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Hey guys, needz advice =) I have a maria db table which is filled with data at night, when the import done (might take a hour), the whole dataset is ready for consumption.
The data is refreshed every 24 hour. I have been thinking to make table1 and table2.
Table1 would be production ready data, then Table2 would be filled in the night and finally rotate the tables by renaming Table1 to Table2 and visa versa.. but is there a better way to rotate tables in mysql/mariadb
any chanche to get php.net/manual recognize the last used language? atm it autodetects the language every now and then when I visit the manual (even if I change the lang to english on each visit, because better doc quality)
@Fabor Hahaha
people.php.net - certificate issues?
uh there too eh
pecl had the same issue until a few hours ago
probably a * wild card certificate? for *.php.net?
@JayIsTooCommon Known ones, yes.
Ah, ok
Looks like we're having an SSL certificate issue on http://php.net. We're on it! Thanks to @Henceforth2015 @IcyApril for reporting.
@bwoebi Are you going to try and propose short closures again soon?
@Saitama There's a new cert but there are a lot of servers maintained by a lot of people who are not always available and are distributed around the world in a lot of timezones
oh ...
@kelunik Who runs that twitter account?
> http://
@Ekn have you seen the ship one?
heh no?
@JayIsTooCommon Dunno.
haha indeed it is :D
Morning everyone.
@kelunik jesus ...amateurs
@PeeHaa totally...
I've stumbled into a region that's giving me major anxiety and can't find anyone trustworthy to setup/teach or explain... Server expansion..
I think it's already the second time.
Yeah I think I remember it too
@Ekn aww, don't be mean. He's "so sad".
Anyone have a link or term to look up for this scenario? I have a website, lots of traffic, running out of resources. I want to virtualize , and have servers in two datacenters.. vSphere comes up, but is it the right thing for the job? I'm posting in PHP as always because I trust you guys most,even with criticism , it's honest criticism :)
will i have to redesign the code, etc are my questions as well.. or will virtualization take care of it
@PeeHaa Last time it was because of the hack and because renewal took its time.
@DaveRandom heh and you're the good cop :p
SSL sites are being returned to service with a new certificate. The bug tracker is already back, and the Wiki should be back any minute now.
What's "learning"? Never heard of it.
huh this was from 10 days ago stackoverflow.com/questions/37388426/…
and the poster put ( Closed ) to the title it seems
Lol, got a pending flag on that
yep me too
@Ekn srsly though, that's not an invalid question, it's just based on a severe misunderstanding of the problem
yeah on a 2nd consideration, you're right
it's just that last sentence that made me not even try to help I guess... and looking at the question the only proper information was given by you.. then again, I actually decided to flag it when I saw the given answer and thought this might get worse.
Q: Should I use `DateTimeInterface` in my php project?

k0pernikusRecently, I discovered that there is a DateTimeInterface. As I was working with \DateTime and \DateTimeImmutable, I thought that it'd be good to typehint for. Yet on the Changelog on php.net it says that since 5.5.8: Trying to implement DateTimeInterface raises a fatal error now. Formerly im...

@Gordon OP seems to be confusing type hinting and implementing?
Q: What comes in your mind if you hear a 'Quotation tool'?
@PeeHaa I didnt know you cannot implement the interface though. is there a specific reason to it?
@Duikboot A tool for generating quotations?
(as in prices)
so a 'proposal generating ' tool?
@Gordon No idea
Does: because PHP count?
good enough
@Gordon thanks for removing the ambiguity :)
@NikiC @bwoebi you guys have any idea what the reason is for that?
@Ekn The guy who makes those gifs does such an awesome job. First I saw of his (or hers) was the floor is lava :)
hehe just saw it @Fabor :) I just happened to discover when Jimbo linked, although the channel name makes me think I watched some of them before
was trying to composer install with flip/whoops as a dependency, but it says that it could not find that package... :/
Makes me wonder what his/her job is. Quality of work makes me believe perhaps big budget film level.
@Saitama It's filp, not flip.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, shit!
I'm so stupid!
grasp AK
Hey Webfarto, where do you keep disappearing off to?
Webfarto lol
Hey Fapor, since I turned Macfag, things changed :P
Not acceptable, I say
hello! i need a little help with regex - i just need to add slash to this regex: /^[a-ž_-]+$/i but somehow i can't figure what's wrong with it... i tried numerous combinations but i didn't find right one... please help
Have you tried with adding slashes?
I can't help thinking that's a shitty workaround from the end user POV @NikiC @nikita2206. Is it really that hard to fix?
Hello! Hope you all doing great!
can you please help me with
Q: XMPP Openfire Messages inserting late in database

