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@RandomCouch no, what he meant was things like this: http://mailchimp.com/pricing/growing-business/
i.e. it doesn't matter what SMTP library or whatever you use, the bottleneck is the server mechanism
There's an amazon service as well I think
Ah yes, I know MailChimp, the application I developed actually integrates MailChimp, but only syncs mail addresses from MailChimp lists, I'm using MailChimp API but only for getting the email addresses, actually sending the emails with PHPMailer
Thanks @DaveRandom that explains a lot
I think you are using mailchimp wrong
"mind you" means "keep in your mind" ?
imagepng doesn't support stream wrappers does it?
It's also worth considering whether sending a bajillion emails is really a good solution to whatever you are doing. I have found it usually isn't, the only thing I ever do it with now is billing, and I usually do that with a single generic mail and a huge BCC list, along the lines of "log in to get your bill".
@Shafizadeh kinda, yes
@PeeHaa iirc, no
I personally don't like sending mass emails either, but these are my clients.. and some of them have contact lists of over 7000 emails, and sometimes they like to send mass emails to them all
Stupid api
I did a horrible hack that made it work without writing to disk once though, let me try and find it and rememeber what I did
ob I assume
@RandomCouch Yeah, that's something you NEED a service for. You can get in a lot of trouble sending emails in bulk
True, I can have my IP blacklisted
@PeeHaa yes, seems to be
So shitty
libgd is so horrifyingly memory hungry already, what's another few MBs?
$image = $marker->setHue($hue, $type);

// deal with it
$this->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'image/png');

return $this->response;
ah yes ob_start() I've used that before
29 mins ago, by Sergey Telshevsky
@PhilSturgeon I think main use-case for type-hinting properties is to remove the checks & reduce defensive programming
@RandomCouch why not sending with mailchimp? as in, you're paying for your list-size anyway, so why not let them send it?
yes! Certainly this is a benefit, I'll mention this.
@PhilSturgeon in Stack Overflow chat, you can reply to a specific message using the arrow at the right of the message
@FlorianMargaine thanks, im catching up on a whole bunch of messages i found in search.
@PhilSturgeon Another thing you can do is take the message ID (found in the permalink, after the #), and append a : before it
@Wes ok! I'll put a note in to "solve temporary nullability"
:123456 foo will reply to message ID 123456
@Nanne I do use MailChimp, but only to get my client's contact lists, my application loops the recipients list and customizes the message for each recipient, and then sends it. I'm not sure if MailChimp allows me to send custom messages, or if these messages must be defined on MailChimp first
Ideally my clients would use MailChimp instead of sending Emails with my application, but apparently they want all they can do in one place
@tereško haha, spotted this while checking for replies. it makes me sad that somebody is so grumpy to see somebody contribute to so many open source projects. hey @tereško, if you can think of any non-Phil Sturgeon™ projects you'd like to see on PHP The Right Way, please do let me know and I'll accept the PR.
@RandomCouch you can personalize them using the merge tags? I suppose you can even send them via the api?
@Nanne Hmm, I'm looking into the MC API right now, I'll see what I can find, thanks!
@PhilSturgeon you have been Googling yourself again, haven't you
@PhilSturgeon what exactly is your "do we need void" open issue? Do we need it for what/what would it do?
guys how to change the default browser in visual studio vs2015?
@Slashy we dont know. Honestly. Nobody uses VS here =)
LOL no.
@tereško "spotted this while checking for replies."
Why use VS for PHP dev? Very curious.
@DaveRandom so, currently void is supported. i have no idea why we'd need void for a property. Hack supports it, and... well im curious on a use-case.
idk. i like VS @Oldskool
@Slashy What does Visual Studio have to do with browser?
devlopment for web..
@DaveRandom i'd lean towards "wtf" on void, but if its useful...
Oh, you can use VS for web dev?
@NikiC Internet Explorer Edge?
@PhilSturgeon Pretty sure we don't want it ...
A void property is like a void parameter
C has a concept of void symbols, but the reason for their existence is not applicable to PHP
@Slashy Wait, a Microsoft product that forces you to use only the Microsoft browser? I am shocked, i tell you. SHOCKED
@Machavity APPALLED!
$reader = function & ($object, $property) {
    $value = & \Closure::bind(function & () use ($property) {
        return $this->$property;
    }, $object, $object)->__invoke();
    return $value;
From a bug report ... my eyes
@PhilSturgeon Basically yesterday there was a discussion where void and mixed seemed to be getting confused (I think because of void* in C). I personally cannot see any use for a void data store (like, can I never assign it a value or what?) in PHP, nor can I see there being any point in explicitly declaring something mixed.
