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@Oldskool Aye
@Saitama What do you need exactly?
@PaulCrovella [22-Aug-2016 11:51:37 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_erorrs() in C:\wamp64\www\includes\functions.php:73
undefined function
Q: How to understand, for which route a websocket message was sent by the client in a server?

SaitamaI was building a server, and while trying to implement the websocket protocol, I ran into some problem. As the question title describes, let's suppose I have defined two routes (/ws1, /ws2), which exposes multiple websocket connection. And in case of a handshake I successfully can understand fo...

But pdo_sqlsrv and php_sqlsrv is installed and active (checked in phpinfo())
@Magisch that's a typo
check the function name
@Saitama I think you can pass $args from the router as the 3rd param onHandshake
you made an erorr
Not so magisch now are we... :P
@Fabor ?
does anyone know whether a PDO connection string to an Oracle db can contain an IPv6 for the dbName in the DSN? I see no reason why it shouldnt but maybe someone saw one one in the wild?
This extension requires the Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 or 13 for SQL Server. Access the following URL to download the ODBC Driver 11 or 13 for SQL Server for x64: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=163712
Alright, so apparently I need another driver
@PeeHaa you shared some kinda remix thing of this song: youtu.be/BGpzGu9Yp6Y . could you link it once again pls :P
Wait, that link is to the driver I just downloaded and included
I have php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_ts.dll and php_sqlsrv_7_ts.dll in the extension folder and installed
!!giphy magic
What else does it want from me?
@Magisch your life
@Jeeves !!undo !!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!‌​undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!undo!!und‌​o
@Saitama angerfist remix
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
Doesn't the baby elephant unonebox after a while?
:32419994 so much this. I wish more people would follow this advice
@littlepootis nope he does not :(
I already don't like the fact that PHP has no mandatory strict variable typing
@PeeHaa got it
@Magisch hear hear
@Magisch welcome to the club
I don't want to cast stuff every day to ensure my variables are typed right
what a waste of effort
@Magisch Doesn't that mean you want automagic type juggling?
One query : all the effort are wasted.
No I just want one type per variable and have that always be the case
I would like a fork of PHP with static typing
static typing is for cowards
bah what was the term for immutable variable typing -.-
@bwoebi static?
@PeeHaa static is explicitly defined types
dynamic strong typing or such
static typing is for non skeets
aka python-style vars
@bwoebi strongly typed
Uh.. Value Objects? Just shooting wildly here.
@Gordon Because the project i'm developing is in Bootstrap and I want to add a ticket system!
@bwoebi strong then
@PeeHaa thought that, but was unsureā€¦
I forgive you
@bwoebi Dynamic strong typing is correct.
Is there a way (plugin) to stop PhpStorm 8 pooping itself over PHP 7 code? :P
@Fabor Does it poop that much?
@PeeHaa I did not request for being forgiven.
Red underlines everywhere!
@bwoebi Yet you are. yw
@user3464091 what does your project do?
@Fabor Not sure if I just disabled checks or it just works mostly for me
@Fabor There must be something very wrong with your PhpStorm then. Mine doesn't poop over PHP 7 code.
@PeeHaa You're using 8?
Yeah, I am on version 8.
Or whatever the latest version is
that's way more numbers than 8
Oh wait, you're using phpstorm 8? Why man?
@Sherif -$$$
Week left at work and EAP ran out. :D
@littlepootis That's a shitty excuse.
@Sherif Not if you have to pay it out of your own pocket and money is tight
TBH I feel like work should really cover this kind of expense but I never asked.
@Fabor they should.
@Oldskool It would have to be pretty tight. We're talking about less than the cost of dinner here. For something that I depend on to get my work done that's fair.
@Sherif Don't know like, at £70 a pop for a single user it's pretty legit
@Sherif I know, I was just saying that in general that is a valid reason not to buy one.
I've personally been extending my license for years now (and put the invoice on the boss' desk ;-))
@TRS Yeah, looks pretty old 2012, no demo, no reviews, and no support. Not what i'm looking for :(
Yea, if where you work won't even cover the bare essential tools for getting your work done, then maybe you need to re-evaluate your situation. I would say an IDE license goes right up there with gear and health care and basic benefits.
@TRS Seen that one, but don't like interface.
@Sherif it goes right up there with a chair
Depends on your definition of bare essential.
@PaulCrovella Pretty much. At least in my book.
@user3464091 let me rephrase my question. unless your project is somehow doing ticketing as it's core business domain, you should not intermingle the two. just grab a proper issue tracker and run it alongside but as a separate system. an integration is waste of effort.
My company pays for my colleague's Webstorm license.
@user3464091 Okies
I don't think I've ever worked anywhere where they weren't at least willing to reimburse you for licensing.
"I am looking to find" - Is this bad engrish?
@JayIsTooCommon It's awkward but not terrible. Proper would be "I am looking for..."
"I am looking to find PeeHaa's mother" - for example
@Machavity Yeah that's simpler, ty
@JayIsTooCommon Same shit different wording
@JayIsTooCommon stay away from here. she's mine!!!1
@Gordon Really? Why do you say that? I was thinking of writing my own, then wondered if there was out there already. I've looked at ZenDesk etc but A) you have you pay and B) users need to register on 2 sites...
