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Try doing this after the try{}catch(){} block.
$q = $db->query("DESCRIBE news")->fetchAll();
@Wes Tried revamp a legacy project, and somehow I got confused on how to make use of repository model
that has nothing to do with single/multi page apps tho
github.com/async-interop/event-loop/pull/55 … someone has naming suggestions for this?
everything, but anything close to keep_alive …
@samayo nothing
Yeah, I know. I just use my project like that. So many ajax requests involved, but still a SPA. @Wes
@KerrialBeckettNewham can you wrap it in try{}catch statement?
ugghh I feel stupid @kelunik. Do you have time to write two tests for me :P
@PeeHaa $peeHaa = smarty($peeHaa); … now retry.
first of all, it's a good idea separating mappers from repositories. mappers are closer to the db; they may operate on single entities or entire aggregates. repositories are 1:1 with aggregates, instead @samayo
Didn't work sadly. I'm missing something stupid and I'm going to make coffee now.
Which are you referring as 'mappers'? entities, or some crud application? @Wes
@PeeHaa What exactly is your issue then?
mappers as data mapper pattern
I want to test these two @todos github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/commit/…
@samayo Thank mate, i'll let you know if i figure it out.
@bwoebi Smarty. hides
@kelunik That was the joke.
I want to 1) assert null on the promise result and 2) the log message
@bwoebi Not a very good one. :P
@Wes if I am not mistaken, data mappers are just entities with getters/setters right?
I just need you people to punch me on the right track as I have a testersblock
@PeeHaa Mock the logger, assert that it has been called. Rest as previously posted.
@samayo nope. what you wrote is a data mapper
That's what I tried, but the thing doesn't get resolved somehow
@Wes meh, I'll never understand all of those patterns.
^ that hangs on the wait
@samayo difference between repository and data mapper is often subtle
the two terms are often used interchangeably
wait I see a fuckup
Gimme 5 to prevent me embarrassing myself. After that you are all free to laugh at me if it still doesn't work
but actually, a repository is at a higher layer. it uses a data mapper internally and collects the aggregates, could also direct persistence and similar stuff
@Wes could you gist something up for me? I really need to see this to understand it. I've asked some people and it seems no one is sure how it is implemented.
ok halp :) @kelunik @bwoebi this hangs
@PeeHaa And where?
prompt> ev \Amp\reactor()->info();
[Malformed input]
@bwoebi ^ How does that thing work?
I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting to create a proper mock of something but I don't see my own stupidity anymore :(
brb making coffee for real now
@kelunik are you in double ctrl+c mode?
@bwoebi Yes, one time didn't work.
at that point you only can access direct variables
perhaps I can relax these rules…
prompt> q
zend_mm_heap corrupted
Yay. Can you make Ctrl + C work to discard the current input?
When typing at the prompt?
that's possible
Otherwise you can't delete anything if you hit Ctrl + C: prompt> ^[[D^[[C^C^C
@PeeHaa banStorage mock is not returning a resolvable awaitable
@bwoebi Would be really nice if we could use PHPDBG to see all loop info and all unresolved promises.
@Wes Wow, thanks a bunch. I would've never figured it out. I imagined it would be a lot simpler, maybe 2 classes + 1 interface ..
$userIsBanned = yield $this->banStorage->isBanned($command->getRoom(), $userId);
I will keep looking at it, till I get it. :)
@bwoebi Is PHP_VERSION === optimized on compile time?
@kelunik How would you actually inspect unresolved promises?
@samayo and there's way more than that
@kelunik It may
@bwoebi The awaitable implementation could have a switch for it.
e.g. using assert if PHP_SAPI isn't optimized on compile time.
Otherwise we could use PHP_SAPI === "phpdbg" for zero cost debugging things.
@kelunik the constant can be resolved, the if branch cannot (currently).
(because of goto labels)
So it would end up being if (true)?
well, if (true) could be compiled away (but it doesn't currently)
@bwoebi Can it? How about namespaces? I'd have to use \PHP_SAPI, right?
