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@tereško XD
well .. at least thats how it looks for me
.. back to digging around in git
@tereško What do you think about:
A: Avoiding static calls while keeping framework discoverable

ChristianOne way possible to fix my problem is via the following code: namespace MyFramework; class DefaultAjax { // ... } function Ajax($newAjax = null){ static $ajax = null; if($newAjax)$ajax = $newAjax; if(!$ajax)$ajax = new DefaultAjax; return $ajax; } So I could be doing Ajax...

well . to begin with , @Christian , you cannot extend function in php
@tereško right... fixed.
Ajax(new MyAjax(Ajax())); this is where it falls apart
@tereško Any suggestions? Perhaps a generic wrapper object to take make this particular operation more sane?
make a real factory , instead of trying to use a procedural analog
( im not talking about static factory method )
Not sure if this deserves it... but... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9863471/how-to-change-component-div-depending-on-page-in-joomla
@tereško I'm not sure I follow you. I know what factory is, but I don't know how you'd do it.
wow .. the whole thing is a mess
Define thing.
you passing an instance of class in the constructor of class which extends the class of object which you are injecting
^ thing
@tereško There's all sorts of ways to achieve it.
no .. i mean WHY !?
No reason in particular, except if you wanted to use it for some reason.
For example, the new class extending the older one would only need to change things before being passed back to the parent, instead of reinventing the wheel, it used the existing functionality.
@Christian .. in that case lobotomy my be the humane option
@tereško It's been proven lobotomy is especially useful with hyperactive/noisy patients. :D
@Christian why would you try to do something like it ?!?
this is dailywtf worthy material
Heq I don't know. I'm just being hypothetical. Why would you ever need more than 128k memory? :)
namespace MyFramework;

class DefaultAjax {
    // ...

function Ajax($newAjax = null){
    static $ajax = null;
    if($newAjax)$ajax = $newAjax;
    if(!$ajax)$ajax = new DefaultAjax;
    return $ajax;

class MyAjax extends DefaultAjax {
    protected $old;
    public function __construct($oldAjax){
        $this->old = $oldAjax;

Ajax(new MyAjax(Ajax()));
This make no sense ! it's completely bonkers
It wasn't supposed to make practical sense.
OK, before you over-dramatize this more, it's the pattern I need to see it work, the above example is, as I said, just an example.
Though, coming to think of it, it doesn't make sense to have the injection-ability.
Since Ajax() will be set to return an object of type DefaultAjax from phpdoc.
Well, it seems the harder I try, the more I think I should keep using COP (class-op)
Would someone help, it seems I couldn't be able show contents of my three dimensional loop with 'for' loop, any hand?
@mika use foreach thrice, should be easy. Oh, I think you meant 3d array, not loop. Loops don't have dimensions.
@Christian COPout (tm)
Okay, on sorry
yes, 3d array
foreach($a as $b)foreach($b as $c)foreach($c as $d)...;
@tereško huh?
6 months @tereško
6 months arguing with you guys and getting nowhere nearer a line of code.
you might want to use recursion to parse that array
$a as $b? but for the second loop do I use [code] $thearray as $key2=>$val2[/code] ?
@Christian , it because to us you code makes no sense
@tereško I have no idea to make it any more clear.
@mika And you expected a bird to tell me that? Simply adapt my code to your use.
well .. in that question you posted, there is a View which connects to Database
@tereško That is practical code that actually works.
i do not doubt that it works
Keep in mind that by "view" I mean a block of code that generates output, not a view in an mvc system
What bird? Okay, what is the syntax here in the chat to write codes? to be able to show you a few lines of codes?
surround the code with backticks: `
or with multiline code, clicking the button (next to button)
thanks. ´$continents = array('europe' => array('africa' =>array('ethiopia' =>array('aa', 'gm', 'bd'),
'eriteria' =>array('as', 'ms', 'as'),
'sudan' =>array('kr', 'ju', 'dr')),
'asia' => array('japan' =>array('kn', 'ky', 'to'),
'china'=>array('ds', 'dd'))));´
Somehow the format didn't come good :(
But I guess you know what I am trying to accomplish here.
@MattMcDonald I don't think it needs to be recursive since he specifically said it is limited to the 3rd dimension / loop
...and the goalposts won't shift at some point?
once you get past one dimension, things can get hairy
@tereško I've no idea what to do at this point. I've read two books on software design, very enlightening, but didn't help out much either.
@MattMcDonald Why? If his array is hard code, I don't see that a possibility.
have you ever worked on a client application?
@MattMcDonald And according to you, it gets easier by adding recursive logic?
I'll take that over 3 nested loops
^ offtopic
here is what I have tried
´for ($num = 0; $num < 3; $num++) {
echo "num $num<br />";
for ($idk = 0; $idk < 3; $idk++) {
for ($idka = 0; $idka < 3; $idka++) {
echo $continents[$num][$idk][$idka];

