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Is there a way how to create auto generated form based on Insert?
posted on May 18, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

anybody uses load balancer?
With nginx at the front, and Apache at the back
I use amazon elastic load balancer .
hi how to add filter to wp embed function?
Q: CURL is not returning any data?

Ram SinghI am using curl to get data from API, that is returning me different guid every time. i am using the below code: $curl_handle=curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL,'https://aapiconvention2016.sched.org/api/auth/login?api_key=f8bf836da29b0831ff1f03fce3c64462&[email protected]&

please geko ne
help me
@RamSingh too little useful info. Test on a different API, e.g. jsontest.com
see if that returns the result
also see if something's in curl_error($handle)
and morenin roomies
@SergeyTelshevsky i had tried the same code for some other requirement, that was working fine even it is working fine
but for this i am not able to get why it it is not working
it is not displaying any error, warning
Good morning
but when i directly hit to the URL it is returning me result
@Epodax Good Morning
i also tried to check the echo curl_error($handle) but it is not returing anything
@RamSingh try curl_getinfo($handle) too
Morning all
@RamSingh maybe you have to post username and password instead of get and use fopen and fwrite to print $query into a text file instead of print it in the browser.
@mahdiazarm, could you please tell me how?
!!google how to make a post request with CURL php
Search for "how to make a post request with CURL php" (https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+make+a+post+request+with+CURL+php&lr=lang_en)
• Execute a HTTP POST Using PHP CURL - David Walsh… - Learn how to execute a remote HTTP POST using PHP's CURL library. It's quick and easy! … You make… (https://davidwalsh.name/curl-post)
• cURL Requests with PHP - Codular - cURL is a very helpful tool and is used extensively when dealing with APIs and oAuth. A simple int… (http://codular.com/curl-with-php)
While writing the docs, what should I write, if the functions does return valueless?
@return NULL or nothing?
Btw; as non-native english speaker:
"...and adds it to the database" or "...and adds it in the database"
Q: pagination not working properly in searching

Waqas_aamerI have created some code of searching and pagination in it. If a user wants to search using some industry then data is shown against it. But whenever he presses any option in the pagination then it shows all the data related to every industry. How can i show pagination related to search result. A...

somebody answer this question please
Someone able to help me out? I know this is not a nice question but I have to get access :P I am using Cpanel and need SSH access. Should it be enough to generate my computers SSH key ( cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ) and add it in the Cpanel's public keys? When I try to connect now I receive a time-out. ( Is there a specific port I can detect ssh is using? )
@TechTreeDev if the function does not return anything, add @return void
@TechTreeDev both is fine though I'd prefer to the database
@Duikboot ssh uses port 22 by default
I was using 22 :(
good meurning!
Have I maybe missed a step? It enough I set my key into the 'cpanel's' config to make a connection?
@MattPrelude I blame you
the installation for AMDGPU so far has been a failure
@tereško What am I being blamed for?
@tereško o/
@tereško Oh? What's the issue?
not sure (am at work now)
@tereško Check your kernel line, you may have disabled modesetting for fglrx, but it's required for amdgpu
I made a clean install
@tereško Looking for nomodeset on kernel line in grub config or syslinux
@tereško Clean Linux install?
problem is mostly related to amdgpu-pro failing to compile
@Duikboot I dont know anything about CPANEL
Keep it like that :)
@tereško I don't use it, will give it a try when I get home.
you are just using xf86-video-amdgpu?
Yes, and mesa-libgl @tereško

