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@Jimbo now you have to throw the following at @FlorianMargaine
5) unlike Composer's lock file, npm shrinkwrap does not help. I'm sure someone on Hacker News has already suggested the blockchain as a fix;
@Gordon the reason it helps is stupid though
(because composer.lock has a github link, so unpublishing from packagist would still work)
> but a github link is still terrible.
@Gordon WRONG - it's not one person that has suggested that....it is many.
fwiw: I don't care about #npmgate. except for the jokes …
@FlorianMargaine which is why sane companies have their own satis repo....which means that all the packages would still be on their server.
@Danack you can also have your own npm registry
it's just a couchdb server
@FlorianMargaine right, this is a bigger issue
@PaulCrovella yeah, I completely agree
Wait wat. Why the hell is there a fucking package called left pad in the first place :|
@PeeHaa That's not the question you should be asked.
Or doesn't it do what I think it does?
You should be asking why the hell does a fucking package called left pad has 2.5 million monthly downloads?
@PaulCrovella this is so funny
There is another library with the following code literally:
module.exports = Number.isNaN || function(x) {
  return x !== x;
6 million monthly downloads
@PeeHaa becuase javascript cannot left pad natively
Jesus. JS people really lost it
@Gordon That does not even begin to answer my question
PHP doesn't natively adds 2 to variables
brb writing a package
You should be asking why libraries like Babel use an 11 line library for left padding instead of writing their own 11 line implementation and make it a lot more robust
@PeeHaa Of course they did, they chose JS in the first place
@PeeHaa its a micromodule architecture. i just made that term up, but I am sure some JS hipster will agree
@MadaraUchiha and why is NPM proud of the exponentially increasing number of downloads they server...
@Gordon :-)
@Gordon Let me try it in JS
@Danack Yeah, monthly downloads isn't really a good measurement for anything.
It's sexy to display on your github repo though
@MadaraUchiha tell that to the music industry
Especially when your dependency graph is persisted as a tree.
Look mom 2.5 million downoads!
@Gordon lol
@PeeHaa Yeah, and 3 stars
@MadaraUchiha Oh lol
Because no one actually downloads the library directly, it's just that Babel and other core libraries use that as a dependency
So it has a lot of downloads because those libraries are downloaded a lot.
That's why everyone who uses Babel got their build broken
Well imo package /dep managers are scary as fuck
All of them
@PeeHaa package/dep managers are an easy technical problem to solve.
But the harder problems aren't technical, they're human problems.
I mean I love them, but they scare me nonethyeless
This is an interesting read @PeeHaa ^
way too long
Anyone else annoyed at Chrome's newest Smooth Scrolling default?
I'm on Canary so probably it's been like that for a while for me and I don't think I have noticed it
lets wrap all of PHPs native functions into separate packages and put them up on packagist
@Gordon The problem is that JavaScript hardly has any stdlib at all.
each and every interface should be in a separate package
And the stdlib that Node provides is... lacking... at best.
So you're super reliant on libraries
@MadaraUchiha I know that
but micromodule architecture ftw
@Gordon Has its advantages
@Gordon I wish I could /kick people to another room :P
And TBF, this situation is relatively rare.
@PeeHaa see. what did I just tell you
The technical details here are minor
It's strictly a human problem, what happend with npm.
@MadaraUchiha which is voluntary
BTW I am all for small specialized modules/packages, but there is a limit
I am sooooo thankful for this github.com/umpirsky/country-list
@PeeHaa you might like some things in there github.com/commerceguys
a format string vulnerability? ffs
@PeeHaa notably: tax, zone, intl and pricing
I expected drupal coupled stuff \o/
some of it is, not these ones though :)
BRB. Searching SO for left padding a string
internet makes me sad
@PaulCrovella I especially loved the bug fixes on the is-positive library ;)
Q: Is there a JavaScript function that can pad a string to get to a determined length?

Anthony PottsI am in need of a JavaScript function which can take a value and pad it to a given length (I need spaces, but anything would do). I found this: http://jsfromhell.com/string/pad But I have no idea what the heck it is doing and it doesn't seem to work for me.