@Machavity unfortunately, you cannot add a proper british accent to that
I wouldn't go against the ability to have an explicit mixed though, I can see the benefit if you have declared some type constraints in making it obvious that this is a place where there are none.
@NikiC was he reporting a bug or a co-worker there?
@DaveRandom Are there really places where it is really mixed instead of Foo|Bar|null|YourMother?
I categorically would not support using the keyword void to mean mixed though, in any context
@tereško Just sprinkle the word "bloody" in there and call it good
@PhilSturgeon void properties should not be allowed. Null properties should.
@PeeHaa Mostly debugging places and type converters
@ircmaxell could you expand on that, with a use case and an example perhaps?
currently a lot of people are saying "yes" and "no" to things but im lacking any sort of why either way :)
Also when supplying some state data to attach to an object, which is frequently useful e.g. in async libs and other things with callbacks
@DaveRandom oh people are suggesting void like interface{} in go as some bullshit "do what you like" thing?
@PhilSturgeon void !== null
@PhilSturgeon That's not what void means
@ircmaxell right im not saying they are the same thing. im asking why anyone would want void, and you're proposing another thing, which doesnt answer question 1 or explain why question 2
@PhilSturgeon There is already an accepted way of writing interface{} in PHP. Here's how it looks like: ``.
@PhilSturgeon as far as why having a property typed null, think about things like protocol buffers where there is a field that is present, but never has a value
oh not this void shit again
Oh missed the question mark sorry
1. what are the use cases for void
2. what are the use cases for null
@PhilSturgeon none
@ircmaxell Not sure I see what you mean there?
if you dont know 1, just answer 2. if you know where either have beeb answered (sorry @PaulCrovella), link me to it
@PhilSturgeon uninitiated properties on constructror if you really (think you )need it
there are no use cases for void properties. For null properties there are some limited use-cases (additionally, a deprecated nullable field which no longer can have a non-null value, so you switch its type)
@NikiC talking about a placeholder value (for wahtever reason, BC, FC, etc)
@ircmaxell If it's deprecated that implies you have BC policies to uphold, in which case you cannot change the type anyway?
As property types are invariant
I tend to agree, there are no uses for void anywhere in PHP.
@DaveRandom s/anywhere/for properties
@DaveRandom return types
@PhilSturgeon was referring to an unrelated void conversation that seems to be leaking in here
I actually don't think void return types make any sense in PHP
@NikiC sure you can, if it was nullable in the first place
@DaveRandom I see it as another helpful tool while debugging / developing
Maybe to help out static analysis actually, but not really useful for coders
Mar 6 at 16:30, by Paul Crovella
public null $unset_cast_is_a_thing_so_i_may_as_well_be_too
(updated gist.github.com/philsturgeon/366630069e1d258223fd with progress on weak/strict erxamples but not done yet)
final class ValueObject {
    public int? $something;
// new
final class ValueObject {
    public null $something;
@ircmaxell Ah, final class
I see
@DaveRandom if you buy that, then there's no use for any type system in PHP.
@DaveRandom Also not when it throws at you when trying to assign something the return value?
Even with that, I don't think it's worthwhile
eh. I can see some cases for defining instance variables as void, but they mostly revolve around triggering explicit errors when an api changes.
Sorry, let me clarify: I don't see the use in declaring void types in PHP
@DaveRandom It makes the API explicit
well lets park that whole chat, i like void return type, you dont, but the main point is: as somebody who does see the value in void return types, i really struggle to see the value of void properties.
the whole point of a property is to store stuff, right?
"Here is a lunchbox, which you are not allowed to put food in, or literally anything else. Nothing can go in here."
that ^
@PhilSturgeon the best argument in favor I can see is, "this here property you are not allowed to put anything into it ever (because we changed the api and while you used to be able to, you can't anymore)"
I think everybody agrees void properties make no sense whatsoever :-)
Guess I was wrong...
@jbafford oh so its intended for blocking things?
so it used to be settable, but GOD DAMMIT NO WE SAID STOP
yes, exactly
@NikiC OK, fair enough. I don't like the idea enforcing that a derivative may not return a value, though.
@jbafford Could just make it private instead
iirc that throws an exception
@PeeHaa im playing devils advocate to rustle up possibilities. i dont like to just say "No" because I personally dont see the point.
private would work, but not from the class itself.
And I'm now struggling to explain why and am going to go an re-evaluate that view
@jbafford they should be null, not void
@DaveRandom Why?
@jbafford Just remove the thing?