But it keeps displaying just the wrong idea
@mika , edit that long block and clock "foxed font" button
since I wanted to iterate through the array
@tereško Ah, I was trying to understand what it had to do with my recurring issue :D
naah , it's just me being manga-geek
oh nice, I edited it
you might want to fix the whitespace so it's more readable
@tereško All of a sudden I have this urge to write a letter for a brand new PHP framework that works without having people shout "omg static" at me. lol
sorry .. i do not understand the urge
gonna re-read the post
@Matt, yeah sorry guys, I am new over here and it seems I couldn't get to edit my code on the chat easily. But thanks guys bye
at least look at the code I posted first
yeah, I saw that
@tereško Let's try a different approach. How would you write a framework from scratch? What's the first thing you put in it?
I'd put a README in the framework first
@Christian , bootstrap file
@tereško OK, good. I'm on the right track so far. How would it look like?
a file which wires different object to gather
a lot of new operators , few factories , some config file loaded
and at the bottom execution of the application and rendering of the response
when bootstrap is done , i would make an autoloader and then routing
@tereško in my case, I've heavily decoupled that part. Individual objects decide themselves when/where/how to render.
( which is exactly what i am working on right now )
@tereško Yeah, but I can't see it, right (fracture)?
yeah , i scraped it , because the experimental app for which i used it ended up somewhat abominable
conclusion : something went wrong
well, I must say I'm very interested to see how it looked like..but it's your decision if you want this or not...
yeah . right now there is only an empty repo left
@tereško :P
anyway, I've seen some existing bootloaders.
What I didn't like is the hard-dependency on certain classes.
For example, what if I wanted to add a feature to the router later on (dynamically)?
If it were hard-coded in the bootloader, I won't be able to do this.
Hence why offload this loading step to a latter stage (eg; the Ajax function).
So the bootloader would just have to load the minimal files (the rest are autoloaded).
well .. in my case bootstrap file is in the "application" folder , which means that you are free to add and remove wahtever you want
I'm using $last_key =array_pop(array_keys($array)) to get the last key in an array but I get the following error "Only variables should be passed by reference". Any idea?
not like router .. use your own , just make sure it can spit out the name of controller
@sorin $keys = array_keys($array); $last_key = array_pop($keys);
( ok , thats over simplifying it , but illustrate the idea )
To be honest, I'm a bit surprised. And annoyed, a*lot*.
@Christian Thanks !
This is the first time I've had a coding-related issue taking up this long.
because you are trying to do it right
for any definition of "right" that you have
usually the goal has to stages :
1. make it work
@tereško You really had to be negative, huh? :P
2. get money
Well, it 'works' and my boss is 'making money'.
But I don't code for money (except my fulltime job).
While the older framework does drive a load of websites we did, and it makes development significantly faster than it used to be, it wasn't intended to be used there.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have open-sourced it
But yeah, from a guy that wrote everything from win32-api-based debuggers to high performance web crawlers (don't ask why), this framework issue is really strange.
yeah, need optimisation
because, for/for/for
On the other hand, it's true this is the first time I have to check what I code, from several points of view (some of which conflicting even!).
@tereško what's a bootstrap file?
@user705339 it loads the rest of the system
what he said
@Christian something like an application file? where many of the core functionalities are defined?
No. It just loads those applications.
bios > bootstrap > os
Think of it like the computer's BIOS, it loads the hardware, finds the first harddisk and runs the first few bytes in it (very simplified).
have you ever used or researched any of frameworks ?
@Christian no, I haven't
@tereško no, i haven't
does Wordpress have something like that?
i'm afraid to check
i might catch some brain-rotting disease
@user705339 It's split in some 3 files. It's not really apparent where it stars and ends.
ok.....how's it different from a configuration file?
@user705339 A config file only has settings
A boot file usually loads the settings file.
@Christian so, the bootstrap file loads the config file, right?
1 min ago, by Christian
A boot file usually loads the settings file.
@tereško thanks
there is a wiki-page on that
@tereško so, what frameworks would you recommend for someone to start digging into, especially since Wordpress is a no-no for you?
have you any knowledge about OOP ?
@user705339 While I'm sure @tereško has loads to say about it, there's ample discussion on the internet at large.
@tereško a little
@user705339 , then start with the list of videos in this link ( the "starting with OOP" part):
A: PHP OOP core framework

tereškoThe original question The first part, about the URLs is something called: Routing or Dispatching. There is quite good article about it in relationship with Symfony 2.x, but the the idea behind it is what matters. Also, you might looks at ways how other frameworks implement it. As for your origi...