Shashank Shah Goal:- Inserting messages in faster way to database. I have integrated xmpp openfire one-to-one chat over my website. I am using Monitoring Service plugin for storing messages into the database. What i am facing is when user send a message from one user to another user at that time messa...

@DejanMarjanovic yes -> /^[a-ž_-/]+$/i , /^[a-ž_-\/]+$/i
Have you tried #^[a-ž_-/]+$#i ? @user1257255
@DaveRandom what's the reason you changed the characters to the escape sequences here?
@PeeHaa so "because PHP" was actually spot on ;)
@DejanMarjanovic yes, but also doesn't work -> I'm also testing here: functions-online.com/preg_match.html
does it make sense to write a-ž ?
@PeeHaa To avoid editor encoding issues. We want it to be always UTF-8, some editors (N++ is a known offender) which will sometimes depending on settings silently convert files to their configured default charset. I'm of the opinion that it's generally bad practice to have non-ascii literals in PHP code for this reason, because PHP strings are not encoding aware.
@Wes yes, because of special characters - č,ć,š,đ,ž,...
@user1257255 imho it doesn't. it will include control characters, for instance
@PeeHaa I still want to port Java's Clock to php, but given the little amount of time I have, this will likely never happen
@Gordon If you had a clock maybe you could manage that time better
@DaveRandom All files should be utf8 period
@DaveRandom yeah, it's quite ironic, isn't it
@PeeHaa Agreed, but not practical in open source
Why not?
Even git catches it afaik?
!!eval var_dump(preg_match('/[a-ž]/', '©'));
Well if there's some way we can configure git in a uniform way with .gitattributes or something then cool
I've never looked in to that
@user1257255 ^
maybe I'm confused about cr/lf
But if git can catch it, I'm also will to bet that it can be configured not to
\xXX is unambiguous in terms of always producing the right byte sequence no matter what you do to the source file so it's what I do... if you don't like it then feel free to change it though @PeeHaa
Another plus is that some editors may not render the characters sanely in mono-space, using names is similarly unambiguous
@DaveRandom My issue (not a big I just need something to bitch about) is that I have to look up what character it is
@PeeHaa ...that's what the constant name is for :-P
But you could put a literal and/or U+ ref in a comment next to it if you want
!!google ambiguouity
I saw nothing, wasn't me, must have been aliens
anyway brb. Getting lunch \o/
was thinking to go buy some ravioli... JELLY????'?''
anyone having knowledge of openfire xmpp ?
needed a help
@Wes there is no problem with this, because copyright mark can also be used...
@ShashankShah If anything spamming only helps getting ignored
@PeeHaa that was'nt spam
Yes it totally is
@PeeHaa Just review question once
you have posted the same thing here many times
Not sure if trolling..
@user1257255 You need to give example string on which you want to apply regex on
As you have noticed I just handle persistent people. I've reached the point of "not going to argue" @ShashankShah
