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I don't necessarily. But if it was arrays, it would be easier to keep track of new persons than to regularly search the array for each different person. I know databases are different, but I don't know how different.
Also, I'm pretty sure that there should be some 1 to 1 relationship between room and person somewhere. It would make sense to not have it be a table as it can be done completely automatically.
@Danack Okay. So DISTINCT appears to be the keyword I was looking for and from cursory research ("improve DISTINCT efficiency") the only improvement seems to be "GROUP BY" for cases where a "JOIN" is involved. Does this sound about right?
36 mins ago, by Danack
Why do you think just querying the data would be a problem?
I have no idea how using distinct relates to the problem of tracking which rooms people have posted in.
Or possibly, you ought to say how you want to query the data, rather than just asking how to store it.
@Danack It's a bit of both. I know the result I want, but I'm unsure what pairing on query/storage to use.

oops, didn't mean to post that
but this is my solution right now, if posts is a table(room, person, post) and WHERE room=42 is added
hey everyone!
long time no see. hope you're all doing good
if anyone of the three random people who always start screaming at me want to go ahead and get it out of their system, I want to talk to some of you about a feature I've been asked to RFC up.
I'm gonna be taking a look at typed properties, and firstly I'm curious to know of any political reasons why folks would be against them. I'm of course expecting "PHP IS TURNING INTO JAVA", and "Rasmus said it should be loosely typed!" which it still is, so they're ok
also im curious to know (looking at you SuperCompSci types) what else "typed properties" may be called.
surprisingly a lot of people are in favor of type declaration on fields and in fact @JoeWatkins is already working on a patch
@Wes haha I know, that's what I'm writing an RFC for. :)
have you seen the patch already?
@Wes absolutely.
the temporary nullability is bad imho. many agreed that unless explicitly defined as nullable just after __construct completes its job types must be satisfied
while in joe's patch fields can still be left accidentally null
@wes sounds like one for the nerds, but something I'll note!
got a link to that chat?
that would be really handy
but - of course - if you compare it to no type declarations at all, that's surely an advancement
right :)
@Wes not enough freehand red circles
thanks @wes
Mar 9 at 16:49, by Wes
@Andrea it's about moving the problem to another place. ok, the error is going to show up eventually, but it could be a subtle, hard-to-spot case, as opposed to having it immediately showing up after construction.
i do sound wise occasionally
@FélixGagnon-Grenier mspaint FTW
what, you mean it doesn't ship with red?
isn't that red #colorblinddesigner
time to go to bed for me
gn phpeeps
do typed properties need to have void available?
"Here is a thing, which will definitely not do anything. ever"
maybe null @PhilSturgeon public float|null $possiblyFloat;
@wes i dont think we want to get into a void vs. null chat, nor a union type chat in this RFC
what i meant is, i would add that in a later moment
this implementation intentionally says "if you want an array, it has to be an array. a null is no good"
ahh ok
ooch, not sure if this is ideal 3v4l.org/YjrcU/rfc#tabs
Good Morning!!
have at it
Typed Properties are super weak:

<code php>
class Foo {
	public int $bar = 2.2;

var_dump((new Foo)->bar); // float(2.2)
yeah right?
this is something im checking with joe, doesn't seem right
i expected it to fail. ran it in 3v4l and it worked, so i documented it and put a WTF in the list.
that result doesn't even match parameter/return types in weak mode
haha right
I'm guessing Joe's not checking default values currently
Would explain why public int $bar = "turtle"; doesn't immediately throw an error
yeah, seems that way.
> ==== Similarities to HHVM ====
This should probably say Hack.
HHVM isn't a different language in itself, and I don't think it permits typed properties in PHP code
yeah i couldnt entirely remember, i know hhvm had some new stuff in it for a bit, but i think they dialed that back
I dont even go here™
I'm not sure there's any reason to mention aliases at all, typed properties just follow parameter and return types here
Similarly, re: "This can be any scalar type, array, callable, class name, interface name, etc.", I would just put that any type declaration valid for a parameter or return type is valid here too (with the notable exception of void, but you could avoid this problem by not mentioning return types)
Oh, and the proposal should probably mention that typed properties are always strict, unlike parameter and return types
> mention that typed properties are always strict
yes! thank you, forgot about that.
"Seeing as properties are usually not externally modified, its less of an issue" or something?
just so i can write it well, why is it ok for properties to be strict but params and return types?
@PhilSturgeon Ask @Joe about it, but there's two reasons I can think of. 1) You should know what types you're dealing with for an object's internal state, you really don't want PHP mangling it. 2) I don't know (and I don't think Joe does either) how to do optional weak typing here.
ok ive put that in my ping list for Joe. going to bed now, thanks for awesome feedback as always @Andrea
2 hours later…
posted on March 16, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@PhilSturgeon at least one example should include a class name as a type.. it's implied and obvious, but someone will wonder whether only php primitives are supported
@Andrea int can widen to float, initial values are verified ...
maybe we should only allow int to widen to float at runtime ?
(we can do that easily)
Is there a library out there for parsing string structures like this:
$statement = "(10 ^ $x)/(($x ^ 2) + $x + 7)";
into meaningful chucks? I'd like to be able to generate code like this dynamically:
echo bcdiv(bcpow(10, $x),bcadd(bcpow($n,2),bcadd($x,7)));
@PaulCrovella Thanks Paul, that library works wonders, I think I just need to extend it to do what I need
hi all
did any one use react.js with php?
@JoeWatkins the last blog post was quite informative and I got many things to read now. Thanks for shading a light on PHP internals in a very neat way =)
@Ekin welcome :)
Is anyone here formilliar with the same origin policy?
I mean, I know it basicly prevents me from sending data from one origin to the other if there's no permission for it. But I was wondering how a browser addon like Tamper Data for example works if that's true? How can an addon modify the post data and still send it as if it comes from the original origin?
Never mind. Google seems to be my friend for once :)
Good morning
mornin Epodax
hey there
I need help
foreach ($courses as $value) {
echo $value;
$query="INSERT into `enrolled` (uid,cid) VALUES ((SELECT uid FROM users WHERE email='$email'),'$value')";
$result+=mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT into `enrolled` (uid,cid) VALUES ('$sid','$value')");