I guess that is not an answer to the question, moderators please have a look on it
@bwoebi I don't follow this, example?
@Ms.Nehal just flag it
@Gordon, I did that
@bwoebi A transaction object is how I'm thinking of going with this, creating a sort of sub-mutex, but I haven't fully worked it out yet
@Gordon but it is not accepted so far, so I thought you all should have a look and check it once
@bwoebi Don't hate it, happy to go with community consensus
Are there people here using 1 email account to manage multiple AdWords campaigns?
@bwoebi It's a property accessor like ownerDocument on a DOMNode - it doesn't have to be there
@bwoebi It is (will be) deallocating the server's reference to it. You cannot reuse a name until you do this, so there are cases where you might want to do it explicitly. It can be done implicitly by the dtor but you might not be able to wait for that
@bwoebi Expose both of them in a describe() maybe?
@Oldskool o/
@Gordon thank you
@bwoebi caching unnamed queries, in other words? I'd argue that this is unnecessary. If you want to re-use a query, create a proper prepare. The fact that you can parameterise throw-away queries directly makes that kind of a caching layer unnecessary and wasteful to me...
See also: 2 hard problems
I'm not going to start preparing things when I wasn't explicitly asked to do so, because it doesn't carry the same benefits as it does in MySQL and it's wasting round trips to the server
Could someone please help me here thanks: stackoverflow.com/questions/37264580/…
btw @bwoebi having a Transaction object also has the benefit of potentially obviating the need to get a specific connection out of a pool - the pool can deal with it and use the right connection. (didn't we already discuss that?)
!!urban obviating
whatchoo talkin bout willis
that's what I was thinking, too… @DaveRandom is making up words
!!? obviate
Search for "obviate" (https://www.google.com/search?q=obviate&lr=lang_en)
• Obviate | Define Obviate at Dictionary.com - Obviate definition, to anticipate and prevent or eliminate (difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by… (http://www.dictionary.com/browse/obviate)
• Obviate | Definition of Obviate by Merriam-Webste… - to make (something) no longer necessary : to prevent or avoid (something). Source: Merriam-Webster… (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/obviate)
• Obviate - definition of obviate by The Free Dicti… - (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/obviate)
embonpoint: excessive plumpness; stoutness.
plumpness doesn't cut it... excessively plump. Like Santa
it seems to be a loan word from French anyway, I'd have though that wotd should be actual English words
They have some decent words though.
Wonder how long we can keep chaining WotD.
A panjandrum man who's embonpoint stature left him looking a little botryoidal too.
obviate should be obviated
I've been verifying a portion of the alleged 167M record LinkedIn data breach. It's *highly* likely this is legit. More soon.
With all the fuss at PHP-FIG lately, we should really start a "Project Interoperability Group"... PHP-PIG. The logo would be an elephpant wearing a piggy face mask. :)
Do I get to feel smug about avoiding putting my details into the pentesters phonebook yet?
Ha, nice place to truncate the message, sidebar. Good job.
@salathe with pixie wings?
@Gordon Sure, why not. Let's give it boobs, so the PC crowd can have their say.
Just make the logo a really sexualised miss piggy
@Leigh I'm sure your phone would be ringing off the hook because of it, if anyone had any way to know how to contact you
@Wes That doesn't sound good.
@Oldskool 167M must be the larger data breach ever happened
what is the difference of Options Indexes FollowSymLinks and Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks?
Can anyone tell me please?
what that - mark does? I am using Laravel. I saw it allows directory browsing. I want to show 404 when access the directory.
@DaveRandom !!imdb meet the feebles
@Wes a) it probably isn't and b) it's unlikely much/any of it is useful and/or not already public domain anyway. I'm pretty sure that basically every piece of info I've ever put into linked in can be viewed by other people through legitimate mechanisms on the site anyway. They only exceptions are password, which I would expect to be strongly hashed by a company like linked in, email (which is not secret) and phone number (which is also not secret)
@Gordon this should probably work
i want to set up an army of bots sending emails to microsoft with the message "Install Linux!" so they know how it feels
@DaveRandom though its a hippo
Maybe we can repurpose Jeeves as a botnet attack vector
If I've asked a question about a month ago and I've had to conclude something isn't possible, should I answer my own question saying that functionability does not exist in the current version? (I asked about forcing OAuth2 to prompt reauthentication)
And isn't Jeeves to repair my gear? (WoW)
Jeeves is our bot github.com/Room-11/Jeeves
!!command list
Commands currently mapped:
 > - Executes code snippets on 3v4l.org and displays the output (3v4l # Eval)
 ? - Retrieves and displays search results from Google (Google # Search)
 canon - Posts links to canonical resources on various subjects (Canonicals # canon)
 chuck - Posts a random Chuck Norris joke (ChuckSkeet # Chuck)
 docs - Searches the PHP manual and displays links with a summary of the result (PHPDocs # Search)
 eval - Executes code snippets on 3v4l.org and displays the output (3v4l # Eval)
@StrahBehry Put it this way: I hate it when I come across a question that has no resolution, even if that resolution is "you can't do this". Answering your own question is perfectly OK, it's really just about leaving useful information for future visitors :-)
Also I really hope that is your real name
That would've been quite epic don't you think?
Like I've tried ALOT and you can get it working with Facebook for example
But OAuth2 is just a framework that you can use to make things more abstract if you want to use multiple social media, it doesn't offer extra functionability, only if the social media itself offers the function to force reauth you can do it (github doesn't)
Is that a proper answer?
I would say so, yes. I would also (if I were you) open an issue/feature request with github and link to it
gd afternoon everybody..
Oh, it seems that github ironically does not have a public issue tracker
It's not just Github
Most social media does not offer the option to force reauthentication

