paypal?
@Gordon Why am I not surprised?
paypal fees are gonna eat you alive.
I'll take my penny now too.
@andho do you have a non-pdf link for that?
@PaulCrovella nop, just ran into it an SO answer.
Going to read it when I get some time this week
I got a bitcoin wallet somewhere in the confines of my labyrinth of past backups. Will send some µ when I've found it :P
sorry, I only take tulip bulbs
github.com/amphp/aerys/commit/… @Trowski thanks for de-optimizing. I'm not sure how much this deoptimizes it, needs benchmark first before merge … but body is somewhat hot code after all
Tulip mania or tulipomania (Dutch names include: tulpenmanie, tulpomanie, tulpenwoede, tulpengekte and bollengekte) was a period in the Dutch Golden Age during which contract prices for bulbs of the recently introduced tulip reached extraordinarily high levels and then suddenly collapsed. At the peak of tulip mania, in March 1637, some single tulip bulbs sold for more than 10 times the annual income of a skilled craftsman. It is generally considered the first recorded speculative bubble (or economic bubble), although some researchers have noted that the Kipper- und Wipperzeit episode in 1619–22...
I learned about this on Sunday from a documentary
@bwoebi I'm surprised you haven't built benchmarks into CI yet
@PaulCrovella because it's not reliable
Happy Birthday @Ocramius
@Gordon chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/32434547/history < lol, shows two pins at exactly the same time
At least here the UI shortly glitched too and showed the message in the stars list twice for like 2 secs
> pinned by Gordon 31 secs ago; pinned by bwoebi 32 secs ago
> pinned by Gordon 8 secs ago; pinned by bwoebi 8 secs ago
Maybe they're saving millisecs?
it was a quantum finish. you changed the result by looking at it.
happy birthday @Ocramius :D
@Nick_Craver I once wrote a file manager with broken permissions and delete implemented with GET requests. Google found it and indexed it
what … omg
> Is this a valid technique in POO?
@rdlowrey lazy procrastinating, pff … today you'll get up at 6 a.m.! :-D hope you enjoyed your evening at least :-)
@bwoebi LOL
Well well well
venial: able to be forgiven or pardoned; not seriously wrong, as a sin.
happy birthday @Ocramius :)
@Ocramius -- CongratZ!!
Low energy day today -_-
@bwoebi Can I get the clientId in the onHandshake?
What do you call cheese by itself? Provolone
morn PeeHaa
Hi guys, I'm stuck In a youutbe app, anyone will here to help me ?
@Fabor no. That's why you'll have to return data in onHandshake() and it will be passed to onOpen().
Hey, anyone know if you can detect a jail broken device through PHP?
@MattCowley No
@PeeHaa I've seen it done once before, I worded my question badly, how can I detect it?
ok whatever it is possible
@MattCowley doesnt that imply you are running php on the device?
@Gordon no, like when a client on a jail broken device loads a webpage, I want to check if the device is jail broken.
@Gordon It's a trap...
@MattCowley when a client on a jail broke device loads a webpage it does so via http. unless the client sends the information in the request body, url or header, there is no way to get that information.
@Gordon it was done by like testing Cydia:// or something, I was just wondering if anyone knows how to do it
Learn about the difference between clientside and serverside...
!!? cydia protocol
Search for "cydia protocol" (https://www.google.com/search?q=cydia+protocol&lr=lang_en)
• cydia:// - JailbreakQA - How to use the cydia:// protocol on MobileSafari? I want to make a DashCode application that will… (http://www.jailbreakqa.com/questions/23948/cydia)
• Copying � Cydia - Cydia Packages. Secure Copy Protocol: Install OpenSSH to let you connect to your device with a sta… (https://cydia.saurik.com/copying.html)
• Veency · Cydia - Just remember: VNC is not a very fast protocol ;P. The default Mac OS X Screen Sharing VNC client… (https://cydia.saurik.com/info/veency/)
@MattCowley start above. tell us when you found out.