@user1257255 i don't think you want to allow all these characters
notice the control point characters, also (those appearing as squares)
Pricaj srpski da te ceo svet razume
@PeeHaa Even i am not arguing here! just want an idea if any one has done the same! if you don't know the answer please don't dig others.
@Wes Just appending those characters with "ticks" would do the trick, no need for range
@ShashankShah If somebody tells you to stop spamming just stop. Don't argue.
If you don't know the answer please don't start counter arguments.
Hi, anybody experienced in Magento?
Goodbye @ShashankShah
As said. I'm not going to argue. I've already wasted too much time on you
shiny boots
Lemon or orange curd? — CD001 6 mins ago
heh lol'd
@DejanMarjanovic :D
Lemon curd. On toast. Naturally.
I think lemon curd is severely underrated
Anyone experienced in Magento templating? Got a unique case.
And people are complaining about aliens in the country...
\o/ no more 2am-8am work as of now
I deserved a peaceful nap, laters
can someone tell me some awesome short things of php i got interview tomorrow i know a little but more i get more will be chances to get the job... THanks in advance :)
@Saitama you get that thing if you buy the AE for 83 rupees
@littlepootis inorite
@iroegbu that sample code isn't working for me, responds with a 400
Oh never mind, I figured it out
inorite is a maggot apparently
Oh in Lithuanian it is maggot
@PeeHaa that's the only working workaround around shitty idea of sharing the same interface between DateTime and immutable version of DateTime...
Did you read the discussion in the PR? The problem was when you pass DateTimeInterface into internal methods that expect DateTime or DateTimeImmutable - they want to work with the internal structure of timelib_time or something... So if you'd pass them your own implementation they would not get this structure and become sad
@DaveRandom and more importantly, not all monospace fonts have such glyphs... especially the bullet...
hey, anyone aware of magento 2
need help
and its urgent
I only deal with low priority items.
i am stuck with product listing page , we can show only 10000 products in frontend no matter how many products been there in backend
so i did some research and find that i need to change in search_request.xml
in <catalog_container_view> tag
but problem is i am not able to override this one
has someone facing same issues with the magento 2
@santoshbawari can you grep for 10000 in your project root?
@littlepootis sorry, didn't get you buddy
Do you like hot dogs?
Hi guys, is there a way of setting the type of member variables in PHP?
like 'private string name'
afaik no
not even in PHP7?
@nikita2206 Yeah tried to read it but I have trouble understanding the specific issue at times :)
@ChristophBühler not yet
idk about php 7
bummer, ok thanks!
@ChristophBühler there is an RFC... which is currently in discussion about typed props...
:( any help for m e
i have followed this link :https://gist.github.com/anonymous/225c498e81565fd6d6a3de670c008593