@Wes impossibru! It's madness.
but if (false) cannot
@kelunik yes
you'd need opcache Optimizer for that @kelunik
@samayo error handling, row locks
start with that, once you figure it out you will understand why is like that
to keep an array with unresolved Promises you mean @kelunik right?
Obviously only works with one implementation then.
I don't think I can use this much code, it seems overkill to fetch a song from a database, but otherwise very useful for information and have a clue of what repository pattern is, but it seems like enterprisy-ish @Wes
sounds like a good usage for Loop::storeState()
btw. I thought @Trowski wanted to push Awaitable draft last night?
@samayo go get laravel
I understand only, Interface Song{}, StandardSong{}, MySQLSongMapper{}, SongRepository{}
you can't because you have a very tiny hard drive? :B
you are just separating in layers the things you would write anyway
Those really make sense, others are just some concepts made by some oop/design hipster
Abstract Factory is oop hipster?
it's like the most basic pattern :B
What is wrong with using class Factory{} with static method to return object? like Factory::Songs()
It seems lame, but ... yeah, hm I've got no excuse.
tight coupling...
Ah, that one ...
@samayo If your factory is an instance, you can DI it, you can mock it
If it's a static class, you can't.
Yeah, maybe I could use pimple-link DI instead of factories?
I often feel like factories are almost almost an anti-pattern these days
People use them as an excuse to create non-newable objects where they shouldn't.
@MadaraUchiha You mean all the static methods to create an object of the same class with a private constructor?
@kelunik Oh, those are event worse.
(Although they do have their uses)
For example:
Normal factories aren't bad at all.
static function createInstance(callable $disposer) {
  try {
    $instance = new self(); // or whatever
  finally {
    user_call_func($disposer, $instance);
Just if people start using them, because they don't want to create an Awaitable anymore, because you know, there's new and that's bad.
@kelunik new isn't bad, it's low level
And you don't want low-level code in your higher level abstractions
Which is fine
But factories themselves are pretty low level too, object creation in general is
Of course not. It's just always argued that way.
Factories have their use but they're typically abused.
@bwoebi Yes
And if something is too often abused, then often its purpose is not clear enough
Like PHP
You damn motherfinally
@PeeHaa @DaveRandom Can we remove the ping in the response? Just the Twitter URL?
At the time it seemed nice but I agree it's useless.
@PeeHaa return $this->chatClient->postMessage($command->getRoom(), $tweetUri);
@Wes yeah :)
@bwoebi Meant to, but I got caught up in some other stuff. I'll push it shortly.
/me deletes fork
thanks @FlorianMargaine @Wes
@Wes It's the thought that counts :)
someone's up for reading some spaghetti engrish meatphpalls rfc?
@bwoebi Thanks. I knew I cocked some mock up. So I can just return Success right?
@PeeHaa yep
@Wes Your delegation one?
yeah @kelunik
I'd like something like private $foo provides XY better.
But that's a new keyword then.
i actually like how it reads, ie it's not only for reusing an existing keyword
    private function getDelegatee(): Bar{
        return $this->base;

    getDelegatee implements Bar;
I like the field more.
\o/ thanks @bwoebi
@kelunik i'm undecided between i'm denying that i wasted hours writing the method one without a reason
:P but actually there are reasons it could be better. for instance with the field you can't lazy load the delegatee
github.com/amphp/redis/blob/subscription/lib/Subscription.php < I wanted to say I have one use case, but I don't, because we currently require when to return $this.
any of you still use vagrant?
i heard @PeeHaa uses viagrant
  Methods: 100.00% ( 4/ 4)   Lines: 100.00% ( 20/ 20)
Tests look like shit right now, but it works
@Trowski Can't we move these closures into properties for reuse then? Or are they automatically cached if static is used? github.com/amphp/awaitable/blob/master/lib/Success.php#L34-L42
@kelunik We could, though technically they should never be used.
Technically, yes.
They're they're to catch accidental throws and throw to a more logical place.
