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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

changes to tests, also, I just pushed the test for this bug ...
sorry, I suck ...
Ah, the good old forgetting to git add
can you pull that test into master, or shall I cherry pick it ?
ah I did it
yay, team work ... thanks :)
@JoeWatkins MERGE :-D
yeah I did it, worked that time
superb :-D
@JoeWatkins github.com/php/php-src/commit/… why drop second part of this check?
L1-17 {main}() /usr/src/php-src/Zend/tests/traits/interface_002.php - 0x7f138fa72590 + 8 ops
 L12   #0     DECLARE_CLASS           "bar"                                     @0
 L13   #1     ADD_TRAIT               @0                   "foo"
 L12   #2     BIND_TRAITS             @0
 L12   #3     ADD_INTERFACE           @0                   "baz"
 L17   #4     NEW                     "bar"                                     @0
 L17   #5     DO_FCALL
 L17   #6     FREE                    @0
 L17   #7     RETURN                  1
the abstract is never verified if we don't output the opcode right there ...
so fails test with
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot instantiate abstract class bar in /usr/src/php-src/Zend/tests/traits/interface_002.php:17
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in /usr/src/php-src/Zend/tests/traits/interface_002.php on line 17
tl;dr because reasons ...
because of guards like this ...
I'm pretty sure it's right ...
is it ?
Too tired and getting CEST tonight … going to bed :-)
nn bob
You're up surprisingly late today, Joe…
yeah, running out of energy now ...
then good night to you too
> final $yay;
couldn't read past that
gn folks
Well, nobody's explained 0x7F to me yet
we're waiting for you to reply to yasuo ...
then we'll tell you all about it ... straight after ... promise ...
actually I think peehaa is doing something ... so maybe just ignore it ...
also, I'm clueless ..
> Given that, I assume it was simply a mistake.
seems likely ...
there's no possible way to rely on it is there ?
@JoeWatkins hm... we'll probably verify multiple times. bind traits also verifies
but 002 does bind a trait
check for ZEND_ACC_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACES in do_bind_traits and skip verify there maybe ?
but wait
diff --git a/Zend/zend_inheritance.c b/Zend/zend_inheritance.c
index 9eb7a0b..f390751 100644
--- a/Zend/zend_inheritance.c
+++ b/Zend/zend_inheritance.c
@@ -1628,8 +1628,10 @@ ZEND_API void zend_do_bind_traits(zend_class_entry *ce) /* {{{ */
        /* then flatten the properties into it, to, mostly to notfiy developer about problems */

-       /* verify that all abstract methods from traits have been implemented */
-       zend_verify_abstract_class(ce);
make sense ?
(tests pass)
@NikiC don't sleep now !
@JoeWatkins think so
well wait
the first time verify_abstract is entered, it's skipped anyway
is it?
are you working on traits? you have all my respect joe :P
Breakpoint 1, zend_do_bind_traits (ce=0x7ffff08035a8) at /usr/src/php-src/Zend/zend_inheritance.c:1615
1615            if (ce->num_traits <= 0) {
(gdb) break zend_verify_abstract_class
Breakpoint 4 at 0xa524d7: file /usr/src/php-src/Zend/zend_execute_API.c, line 1445.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 4, zend_verify_abstract_class (ce=0x7ffff08035a8) at /usr/src/php-src/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:1445
1445            if ((ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_IMPLICIT_ABSTRACT_CLASS) && !(ce->ce_flags & (ZEND_ACC_TRAIT | ZEND_ACC_EXPLICIT_ABSTRACT_CLASS))) {
ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_IMPLICIT_ABSTRACT_CLASS == 0 on first entry
we should probably just forget about that code ^^
Worst that can happen are a few duplicate checks
yeah, and it doesn't look like they are ... maybe bit cheaper to check before entry ... dmitry will fix it if he thinks it's necessary ...
changing it won't make it any clearer what is going on ... forgetting seems like best plan ... the thing is fixed anyway ...
when I run php sometimes I imagine a little dmitry just typing out the results super fast
that's pretty much how it works ... I think ...
as anyone considered to allow
var_dump($a->baz()[10]->this_method_doesnt_exist()->foo->bar() ?? 10);
as without method calls it works
var_dump($a->doesntexist->a->b->c->d[0]->g->nonexistent ?? 10);
not a single fucking time have I considered that ... no ...
why? if there's a reason i can't honestly see it
how can you see anything ?