@PeeHaa then you don't get any errors when accessing it
22 secs ago, by DaveRandom
And I'm now struggling to explain why and am going to go an re-evaluate that view
@DaveRandom Ah. That's a good why :)
@DaveRandom it's not declaring "may not". It's declaring "must not" (or "should not")
@DaveRandom yeah, "may not" would be pants. "must not or error" is handy
granted, that's getting into pedantic territory, but a void property is basically a semantic sugar saying, this can not have a value, ever.
@ircmaxell That is what I meant by that and (ironically) did not write explicitly enough.
@jbafford i appreciate you trying. im gonna play with something to see if i can make an example or defense of it
@PhilSturgeon glad to help :)
if it helps any: a void property wouldn't make sense in a language like C, where you can't just add arbitrary values to an object at runtime. Your types are all statically defined. If you remove a field from a struct/class and then try to access it, you get a compile error.
in php, since object properties can be added and removed at runtime (subject to visibility constraints), you don't automatically get an error accessing a property that does not (currently) exist.
For the typed properties, would they only be supporting native types, or could you declare something like public $foo : Foo?
sure, you can work around it with __call and __get and __set and so on, but that's a lot of extra code, and it greatly obscures the semantic benefit of saying up top, "this variable, NO."
@jbafford @Danack has a nice gist to fix that but chat search sucks
@jbafford Yeah
@jbafford trying to make an example for this, i noticed what seems like a bug or at least unexpected, so you've helped me twice! 3v4l.org/qhAZT/rfc#tabs
it's why I proposed foreach-void. For the semantic benefit (and ancillary perf benefit) of saying, "we absolutely do not care about this value, so don't even do anything with it".
> Any parameter type hint or return type will work here, there are no new set of rules.
> typed properties
@PaulCrovella typing local variables isn't up for discussion yet, that's a separate feature entirely ...
@JoeWatkins I brought up the question because it's a question that'll be brought up
typing constants I consider separate, at least there's no compelling reason to do them at the same time, although they are similar ... there's less to really be gained from typing constants I think, since they can only be scalar anyway ...
constants can be arrays
nullable properties too, if any property can be null even if it has a type, then you end up with boilerplate anyway, if there are going to be nullable properties they need a dedicated syntax ...
that said, I can't imagine why you would want to set a type on a constant. its type is the type of the thing you define it to be when you call define()
@jbafford oh yeah true!
or const whatever = ...
yeah I think it a little strange too
yeah, its whatever you set it to then you're done. it cant change
ok i'll remove that from the todo and explain why
@JoeWatkins pleasepleasepleaseplease don't screw up and make anything nullable-by-default
3) Should fatal errors produced by type mismatch be catchable? [[3v4l.org/A87bs/rfc#tabs|Example]].
engine limitation, can't throw ex from compiler
@ircmaxell not gonna :)
also examples like 3v4l.org/8b1pO/rfc#tabs
@JoeWatkins @jbafford oh shit hang on. what if you're referencing another constant in a constant definition and they change?
dumb i know, but... it could happen
you dont need the new () stuff, they are compile time errors
@PhilSturgeon fuck that
class { const FOO = Other::SHIT }
the engine provides just about enough control over the members of an object to achieve what we are doing here, no such handlers exist for constants, statics and local scope vars ...
@JoeWatkins that particular one should be a compile error. And yes, it should be catchable
@JoeWatkins sure you can. Happens all the time
@ircmaxell can you explain, what would be the implications of making something nullable-by-default? I don't see the connection.
@tereško public int $age = null <-- that should be an error.
I think I read turn it into exception, but do you mean turn it into E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR ?
@ircmaxell ah, of course
@PhilSturgeon that's a good point
I will blame it on being sick
@JoeWatkins ahh, its ok. i want to know whats being done or not done and why, and "too hard" is totally a reason but it has to be clear :D
@ircmaxell you really can't, or when you do you get unknown on line 0, I asked niki about it and he said can't throw exceptions during compile ...
public int $age = 25.5; -> E_ERROR "What are you, like 12? Adults don't use partial ages"
so everyone is on the same page, so far (correct me if im wrong)
int is allowed to widen to float ... so that's expected ... we could disallow widening during compile though ... should we ? I asked that earlier today, may have been talking to myself ...
public int $age = null; == error, its got to be int
public int $age = 2.2 thats allowed, as @JoeWatkins says. mentioned in RFC
seems weird though, and i feel like it's gonna cause a bunch of people to laugh and phpsadness and pissmoan
@JoeWatkins you don't throw a normal exception, but you can raise a compile exception...
but yeah, that makes sense, Phil
@ircmaxell would what you're saying allow something similar to 3v4l.org/A87bs/rfc#tabs ?
we'll only allow widening at runtime ... fixing it ...