still no benefit
guys it is not really related to php but i didn't find the css chat room and i assume some of you also know little css,so-
Is Magento proprietary?

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
@Slashy there is a HTML - CSS room
i'm trying to align both the svg and the span in the same line,tried margin and everything but it didnt work
oh i'll try it
But I think they mostly abandoned chat
if someone can help here
i would really appreciate it
@PeeHaa Flagged.
@samayo If there were a proposal with a high chance of passing…
@PeeHaa meh, just ask Derick ^^
Might ping him at some point or just forget about the issue like useual :P
@Saitama Ok, good to know. Would be quite helpful!
Is it possible to use the DEFAULT like this?
function test(string name = "anonymous", int age = 20) {}
test(DEFAULT, 30);
To get name=anonymous and age = 30. C# can do this..
@ChristophBühler 3v4l.org/scVCl
hi @AdilIlhan
hi @Phoenix
hru ?
u know i have completed my upload file
so so
hmm yes any prob
@ChristophBühler maybe this can help you stackoverflow.com/questions/10597114/…
:30943737 hey
@bwoebi ...hey
They still haven't removed this :')
@bwoebi In VLD, when dumping opcodes they'd provide some extra info on FETCH opcodes, including a "global" bit for when reading from superglobals. Is there some info like that stored in opline somewhere?
@JayIsTooCommon Hell yeah let's get PHP6 certified!
What does that even mean at this point?
Do you just answer a yes/no question: "Is there a PHP6" ?
@Dereleased opline->extended_value holds these
@Dereleased Read the description, unreal xD
@bwoebi preprocessor constant or string or what?
@Dereleased never released, but there actually was^^
@Dereleased yes, it's constants which take meaning depending on the opcode
@bwoebi I know there was. And now it's not even an available branch in the git repo anymore. I remember reading about PHP6, and... didn't they want it to be all UTF-16 all the time or something bizarre?
Colorful display pictures
@Dereleased yip
> PHP6 also comes with a safe mode feature which continues to please developers since it works in further boosting the level of security for PHP.
We can learn about the string and number handling! The variable!
typedef struct _zend_try_catch_element {
	uint32_t try_op;
	uint32_t catch_op;  /* ketchup! */
	uint32_t finally_op;
	uint32_t finally_end;
} zend_try_catch_element;
What is life without whimsy?
@Wes what can go wrong if I allow this range of characters? This regex is used for checking metric units in form for some closed information system, but the problem is that I don't know how to allow all those characters (ok, without point characters) as easy as with a-ž... overall I don't think anyone will ever use those point characters, since this system will be used only by few people.
"We Guarantee Brainmeasures Certifications Are Just Worth"
if anyone maybe know what is wrong... i need a little help with regex - i just need to add slash to this regex: /^[a-ž_-]+$/i but somehow i can't figure what's wrong with it... i tried numerous combinations but i didn't find right one... please help
@user1257255 /^[\\x2f\\x5ca-ž_-]+$/i ?
although, your range contains 127 (0x7F), the delete char
@Dereleased thanks, this one works as expected; do you have any suggestion on how to limit special characters (č, ć, ž, š, đ), so those point/delete characters can't be used?
@Dereleased It's like a troll wrote the description
@user1257255 have to run now, sorry. If you're around later, I'll chat again
@Dereleased thank you very much for the solution!! :)
@PeeHaa absolutely. nobody gonna implement datetime operations that are compatible with user defined objects
you'd have to do crazy things like call methods on the object to extract the data etc
If the interface even exposes enough info for that, I didn't check
Fair enough
sorry caps..
@Levi gist.github.com/morrisonlevi/5819a2b8d86561849ee916a7bcbc9c29 we only do the class lookup upon actually fetching the ReflectionClass. Thus you cannot always know whether it's enum or class until you actually autoload it. ReflectionEnumType probably won't work thus.
just like we also do not distinguish between interface and class we don't distinguish between enum and class … After all an enum is just a very special type of a class (just about as much as interfaces are too)
Seniors i have a question

mysql->table->colomnname->1 OR 0(column_value)
php->if(column_value == 1) {echo "published";}else{echo "unpublished";}


mysql->table->colomnname->published OR unpublished(column_value)

Which will render fast result from above ??
@bwoebi This will trigger the autoloader.
@LeviMorrison fetching the class will, fetching the type … no?
Fetching the ReflectionType.
ah okay
in that case then
Remember it won't fatal if it can't find it - it will just return ReflectionSingularType.
how do i get the numbers inside an array in java when the output from php is {"error":false,"message":["8056143000","9145310000"]}??
I got the string from message via String contact=responseObj.getString("message");