$foo->getBar()->getBaz() ?? new Baz
          ^ may return null
that's an exception
how is it different from...
$foo->bar->baz ?? new Baz
we don't expect anything to ignore exceptions ...
different letters @Wes
wiki.php.net/rfc/nullsafe_calls this was proposed though, but we already have it
but works only with fields
that is my opinion, which i don't necessarily agree with
what do we already have ?
> Due to an implementation detail, this decreases the maximum number of arguments a function can be called with from 2^32 to 2^31
$a->b->c->a ?? is a sort of nullsafe call thing
no no, no it isn't
also, that whole thing is dumb
okay, was just saying though
oh, I missed a key detail
(the operator)
you mean in the rfc?
I thought it was proposed to replace existing behaviour, somehow ... because it's gone 2am and my brain is melting ...
eheh :P go to sleep!
yeah, I'm gonna ... nn all
gn joe!
2 hours later…
Morning All
1 hour later…
@Saitama DRY
posted on March 27, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

1 hour later…
Q: PHP : How do i convert UFT-8 string to a number

javadaskariMy code is : <?php echo((int)("١٩")); //Number is 19 ?> but result is 0 instead of 19! how can i convert uft-8 string to a number?

@bwoebi Even with a new clone, there are still some failures, most due to reactor ticking recursively, might just need to reset the reactor before each test. gist.github.com/kelunik/7d729de1a3286acbece8
@kelunik possibly try waiting for a Deferred/Promise (instead of just yield there) which you resolve after the assertEquals("a", yield);
does that fix it?
@Wes lol
Also: adblocker bro...
Mornginds all
somebody help me :-(
@bwoebi Why should waiting instead of yielding solve it?
@kelunik I meant yield the Promise with waiting (not Amp\wait)
sorry for the wording
is anybody here?
@javadaskari if somebody would want to help they would help you, you don't need to ask such repetitively.
Also you already have two correct answers...
@Saitama :-)
@Andrea I bet some PHP code obfuscaters use it to hide names...
1 hour later…
@Danack Aerys docs finally fully finished. Please, review it :-) (as long as you have time…)
\cc @kelunik ^
I have a question about MySQL even though this might not be the most appropriate room for it.
I know that I can do: WHERE id IN (1,2,4)
But can I do the reverse somehow? WHERE 1 IN (id1,id2,var5)?
I need to check if a variable is in multiple variables and thought this would be a better way instead of: WHERE id1 = 1 AND id2 = 1 AND var5 = 1
yes its good
Thank you
anybody good in image handling?
i have 3 folders of images of different dimensions so it is good practice to upload 1 image of good dimensions and make 3 images from it throught php
or upload 3 images separatel?
Upload it once, then resize it as needed - caching each different image size generated, so that only the first request to that image with a particular size does the resizing...
Can you please help me in laravel pagination ?
@Danack If not you … who shall I then ask to review Aerys docs? I dislike to be told to remind, remind and remind, but nothing's happening :o(
@bwoebi I will get round to it soon, but the people who are using it are the best people to ask to help with the documentation, probably.
@Danack I'd like to have the documentation (especially tutorial) reviewed by something who does not know it (well) … to see whether it tells a beginner what they need and is able to keep the tutorial interesting for them.
The people who know it can nicely correct mistakes, but I'm not sure whether they're going to spot well what's missing for beginners
@Danack And … what's your definition of soon? ≤ 2 days?
