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Hard to decode in PHP, and MD5 is designed for one way encoding.
MD5 decrypting isn't so hard. Just get an amazon large ec2 instance or whatever it is
Okay, I'm done messing around. Why not try telling us the problem you're really trying to solve?
There is nothing to decrypt if it is hashed
I have a feeling the solutoin will be much easier on you :)
@Machavity PHP 7 uses jsond (not jsonc)
'select " . implode(", ", $columns) . ", MD5($email_field) as emailencoded
from $table_name
where $email_field <>''
and $email_field <> 'NULL'
limit $limit_cond
@NikiC Ah. I was close. I knew it had been replaced
Actually I want to decode the above md5 email field in php?
use a proper encryption library. You fail
@pirabdulwakeel hire a real developer
@KevinMGranger Sadly, I think that's exactly the solution he's looking for... :(
@pirabdulwakeel no
1. look into SQL injection. If those fields come from an untrusted source, you're vulnerable to it.
2. *why* do you want to "encrypt" (hint: that's not what you're doing) the email field?
have you heard of email marketing, we have lists in our system, and we are storing it to the file system for processing.
actually its working fine, no problem with the security, because its only for internal purpose. but we want to send encrypted field.
and then decrypt this back to the original field in php
MD5 isn't encryption, it's a hash function
@ScottArciszewski lol nice image
the article I linked explains the difference between the terms
we have a solution in mysql 5.6 or later, but we are using 5.5.3 which don't support to_Base64
@ScottArciszewski thanks, I am reading it
Regardless of you understanding the difference between encoding, encryption, and hashing, you still haven't said why you want it that way.
I want to convert it to anything other than email address, let say that my email is [email protected], I want to convert it to anything which does not look like email address. but when I decrypt it should be the [email protected]
> you still haven't said why you want it that way.
I have to agree: why?
You're answering "what" you want to do, not "why" (what reason) you want to do it.
We need to hide the email and then revert
So [email protected] becomes adfe33
Then gets reverted
we sent email to gmail, header contain the encoded field, when someone click and landed on our site, we revert it back to the original email
use a token
That's why people have been asking WHY!?!?!? 100 times
yes good one @PeeHaa, but how can I convert this email address to token?
0/10 will not use service
You're getting closer to the why, but I think there's still more detail needed
@pirabdulwakeel Lookup the token in the db
@pirabdulwakeel by having another column in the table, called "token"
Is this just for analytics?
yes @KevinMGranger
But yeah, token. If you want that token to be the MD5 of the email, go wild.
you select the row based on that token (probably md5 hash of timestam+email) and get all the associated columns with it
@PeeHaa, you are amazing, I am trying that token solution.
The persistent people in here are actually the amazing ones
@PeeHaa, actually we are removing that table once its sent, so token might not help us in here.
we create temp table from original list and send all records, and after sending we delete the temp table.
have you tried not doing that
I require a function to convert an email into a group of letters/numbers
so I can then revert it back. the token solution will not work here, as we don't have record for that.
I require a drink
Let says I sent email to the client, when client land on landingpage, we have nothing other than the encoded field, I want to use that encoded field to get the original email.
@pirabdulwakeel If it's client data that doesn't have to be protected then a straight MD5/SHA1 is fine. But store the hash in the DB and then, when they come back, pull the record based on the hash
You don't need reversible in this case
Never mind, missed the store part.
@pirabdulwakeel Years ago, a friend of mine established that there was a time of day, "wine o'clock", after which time drinking wine was perfectly acceptable.
@jbafford 00:00
Apparently, wine o'clock is 9 am.
@Machavity from OUR side we are not worried about security, we are purely hiding the email
do the emails contain newsletters or confirmation mails?
@jbafford yeah, easy when you're awake from 9 am to midnight…
email contain? this should be standard email address eg, [email protected] etc
@Machavity, MD5 and Sha1 is hard to reverse, and I need that to revert in php for sure.
@pirabdulwakeel are there no web development forums in pakistan?
@pirabdulwakeel Why reverse it? Store the hash in the table and then index it
@tereško, come on, what pakistan and what russia, we are all same here, we are human on the same planet :)
you are not able to understand english
@pirabdulwakeel INSERT INTO customer(email, hash) VALUES('[email protected]', SHA1('[email protected]'));
ok, that's why I am here, to learn it from you people :)
It's just an example
C'mon, emails can be ambiguous. He meant email messages.
you can get in serious trouble for mailing e
@KevinMGranger not email messages, email address
@Machavity, SHA1, can we revert this back in php to original value?
@pirabdulwakeel he is asking, what is the purpose of the email messages you are sending?