@Christian while that is true, I've been listening to a lot of conversations on here, and Teresko seems to be packed with a lot of substance....ergo, he has some knowledge I believe worth sharing
also .. emm .. "starting with OOP" does not sound english =/
class User extends Database <- you never cease to amaze me @tereško :D
@Christian , usually you have a longer chain .. Table extends Database , ActiveRecord extends Table and then User extends ActiveRecord
@user705339 are you familiar with the mvc software architecture?
and i did not pull that example out of my ars .. thats how people implement activerecord in php , @Christian
@SpyrosAHajisavvas mainly in theory
@SpyrosAHajisavvas Give him a break. You don't want the guy running off screaming in terror.
i say go hardcore
let him finish the video
just dig in
i mean as mvcs go
just try codeigniter
thats "user f(r)iendly" enough
@SpyrosAHajisavvas , you just lost any last shred of respect in this chat room
@tereško Seconded.
im not saying i used it
i *didnt use it
have you read the source ?
oh yes
its fucked
then you are just evil
i was forced to work on it
work with it >.>
so , its not like sith evil , more like clockwork orange evil
thats more like it
i had to work with 1.7
but out of interest looked up v2
well its improved compared to 1.7 but...
I have made a login for a website with PHP, you enter email and password, it checks the database for whether they're correct and in the same row (I know for a fact that they are as I'm logged into PHPmyAdmin) but it's returning with the error "The email and password do not match our records."
the method you're using is?
Easiest and best way to do a login check is to do a query along the lines of this:

SELECT * FROM `UserTable` where `Username` = '$suppliedusername' and `Password` = '$suppliedpassword' limit 1;
Sorry, didn't know how much detail to write in here. This is where I think the problem is: $q = "SELECT user_id, first_name FROM site_users WHERE email='$e' AND pass=SHA1('$p')";
$r = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $q); //run the query

//check the result and making sure that both fields are in the same row
if(mysqli_num_rows($r) == 1)
//fetch the record
$row = mysqli_fetch_array ($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC);

//return true and the record:
return array(true, $row);
if (mysql_num_rows($thatabovesql) > 0) awsome, you're logged in...
actually you should select only user details based on email address ( because that is the unique field in table ) and then on php side compare the hashed passwords
and stop using the @ operator
it is slow and harmful
trap for errors, don't suppress them.
if (!$r = mysql_query($dbc,$q))
as simple SHA1 is not secure enough
@tereško And yeah, hashed PWs is more secure...
Okay, well I'm new to this, I'm finding it pretty interesting but this issue is driving me up the wall. Using a book to help me and they have used the @ operator, what should I use instead?
burn the book
if (!$r = mysql_query($sql,$dbconnection))
echo mysql_error();
Do something with the result
ok .. donate to library , but you really should not be learning anything else from it
Don't buy books on programming...
google is your friend, the internet has everything you need to learn from.
and it's freeeeeee
well .. @JaredMark , there are good books
:-p Yeah, but they still cost money. :)
yeah I do like that, but I have a problem with my eyes whereby reading lots of text in a club hurts them (kind of a bad thing)
copy-pasting from blogs is far from a smart way to do thing
so what do you do when the internet goes offline?
...like my first week in my apartment
Meh, learn concepts, not concretes
I prefer writing my code out rather than c+p as I don't learn anything otherwise, what should be used instead of the "@operator" ?
@UserSmurph , did you look at what manual suggests ? php.net/manual/en/mysqli.construct.php
the @ operator only suppresses error messages
like in the first example
just remove that operator entirely
and instead, HANDLE your errors instead of telling php to not display them. :)
the ! in front of those examples I gave is a "not" operator... so basically...
if (!$r = mysql_query($sql,$dbconnection))
echo mysql_error();

is saying:

If there is no result from the mysql query, then display the last mysql error.
(essentially... not precisely... I mean... the result could be 0 rows returned and the query still returns a "true"... the ! is basically only when mysql_query returns a "false" resulting from a syntax error in your sql statement)
@JaredMark , stop
ah terrific, so I probably have lots of errors, that's depressing. @JaredMark thanks, will try and re-write it now, been 'battling' with registration and login/logout all day
@JaredMark , why are you advertising the use of 10+ year old API ?
Who me? LOL
shrug... I learned with PHP 3, then got out of IT entirely to go to school to become a teacher, and am just now getting back in to it... so I may be a bit archaic I guess.
mysql_* functions are no longer maintained , they are old and even the process of deprecation has started
what replaced them?
MySQLi and PDO
so , basically @JaredMark , shut up and go read : wiki.hashphp.org/PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers
@UserSmurph , the first thing would be to remove the @ symbol and make sure that the DB connection gets established
then , right after the line with query() , you should put var_dump( mysqli_error( $r ));
that will let you know if query itself contained an error
and if that produces no errors , check to see how many results you get from the query
I removed the "@" as well as adding the sample you just gave me and still get the same error (my own error report) saying that they're not in the same row when I know they are
remove the condition for matching SHA1 hashed
try selecting just the row with matching email
Still the same error when I remove the SHA1, although as it's already encrypted in the table should I register with another user without the SHA1 in the registration script?
no , that should not change anything
ok .. then just fetch all the existing entries in table
with PHP or MyAdmin?
and make a var_dump for email row
no , with php
Sorry, I don't know how to do half of that
Well, to fetch rows and display them on browser (I'm assuming you're suggesting)
$q = "SELECT * FROM site_users ";
$r = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $q);
var_dump( mysqli_fetch_all( $r ) );
K, skimmed the link you sent @tereško ... love what I'm seeing there... was just totally unaware of the change.
thanks a lot for helping me, where should I add that?
@UserSmurph ... all four lines
add them just before the original
$q = "SELECT user_id, first_name FROM site_users WHERE email='$e' AND pass=SHA1('$p')";
alrighty, give me a moment
bad copy-paste
its $r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $q); =P
without the @ ... thats what i get for being careless
Regarding the VARDUMP : Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_fetch_all() in /home/k0929907/www/includes/login_functions.inc.php on line 81
hmm .. lemme check
which php version you have ?
It's on a university server but the book I'm reading from (that uses the horrendous operator) is PHP6
$r = mysqli_query ($dbc, 'SELECT * FROM site_users ');
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        var_dump( $row );
try this instead then
the mysqli_fetch_all() requires php 5.3.0 ... which was kinda release 3+ years ago
i bet your university server is still running 5.2 .. if not even 5.1
Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in /home/k0929907/www/includes/login_functions.inc.php on line 80 : regarding the WHILE bit
oh ... sorry
$r = mysqli_query ($dbc, 'SELECT * FROM site_users ');
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) {
        var_dump( $row );
replace $result with $r
its almost 02:00 .. attention is not what it was
thank you very much for staying up!
array(7) { ["user_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(3) "Ben" ["surname"]=> string(6) "Traves" ["address"]=> string(59) "46 Haylett Gardens, Anglesea Road, Kingston, Surrey, KT12ER" ["email"]=> string(23) "[email protected]" ["pass"]=> string(20) "95aec703204f5a0b28db" ["registration_date"]=> string(19) "2012-03-25 16:06:27" }
now, before exit; add another line: var_dump( $e );
basically what you need is :
for some reason it returned it twice: string(23) "[email protected]" string(23) "[email protected]"
$r = mysqli_query ($dbc, 'SELECT * FROM site_users ');
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) {
        var_dump( $row['email'] );
var_dump( $e );
they look the same
yeah and I don't know why, there are two in there, the other is "[email protected]" or something just to test the registration
now change this line : $r = mysqli_query ($dbc, "SELECT * FROM site_users WHERE email = '{$e}'");
they show up twice before first one comes from database
and second one is the one you entered
var_dump() is a function that lets you see inside the variables
oh right that makes sense that it would show what I entered and the db
the goal of experiment was to see if data you stored is database is actually the same as one you entered
so it is definitely connected to the db and it's reading the rows, so I'm confused as to why it won't log in, yeah, it was a neat trick, will remember that!
did you changed the line with query ?
$r = mysqli_query ($dbc, "SELECT * FROM site_users WHERE email = '{$e}'");
do it , and see what changes
this time there should only be two email addresses .. not "[email protected]"
string(23) "[email protected]" is the return, sorry FileZilla crashed on me, so that only selects the database value?
only one entry ?
did you remove the var_dump($e); ?
no, was I meant to?
i think i know what is the problem
@UserSmurph .. well , it server its purpose , you should remove it , so that it soes not mess up the output
mornings @CarrieKendall
/me is playing a tutor
evening @tereško
ok ... @UserSmurph . what do you see in the output
without vardump nothing is returned
right now you should have this in your code :
$r = mysqli_query ($dbc, "SELECT * FROM site_users WHERE email = '{$e}'");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) {
        var_dump( $row['email'] );
is that what's there ?
@tereško looks like the friendly teacher is out today :P
yeah I have that, it returns : string(23) "[email protected]"
ok .. now change it to output $row['pass'] instead
and after the while-loop make a new var_dump for sha1($p)
string(20) "95aec703204f5a0b28db" the SHA1 version is returned
yeah .. now you need to check on this side if sha1($p) on php side is the same as the value stored in the database
@CarrieKendall , and no pointers from you =P
what do you see in the result , @UserSmurph ?
$r = mysqli_query ($dbc, "SELECT * FROM site_users WHERE email = '{$e}'");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) {
var_dump( sha1($p) ); is that what I should have in my script?
no , IN the loop you need to output $row['pass']
and after the loop you output the sha1($p)
you need the ability to compare both results
okay sorry, just trying to work out what it's doing, I've not done loops in PHP yet
$a = 5;
while( $a = $a - 1 )
    echo $a , PHP_EOL;
this would explain
string(20) "95aec703204f5a0b28db" string(40) "95aec703204f5a0b28db481cf6104a16db8fa48b" that's the return I get (I'm not certain I coded it correctly though)
well .. are they equal ?
no haha
how are they different ? @UserSmurph
well for a start, one's double in length, starting off the same but then after the first twenty it changes, unless if the SHA1 makes a continuing random char
well , sha1 length is 40 characters
so , what could be causing the discrepancy , @UserSmurph ?
input is only allowing 20 ?
and where this limitation would be set ?
in the actual login form and the database
what would be easiest to check ?
got both open and I know I set them both to 20, I didn't know SHA1 is 40 though :s
so , what do you need to change ?
would only the Database needed to be changed? as the SHA1 changes the database limit?
or both to make sure
it kinda depends on your php code
do you anywhere in php side enforce that sha1 is 20 long ?
only in the html form
if no , then only thing you would need to change would be the database
thats the length of password
oh right, so that doesn't affect SHA1? cool
sha1 has a constant length
is it possible to alter the table or just drop and re-create?
it is possible
Hello everyone,