@JayIsTooCommon There's not enough info to decide on whether it's good or bad English.
@user3464091 yes, really. why do you think it shouldn't be like that? whether the ticketing system runs bootstrap shouldnt matter as long you can put tickets into it.
@PaulCrovella Mark it as off-topic: __Questions on professional server- or networking-related infrastructure administration __ ?
@PaulCrovella Why does it have a +1?? It looks more like a "Help me find security holes" than a actual coding issues
@Epodax hell if I know
@Gordon I get that but I want something that looks nice - i.e. has a clean UI and is responsive etc.
I'm pretty sure that moves it to serverfault. Then you could mark it as duplicate on serverfault.
I could be wrong.
@PaulCrovella Then would you stop linking these things when I don't have anymore votes? It's frustrating to see bad things with +1 when I can't DV it!
morning all
@user3464091 just use the github issue tracker that comes with your project repo
@user3464091 At some point @kelunik was about to work on system like that iirc, but that's probably one of the side projects
@Saitama I posted an answer.
@PeeHaa You're right. I have a new one. :P
oh god :P
@PeeHaa New doc tool.
We are bad :D
@kelunik oh right. That one
@kelunik Bleah... how is that an improvement over my answer?
I have most of the data collection part.
what's this new doc tool?
@kelunik In regards to Aerys where can I get URI from?
@Sherif I guess your's is better, it's just missing the actual how.
@Fabor Which URI? Where?
@kelunik php.net docs in md?
@Gordon No, amphp docs in MD.
@kelunik Here. if I want to see where a request came in from.
@PaulCrovella What do you want to know about it?
@kelunik boooooo
$request->getUri() perhaps -_-
@kelunik Is it? You take the HTTP request as a GuzzleHttp object, or PSR7 message object, couple it to the connection object, and you have the information persisted.
@Fabor Came from? The client IP?
@kelunik I had more or less the same question gordon did (if it was something for php.net)
@Sheepy Thanks
@PaulCrovella No, userland.
@kelunik yeah. So a request from /room/12 and /room/38. So I can show the message to the appropriate room
@Fabor Keep a list of clients -> rooms
@Fabor Usually, you're not interested in the URI. You just want the third argument $args in onHandshake and take the room ID out of it.
The clients should just send a standardized formatted data string
@kelunik The Websocket interface doesn't have that 3rd parameter though.
God I just looked at my aerys test project
That's just awful...
@Fabor It still gets it passed IIRC.
So I can just use it?
You can just have (new Router)->route("GET", "/room/{roomId}", Aerys\websocket($websocketInstance));
But usually you don't want a dynamic websocket route anyway, because you only need one connection.
cc @Saitama ^ ;-)
/me is going to do soap... wish me luck
public SoapClient::SoapClient ( mixed $wsdl [, array $options ] )
That's a great start...
looks good to me. ship it.
@Fabor FWIW, I found that it helps to stop treating the HTTP request as a tightly-coupled part of your WebSocket server application code. Because sometimes you need to do validation at the HTTP level before we even upgrade the request. For example, does /root/11 even exist? If not, we might just respond with a 404 right there and not even bother to upgrade the connection to a websocket.
@Sherif Yeah. There's definitely some outside of my box (brain) thinking I need to do.
To do that you want to actually have clean separation between handling HTTP requests and talking to your websocket application code. I should be able to tell my websocket application code $ws->open($connection, $params) without tightly coupling the HTTP stuff to the WS stuff.
This is why my architecture looks like this ^
@tereŔko That site has a scollbar for one px height. That's just offending
@Sherif I feel like you love making those diagrams.
@Sherif you should have made the "load balancer" black, to drive the point home
@Fabor I like data visualization
@Sherif and where's the accompanying article? Edit nvm I found it and it's not just websockets
@PeeHaa well ... at least you found something to be offended by. That's a pretty valuable skill these days. Maybe you should open a Patrion page.
@Fabor as I've already explained, as long as the ws is passed as router callback, it will always have the third arg
@Gordon Perhaps you can persuade @kelunik to make it generic enough to be usable for php.net docs (hehe)
precisely like that
more bollywood though
Eih @Sherif how dared you using Ratchet and Guzzle as examples instead of Aerys and Artax?
@bwoebi What can I say. I'm a bastard like that.
@Sherif That's not an answer.
@bwoebi It was for a lack of an answer :/
@PaulCrovella How to interpret this?
any way you find amusing
Let me assume you meant it's so overwhelming ā€¦
@tereŔko :P
apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/x86_64/extras/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found" :'(
@Gordon what are you using to lay out the graph for that logical view?
@PaulCrovella it's force-directed graph drawing
which is good php mailer library for sending bulk emails phpmailer or swiftmailer ?
@JitendraPathak yes
@JitendraPathak yes
Is there an alternative to apt.sw.be ?
@JitendraPathak yes
@littlepootis @Gordon @Fabor please tell me some details which is good php library for sending bulk emails phpmailer or swiftmailer ?