@pirabdulwakeel There is no need to revert it. Just store it with the record
@KevinMGranger advertisement emails
so, it is a newsletter
yes sort of
will it require to track user clicks that come from this newsletter?
no, we are tracking them already with our reporting and analytic works fine. we just want extra field with the email header to be encoded and decoded on client machine.
.. and now I am completely confused
My question is simple, do we have a function in mysql which convert email address to something else, and then we need same method in php for decryption.
I require a function to convert an email into a group of letters/numbers
so I can then revert it back to original in PHP
Yes, and it's answered in the link shared before.
We've been trying to show you a perhaps better way to solve the problem, but you've essentially been ignoring us. Read the link from before and you'll be able to figure it out from there.
41 mins ago, by tereško
@pirabdulwakeel hire a real developer
yes right, you both are right :)
posted on March 15, 2016 by Joe Watkins

Recently, I have taken part in some screen casts with my good friends at 3devs. The subject of the screen casts are extension development for, and hacking PHP 7 (Part 1, Part 2). Screen casting is a medium I haven't mastered, or had very much practice at. While I'm trying to plan the content for the show, I can't help but be reminded of every lecturer and tutor that stood in front of me r

user image
@tereško haha
@tereško took me way too long to realize that the fire extinguishers were the point of the screen… I'm usually automatically ignoring the suggestions…^^
@bwoebi You're in good company. I pasted that url in on ##phpc on freenode, and someone else also didn't notice the "also bought" section.
@Feeds that picture! :D - btw check alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/integration.html for code highlighting in blogger @JoeWatkins
I have a thing ... I dunno why it doesn't work, works for php, but not C/cpp/C++ or any variation thereof (supposed too)
(look at the markup)
perhaps you can figure it out ... I can't, so bravely, gave up ...
you just need to include few scripts in the template, and use <pre class="brush:php"> or something when writing posts
I did do that
they are all included
i see, strange
class="php" highlights php, but class"=c" or "cpp" or "c++" doesn't work, and I looked at the code, they should all work .. so I dunno what's up with it ... and it's javascript ... so I'm not about to debug it ...
there's a js error though
Uncaught TypeError: dp.sh.Brushes[registered[language]] is not a function
maybe I didn't register it
can't remember how the thing works and that link is broken
nope that's not it
@Wes I won ...
Night guys!!!!
\o/ @JoeWatkins :D
> Disks are the physical manifestation of storage. Disks are evil. They lie about their characteristics and layout, they hide errors, and they fail in unexpected ways. ZFS means no longer having to fear that your disks are secretly plotting against you. Yes, your disks are plotting against you, but ZFS exposes their treachery and puts a stop to it
@tereško ZFS?
Zend fread safe.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes, also Santa is not real.
what else is new?
@tereško well, while this may be true, it usually isn't…
@bwoebi That's what they want you to think...
I've read about hard disks with weigths containing like an 8 GB flash storage … (like of an USB stick) with manipulated firmware announcing 1 TB of space…
but hehe …
@bwoebi lets put it this way: all models of 3TB drives actually have different sizes
@tereško less than actually 3 * 10^30 bytes raw, physical size?
it depends
it can be less, it can be more
the size of blocks might be different, the amount of block
Hi everybody
the controller is different on different models, they are flashed with different software versions
there are dozen things that make them different
@tereško I've seen preformatted disks which displayed like 2.992 TB, but actually were physical 3.006 TB
and which is the true result?
what do you mean with true result?
But I've never seen (non-fake) HDDs with less than 3 TB physical size when 3 TB were advertised
if you write a 2.993 TB image in it, will it work?
well, just reformatted it…
if you take a full disk image of one 3TB drive and dump it in another 3TB drive, will it work?
it should
and every kid's parents should love him/her
@tereško isn't that addressable when reformating the disk?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier that's not what happens, when one of RAID-5 drives just died
let me guess, you can't have differently sized blocks with RAID drives?
nvm, got 2 go. cyall
gee thanks...