If it's not used in production (or used very seldom) I wouldn't get too caught up in optimizing.
Should we switch our namespace from Amp to Amphp to match the vendor? @bwoebi @Trowski @rdlowrey
Could further mitigate the documentation problem.
amphp is just a workaround about the name being unavailable
@kelunik No. Most of the changes will be in different namespaces anyway.
@DaveRandom we are you manually casting here github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/blob/master/src/Chat/…? Can't we just force it using the typehint?
@kelunik I'm thinking I should move Placeholder to Amp\Awaitable instead of hiding it in internal. Then any object could implement awaitable just by using that trait.
@Trowski Other objects should usually use composition, not a trait IMO.
@kelunik Yeah, you're right. Better where it is then.
@Trowski what's exactly that $last thing in Coroutine for PHP 5.5?
@Trowski what's the point of that WhenQueue? Is an array asked too much?
@bwoebi WhenQueue simplifies the logic to call all the functions registered with when(). With coroutines it should rarely be constructed.
@bwoebi CoroutineResult, I added all my comments directly to the commit now.
@Trowski happens often enough that a library adds a when() internally (e.g. to clean things up) before passing it to caller
so we get coroutine + lib when => WhenQueue
@bwoebi I'd say it's a toss between the array and just having a callable object for those few times.
You guys need to work on being less condescending when doing code reviews.
@Trowski sorry, I just was having a WTF moment ;-)
Actually that was more directed at @kelunik :-P
@Trowski Probably a good idea if we still want to work with you, yes. :P
I'm just dumping everything that comes into my mind currently, don't take everything too serious.
is there some kind of merger going on between icicle and amp ?
@kelunik Example: "I don't see why we should check this here." I didn't do that for fun. There's a reason. Better would be "Why is this check needed?"
@JoeWatkins that's the goal
@Trowski just read it as the latter, the words used are not important, the fact that anyone bothers to say anything should be the focus ...
@PeeHaa s/we/why @DaveRandom
Sorry dan
@JoeWatkins Right, it doesn't bother me that much, and I'm not offended.
I just want @kelunik and @bwoebi to be aware that sometimes that sort of thing can turn people off.
@Trowski Nor should you. We're just being direct here, not condescending (learned a new word, thanks :-P)
@Trowski I'm aware and agree it's something I should work on.
@JoeWatkins @bwoebi Still, it's something that's not that hard and makes working together way better.
@Trowski "This check is stupid" ftfy
@Trowski TBH, I personally am more offended at the latter variant. The latter reads for me more like "Why the hell is this check there?!?!" and the former more like "I genuinely don't see why we're checking this; may you please explain?"
@bwoebi In the end I appreciate the directness, helps get things done.
meh, you only really want two things, that's presence and honesty ... take it as it comes, if something is fucking awful, it should be okay to call it fucking awful, even though those words might make you cringe ... what it should make you do is react, but not to the words ...
@Trowski right, that's the experience I've made too.
@bwoebi Sure, so maybe that's just my interpretation.
People being offended at every bullshit are sometimes hard to work with.
There's often no way to communicate them that they actually made a mistake
@bwoebi Right, if someone gets offended when you point out a mistake, coding with them is going to very difficult. :-)
Anthony's advice on reading everything as if it is constructive criticism, even when it palpably is not, is probably the best advice I've ever had ...
@JoeWatkins That's a great advice, yea
@Trowski IMO we shall throw a LogicException on double resolve
this has helped tracking down bugs in past
I think I made it ...
@bwoebi That was a point I wanted to ask about.
@Trowski the failure handling in Placeholder looks bogus to me
It does mean I'll have to add a resolved flag in some of the combinator functions, but that's not a big deal.
@Trowski why?
@bwoebi How so?
@Trowski execute() is always passing null for $error param
Umpf, Awaitable makes me always write awailable.
@bwoebi For example, choose will try to succeed the deferred when another awaitable succeeds, even if it was already succeed.
@Trowski what does choose do?
@bwoebi A lot of bugs.
@bwoebi First failure / success.
