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@DaveRandom Not sure. Setting up a chroot properly is a pita
Yeh I know :-(
I guess it should be restricted to trusted people anyway to do a deployment, but I'd feel better about it if there was a way to guarantee that a security breach couldn't do any real damage
i.e. even if someone somehow triggered a deployment of exec('rm -rf /') then it wouldn't hurt anything
Perhaps easier to run a container
Yeh but there's a lot of other shit to worry about anyway, you'd need to basically block every bit of outgoing traffic except 80/443
Huh, what does QM_ASSIGN do? I've implemented it in ELC but I don't actually know what it does
Or rather its purpose
Help, this code works exactly as I want and expect, but I don't know what it does!
> Question Mark Assign, used twice inside a question mark assign to temporarily assign result as value1 (this is followed up with an ASSIGN bytecode)
Thanks manual.
Ah, that's what the QM means … question mark…
I assumed it was a conditional assignment opcode, but it's not
it just assigns to a temporary
I was hoping for Queen Mary
so that you can assign the temporary to a CV or use it for something else
is this basically an optimisation over ASSIGN?
@Andrea i.e. $foo ? $bar: $baz conditionally executes an QM_ASSIGN to a tmp… depending on what is jumped to, a different assign is executed…
the above compiles down to:
if ($foo) {
    $tmp = $bar;
} else {
    $tmp = $baz;
@Andrea not quite. ASSIGN is for VARs and CVs only
QM_ASSIGN is for TMPs (i.e. may not be a reference)
so, in a way, it's an optimization, yes
assign on a VAR would have worked too
array_filter not preserving keys is the number one reason I don't use it. I've hit this multiple times now :/
OK @PeeHaa good to go
@LeviMorrison er, but the manual says it does?
@LeviMorrison it doesn't?
Can you also add Room11\Jeeves\Chat\Plugin\PHPSrcGrok to the plugin list in the config file while you're at it
Wasn't there some other plugin I had to add?
Err, I meant array_map
Or maybe I just wrote my testing code wrong - need to go find out.
@bwoebi no, ASSIGN destroys the old value
@LeviMorrison maybe we need array_map_preserve_keys
@Andrea No, I just need map()
Preserves keys and does not pass it to the callback; works with any foreachable type.
@NikiC ah, true…
@PeeHaa dunno, giphy?
@LeviMorrison yeah ... nowadays it's so easy to write those, doesn't matter what php provides anymore
@NikiC I just keep rewriting it because I don't want to pull in a dependency.
!!admin list
that totally just worked on my machine :-(
Did you update composer, but forgot to commit the lock file by any chance?
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ ./sapi/cli/php -r 'var_dump(array_map(function() { return 2; }, [1 => 1]));'
array(1) {
@Levi ^ where's the issue?
Let me run it manually to check the error
I don't think I've touched composer this time
2 mins ago, by Levi Morrison
Or maybe I just wrote my testing code wrong - need to go find out.
@LeviMorrison probably that then
might be an exception scraping the ROs, that's the only really new thing there I think
function map(callable $f, array $a): array {
    $result = [];
    foreach ($a as $k => $v) list($_k, $a[$_k]) = $f($k, $v);
    return $result;
!!admin list
> Something went badly wrong:

Error: Call to undefined function Room11\DOMUtils\xpath_get_elements() in /srv/www/Jeeves/src/Chat/Client/ChatClient.php:58
ah lol
composer install
oh unless I did something really dumb and edited the one in vendor
You sure you pushed the lock file?
Probably :P
heck, who needs map when you have generators
yeh I totally did that
@Andrea to manipulate arrays?
yeh @PeeHaa pull again and composer install
!!admin list
DaveRandom, Gordon, Joe Watkins, Levi Morrison, NikiC, PeeHaa, bwoebi, ircmaxell, rdlowrey, salathe, Danack, Florian Margaine, Félix Gagnon-Grenier, Jimbo, Ronni Skansing, Wes, kelunik, tereško
one day
!!plugin status codeformat
oh what now
moment :)
@PeeHaa I fucked up a yield/yield from somewhere
!!plugin status codeformat
> #0 /srv/www/Jeeves/vendor/daverandom/mutex/src/BaseMutex.php(38): Amp\resolve(Object(Amp\Deferred))
#1 /srv/www/Jeeves/src/Chat/Client/ChatClient.php(169): Amp\Mutex\BaseMutex->withLock(Object(Generator))
#2 /srv/www/Jeeves/src/Chat/BuiltIn/Plugin.php(142): Room11\Jeeves\Chat\Client\ChatClient->postMessage(Object(Room11\Jeeves\Chat\Room\Room), 'Plugin 'codefor...')
yeh something I can't work out is going on there
oh shit
k, just wait for the packagist cache to expire :-/
OK one more time @PeeHaa
(pull and composer install)
!!admin list
DaveRandom, Gordon, Joe Watkins, Levi Morrison, NikiC, PeeHaa, bwoebi, ircmaxell, rdlowrey, salathe, Danack, Florian Margaine, Félix Gagnon-Grenier, Jimbo, Ronni Skansing, Wes, kelunik, tereško
!!plugin status codeformat
Plugin 'codeformat' is currently disabled in this room
OK good

$foo = 'bar';

if ('it works') {
echo 'yay';
!!plugin enable codeformat
Plugin 'codeformat' is now enabled in this room
I can't trigger it :P
@PeeHaa ignores edits
@DaveRandom Please format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and have a look at the FAQ.
!!plugin disable codeformat
Plugin 'codeformat' is now disabled in this room
OK cool
@DaveRandom Syntax: plugin [list|disable|enable] [plugin-name]
Oh not that one, I meant
Syntax: command [map|remap] <command> <plugin> [<endpoint>]
        command unmap <command>
        command alias <new command> <existing command>
        command list
I added alias and remap sugar
$assertNull = function (string $what) use (&$type, &$op1, &$op2, &$result) {
    if ($$what !== NULL) {
        throw new \Exception("Can't handle non-NULL $what for " . OPCODE_NAMES[$type]);
For once I wish PHP had macros.
/me is going, see you all tomorrow
night mr random o/
!!command alias lick command
@PeeHaa Command 'lick' is already mapped. Use !!command list to display the currently mapped commands.
throw new \Exception("Incorrect \$type-type, \$type=\"$type\"");
Am I doing this right
Sometimes, sometimes I really wish #PHP had macros. Should I be proud, or ashamed? https://t.co/GseZe3Q58e
@Andrea Every so often I consider making phppp, but I'm never certain whether it's the malevolent part of me thinking it.
We now have ParseError class
but things which only get detected upon AST evaluation are still E_COMPILE_ERROR
uncatchable :-/
/me hits enter
@bwoebi heh
I mean, we could throw exceptions.
But that requires effort!
Implemented the short list() syntax: [$foo, $bar] = [$bar, $foo]; http://git.php.net/?p=php-src.git;a=commitdiff;h=4f077aee836ad7d8335cf62629a8364bdf939db9 (RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/short_list_syntax)
I meant, that enter key you have to hit to make a git push effective
Also added these tests Nikita asked for, mhmpf^^
@Andrea would you like to:
#define ASSERT_CASE(str, instance) \
    case str: \
        $condition = ($$what instanceof instance); \
or what's the evil plan with them? :-D

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