@Danack if we had null being a supertype even if its variance makes kinda sense you can still write bad code out it. you basically have to not check for null
int|null $a;
if($a === null){ }else{ /* int? */} // wrong as null can be swapped with any other type
if(is_int($a)){ /*int*/ }else{ /*everything else*/ } // correct, else would handle no value or any other not expected value
the best thing would be having null as sibling of other root types, probably and forget about variance entirely
@Wes actually, with type inference the if a===null check should still be valid
you mean as "typed null" ?
no, knowing it's an int in the else branch
unless I misunderstand your concern...
also, can you explain why null would be a supertype? Can you link to that discussion because I can't see it
we were talking of the possibility for null/void to be a supertype:
class A{ function x(): null{} }
function test(A $a){
    $a->x(); // you aren't supposed to do anything with this
class B extends A{ function x(): int{} } // so this could be allowed
wait i wrote something
when i say "void can return anything" it's meant as if we made it a supertype and therefore used with covariance in return types
@Wes It's void. It landed
@NikiC y u always assume i want to change stuff. change this change that. i'm not complaining :B void is just a name, could be mixed or null i don't care, i'm talking of extending the behavior
@Wes Because I'm used to people always complaining :P
@Wes I think that for union types generally this makes sense, but not for void in particular
@NikiC So… what about just changing it instead of complaining? =P
(Which is another reason why it's void and not null)
@Wes And obviously in the other direction
I.e. going from : A|B {} to : A {} is okay, but not the other way around
which is allowing a method returning void to be overriden with a method returning something else
yes but since you are not supposed to use void, it could be extended to void|A
@Wes "not supposed"
@Wes Regardless of any considerations of contravariance on type lattices: Imho it's just wrong to turn a void function into something else
If I define it to be :void then I don't want the next person to come along and add a return $this to it
@NikiC good point… so … how do I go from :A|null to null … or can I go to void?
Because they're stupid and think that all setters should return $this
@Wes nah, that's wrong.
pastie.org/10761372 why i cant run this code on ie 11 ?
@bwoebi when i say void i mean "no return", which is very similar to mixed
@gtzinos it's not PHP
@NikiC i think void functions shouldn't even exist
"No return" is similar to mixed by being the exact opposite, right?
I consider void the null-which-is-not-named-null
@NikiC or rather, no type
@bwoebi a common typo.. the keys are like right next to each other
@PaulCrovella ?!
@Wes Yes ... Mixed is top, void is bot.
@NikiC The big problem with void is its implied semantics … especially in cases where you intentionally return null (null can be a meaningful return value in polymorphic contexts) … using void here would be weird with the semantics it's supposed to have
@bwoebi it's a joke referencing bash.org/?5300 suggesting that "void" is just a typo for "null"
@NikiC well… possibly we should have null and void.
just null
@NikiC Also … not quite … void has semantics which imply no value … and (unlike null), you could make a child function with mixed. As the parent function has no value and thus if accessed via parents semantics, the value never should be used.
Void is more poetic
Void is like the as-card … value 11 or 1 just like it fits
We really should either have no void at all (and just null) or both, void and null.
@bwoebi so basically a function call would no longer necessarily be a valid expression... fuck all that
But void alone doesn't suffice all the semantics
@PaulCrovella basically… but dynamic callback passing is fucking that again…
@Wes hmmm...
so… well…
@Wes you definitely have a point here…
type systems in dynamic environments are hard.
@Wes that shouldn't be allowed IMHO
@ircmaxell why not?
i've learned something new today. doesn't happen frequently these days :B
@bwoebi because it breaks type safety.
@ircmaxell in which way?
null being a super-type of everything is a possibility, sure. but that causes other problems
because now every type becomes nullable implicitly
@ircmaxell not null. void.
void is no value.
@ircmaxell that would happen if null was a subtype of everything, as in java
and no value is a supertype of everything
@bwoebi then you shouldn't alter the return value of a void function
@ircmaxell the point is: I don't break the contract when overriding a void function with a function returning a value.
@bwoebi You mean subtype?
Because the contract just says: this value is not meaningful … it may have some meaning, but that's up to the child then.
you could, if you wanted to throw callables basically out the window in order to support a theoretically correct subtyping that only serves to allow for completely fucked inheritance
@NikiC no, supertype
seclists.org/oss-sec/2016/q1/645 // git 2.7.1, remote code execution
@bwoebi actually, you kind-of do
@ircmaxell care to explain?
@bwoebi ?
An empty set is never a proper superset of anything
@bwoebi no, it doesn't. It says the return has no value. Hence "void". It doesn't say it is not meaningful. Later extending and changing "no value" to "some value" breaks that contract
@ircmaxell I set no value equal to no meaningful value in the context of void
except that it's not
@NikiC but it isn't an empty set … it's mixed, but inaccessible basically.
@bwoebi It isn't...
@bwoebi In the super-type you said "this method returns nothing useful". Then a child can't say "wait, that's wrong, it's useful"
well… that's kind of a definition thing then…
the child can restrict the return, it can never expand it.
that's varience
@ircmaxell nothing useful = can be anything > it's useful with a concrete value
@ircmaxell void could be interpreted as no restriction whatsoever
but I see my logic flaw…
at least depending on the interpretation
@NikiC LOL
@bwoebi then make it mixed and document that it's not useful
> If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
I think that's @bwoebi's argument.