@Wes oh yeah that's a known issue and something I've wanted to fix. Since @NikiC originally implemented that operator, I might want to hear what he thinks about it
he already fixed it @Andrea
YAY! I started aerys successfully!
vendor/bin/aerys -d -c vendor/amphp/aerys/demo.php
[13:28:23] info Using config file found at /home/gourab/Desktop/aerys/vendor/amphp/aerys/demo.php
[13:28:23] debug starting
[13:28:23] debug started
[13:28:23] info Listening on tcp://
[13:28:23] info Listening on tcp://[::]:1337
[13:28:40] debug accept
[13:28:40] debug accept
[13:28:40] debug GET / HTTP/1.1 @
[13:28:40] debug GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 @
[13:29:41] debug close
@Saitama nice … amphp.org/docs/aerys is now complete too :-)
yup, i was checking the docs atm too :P
ah :-)
Feedback is very welcome :-)
woops, forgot a ../ in the URL
@JoeWatkins goddamn :D
@PaulCrovella thanks, fixed
@NikiC aw, that sucks. Though I suppose it would do the job if you weren't picky.
@bwoebi first question I have reading that page (without reading further) is whether aerys drops privileges for handling requests, and if so - how to specify the user
@PaulCrovella there is, but I'm explaining that much later (in performance section, if you look at the tutorial overview)
dropping privileges is not quite relevant for local testing/first steps I thought?
eih, in options section
@PaulCrovella amphp.org/docs/aerys/options/common.html the last point
Is this really relevant for first steps you think?
@PaulCrovella but anyway, if you run Aerys in production mode, you're warned on stderr to set the user
@bwoebi WTH generated that html?
@PeeHaa jekyll
@PeeHaa too much whitespace for you in source? :-P
Hotdamn :P
@bwoebi I'd add a parenthetical note with a link, yes.
Can you push the google JS stuff at the end of the DOM or do you not have control over it?
you've brought up sudo, so the topic is relevant
Or just remove the google stuff
@PaulCrovella you're right, added.
What does it do besides tracking visits?
@PeeHaa tracking visits.
It's slowing down the page load for me.
Probably because it's fighting with ad/tracking blocker
Dunno, the analytics should be cached anyway
any good image resizing function? as i am using imagecopyresampled is not giving correct dimension
At least I see no slowdown @PeeHaa
Blocking calls on a page about non blocking lib are... :P
… a great indicator why non-blocking is really important?
@bwoebi it'd be nice if the links from the tutorial overview were in the left navigation column, at least while in any of the pages.. (having the links for the current section at the top of the page looks weird, particularly when they wrap)
@bwoebi :-)
@PaulCrovella I agree that it's a bit weird, but putting it in the nav actually was much weirder…
@PaulCrovella should link to router.html
will fix with next push
Hello folks, is there an experienced Zend Framework 2 developer online?
@bwoebi also going from the tutorial start, which shows static routing, to the basic http intro with dynamic - I don't know if they can be used together to easily serve static assets (e.g. css, images) while leaving manual routing to just handle things for my application
@PaulCrovella I guess I should mention Aerys\root() again inside static routing (when mentioning the fallback)
Response Basics should include a link to a description of the various http status codes. Too many people guess at what's appropriate, and a little direction could help.
also just in general it'd be nice when you've got something like Aerys\Response::setStatus($status) that it links to the doc for the method
@PaulCrovella improved amphp.org/docs/aerys/http/router.html regarding that
@PaulCrovella the docs for that method are not saying more than that … shall I possibly link to the Wikipedia page with status codes?
yeah, the wikipedia page is good
(they have a nice table AFAIK)
Can someone help me with bash problem thingy ... ?
@PaulCrovella Like that: For reference see the [Wikipedia page on HTTP status codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes). ?
@bwoebi I should probably add that to country-data ..
@bwoebi you could just link the "response status" words in "sets the response status"
Prefer being explicit on the external reference though
that's fine too then
also while the docs for that particular method don't currently say more than what's on the tutorial page, it does give people immediate direction to the docs for the rest of the class - plus the class docs may have more info when it comes to linking from other methods
> the class docs may have more info when it comes to linking from other methods
@PaulCrovella what do you mean with that?
mornin' @Jimbo
@bwoebi I meant setStatus was just an example and linking to the class docs consistently would be good... so if you've got a note in the tutorial somewhere about setCookie, for example, the link to it would be directly useful
@PaulCrovella Well, there shouldn't be too much point in general about linking to class docs… Class docs is more of a structured way to look things up… tutorial is to guide people about what they can do and already (should be) doing a good job at explaining the things itself
also since you mention header injection maybe a link to the owasp page... (can you tell I like strongly linked information?)
the link to class docs in response basics is mostly to show the class docs
@PaulCrovella You do, and I do too. These suggestions are welcome :-)
@PaulCrovella [Added locally]
I'd save them all up until I've read the entire thing, but my reading shouldn't block
Have you guys ever visited this site: bar.com
@Saitama hmm ... interesting.
