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@rdlowrey '
it lives.....
@rdlowrey Is that our lost child?
Nov 9 '15 at 7:40, by Epodax
Can we please cv mondays?
plz ^
@Ekn Yeah
Moonstone gel
@samayo heya
@samayo '
The family is getting bigger here...
since when are you here @HamZa?
@Saitama can't even remember. Respect your elders!
/me hides from the other seniors
lol, will do... :D
I'm @HamZa elder if memory serves me well.
@samayo you're older than me yes, but were you here before me?
@HamZa Yeah, that is what I meant.
chat user since 2012-05-19 vs chat user since 2012-09-24
@rdlowrey o/
close enough...
@samayo That said, anything new?
@HamZa You know? I hate that phrase
@MadaraUchiha "respect is earned" ?
Yeah, I'm switching to Python.
@HamZa Absolutely
@MadaraUchiha ikr
but I do believe some level of respect to elders would be great
@samayo 2 or 3?
3.4 to be exact.
@samayo web stuff or more sysadmin-ish?
Python is great!
@HamZa I respect everyone, initially.
After initially? Up to you.
@MadaraUchiha even better
@HamZa Just getting to know the language at this point.
I should probably get into Python a little more
Currently Lisp is mind bending enough though :P
I've done some small stuff with python. Quite cool. Not an expert but I google my way most of the times :_)
I needed to know more than one programming language, just to find balance for my php-driven madness.
@MadaraUchiha that's the nice thing about python - it's not mind bending
@PaulCrovella Yeah, no, I know
Lisp is a really different mental state
@HamZa how dare you say that to a mod!
Python was the lang, I started learning programming with, 3 years ago.... :)
Starting another language midway would make me confused :P
Assembly is cool... If you don't get confused between Intel and AT&T syntax :D
@HamZa Have you know something about android app?
@samayo I did 2 apps. One hybrid with phonegap (puke) and another one native. So my knowledge isn't that great
It seems these days you can make an android app with java, go, python, ruby, js .. I need to create a small app but I don't want to learn java. I need something simple with zero learning curve, but also one that does not create code-mess.
Just spend one day to create it.
@samayo What kind of app? For a client? Personal/hobby?
@samayo well just setting up the environment might take half a day. That's even when you have done it before :P
It's a book, the data is a PDF file. So, I want to make those PDF files into a book-like app.
@samayo then just provide the PDF...
There are 13 PDF files, so a book makes sense. All I need is to create links and display each file as a page.
I see a lot of people trying to make an app for everything. For example: an app for a webshop. What other functionality is the app going to provide than a mobile website? If none, then just stick to a mobile website.
Me as a client, I don't want to install 20 different apps for every store I buy from...
hi guys
@swipeales hi
im so lost help me :D
Yeah, generally that is right. But an app is easier to access than having to type the address to find the website. Also, apps are more trendy these days, so people would be more inclined to install it than browse the website.
can i post links :P?
I think it is easier also to display ads in your apps.
Q: Display PDF within app on Android?

alexleutgoebI got very frustrated when I realized that Android is not able to display PDFs (in a WebView or whatever) out-of-the-box. So my question is: are there any (OS) JARs or classes to display a PDF document within an app? Does anybody have experience with using some of the standard Java PDF viewer l...

@swipeales yes.
Q: up/down voting system doesn't work when i add it to my html document

swipealesi am using this up/down voting script. it doesn't work when i add it to my html..Thumbs show, but when i click no change to database so something is wrong at database..maybe i have 2 connections because i already select from mysql data to show? i have no clue.. Please give me tips what should i c...