Hmm are there users of DOMPDF here? I was looking for good documentation but that doesn't exist?
And that the end result is toString.call(n) === '[object Number]' && n > 0 does not improve my opinion of JavaScript...
That's a really horrible way of checking for types...
you're uncool :D
typeof n === "number" works just as well
@FlorianMargaine nope, they had that previously
It was fixed in version 3.1 of the library :P
@FlorianMargaine Apparently that does not work for Number objects
but.. Number(1) doesn't return a Number object?
new Number(1) does
9 files for:
module.exports = isArray || function (val) {
  return !! val && '[object Array]' == str.call(val);
typeof Number(1)
@FlorianMargaine You mean that in addition to all that they also committed a broken test that does not actually test the fix?
@NikiC ^
@NikiC no, their test worked before the fix
@FlorianMargaine They wanted to fix the new Number case
@DaveRandom that's something else.
And they fixed it, but committed a test that was testing something totally different
@NikiC hahaha
@DaveRandom the issue here is when going between multiple documents (e.g. iframes)
I think it's time for is-positive version 4.0
@FlorianMargaine I realise that. It's still fucking madness.
how do I save a particular discussion here, I want to keep this as fodder for when I'm asked why I avoid javascript
@DaveRandom yeah, the browser is madness. JS itself is not that bad though.
@PaulCrovella there is a "bookmark" feature in SO chat
@NikiC Not yet, PHP people are getting involved now so there's 6 months of arguing about what constitutes a positive integer to go through first.
at the right, "room" -> "create bookmark"
@DaveRandom and the answer will include -1
Prediction for 10 years "Looking for Javascript developer to maintain legacy project depending on 36000 unmaintained NPM modules"
@Danack "12351 of which are unavailable"
@FlorianMargaine only in some circumstances
@FlorianMargaine Well ... if you look at the large scale, -1 is pretty much a positive number
@DaveRandom see? ^
@FlorianMargaine perfect, I never knew how that worked. thank you.
It's within error of measurement
@FlorianMargaine I am positive that -1 is an integer
You have this infinitely large chunk of positive integers and -1 is like right next to it
So might as well consider it positive as well
Javascript: requiring a library just to figure out if a number is negative since 2015
and I've never heard a -1 say anything negative either
Doesn't change the cardinality or anything
@Machavity no, that library doesn't exist
you can create it
don't forget to depend on 3 other libraries
@FlorianMargaine which indirectly actually depend on 10 libraries
can we have a compromise and make it eventually positive?
isPositive (int n) { return (uint)n > 0; }
ur welcome
So I guess Javascript needs a package manager too. I think I'll write my own and require both hookers and blackjack
@NikiC oh gawd
@FlorianMargaine The uint cast is there ... ah ... to solve overflow problems!
@NikiC eventually!
Now that we have isPositive, we can also have isNegative which will require the isPositive package and just negate the result
@Gordon what about 0?
isZero, obviously
@FlorianMargaine sorry, create another package please
one that requires isPositive and isNegative
and negates the result of both
except when zero is positive and/or negative
higher order functions modules ftw
or you could divide and check if the result is Infinity
that's a good way to implement isZero
@FlorianMargaine or -Infinity or Nan
And checking for Nan requires another library
@NikiC this is true.
And of course it will trigger for more than zero. But then it'll be "close enough" to zero anyway, so who cares
(well, it's a shim)
Btw, how large can the nominator be for division to only result in non-finite result for zero?
@FlorianMargaine So divide by the number and check to see if we've violated a basic principle of math to determine if it's zero? Brilliant!
@DaveRandom We'll obviously also need one for every other number... isOne(), isTwo() etc
so basically
@NikiC ask ieee54
determining the sign of a number is just too complicated
better not do it in the first place
js respects the spec for these kind of things, that's a good thing imho
isLiquidAtRoomTemperature() would be more useful anyway
@FlorianMargaine induction and dielectric heating equipment?
@DaveRandom Ah, what's the argument to that?
And what room temperature?
And what pressure?
And what is liquid anyway
Is supercritical liquid?