I want the numbers in an array
@driftking9987 use a JSON decoder
I tried this, but it's not working for me.
String contact=responseObj.getString("message");
                        System.out.println("printing json");
                        JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(contact);
                        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
                        for(int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++){
Man, why did I not know about traits earlier, this is awesome.
@Sean uh-oh
I think the consensus of this room is that the only good use case for traits is adding throwing __get/__set to all classes...
@NikiC Oh? :o
@NikiC and even then it kinda sucks
@Andrea yeah, better php did that by itself :D
I'd like it if you could make objects that are locked down in the same ways ECMAScript 5 supports
that is, no new properties, and/or existing properties immutable
@Andrea How do they do it?
but it'd be better as an attribute of the class itself
@Andrea eek
@Andrea I was thinking a declare(strict=1); :D
final sealed class Cons {
    public $car;
    public $cdr;
How the bejesus does grep work with regex. Arghhh
^ would not allow you to remove $car or $cdr, would not allow you to add new properties
> An event is starting in 7 minutes in C# - "Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!"
@Sean Pretty regular, why? :)
@Andrea that says o = Object.freeze(obj1);
@Oldskool Figured it out. Single quotes. Not double. FML
final sealed class Cons {
    public immutable $car;
    public immutable $cdr;
so they probably use ES6 proxies
which is not as nice as just freezing obj1
@Ocramius no no no, this is ES5. ES5 lets you make objects with immutable members, or which prevent extension (adding new properties), etc.
@Andrea do you know the use Struct; hack?
@Sean So, what made you think that traits might be a good idea?
@bwoebi That's how we got here :D
N..nothing.. ._.
Actually, just looking at Jeeves
@bwoebi I know you can do stuff with __set and __get but I'd rather you didn't need them
implementing sealed classes would probably be trivial, hmm
And using traits for common methods across classes using an interface when you don't want to extend
@Andrea for immutable members I prefer something like readonly attribute
and sealed … It's trivially doable in userland, does not need extra sugar…
@bwoebi sure
@bwoebi I guess so…
I like sugar … but please there where it actually helps…
trait Sealed {
    public function __set(): void {
        throw new \Exception(static::class . " is sealed and therefore does not allow adding new properties");
    public function __unset(): void {
        throw new \Exception(static::class . " is sealed and therefore does not allow removing properties");
trait Sealed {
    public function __set($property, $value) {
        throw new \Exception(static::class . " is sealed and therefore does not allow adding new properties");
    public function __unset($property) {
        throw new \Exception(static::class . " is sealed and therefore does not allow removing properties");
okay, this actually works. PHP throws a compile-time error if your signature for __set is wrong
@bwoebi Can you give me a rough idea of what a Zend_Arena accomplishes?
Basically a memory area where allocation is just incrementing a pointer, at the expense that you can't deallocate any individual elements. You can only deallocate everything at once (or at certain checkpoints)
What's a good way to return dates from an API? For example I have a date of birth and once serialized it goes into ISO8601 format like 1991-03-23T00:00:00+00:00. Any devices in UTC or above it it will display the correct date but if your device is in say eastern time it would show the date as the day before when it's formatted
E.g. the AST uses the arena allocator. The individual nodes are never freed, we only free the whole arena at the end.
@NikiC is there a risk of allocating too little memory for the AST?
This causes a bit of wastage because we leave behind dead objects on realloc, but it's better for performance than going through the real allocator for thousands of small structures
If I just return the YYYY-MM-DD then I will need to do more work on the client-side otherwise the stupid datetime picker won't populate it with the correct date.
@Andrea the arena is extended when needed
@Andrea Nope, the arena allocator uses a linked list of pages
@NikiC ahhhh right of course
I hate datetime pickers and dates in general
you can't necessarily safely reallocate the arena, but you can have many arenas, right
(Fun: mysqlnd has it's own arena implementation -- only it's really stupid. It allocates data in the arena, but allocates management metadata for each allocation using the real heap...)
I should work on my PHP-to-JS compiler some more
@NikiC ha
it currently only uses one kind of IR (ZE3 opcodes), I might need to introduce a new kind of IR for representing JavaScript
because it turns out Google's Closure Compiler, while it puts in a heroic effort, is not actually very good at making my JavaScript less terrible
Anyone here with good knowledge of cakephp v1.3?
I like cake and PHP is okay I guess. That help?
i have a big issue with cookie in cakephp , session is working fine with main domain and subdomain but i'm not getting cookie in subdomain which is created in main domain
Cookies and cakes are a bit indulgent tbf.
how do you set the cookie for domain?
$this->Cookie->write('tmp_language',$language, 'www.mydomain.com', 365*24*3600);
try with .mydomain.com
and mydomain.com
Side note - Upgrade your cake version :3
i don't remember which one is correct
i guess first one should be correct
i tried both but it's not working
@JayIsTooCommon we can not do this because my app hi too big and also dome more changes
@sandy Understandable, but it's not a supported version any more so definitely something worth looking into :)

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