@ScottArciszewski and no, phpsadness is great. we're scratching them off slowly :)
could really fuck with them and only allow widening to float when it's greater than max int
@JoeWatkins just raise an E_COMPILE_ERROR, and it'll become an exception... no?
@ircmaxell I am, it doesn't ...
@PhilSturgeon that should be always a compile error. Because the default value is not a proper type
@ScottArciszewski phpsadness gives ammo to people who want to be dickheads, but that doesn't make it evil itself. :)
@PhilSturgeon just like if you try to do function foo(int $abc = "blah") you'll get a compile error
my problem is with the dickheads themselves
@PhilSturgeon that should NOT be a runtime error upon class construction.
heh, 12-3 in favor of deprecating mcrypt :)
so far
some of the folks in ##crypto said it would never happen
@ircmaxell ok here we go, perfect! 3v4l.org/OsslR/rfc#tabs
3v4l.org/PrMAQ/rfc#tabs Damn, thought I had you :P
haha, nicely done @Sean
@JoeWatkins ive updated gist.github.com/philsturgeon/366630069e1d258223fd to match your changes, and reduced the open issues
think this is close enough to introduce to internals?
yep, do it ...
get someone else to say okay first ...
@PhilSturgeon even if it's perfect, I anticipate it will be bikeshedded at least mildly ;)
but yeah
@PhilSturgeon gonna be on the road tonight, might take a while to respond to questions for a while ...
that second open issue ...
I don't like it ...
if we could declare properties final, then we could talk about throwing an error on ctor of object with final properties (typed or not) where they are not initialized ...
but it's a separate thing ... doesn't belong here imo ...
it's not the type that determines that the variable should always have a value ... it's something else, and we don't have it, and this doesn't seek to add it either ...
(nor is it prohibitive of solving that as a separate problem in the future ... which it is ... imo)
okay, I'm out ...
@PhilSturgeon I love you ... and good luck ... I'll keep as close eye as I can, can't do anything complicated for about 8 hours from now ...
hi bob, bye bob :)
@PhilSturgeon @JoeWatkins just fyi: strict types allow int to float widening … if we allow that with typed properties, we can just as well allow weak types too
and TBH, int to float widening is quite necessary … as long as we don't want to force casts…
@JoeWatkins I was thinking about final properties just the other day
@Andrea awesome
@ScottArciszewski oh they'd bikeshed free candy
what exactly is a final property?
can't be written to by children?
@bwoebi A property that cannot be overloaded.
"free candy? I'm on a ketogenic diet! Sugar is poison"
I can see it now
@Oldskool well, that isn't possible with any property anyway
@Andrea 10/10 will buy
@bwoebi Oh yeah, only works for classes and methods: php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.final.php
which is why I'm asking ;-)
@bwoebi a property that can only be written to once
a runtime constant, basically
think immutable objects, or properties on mutable objects that shouldn't change over an object's lifetime
would also mean we could merge static properties and class constants together, finally fixing that horrible syntax mistake we made in PHP 5
@Andrea not sure how that's related?
class constants are binding time constants
your final property would be instantiation time constant?
No, I'm talking about final static properties here
why exactly would you make a static property final, when you have constants?
@jbafford just put that in a trait:
Oct 6 '13 at 23:18, by Danack
trait SafeAccess {
    public function __set($name, $value) {
        throw new \Exception("Property [$name] doesn't exist for class [".get_class($this)."] so can't set it");
    public function __get($name) {
        throw new \Exception("Property [$name] doesn't exist for class [".get_class($this)."] so can't get it");

    public function __call($name, $arguments) {
        throw new \Exception("Method [$name] doesn't exist for class.");
/cc @PeeHaa - the __call probably isn't needed since PHP7 and EngineExceptions.
@Danack Thanks dear
I don't think that would protect against accesses inside the class, though, would it?
or e.g. in subclasses
@jbafford It should
@jbafford yes - 3v4l.org/vkiD7
huh, ok
Seeing as it's never actually called in non-broken code, it shouldn't have much performance impact.
@bwoebi Er, I was discussing this in the context of replacing constants. But one use is setting the value at runtime.
if anyone feels like I've missed any feedback please let me know. i've seen a few folks suggest people are intentionally ignoring stuff when really its just lost in the history
I still really don't like needing to use the magic functions, but I guess that's one way that would work.
@jbafford I agree with that
It's PHPs fault in the first place imo
@PhilSturgeon "a value of a totally disparate type" - disparate is a weird word, and not one easy for non-English people.
@Andrea nah, constants are a good thing … I don't want them to be replaced, ever
@Danack thanks!