@NikiC Well, certainly sounds useful if you base your numeric behaviour on a specification for dielectric heating equipment
hey, it's a standard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes... the important thing is implementing a standard
754, sorry :(
Doesn't matter what the standard is about, the important thing is that you can tell people that you're implementing standards!
!!xkcd standards
PSR-10: now with 72% more standards
Sounds like a good name for a blog
@DaveRandom use it and I'll have my lawyers write you a letter so you can rage delete all your posts
@Gordon you have lawyers?
@FlorianMargaine I will get some if needed
@FlorianMargaine Notably plural is also used to describe empty sets
@Gordon Please make sure you wait until the entire tech community has come to depend on it for information about standards
@DaveRandom of course
OK, enough trolling communities in absentia for now, I'm going to go do some real work
I think @tereško got bored of our shenanigans
@Gordon I have no fucking idea what you people have been talking about
@tereško micromodule architecture and higher order modules. and math.
.. you might think, you explained it, but you actually made it worse
hold on, I'm making an npm module that should help
/me left pads @tereško on the shoulder
stop beeping
@Gordon LOL
@PaulCrovella That's just epic LOL
@PeeHaa Could you try it again when using "require": { "kelunik/acme": "dev-master as 0.3.2" } in kelunik/acme-client?
but.. what about right-pad?
@kelunik I will. Just not right now. I'm trying to come up with a way to map ips to regions and I have no idea how it is going to work :(
Is it just me, or is Composer really fucking frustrating to work with when you're not going through packagist for everything?
I came back from lunch at just the right time for these stars :')
@PeeHaa why the fuck are you doing that?
@bwoebi Client request
The problem is I have multiple regions in the US and I have no clue how to map shit
@PeeHaa tell them it's impossible
That's not something clients understand
ip             | region
125.215.351.23 | earth  | earth
@bwoebi depends on the degree of accuracy you're talking about
@Sean works for me
@PaulCrovella yeah okay … if you map it to earth like @Sean then fine
@CoderDudeTwodee Done
@NorthbornDesign try npm today
@PeeHaa Use the levenshtein distance between the 4 byte binary of the IP address as a string and the name of a state in the US. It will probably give you pretty much the same accuracy as any other method.
Nope don't think so
He doesn't even know how to help himself
Can't you just set max_allowed_packet?
@Sean Btw. I like that octet 351 … (you expressed it in octal, amirite?)
@CoderDudeTwodee And that's not enough?
> I figured out in order to store blob data into mysql using php I need to use send-long-data from mysqli.
What makes you think that?
@Gordon lol, I might consider it
Also, already have for grunt, angular, etc.
Just insert the data and be done with it
Sure it does
@PeeHaa isn't that thing needed for very large data in some way?
Did you set the param as blob?
@bwoebi Yes it is
So... you just thought "something doesn't work, let me try something totally unrelated"/
Do you know what send_long_data does?
And how does this relate to your problem?
really long is not a measuring unit I have heard of
Presumably the size of the chunk should be based on the value of max_allowed_packet rather than a constant 8192
Try making that chunk size smaller
That doesn't sound right
Oh no I misread it
@CoderDudeTwodee bytes
It's 4MB
If you are storing that amount of encrypted data in your db you have bigger issues
You have to restart the server to effect my.ini changes, and don't set the max_allowed_packet to a GB, that's silly
The entire thing doesn't make sense
3 mins ago, by PeeHaa
really long is not a measuring unit I have heard of
What are you doing?
max_allowed_packet=1024M === mental
ly insane
@PeeHaa hmm, I guess amphp/mysql possibly should do individual binding when packet gets too large when execute()'ing
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
3 mins ago, by PeeHaa
really long is not a measuring unit I have heard of
WHAT are you storing?
it's like 5 or 6 long at least
What actually is a reasonable ballpark guess for the largest data length you need
@PaulCrovella Minimum 6
Why would you put that in the database?