@swipeales depends on the question :P
thx guy
have problem
php mysql always say vote up
No thanks I have problems enough as it is
@samayo ooooh, you want to earn moneyz :P
@HamZa Yeah. I chose PHP over other languages as soon as I saw the $
php is most used guys :)
i was learning java for 2 years
but its bad :)
@PeeHaa ^
@samayo could have gone with Perl then, too
@kelunik Yes I'm splitting my time between compiling and reviewing/deploying :)
Try to contact the author. Some problems with your question:
1- it's a mess
2- no one is willing to debug an entire script (from an external url)
@PeeHaa since when are you compiling php?
ios/android blech
@HamZa @PeeHaa is running PHP by hand.
@PeeHaa RIP. I hope you have an SSD :-)
thanks for dislike whoever disliked in here <
@kelunik hehe
@Gordon :)
@HamZa I have but for some reason my mac is getting slower and slower after each update
@PeeHaa Use a proper OS. :P
@PeeHaa time to get another brand new expensive mac!
@kelunik I wish I could :(
@HamZa :P
thank you guys
I need a cuda capable gfx card. this neural-style thing takes too frigging long
@swipeales please don't play the "hopeless I'm desperate card".
Yeah you really need cuda for that
sorry i was depressed
now i found 1 problem im happier
but still not working
@PeeHaa And I'm not talking about Windows. Have seen a guy on the train yesterday...
i couldn't fix first problem for 10 hours
@PeeHaa my first run took about 1000 minutes. the result was a solid gray picture -_-
@HamZa Dang cheap Chinese knockoffs
@Gordon Are you doing neural style?
thanks for dislikes guys sorry for asking :)
Oh you do. /me forgets to read sometimes...
How many iterations are you running?
this was after 200 iterations
What was the inputs?
amazing @Hamza
still took a couple of hours.
@HamZa Yo dawg, we heard you had trouble downvoting. So we downvoted your question about downvoting
@Gordon Yeah that brain is slow as fuck
thanks guys soon ill be banned from chat because of dislikes
nice :)
8 more guys :)
@swipeales as long as you stay +20 rep, you can chat here
@PeeHaa input style was 41.media.tumblr.com/929d4223f49057021a1c9bb52196144b/…. content style obviously a selfie
@Gordon :D
can someone help me :)?
or you guys busy chatting :)?
@Gordon Is that neural style or neurotic style? It looks like you're reading internals after staying awake for 60 hours by drinking tons of coffee
I always have the best result with cartoonish stuff as input style
@PeeHaa I changed from the torch based lib to a tensor flow based variant,but it's even slower although it melts my cores
@Machavity yeah, I got 16 month old toddler. go figure.
Yes it tends to do that. It's freaking amazing the difference when you have an actual gpu(s)
It's seconds instead
It will cost you though :P
hmu with solution guys :)
I should preregister for one of these nvidia deep learning rigs
@swipeales chatting is more fun than solving an "unknown" problem
doesnt say on the website
yes i will pay , tell me solution first Kappa
@swipeales you've posted a shitty question with moving goalposts. read stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask and stackoverflow.com/help/mcve
if I got some time I might spin up an aws instance with an nvidia card
k guys sorry
i know its bad question
i apologize
but im lost
does this question meets standards :)? i have problem when i click submit button action won't work even though i added action=file.php
@swipeales i said try to echo your query than run that in phpmyadmin... — Vicky 5 hours ago
apparently, my intel hd 5000 can run open cl and the torch based neural style can run that but so far I wasnt able to get that working. and I dont even know if that is faster.
dont know what to post
@swipeales read the links i gave you. I didn't post them on accident.
thank you :)
sigh 22 iterations of 1000… started at 1429. now its 1544
might as well cancel it
@Gordon what are you doing actually?
Hi, i have problems with that class: http://pastebin.com/grnisKtY
It should exztract all hrefs from a website and store them later (deleted that in the code)
The problem ist that my code crashes at the point, where i call validURL(). I can somehow echo "test" but not print the given variable. Any ideas why?
oh i see... ;-)
@HamZa sorry for responding late, i made my own code but there is a problem of unset, its not deleting the line. check it if you are available pastebin.com/awVbNGf2
@Devilion trying unset in the middle of an foreach loop is calling for a disaster AFAIK.
@Devilion Instead of looping and using preg_match, I would recommend using preg_grep or preg_filter. See github.com/Hamz-a/php-regex-best-practices/blob/master/…
@HamZa what will be the diffrent between preg_match or preg grep if unset still not working?
@Devilion Using a single function is better than a loop, don't ya think?
bah, master has broken Aerys…
@HamZa Thanks bro, i fixed it
@Devilion welcome
ok you are all going to laugh at me, but TIL putty actually supports mouse input...
@PeeHaa huh? How?
By using "raw"?
I was on a debian machine and had aptitude open. I misclicked and what do you know: it actually clicked shit
My mind is blown
@PeeHaa it is nothing but a glitch in the matrix
If that's the case it's a pretty persistent deja vu
It can be ....
@PeeHaa can copy/paste in it on select/middle-click too
Gentlemen. The quality of this channel has unfortunately once again been raised to an acceptable level. Please return to the lemon discussion to reduce ourselves back to the JS channel's level. Thank you.
Select I knew. MIddle click is new for me
Oh god middle click is annoying. Insta sticky buttons / keys
wait, that windows accessibility crap? how have you not disabled that completely?
I have (AFAIK), but when I select text in putty (like normal top copy shit) and use middle click after that it's like I hold te left mouse button pressed. As in it expands the selection
> Requesting certificate ...
Successfully issued certificate.
Everybody say "thank you @kelunik"
No? Nobody? :(
@PeeHaa you need some way to make it clear it's a quote... people are gonna get the wrong impression
@bwoebi At present I'm just trying to talk with Dmitry.
@PaulCrovella In this case it should. But in the case of Laravel it's always so funny to see all those worshippers jump right on it :P
is there a variation of namespace_exists() ?
Not really.
Namespaces aren't really an entity by themselves.
@tereško Doesn't class_exists also does that
IIRC namespaces in php are retarded like thta
Anyone who can help me with PHP and ajax in wordpress struggling to understand it fully
yeah .. well ... I want to add an ACL rule per namespace
Namespaces are basically just strings that get prepended to symbols...
@tereško Programmatically?
no, with a screwdriver
@tereško search the RecursiveDirectoryIterator on the application tree specified in composer.json … I don't have a better solution actually…
dewalt may have an attachment for that
^^That would have been my suggesting (excl. the composer thing)
@tereško you're flipping bits with the magnetic part of the screwdriver?
Argh doing to many things and the same time and doing them all badly
Can anyone suggest a simple step by step ajax and wordpress tutorial?
@SamMiller before you do anything.. considder you are going to go down a dark path when you are going to look into shitpress
Ok, I understand just want to learn how it handles AJAX
@Naruto ah, another rep whore hunter
The only real thing missing from that single monster commit AFAICS is a #yolo tag @DaveRandom
pr: "Just merge it, you know you're not gonna read it all."
Yeah. That's how you get malicious code into a system
Forget about perfectly crafted malware / phishing
both those forks turned out to be crap @bwoebi I've gone with tideways profiler which is just a fork of xhprof but someone bothered to fix the flaws, like wreckless globals and what not ...
@SamMiller Google is your friend. "wordpress ajax howto" is a good start.
yeah they worked okay, so long as we only used one process ... it was always pretty remarkable that xhprof worked actually ...
you can use the tideways one for free ...
Don't blame me for the nightmares though.
@DamienOvereem I have been looking but none explain the basics just show you how they create something
Is that not the basics then?
Anyways. gots to go. Work day is finished. Goodnight everyone!
later @DamienOvereem o/
@DamienOvereem lata
Anybody uses owncloud here?
!!google owncloud
ownCloud ownCloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync and s… | ownCloud | Secure File Access and File Sharing An enterprise file sharing solution for online collabor… | ownCloud - Wikipedia ownCloud is een vrije softwaresuite met een serveronder… | Search Url
@PeeHaa not me tho...
Fine... I'll just read teh fucking manual myself
:P you should.... :D
@bwoebi I assume you did not bother asking Anatol before adding socket_export_stream?
@NikiC wrong
@bwoebi wow
That must be a first
I'm sorry for the presumption :D
human beings are able to … learn…
@bwoebi It's been known to happen occasionally
!!xkcd human beings
@bwoebi yu RETURN_ZVAL?
!!xkcd human
@NikiC because needing a copy … using ZVAL_COPY() to return_value would've worked too…
we got nothin ... I think @bwoebi learned :D
@bwoebi that's what I mean
@NikiC dunno, return_* macros felt more elegant
yeah actually I'd like that
@bwoebi ya
other things are also missing
we have RETVAL_STR_COPY for zend_string* but not RETVAL_ARR_COPY for HashTable* or RETVAL_OBJ_COPY for zend_object*
Why don't people assign variable inside function calls to make things more readable:
function getCellAt($column, $row) {
    // Some conversion
    return $column . ', ' . $row;