@bwoebi sure, but the point of this is to get rid of the awful static property syntax
"Integers too of course cannot be floats" - Sarah Palin like typing detected.
@Andrea Is that really that horrific?
> If an attempt is made to assign a value of an incorrect type, a fatal error will be occur:
@Danack whaaaat?! :D
@PeeHaa yes.
@Andrea Getting rid of it is far too much of a BC break to be acceptable I guess
> As you might expect, integers cannot be declared with floats:
or that.
It's one of the things you just can't alter in PHP
@Andrea I never was bothered by it I think
me neither…
// Current PHP:

// How PHP should be:
@PeeHaa Not bothered by static properties, or not bothered by their syntax?
Ah, it's about syntax
@NikiC Not bothered by class const syntax
Goddamnit @PhilSturgeon. It's spaces not tabs!
of course, we can't ever make Foo::$bar do what it should in the near future, but we can fix the static property syntax (by merging them with constants)
I think there's more important problems than that
Next @Andrea is going to suggest we should drop the $ prefix from variables...
@NikiC One day, maybe :p
@NikiC Damn you...
@PhilSturgeon maybe change "Considering alternatives for this syntax could get a little whacky." - to something like "The authors of this RFC considered other syntax possibilities, however they were considered to be inferior for the following reasons."
cmon guys
no one helps :(:(
@PhilSturgeon Maybe remove "Erf. That sticks out a bit, we don't do this anywhere else." and put "is consistent with existing PHP type declaration for function calls," in the next line.
One thing that ought to be added to the RFC is explanation of "Using a typed property is a tiny bit more expensive than using a mixed property" - in particular, where is the cost occurred? Presumably it's only on property assignment? Or are there other places where there is a cost?
@Danack no __isset, __unset ?
@Wes I don't ever use unset. I only use isset when I can't be arsed to type out array_key_exists.
@Danack hahaha forgot about erf
@Danack not sure. @JoeWatkins ping
for context Joe:
4 mins ago, by Danack
One thing that ought to be added to the RFC is explanation of "Using a typed property is a tiny bit more expensive than using a mixed property" - in particular, where is the cost occurred? Presumably it's only on property assignment? Or are there other places where there is a cost?
ok, the internals email has been sent. gonna walk away and see what happens
> We'll have a nice, orderly, constructive conversation about this RFC,
and improve the patch as you all provide feedback.
like that? :D
get someone to DM me if you need me.
public $bar = 2 : int;
would look too bad when using ternary stuff, eg
public $bar = Stuff::BAZ ? 20 : 30 : int;
and even worse when they are nested
if you're nesting ternaries you deserve all the horror you get
@NikiC excellent joke … is it that time of year again? :-D
@PhilSturgeon your examples make unclear if exceptions are thrown on property access or after construction (maybe on purpose)
@bwoebi I can't wait to see how they top it for April Fool's
Thanks for helping out earlier
Only 5 work days left \o/
@PhilSturgeon you should s/fatal error/TypeError/ as Adam writes
@PhilSturgeon yes
umm, guys, need a lil' help here :), well, where are the operator precedence config stored in php source ?
@Saitama hold on, I got a link for you
is there something else i should have in phpunit other than
to show me warnings/notices and stuff. it eats them
@Wes -derror_reporting=E_ALL for php
it's mentioned in there
If you're not using an ini
thnx @FlorianMargaine , seems quite helpful!
thank @JoeWatkins
@NikiC i'm using an ini and of course display errors is on and all errors enabled
checking though
yeah... :)
apparently phpunit overrides display_errors
still no warning though. it dies at a fatal error but error was before :\
i've missed something. since when require() is not fatal?
Since never?

I hope I'm not utterly wrong…
@PeeHaa Warning: require(xxxxxx): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in E:\xxxxx__autoload.php on line 55
after that i get the fatal as well, but phpunit stops at the warning and continues
yeah both warning and fatal
i sometimes think it's a miracle that php works :B
anyway it's actually phpunit's fault
it only handles the first error and discards the fatal
it's a miracle that any of this "software" stuff works
my web server sometimes goes down untill I restart apache do you an idea how to solve this problem
I can't believe people are still whining about all this
> I'm no fan of all this typing business, but that's a lost case.
Well I expected it, but...
my web server sometimes goes down untill I restart apache do you an idea how to solve this problem
@undefined find out why it is going down
@undefined You already said that
Is there something wrong with apache
@PeeHaa my web server sometimes goes down untill I restart apache do you an idea how to solve this problem
@undefined Yes there is, that's why people go for nginx
Did you check the logs @undefined?
@PeeHaa I tought that mysql caused the problem untill I restarted apache
@RonniSkansing there is nothing in the logs

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