You'd put it in a file, and store the file path in the database
Store the key in the db by all means, that's not going to be more than a few KB, for any reasonable definition of "key"
You have no clue what you are doing and are stabbing in the dark making it pretty much impossible to really help you. You don't even know what you are going to store making any help wild guesses at best
@CoderDudeTwodee Irrelevant. The point is that if your data is arbitrarily large, it doesn't belong n the database
@CoderDudeTwodee is you cut out all the "begets" parts, you would make it like 20% shorter
!!urban begets
Oh yeah. It died. RIP :(
You don't do one thing for some values of a field and another for other values, you store the data in a standardised way based on what the data is. If it is an arbitrarily large blob, that does not go in the database.
Verb: beget ‎(third-person singular simple present begets, present participle begetting, simple past begot or begat, past participle begotten)
  1. To cause; to produce.
  2. To father; to sire; to produce (a child).
  3. (Britain dialectal) To happen to; befall.
The fact that the qualifier "archaic" does not appear in that definition concerns me a little
as any proper atheist, I have actually read that crazy shit
"NPM = No padding module"
Anyone here use Laravel 5.2?
I just came to star all the npm mocking messages. Thanks guys!
Hola @AwalGarg
Can I safely merge jeeves stuff @DaveRandom without testing?
@PeeHaa yeah
Oh wait. You can merge yourself rite?
@PeeHaa worst case: it's broken, so what?
It's already broken :P
you can fix it
@JoshHallow Probably best going on Reddit or other non-expert forums for that ;)
Hello, Is it doable to read the table of contents of a given pdf file and put it in an input of type select ? ? ?
@Joseph Yep
@Joseph Yes
@jimbo @PeeHaa can you give me a lead please ?
Search SO "read pdf php"
hey, it's not just about reading the file, it's reading the table of content guys,
reading i know and can and did do it
it's the bit about how to identify the table of content to read it
would it be rude if i said i know how to do a google search ? ?
@bwoebi lol that's funny
IIRC "asynchronous multitasking php" is the official thing
@Joseph Nope. But you didn't mention why those didn't work for you.
@rdlowrey Lol I totes missed that post @bwoebi
Just like we miss you @rdlowrey
@PeeHaa Yeh it's just silencing some inspections, no behavioural changes
Soon I will have time to play again
hola @rdlowrey o/
@DaveRandom Can you merge or do I have to go all the way over to github and do it myself?
We've just been pushing towards a big deliverable due on March 31 for all of 2016
@rdlowrey \o/
@PeeHaa because by the looks of it, none of those worked for the ones who tried and most of the answers mention python and c++, no php based solutions .
Also, this is awesome:
Mar 16 at 14:09, by Phil Sturgeon
once again now that folks are awake, https://gist.github.com/philsturgeon/366630069e1d258223fd
@PeeHaa Yeh I'll do it, just PR'd because didn't want to step on anyone's toes or fuck up any pending feature branches with new history and force to someone to rebase at an inconvenient time
Is there really a convenient time?
Well not really, but I hate it when I'm about to merge something and someone pushes something that makes me have to resolve a bunch of merge conflicts like 10 mins before
Yeah. I don't think anybody is doing something fancy atm. @Sean is also slow with contributing so there shouldn't be a problem
@Joseph your biggest problem is that most PDFs won't have a structured ToC that is sanely distinguishable from the rest of the document
it's one of those things where there's a million and one ways to encode it, it renders fine so a human can understand but a computer... not so much
The other big problem is that PDF was designed by Adobe so it is insane/incomprehensible/expletive deleted/expletive deleted/expletive deleted
the most accurate way to handle it is to farm it out to a conversion vendor, then expect them to fuck it up and extract it manually yourself
@DaveRandom Wasn't there a mandatory SO link regarding the PDF nonstandard?
I think it was the funniest comments question
That's about PSD, but the same applies
@PeeHaa no, it's about the psd standard
I started dissecting FPDF once. I will not be doing that again.
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

halcyhttp://code.google.com/p/xee/source/browse/XeePhotoshopLoader.m?r=f16763d221dfca6253983824b470adf553a19e06#108 // At this point, I'd like to take a moment to speak to you about the Adobe PSD // format. PSD is not a good format. PSD is not even a bad format. Calling it // such would be an insult ...

And then you've got PDF/A, which people harp on about as if it solves some problem but in reality is just xkcd_standards.jpg
link to code is dead :(
@rdlowrey Can't believe that. :P

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