The only way to guess whether it is jailbroken is by checking the actual device no matter how many times you say other people do it from the serverside
Right, if I do Cydia:// in Safari it opens Cydia up, can I test if it will open Cydia in php
that seems to work, any idea how it's done?
5 mins ago, by Gordon
@MattCowley when a client on a jail broke device loads a webpage it does so via http. unless the client sends the information in the request body, url or header, there is no way to get that information.
@PeeHaa Well the page I just linked works? Just tested it on a jail broken and non jail broken device.
8 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@Gordon It's a trap...
@bwoebi oh my gosh! it is nightmare!
When will they build a chair that supports my lazy posture :(. Besides the hammock.
It's almost right but I despise bean bags because of "cool tech companies" and what I call "Bean bag culture".
bean bag chairs existed decades before those companies. do not let them ruin 'em. take back the beanbag
@Jeeves does anyone understand encoding? Anyone at all?
yesterday, by PeeHaa
\o/ solved all encoding issues
not an issue anymore
@PeeHaa fixit fixit fixit
I never said what my fix was :P @PaulCrovella
It does some really evil magic that google plugin
// screw this cannot be salvaged
return '{ENCODING ERROR}';
I really wish Google would provide a free search JSON API that's limited to like 1K requests a day or something
Happy Birthday @Ocramius! My condolences, and may your day be filled with #Laravel and #activeRecord. #php
Oh ffs, this really does speak leagues doesn't it:
that would serve every purpose I've ever had for scraping google results
@MattCowley the only way I can imagine this to work is by sending the client a webpage that tries to window.open something with cydia. if it can do so that, the webpage renders yes, else no. however, this will happen on the device. if you want this info on the server that delivered the webpage you need to transmit the info back to server after the check
He should just use fiddler / charles
um... lolstars
@PeeHaa or just fiddle with @Charles
@DaveRandom What are you scraping google for?
for !!google/!!?
Congrats @Ocramius! May you write horrible / scary code for years to come!
@DaveRandom Even better
Yeah, google is pretty crap for letting people do it. As you can imagine for the company I work at it's a little annoying.
@Jeeves like if I check the results page here, the · and the � are the same fucking character. What the actual shit.
It may be that one of those horrifying regexes is breaking the char, but that are all in u mode so they shouldn't be
Isn't one const BULLET = "\xE2\x80\xA2"; and the other from the actual results?
no, they are from the page titles, the bullet is at the start of the line
oh right
@Gordon Yeah, I'm talking with the JavaScript lot but it seems safari resumes to play ball.
Didn't want to scroll up to find out whether I was talking out of my ass :)
do you ever need to scroll up to know that?
@MattCowley I dont see any javascript happening on the page you linked though. It might be the php server tries to call that cydia thing on the requesting ip. however, that would mean that any jailbroken devices expose a server.
@Gordon I couldn't work it out through PHP, most of my page is js, so I'm thinking a js get request might detect it.
@MattCowley you could log any incoming traffic to your computer to see whether that webpage makes any connction to you
13 mins ago, by PeeHaa
He should just use fiddler / charles
Anybody know why PHP Doc has return-types Java style? In the docs they are before function/method but in language they are after declaration, for eg. php.net/manual/en/closure.call.php Closure return type is before declaration param list.
Does anybody have an answer to that question in the comment?
@brzuchal I assume it's because docbook
@PeeHaa wouldn't it be better to change that to be consistent with language ?
So little gain imo
what's the best way to split a huge XML file to multiple files? best editor to do this? 1.2GB file, 21.8 million lines
@kelunik If there's no STDOUT, it's not CLI
@kelunik That's odd
Like wat odd
@PeeHaa I read that RFC, I'm fine with current syntax I just wonder why doc's are inconsistent with this
stdout is the file into which the kernel writes its output and the process requesting it accesses the information from and stderr is the file into which all the exceptions are entered.Aug 2, 2010"
@kelunik The only answer I have is "are you sure you are on cli" / "stop using godaddy"
@SergeyTelshevsky in php you would use a combination of xmlreader and xmlwriter since it can stream process the large file. this is better than using dom which will read it into memory first

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