echo getCellAt($column = 5, $row = 6);
@ziGi assing?
haha thanks :)
Are you asking about having a intermediate variable in that ^ case?
@ziGi echo getCellAt($row = 6, $column = 5);
^ that's why, it can be misleading
Oh wait wut
I mean, I file that under "don't do that then" but people make mistakes
That's a copy paste error and gets burninated whenever I find it
@KevinMGrangerso you are saying that because programmers can put whatever they want, they shouldn't do it for the clarity of the rest?
Nah, I'm just saying be careful
@ziGi Forget writing readable code for other developers; they don't matter. Write readable code for yourself.
"other developers" includes yourself in 6 months though
@Ghedipunk that's a good point, but the thing is, if I have a few parameters, I usually have to check the signature of the function sometimes, maybe I am not writing code properly, idk
Unless you plan on leaving the project in 3 months, you're the one who's going to have to explain the code you're writing today.
@ziGi I just try to limit the passing of scalars in general where it makes sense
This is why I like keyword args. I don't quite understand the criticisms against them
Where position is an object
That's probably the best solution, the parameter object pattern. even more powerful than keyword args
!!packagist artax
@PeeHaa Usage: !!packagist vendor package
@PeeHaa what about overhead and 1000 of object parameter classes
gees nitpick...
!!packagist amphp artax
[ amphp/artax ] Asynchronous parallel HTTP/1.1 client built on the Amp concurrency framework
!!packagist amphp artax
@PeeHaa error has been logged. Fix it fix it fix it fix it.
I expected that :P
Jeeves doesn't like repeating itself
nope :)
@ziGi All of that overhead is insignificant next to the overhead of IO.
@ziGi It's never been a problem for me
Except for in composer ;) was that ever looked into?
Ok, what about structuring of the project, where do you put those Objects, do you treat them similar to DTOs, and put them in the layer where the information is being passed to a method
I often just dump them inside the namespace of the module it belongs to
How do I add a br tag in PHP?
tbh I tend to still change my thoughts about above
?> <br> <?
@JamesSnowy echo hex2bin(base64_decode('M2M2MjcyM2U='));
@PeeHaa yeah, that's the thing, I always change my idea where to put stuff, which leads to inconsistencies
ok guys, thanks for the input!
@ziGi That's why I always have to finish projects fast before I get annoyed what last week me did :-)
@JoeWatkins Does that pickle thing for generating package.xml files actually work?
@PeeHaa haha good point, I totally agree
@NikiC I haven't actually used it, but was encouraged to put the required file in a few repos
@JoeWatkins I just tried to run it and it spewed out a bunch of warnings and exceptions
I guess ... it's not PHP 7 compatible?
it has 7 in travis matrix

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