I guess that is not an answer to the question, moderators please have a look on it

Also [tag:cv-pls]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37290634/how-to-hide-html-code-from-users-if-they-try-to-view-source-code

This is duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3737139/reference-what-does-this-symbol-mean-in-php

So, please moderators have a look at them
@StrahBehry Why is it a requirement for that client? Do they have a good technical reason for this or do they just not understand OAuth?
because I can't see any good reason for this, personally
but there is quite possibly something I've overlooked
Like you have the risk of leaving your PC while you go to the bathroom
and someone goes to facebook and posts on your wall
The customer wanted to completly remove the chance something like that happens
Since right now if you click login with facebook and you're already logged into facebook you can just access it right away
Well yeh but if something is that security sensitive then they probably shouldn't be using any kind of SSO
It's not really tbh, but who am I to argue with a customer?
Yeh I thought as much :-P
He must be traumatized about someone logging into his facebook and liking Justin Bieber or something
Customers. Who needs them?
Yeah well I'm an unpaid intern
Ah, so you need them then :-P
Well a main learning goal was interaction with customers
So they gave me someone on purpose they knew was a pain in the @
did everyone change their LinkedIn password? :P
I can't think of any way to do this because it kind of seems to go against the point of OAuth, either you are simplifying auth by subbing the job out to another provider or... not. You can't have it both ways.
@DaveRandom Not really the point is it
Not really tbh
You can create a account with Linkedin for example
and then you use Linkedin to login
@Ocramius no need for that. :P
I still get jobs from it, so... heh
@Leigh You realise that I am merely failing to be funny as usual? :-P
@DaveRandom I did wonder, it came across quite bitter
Oh no I don't do subtext, if I hate you then I will tell you that I hate you
There's this guy here that keeps talking about meditation, not associating yourself with your body so you don't feel pain/stress and how you don't have to eat because you live of the "energy of the world"
Do you think it's out of my place as a intern to tell him to shut the fuck up?
@StrahBehry Yes, even though he's full of sh*t. Just ignore ignore him before you start a little riot ;-)
@Saitama or lack thereof
Well it's his last day today
because he got FIRED
Well, luckily he has the energy of the world to keep him alive, so he should be OK.
Doesn't have to keep food on the table apparently.
@StrahBehry "So why do you eat?"
I did ask!
He says he does it for the taste
But he has gone for weeks before without eating (bullllshiiiiit)
cool story bro
Yeah idk
Happy he's gone tbh, it just annoys me to be confronted everyday how dumb people can be
I do remember being told in school that it's possible for someone with a BMI of 20 to live for 3 months without food as long as they have enough water
I'm not about to try it though
@StrahBehry It's called life, get used to it
Especially if you plan on a career in IT
Obviously, but he has just stepped it up a notch.
I can't understand how you do such an incredibly logic job as programming and then believe stuff like that
Don't you think that's odd?
@StrahBehry I've met weirdos in every walk of life
@Ocramius i need some help. i want to cache ReflectionMethod instances but i'm not sure how. depending on the arguments ($className, $methodName) i need to cache the instance somewhere, but i'm not sure if i should do it per-object so that each of them objects will have its own cache, or if i should do it globally
@DaveRandom wtaf?
@DaveRandom I doubt that very much.