> For a while, I MX’d email addressed to me to but that made some people cranky
evil laughter
@bwoebi the code sample in amphp.org/docs/aerys/http/request.html should be using $req instead of $res
@PaulCrovella oh, typo… thanks … running it is obviously throwing an Error … but who runs his own examples? :-D
and the call is also $res->end()
(not send)
Bob, for how many have yall been working on aerys?
just reading i'd've totally bought that there's a send method
@PaulCrovella There was once, it's reduced to end() nowadays
@Saitama 3-4 years
@Saitama Look at the commit history… First commit actually was end January 2013.
That's quite a long time!!
We made it public around October last year
Honestly I don't see the reason to use a server made with PHP, when nginx is light years faster
i see, until then, it was private?
@Saitama That's the reason why the APIs are that well evolved
@Saitama yeah, private repo
@samayo nginx actually isn't faster (as long as you'd still use a FCGI backend to php-fpm…)
Bob, have thought about the prospect of serving dynamic contents through aerys, like supporting FCGI, CGI, etc,??
@bwoebi It is the same thing that appserver.io guys said. Do you have an actual benchmark to support that?
@Saitama yes. You'd then litterally just have a responder callable forwarding data via (f)cgi
i see.....
@Saitama that would be then probably just a composer project which exposes one function to manage that for you
i really like aerys! it's totally customizable!
@kelunik wanted to do that
@bwoebi btw, are you actually using that thing on production server?
@samayo don't get me started with appserver.io … it's really slow :-D … yes, I did benchmarks, but nothing I've written down
@bwoebi wasn't it created? (by kelunik)
@Saitama what was created?
@Saitama yeah, he started working on it, but hasn't finished it
oh, i see.. nice!
@samayo currently the only real app is dev.kelunik.com (the chat)
Parsing Bodies: wrap the form string, horizontal scrolling sucks
@PaulCrovella it is wrapped here … which browser do you use?
I'm using a chromebook at the moment
mine is wrapped too
@PaulCrovella That's nothing I can test :x
chrome/webkit are fine
@bwoebi not wrapped in firefox
thanks, will check
@bwoebi doesn't wrap in chrome either for me, btw
@NikiC can confirm in ff …
@NikiC I'll try white-space: pre-wrap;
@NikiC fixed for me in firefox? … chrome works for me now (and already did before)
fixed in chrome here now too
@bwoebi yah
happy easter folks
@bwoebi @samayo I started reading the specs but didn't actually work on a (f)cgi handler.
@kelunik oh okay … you're still planning to?
CSS is nice … as long as you don't need to test things on four different browsers including one you don't have access to…
Don't have that much time currently
@kelunik not now … and after 4th April?
@bwoebi the chrome diff was likely just from different channels.. using stable here
@PaulCrovella yeah, I'm using canary ;-D (v48 currently)
@bwoebi don't know
I used to use the bleeding edge stuff, but shit got really unstable on the chromebook (had to wipe it multiple times to recover from blackscreen bootloops)
yeah can understand
uh, v49 here.. so that's interesting
@PaulCrovella restarted it last time 3rd Feb according to ps ^^
@bwoebi amphp.org/docs/aerys/websocket/handshake.html sample onHandshake takes $req but uses $request
@PaulCrovella thanks
@bwoebi amphp.org/docs/aerys/host/encrypt.html comment in sample code should say port 443, and "The $certificate and $key parameters are equivalent to local_cert respectively local_pk options." should be reworded to "The $certificate and $key parameters are equivalent to the local_cert and local_pk options, respectively."
amphp.org/docs/aerys/host/use.html has broken links for the middleware and HttpDriver guides
@PaulCrovella I see, I've done that mistake multiple times … fixed both issues.