I've build a web project that could upload and resize image with the following script and i did minor change on it:

It works fine on desktop computers and samsung galaxy s froyo. But when i tried on android tablets such as samsung galaxy tab the upload feature failed. Everything works fine until the upload button is clicked. It get stucked at upload.php ( a file that i created separate from a single php file as demonstrated by webmotionuk ), it shows blank after the upload process a while and suppose it direct
@TwoClicks , that should be a post in SO main page .. go an make it ... just dont forget to include the question
alright thanks
i've tried done some research on the web, and stackoverflow as well but couldnt get any result for that. what i found the most are java and seems like a different discussion
@UserSmurph , when you change the length of the flied, you will need to register new user ( or replace the old pass value by hand )
ALTER TABLE site_users
correct syntax?
you had phpmyadmin .. right ?
it then why dont you do with the good old point and click
1) I don't know how to do that. 2) I like learning by code, and used to do a bit of SQL so thought I'd try my luck
well .. it should work
wors thing that can happen will be loosing the old 20char pass values
no real loss if it fails
if it fails , then mysql will show you an error and tell you where to stick it
hmmm it doesn't like it
whats the error ?
if it is complaining about the data in 'pass' fields m then you drop the table and remake it
'CHAR(40) NOT NULL' at line 2
think I'll drop the table haha
need help in understanding a small point in PHP OOPs can some one plz help ?
changed the table and column size
still same error
got it!!! =D thank you SOOOO much @tereško !!
you're welcome
how do you pronounce your name by the way?
@MianKhurramIjaz , you might need to start by describing said "point"
@UserSmurph , tereshko
i have reasonable doubts that you could pronounce my first name
ah right ta, wasn't sure what changed the accent made to the "s" hahaha
what's your first name ? (phonetically)
haha no worries then, thank you once again! =)
$a = new ObjectA;
$b = $a; this means the contents what $a had are now in $b as well ? right ?
similar to $a = new ObjectA; $b = new ObjectA; ?
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