@JitendraPathak of course
@JitendraPathak Asked and answered
@JitendraPathak already done so
@Machavity what you mean by Asked and answered ?
We answered your question, didn't we?
nopes... actually I am confused between two libraries
which one to use
PHPMailer or SwiftMailer
@JitendraPathak yes, that one
you mean SwiftMailer ?
is good
@Gordon neat. thanks.
Pick the library with vowels in its name. That's a good standard for libraries
!!should @JitendraPathak use PHPMailer or Swiftmailer
@ā JitendraPathak should Swiftmailer.
i am using bootstrap Switch button in data table but it not working on mobile device can any one help out with that?
I pick my libraries by their score in scrabble.
Centos y u stiff me? Lousy apt.sw.be is down.
ok thanks you not want to clarify ?
@Fabor use windows like sane people
@JitendraPathak They're both fine. Use whatever looks good.
use whatever floats your titanic
lol... thanks I guess PHPMailer would float my titanic ...
@JitendraPathak we usually don't question what @Jeeves says. Swiftmailer is a bit more modern though iirc
windows does have a better scrabble score than centos.. hard to argue with that
absolutely I heard that Swiftmailer is more advanced
but was confused on choosing one ...
@PaulCrovella fair point. Uninstalling
!!should we question what Jeeves says?
Guess who has two thumbs and is taking this week off work \o/
@rdlowrey does @ircmaxell approve you are slacking?
hahaha he's the one who has to approve my time-off requests
@rdlowrey Shame it's not next week, you could... I dunno... fly to Thailand or something.
@rdlowrey I assume so. the question is: did he?
@rdlowrey Ooh, is it @Fabor? He works hard, you know
I am working hard y'know. Trying to get this websocket life going.
He says while eating an ice-cream -_-
@Gordon oh ... you know me ... I do everything strictly above-board.
And now having not looked at the artax codebase in ~1 year I'm going to set about seeing what's necessary to rewrite it from scratch this week.
@rdlowrey true, sorry for questioning you.
I do really miss regularly hanging out with all you folks, though :/
Everyone except @PeeHaa ...
I totally agree with you. But how do you feel about male models?
@rdlowrey Needless to say that.
I missed you too <3
I'm feeling a vibe of tough, but deep love here... ;-)
@rdlowrey as an alternative, how about a physical workout video for php developers? You don't have to be scantily clad, just look deep into cameraā€¦ oh well, and be scantily clad.
See if I could just convince some of you nerds to move to New York City and work with me then we could be scantily clad and work out all the time. We even have a gym in the office.
@rdlowrey 2nd Scrubs ref of the day \o/
@rdlowrey Haha. We know your team would object
!!sudo get back to work @rdlowrey
@DaveRandom absolutely not, now make me a sandwich.
@Machavity roflwtfwut
I love how happy that guy on top is
Wouldn't you be?
he's so excited "I get to be on top and check out my cool watch thing!"
^ the view from the office gym BTW
I can't help but wonder why the photo is nearly square.
(Subtitled: come work here!)
Man that is cool..
lol yas
@DaveRandom hahaha awesome
there's a better quality one somewhere online but I can't find it
someone powder that man.. those highlights aren't treating him well
@rdlowrey I just get dizzy from looking at that
for realz tho, what are those weird ass watch things?
@PaulCrovella that's just product placment, they probably got like $10000 each to wear one, so all the fanbois and girls want one
@PaulCrovella The original was made years ago. Obviously it's some boy band promoting a watch. But I don't even know where you'd find that out
I think it's 1D but I'm not sure, and I'm glad that I'd not sure
Isn't the band Artax? Hmm maybe not.
@DaveRandom exactly that
@rdlowrey Hope you're still okay with that going in conf talks ;)
no clue who they are
and I'm not sad about it ;-)
run the pic through tineye
I mean, I know rdlowrey and ircmaxell obv. but the others I don't recognize ;-)
!!wiki auryn
@Jimbo Nothing makes me happier than self-humiliation for the benefit of my friends +1
Nikita, Bwoebi and Levi obviously.
the others should have grey blotches with ? over their faces and then grovo should use it for recruiting
@Jeeves you dead?
@DaveRandom Nope. Not that I know of...
!!Should @DaveRandom wear a dress again or not?
@Jeeves then why the fuck are you not getting me !!wiki auryn?
This is rubbish Chris
/me goes to check logs
@Gordon put this guy over the one on the right
I give up, I am pretty apt.sw.be is supposed to be up.
^ last shameless sales pitch picture view from the office
seriously though, if you guys decide you want to move to NYC you know who to talk to :)
All I see is $5,000 PCM apartments :P
@rdlowrey beats my view, I'm just looking at an apartment block across the street, although sometimes there's a lady walking around her house naked, so it's not all bad :P
lucubrate: to work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night.
2 messages moved to bin
I lucubrate @PeeHaa's Mum
!!should jeeves be working properly or not?
@Jeeves should not be working properly.
Well that explains it
well at least he has no lack of self knowledge
that wiki command was just ignored entirely apparently
@Jimbo's didn't work because commands are case-sensitive

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