How should I pass an authentication instance to services?
dependency injection container?
@Jeremy When whatever creates your objects encounters your service, and it's asking for your authentication instance in it's constructor, you DI it
@Jimbo Ok, so in this case the authentication instance is passed from the loader to the controller to the service
Well, your loader should see controller constructor asking for service, then look at service constructor asking for authentication instance, then instantiate and inject recursively. You don't pass it into your controller just to pass it somewhere else
@Jimbo The loader should look at the services? How would that happen? i'm not sure how to implement this because my controller is what creates services, it doesn't ask the loader for them
When I say loader I am talking about what I think is a procedural front controller
@Jeremy Reflection to look at constructor signatures to figure out what objects are needed, Auryn is a great implementation. Similar to how Java Spring
The pattern is becoming more and more popular now in PHP, they all start off in the front controller :)
@Jimbo here is an example of one of my controllers. the instance created on line 17 needs the auth class. How would my loader use a reflection to inject? the loader doesn't create the game service, the controller does
(thank you for your help btw)
$game = $this->serviceFactory->create( "Model\Service\Game" ); // That is a service locator (anti-pattern)
Instead... class Game { public function __construct(Model\Service\Game $game) { ... } }
You see now how you need to do your service resolution before you start coding in the controller?
So, before controller instantiation, either use a DiC to create your object graph and wiring, so you can DI stuff into the controller properly, or use an autowiring injector like Auryn that does it for you via reflection
Also, probably best to call it GameController, even if it's in the controllers namespace
I see, interesting. This brings up another question, because how I have it set up now is a mod rewrite directs all requests to index.php. A router chooses a controller/view and an action to pass to the controller. The controller is responsible for handling services.
In this way I have single file entry through index.php and I can do that because a router chooses the controller to use for any request
what I understand from what you're saying is that services need to be instantiated before the controller, but how will I do that because it's the router that chooses the controller? the loader doesn't actually know what controller/services are being used
Yep, pretty standard. It's your "router" bit (sometimes you separate that into a router that figures out which controller to create and which action to run), and then a "resolver" which actually instantiates the controller with the correct objects it asks for, then runs the method with the correct objects that asks for. You might find this video useful (talk about DI) - probably want to start that from the beginning
@bwoebi amphp.org/docs/aerys/logging/intro.html "By default Aerys uses the warning level by default..." could lose a by default
@Jimbo OK, so presumably my issue is that my router is too simple?
@Jeremy Maybe. What you're doing is effectively what frameworks do. Rewrite rule, everything goes through index.php, router figures out which controller/action depending on url (typically by looping through an array of routes)
It's before you actually instantiate the controller that you need to figure out what you need to create to pass in - introspection (reflection) is useful here
also, @bwoebi, that same page should link to the psr
@Jimbo okay, thanks for your help. I gotta run but I'll definitely watch the di video and read more into routers and resolvers
and introspection
@Jeremy Sure. Also, check out what frameworks do, they have their own ways of doing it, but it's a solved problem
oh and I just realized the video is you
1 hour later…
@PaulCrovella thanks, locally fixed
@PaulCrovella how far did you come?
@bwoebi middleware, but my focus waned significantly a while ago
@PaulCrovella Oh, just wondered as I saw no further comments … it's anyway the second-to-last chapter
As for the first chapter you made many comments and then nearly quiet for the following ones
websockets aren't something I'm in to, I could probably give some better feedback on the Host chapter (which could be wrapped up into the basics, imo).. a lot of the rest of it I feel I should know amp better first
@PaulCrovella yeah, that's why there's an I/O chapter relatively early
Amp docs should be more guiding though IMO…
Next project to do after my next exam I guess…
as an aside I suggest mentioning server push in any kind of marketing you do for it
@PaulCrovella as fancy marketing term? well :-P
as a cool feature we don't get (yet?) with php usually
@PaulCrovella websockets is something often used as a good reason why you'd use something like aerys… hence it's the second chapter
oh definitely, just not sometime I've spent much time with
Also… any comments in general about language / tutorial being helpful / examples nicely illustrating it?