@StrahBehry I have an uncle who worked in IT for 30 years, and also started his own church
@Leigh Illuminati confirmed
Nut jobs are everywhere
@MadaraUchiha I've never tried it, but it certainly is true that you can live of fat reserves and eventually muscle wastage for a lot longer than you can live without water
3 months does sound ambitious though
Maybe if you spent the whole time asleep
Or otherwise completely motionless
I think in my case not eating for let's say 48 hours might get very unhealthy... For the people around me.
@Gordon Everything went fine, just waiting for the account information now and then I'm ready to try it out :) thanks for the help ^^
@StrahBehry 36 hour fasting is pretty common
@StrahBehry indeed
@Epodax yay!
@Wes reflection is static, so caching globally is not a problem
I don't see what fasting is supposed to proove, honestly
Nearly every religion has a fasting practice in some form or another
You can probably directly use static within the method where they are used, @Wes
I've gone for probably 3 days without eating when I was younger, but I was fueled by... uhh... other things
@DaveRandom hatred?
Pure PHP?
@MadaraUchiha Yes but they do it for different reasons. A 36 hour fast is about depleting your liver's supply of glycogens
Asking a CSS question and getting "jquery" as answer
Not about proving anything
@Leigh Yeah, no, I get it for medical reasons or whatnot
@Ocramius i could end up with a giant array though, while with the other option i'd have the garbage collection working
@Wes why do you need to garbage-collect static info?
it's ridiculous how slow instantiating reflection objects is
it's not really that slow
indeed it's not slow, but creating the instances is monumentally slow
I would expect having a dozen instances per process, tbh
anyway, you could simply use github.com/Ocramius/LazyMap#usage to speed it up
yeah, calling methods of reflection is generally fast, but creating new Reflection*() is 10-20 times slower than creating a regular object
@Ocramius not really, i will have an entry for each method in each class, so more than that...
s/an entry/ an entry in an array/
> is 10-20 times slower than creating a regular object
that's expected
but that's not so slow anyway
It's also still <1ms
but anyway, why the hell do you have so much reflection going on?
i don't have much reflection going on, but i'm doing haxx stuff and i want it to be as fast as possible
> i want it to be as fast as possible
by requirement, or just because you arbitrarily decided it needs to be fast? :P
@Wes Do you have filesystem access or database access in whatever haxx you're doing?
because i know it can be abused @Ocramius
@MadaraUchiha yes, i know that databases are more likely the bottleneck of applications :rollingeyes: #youdontsay
@Wes If you know that.... why are you bothering with premature optimization???
because ocd, i suppose
stop worrying about this stuff
you can cache it later, or maybe find a clean solution
anyway, will postpone that once i'm sure what i've written actually works
it's just few lines, but dddddiiirrrty ones
despite what you think (@PeeHaa thinks) i don't usually do this kind of stuff, and in fact i suck hard at them. i have no idea what i've written, but it works... somehow
just need to write few more tests and i'll publish it
I am tempted to write an EnglishUnits library implementing all of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_units
@Gordon the fuck?!
@Ocramius then I can finally compare twips to poppyseeds
twips are such a stupid unit
3v4l.org/UIiEH ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That article does read like it was written by Randall Munroe
> Inch - legally, 3 barleycorns
@Wes I got a solution for traits: DO NOT FUCKING USE THAT SHIT
traits are pretty much just a pain in the arse