@Wes no it can't. That's the very definition of void. It has a very specific interpretation. return is disallowed in the body, so it can't possibly be meaningful. It is the very definition of a restriction.
@NikiC That's a way to put it ;-)
@NikiC and when I'm then putting it to mixed, or anything more specific, I'm basically saying hey, hear there, there is the sound!
github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues/6914 Wow, that's a damn useful bug report
I'm trying to write a presentation - does anyone have an example of an "options" object that would be passed around inside an application, as opposed to just being used at a bootstrap level? e.g. a PDOConfig object is only used by the bootstrap layer to create PDO objects.....it's not passed around within the application.
@NikiC maybe serializing out the details is taking some time
undecided between going to sleep or keeping the momentum by having a coffee
have a class of milk....and some cookies.
a class of milk? lol
i just walked back to my computer with milk and cookies...
i don't like sweet stuff, except @PeeHaa's mom
@Wes is she sweet or bittersweet?
how to make a designer cringe? i.imgur.com/WZyZ3bR.jpg
can't stand it. i'm going to quit F1 because of that
Ah, the beauty of microscopic intentional "im"perfections
is F1 the one where they compete to see who can make the most expensive left turns?
@PaulCrovella that happens only on american championships, like indycar :B F1 also turns right
ah... ambiturners. fancy.
lol. and they are like 20 times more expensive than left turn only cars. just checked. just for them to turn also right, obviously
To be fair, and I don't really like racing, NASCAR does occasionally have races where they turn right as well
Granted most of them are left-turns only but they do the occasional road course
tis driving me nuts here
cant figure out why: pastebin.com/GDX9NEeL isnt working properly
it works so long as I dont use the second set of AND
When you say "it doesn't work"....?
as in doesnt return results that it should
eg what i am looking to do, is do a wildcard search that return results if the display_name OR (wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='17'
AND wp_bp_xprofile_data.value LIKE '%c%'
that works fine
@cspray right? that's crazy :P
its when I add the second part that it trips up
(wp_bp_xprofile_data.value ='test 2'
wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='19')
AND wp_users.ID = wp_bp_xprofile_data.user_id
f1 turns more right than left, as circuits are often clockwise direction - f1 trivia nobody asked
wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='17' ...
wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='19'
at least some of the query is contradictory.
different fields
the fact that turning right is a subject of conversation says a lot about the sport
@Hybridwebdev how are they different fields?
@Danack different values
field_id 19 is storing their department, field_id 17 is their occupation
the field_id references a column
well......that's special - you really ought to read: slideshare.net/billkarwin/sql-antipatterns-strike-back
@Danack not my code, its Buddypress :S
@Hybridwebdev does the conditional that doesn't work return the results you expect if it is the only conditional?
but ignoring that - either you or I are miss-reading the code.....
which is likely with that screwed up indentation
It is more likely that the results are returning what they should and your conditional just isn't returning anything
  wp_users.display_name LIKE '%c%' OR
  #this block can only be true
    wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='17'
# If this block is false.....
  wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='19'
@cspray no results, as in the query doesnt return it
you may need a union or something....rather than everything in a single query.
(removed unneeded lines.)
@Danack thats how my query is structured
If you're writing this by hand....feel free to post some example table somewhere with an english description of what you're trying to match....
i want to get results where either wildcard search gets hits AND then wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='19' and wp_bp_xprofile_data.value='foo'
its the second part that's tripping it up though
I think it's possibly the second wildcard
pastebin.com/TUZVTP06 new PB with comments
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to get - but maybe you're just missing brackets:
FROM wp_users, wp_bp_xprofile_data
    wp_users.display_name LIKE '%c%' OR (
      wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='17' AND
      wp_bp_xprofile_data.value LIKE '%c%'
  OR (
    wp_bp_xprofile_data.value ='test 2' AND
    wp_bp_xprofile_data.field_id ='19'
  wp_users.ID = wp_bp_xprofile_data.user_id
yeah....you should really use ()'s freely - the precedence of ORs and ANDs is not obvious all the time.
Hey. Say I have a table (room, person, post) and I want to find all the people who have ever posted in that room, what is the best approach? Can/should I make a relational table that automatically updates some other table(room, person), or is this type of relation already built in efficiently enough? Or can/should I just set up my table to be ready for a query that returns such a result?
oops "Can/should I make a relational table(room, person) that is automatically updated"*
@SephReed you can do that - it's called 'triggers' e.g. stackoverflow.com/questions/24873135/… And you almost certainly don't want to use them.
Why do you think just querying the data would be a problem?

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