But definitely thanks for the minor comments @PaulCrovella :-)
language is much better than the last set of docs I read on it.. couple typos here and there I didn't mention, but will accumulate those when I get around to a second pass at it.. overall I came out of it with a much better idea of how to work with aerys, so success on that front.. it would be nice if there was a common example being built up and altered throughout, so the docs could build on themselves more and reinforce earlier ideas
a practical example like csrf handling would do well in the middleware chapter
@PaulCrovella Generally a great suggestion, but really hard to achieve. Certain things just don't go together well
@PaulCrovella csrf handling sounds like a nice idea …
It's hard to come up with good examples
@PaulCrovella there is github.com/kelunik/tic-tac-toe as an example project built upon aerys
other common things that come to mind are handling file uploads, which I believe was only touched on briefly, and sessions
@PaulCrovella file uploads are handled here: amphp.org/docs/aerys/performance/bodyparser.html
@PaulCrovella though, csrf protection isn't quite a middleware thing … middlewares don't have the power to prevent responder callables being called
this is rather what you'd put in an use() responder callable on the top of the responder chain
@PaulCrovella sessions are handled by the aerys-session repository; I need to write some docs for it too (that repo is just mentioned under the helper section).
if I go looking for how to handle file uploads, the BodyParser section of the Performance chapter isn't where I'd look at all
@PaulCrovella I admit you're right, but where to put it? It is pretty much describing the incremental functionality (which is what the performance chapter is about, apart from the options)
@bwoebi yeah, I saw that in Helpers but using it should really be in the tutorial.. needing to handle sessions is too common to just say "there's a thing for that over there"
@PaulCrovella amphp.org/docs/aerys/http/request-body.html is by the way referencing that page
@PaulCrovella oh, definitely. But first I need to write these docs too ;-)
writing good docs is a lot of work
@PaulCrovella I probably should dedicate one page for each of these things giving a brief overview of them and linking to the API docs of that repo
@bwoebi yeah, that was the mention I was talking about. Basic HTTP should have a Handling File Uploads section, as well as a Sessions one.
@PaulCrovella I just wanted to avoid messing with incremental APIs in this early place of the tutorial and go quickly to the interesting point (websockets)
At least in my experience uploads aren't that common
But I should probably link that a bit more prominently as in a tiny warning box on the end of the page? @PaulCrovella
It probably should be included in the example, I guess?
could help, I'll have a look at whatever you come up with in my second pass
shame about the middleware thing though, seems like a common place people are handling csrf
@PaulCrovella well, it's just that you wouldn't use a middleware for that
It's a goal to keep the profile of middlewares low.
Q: Fun with flags!

My Ham DJWrite a full program with a source code of 256 bytes or less that looks at an image of a flag and determines what country that flag is from. A zip file containing the 196 different flags in the challenge can be downloaded from here. Source: [Flagpedia]. These 196 flag images are the only inputs y...

You can do nearly everything with responder callables… middlewares are really for the magic of post-processing output and messing with the internal data @PaulCrovella
@Saitama Have you seen "The Big Bang Theory" serial?
Some episodes of it
But I know that Guy, Sheldon tho, he is kinda geek, right?
Yes he is
"Fun with flags" is one of things which Sheldon likes to do
oh i see
Q: Windows 10 Wallpaper - photo location

VMAtmI've upgraded my laptop to Win10, and I have this wallpaper on my screen: I like this place and I wanted to know - where it exactly is? Search in Internet gave me this old post about windows wallpapers and similar question on Microsoft site with no answer.

@PaulCrovella I think I'll put a note about Sessions to the Cookies part and split the body parsing in two (normal vars and uploads)
@PaulCrovella I feel like csrf is a common question though … should probably mention that somewhere in some way…
Added it locally to the static routes example … very small and nice example of something before the main responder callable
I have bin/acme version and need a name for an additional command to show also dependency versions. --all? --deps? --dependencies?
^ Seen dips above more
I obviously meant deps
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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