> Poppyseed - 1⁄4 or 1⁄5 of a barleycorn
Since when were units of measurement allowed to be variable???
Poppy seed can get you tested positive for heroin.
So, which IDEs already support PHP-7 syntax?
Or provide a good cover for your failed heroin exam.
> heroin exam
I'm usually on Netbeans (for PHP), but that's obviously still on their TODO
@m6w6 phpstorm
PHP Storm <insert any jetbrains product here> is the IDE of kings
I literally cannot say enough good things about it
Tell me more...
@DaveRandom did you mean king of IDEs?
because I don't think any king uses an IDE...
+1 for PhpStorm, been my favorite editor for the last 5 years or so. Nothing comes close to it.
Duh, €200
Which one is correct?
- programming bugs
- bugs programming
@m6w6 PHP (as a project) has a free license I believe
@Shafizadeh The first.
/cc @salathe ? ^^
@Oldskool thx
@DaveRandom yep, hold on
it's in the wiki
phpstorm consumes too much memory.
@DaveRandom meaning?
That wouldn't be a problem for me with 32G
Bugs Bunny is NOT programming
@samayo It's using <1GB with 6 project windows open...
I'm not sure it's protected...
@samayo Many IDEs do, it's the price you pay for a well-indexed codebase and fast autocomplete suggestions and stuff.
At least it's not as bad as Eclipse ;-)
oh sweet there's a clion license, didn't realise that
@DaveRandom did you optimize it? I used it few time 2 years ago?? it didn't go well with vbox, firefox open at the same time.
@FlorianMargaine wait, does that mean I get a free license?!
@salathe I was happy to read your fig proposal until I realized it was a joke :\
Only for FOSS work
(I think)
why did no one tell me that?
> License Restriction: For non-commercial open source development only
That's what my CLion license that I just got now says :-D
Seems the linkedin leak is 2012 data that wasn't leaked at the time
@Gordon how do you find all this BS lately?
Don't think anyone would put their own phone above the urinal. Otherwise I like it.
@Gordon I've seen these urinal games in Korea.
(Japan too apparently)
Do these IntelliJ clones do .editorconfig?
They need to add a mat to stand on and have bonus multipliers for keeping it all in the urinal too.
they have a .idea directory with a bunch of xml config files at the project level
I've never tried commiting them to VCS so I'm not sure how well that works in practice
@m6w6 there is plugins for that afaik
@m6w6 There are a bajillion plugins though, so if it doesn't do it natively there will probably be a plugin for it
Mhmkay... gonna test that thing for the first time, then
@Ocramius slack, fb and here
I know there's a plugin that reads vim comments
And there's a really nice bash plugin that I don't seem to have on this machine
:30610575 Not implemented because probably spammy
youtube search sucks in the gui, posting a random video for a search term would likely have a very poor hit rate
Seems that NB-nightly does support PHP7, so gonna test that, too
PHP Storm's 7 support does leave something to be desired, doesn't deal with return type inheritance properly yet
And doesn't understand (function() {})()
Not that this is a particular issue
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/35566726/pisspad-turning-pee-streams-into-bit-streams (kickstarter anyone?)
@DaveRandom Are they still working on it?
Oh yeh, in fact the current gap is the longest I've known between releases I think
Although there was a recent security-only release with no features I think, but it will be coming
NB downloads at 300K/s and yaourt's still compressing the phpstorm install package, let's see who wins the race...
how can i set value of element in modal angular
Anyone think they'll pick up a Vive?
@Gordon Do you have installation docs somewhere?
@SagarNaliyapara That would be a Javascript question

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