@bwoebi Creates an awaitable that succeeds or fails when the the first awaitable succeeds or fails out of a set of awaitables.
A lot of new helpers, without knowing them, it's really hard to follow.
@kelunik basically Amp\first()?
@bwoebi No, Amp\first waits for the first success.
It doesn't wait for the first resolve (both, success and failure)
@bwoebi Awaitable\any() waits for the first success.
@Trowski Uhm, can we keep the Amp behavior?
@kelunik We can change the name to first() instead, I just picked a name.
@Trowski That's going to confuse me for at least a while to have new behaviors for same names
Feel free to suggest names for things, often I just picked something.
@bwoebi Placeholder only worries about successful resolves (to avoid creating a Success object and resolving with that).
@Trowski What's Placeholder::fail() then?
@bwoebi Resolves with a failed awaitable.
but that's a failure case then?
I could have placeholder handle failures itself as well.
When I use the code below, it displays -3600
$time = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", '2016-05-20 23:12:47'));
echo $time;
@bwoebi Right, but it's resolving with an awaitable, so the awaitable object takes care of invoking the callbacks.
I did it for performance, but I can change it to make it more symmetrical.
I can either use a Success object to resolve the placeholder on success or add failure logic.
!!docs similar_text
[ similar_text() ] Calculate the similarity between two strings
@Trowski ah, I see what you did here
@TheCodesee 3v4l.org/SCkpl
@Trowski I don't think the check $this === $value is worth being there at all
@bwoebi Using a Success object would allow me to remove the resolved property, but adds another object creation and function call on successful resolution.
@Trowski nah, it's fine
@bwoebi Is failure something that happens often enough to be worth handling in Placeholder as well? I'd have to add another property to do it.
@Trowski I doubt it.
@bwoebi Probably not.
@Gordon can you share the swodrfight gist again please?
I am working on iOS notification but problem is that I am getting notification in my 2 iPhones but my client is not getting any of his 2 iPhones
thanks @Ekn
I belong to indian region and my client belong to europe region
is this a problem?
right now we are running in sandbox mode
please anyone give me some advice
@Trowski I don't like fail() and resolve() functions particularly much … why not just instantiate the object directly?
That's what we've always done in amp and had no problem with
@bwoebi I think I agree with @kelunik that fail() isn't really needed.
@Trowski general suggestion … can we please remove the Awaitable subnamespace?
so that it's directly on Amp\?
This made it much more readable (being very concise)
especially with function calls
@bwoebi I'm not sure if resolve() is needed either. How should I handle a non-awaitable being passed to a combinator function then?
@bwoebi You can always use Amp\Awaitable and then write Awaitable\func(). I'm not sure how much we want to pollute the base namespace. For example, the Observable implementation I'm putting together has another function named map.
@Trowski in Amp we just preserve the value, but I'm as fine with an exception there
@Trowski the base namespace is there to have the primitives in it.
@Trowski eventually find a better name for it, or put that one in a namespace then.
@bwoebi It definitely is nicer. I can do that. I'll put observables in the base namespace as well and just find a different name for map (or remove it because it's not exactly needed).
@Trowski what's exactly the difference between Future and Deferred?
Why the F does PhpStorm think it's a good idea to import some RuntimeException in Symfonys YAML parser, rather than the one in PHP?!?!
@NikiC I've already wondered…
because everyone wants YAML obviously? wtf?
@bwoebi Future avoids having to call getAwaitable() if you know the awaitable will never be part of a public API.
who is working today? -__- am i the only?
yaml happens to be one of the most popular extensions ...
@bwoebi I use a couple in Observable.
sorry, the most popular on pecl ...
@Trowski dunno if we shall have it … let's leave it for now, we can always remove it before first tag…
that's a little strange ...
@JoeWatkins Looks like dracony ware
@JoeWatkins Doesn't change that it's super stupid for phpstorm to prioritize four different RuntimeException classes from various symfony modules over the real thing
@PeeHaa same thought :-D
@NikiC yeah, agree about that ... just saying there may be a kernel of truth to the idea that "everyone wants yaml" ...
the last time I looked it was third or fourth on the list, I guess some project, possibly with a fairy like creature as it's logo, is using it ...
@Trowski I think this is a mistake in Amp and we should error out.
@PeeHaa oh i forgot about that. news?
@JoeWatkins lol ... that graph does not look suspicious at all
@Wes Not that I know if, but it's not I really am following every stupid thing he does. I just wait for the drama compilation to sit back and enjoy it while sipping my beer
@kelunik I agree. I'll remove resolve() and fail() and throw if a non-awaitable is passed.
@Trowski I'm a bit puzzled on the use case of lazy(), may you elaborate please?
Anyone knows a good website like projecteuler where instead of math problems, you find a list of stuff you can code such as algorithms and data structures?
I'd like to know what Lazy does at all, couldn't figure it out in the few minutes I looked at the complete commit. Have to clean the kitchen during all the things. ^^ @Trowski
@Trowski Why are you putting exceptions in a separate namespace? That's a bit weird to me "someNs\Exception\SomethingException" … twice exception…
@bwoebi You can create an awaitable that doesn't start the operation until the result is requested.
I've never actually used it... something I copied from JS implementations. Might be useful.
@Trowski like for particularly expensive result computations (cheap action, expensive result?)?
@Trowski If you do that, just don't call the thing creating it?
@bwoebi Yeah. Examples have used setting up module loading based on dependency trees, then only needed to execute those actually requested.
I question it's usefulness as well.
@Trowski what's the use case of delay()?
this one sounds even weirder to me … You can just do an Amp\Pause after its resolution? (in gens at least)
@bwoebi Other than examples, I've used it in the concurrent package within a coroutine to poll for the availability of a lock and in observables to rate-limit emitted values.
@Trowski shouldn't you rather rate-limit the action of fetching than grabbing the resolved result (which has to then reside for that long in memory)?
i.e. first wait, then fetch
instead of the inverse: fetch, hold in mem for X milliseconds, get value.
I guess delay() is probably an anti-pattern
@bwoebi It was delaying the consumer, which delayed fetching.
promisify() is a bad name @Trowski … when we have no promises ^^
@bwoebi Heh, I know... I just couldn't think of another name. Suggestions?
$deferred->resolve(func_get_args()) ???
resolve() only takes one arg?
Or what am I missing (inside promisify)?
It's passing the array as the success value.
yeah, no expanding
that function is weird to me
replaces a value at some index by a callback and uh
@bwoebi Many PHP libs put them in a separate namespace, so I just followed.
@Trowski Weird…
@bwoebi It's a weird function I've never used, but I never used any React code, so...
But I wouldn't be sad if we eliminated promisify()
promisify doesn't read like a word
@Trowski Which has always been weird to me.
I can understand the reasoning behind it, if you have a lot of exceptions and can't find your actual code anymore. But I think it's a bad idea.
anyway, got to go now…
I'll do some of the updates we talked about and we can look at it again later.
@Trowski @bwoebi FYI: github-conversations.js comes in really handy in that long commit.
@Jeeves you are a pain in the backside
@PeeHaa Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh?
who made @Jeeves a smart ass
Not sure. I think it's evolving from being around in the room for so long :)
@Andrea github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/blob/master/src/Chat/Plugin/… seems to work fine at first glance \o/
waaaazup @RonniSkansing
@Jeeves En garde! Touché!
@Ekn Oh, that is so cliché.
Not much
Wow. Jeeves rocks
and o/
@kelunik private $foo forwards Foo?
provides is not bad
@Wes No, the class forwards, not the delegatee.
yeah, sounds bad
private $foo catch Foo;
as it "catches" Foo method calls :B
But do you really think it's something the language needs? Usually, when I do something like that, I intercept the call and do something additional.
Might be, that I just don't use forwarding a lot personally.
will answer in 5 min. brb
@Jeeves My handkerchief will wipe up your blood!
@Saitama So you got that job as janitor, after all.

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