i am ding this to insert data in table but nothing happens
@ridamukhtar yes you need help. go read about sql injection right now before you continue
what am I doing wrong here? as i dont know hoe to use loop in this sql
my server is not responding untill I restart mysqld service
what is the problem
/me must resist urge to kickmute
because of help vampires
no, I mean why resist?
@PaulCrovella Ah :) Because I can ignore the problem right now.
@Gordon sorry to bother you can you help me
@ridamukhtar did you learn about sql injection? Please explain what it is
@PaulCrovella unless they ping me with their crap
he trolls here asking stupid shit, usually the same stupid shit, on a regular basis
@PaulCrovella I know
@Patrick yes i did. Every thing is working fine here but nothing is inserted in db. I mean no error nothing
@ridamukhtar ok, show the code where you are safe from sql injections
$etime = stripslashes($etime);
$etime = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$etime);
i am using these function
First of all my injection is not my concern for now. I just need data to be inserted in my db correctly which is not happening
@ridamukhtar use parameter binding
why its not being inserted in db?
Moin 11
@Patrick ?
it's not working. fix it for me.
Does this sound reasonable to you?
@Patrick That's pretty much 90% of the questions on SO ;-)
my server is not responding untill I restart mysqld service
what is the problem
@undefined Probably some heavy queries consuming a lot of CPU/Memory. Try checking your slow query log.
@Oldskool hold up... there's a 10% that isn't that?
@PaulCrovella Yes, but those are the questions that are closed for being off topic (like "What tool should I use for..." or "What is considered best practice for...") ;-)
ah... fwew.. had me worried there might be something of value
@Oldskool thats happened when I imported a 3.5 G DB I checked Memory usage and I noticed that mysqld is consuming 3.3% of the memory and its repited !
@undefined When importing 3,5GB of SQL data, you should expect a slow server. Probably I/O going through the roof.
@Patrick when did i asked you to fix it? i am asking where the problem is whats wrong with it. If you dont have enough knowledge you can simply tell
@Oldskool so what is the solution
@Oldskool y u feeding help vampires?
@undefined Import it at a convenient time, like in the evening or night when not much people are using the server. Or use nice to lower the priority.
@Patrick not enough skill... xD
@Gordon Well, I haven't seen this question before and it's a little harsh to keep ignoring him :)
@Gordon y u not kick trolls?
I need help
foreach ($courses as $value) {
echo $value;
$query="INSERT into `enrolled` (uid,cid) VALUES ((SELECT uid FROM users WHERE email='$email'),'$value')";
$result+=mysqli_query($connection,"INSERT into `enrolled` (uid,cid) VALUES ('$sid','$value')");

i am doing this to insert data in table but nothing happens
@Naruto I know... writing sql inserts is too hard for me :*(
@PaulCrovella because @Oldskool likes to interact with them
@Oldskool I already imported it the problem is that sometimes the server goes down so I have to restart mysql service everytime
@ridamukhtar please don't paste code here, but use a pastebin or something else..
@Gordon I never said I liked it ;-)
Probably the coffee still needs to kick in before I realise my mistake ;-)
@Patrick no worries man, we are here for you, I thought it was with the CREATE command, right? ^^
@undefined Well, that's weird. Check your mysql logs to see what's going on.
@ridamukhtar also $result += looks weird
otherwise it gives error of result more than 1
@ridamukhtar it returns false on error, so there is no need to += it
anyway, have to do some work now. laters.
yes it returns false and then othing is inserted
!!docs mysqli_error
[ mysqli::$error ] Returns a string description of the last error
yes thats the same i used
i return result more than 1
is there some in here knows what is wrong sometimes the server goes down so I have to restart mysql service everytime
stop spamming
Why would I get Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host when I know for sure that the server exists in the address listed?
(I know for sure because I just manually connected to the same server with the mysql CLI
@MadaraUchiha Firewall rules?
Tried hitting the mysql server from the same box?
@Sean Yeah
even if it's from the same box, different users/applications can be restricted
DSN correct ?
@MadaraUchiha if you're using a hostname rather than an ip address, try the address directly to rule out name resolution issues
@PaulCrovella Same error
I've got an activerecord model, and I want to fetch a related model. Should I bundle the code into that model, or into a different class?
@MadaraUchiha try connecting with a php cli script, executed as the same user that succeeded connecting with the mysql cli (to rule out user-specific restrictions)
i.e. $item->getSomething or $class->getSomethingFromItem($item)
also, triple check for typos
Edit: just seen @tereško's post on it
$ git --version
git version 2.7.3
thanks Arch :)
> git version 2.3.2 (Apple Git-55)
@Leigh fistbump
Q: SQL result should show all table one data

Mr_GreenI have two tables as shown below: table_one teamid teamname description 1 x abcd 2 y dcba 3 z sadf table_two stageid teamid responses score 1 1 r1 20 1 2 r2 30 2...

^ Any help?
@PaulCrovella Found it, it wast host=host:port, it should have been host=host;port=port
ah good, love when it's the simple things
@Mr_Green why you no accept the answer that works for you?
7 mins minimum time
more 4 minutes
also, why didn't you SELECT from table_two and join table_one
oh... That won't work, because of the NULL condition
Hm. Should data models be concerned with using VOs when their data is requested?
what are VOs?
value objects
say an email address is contained behind a getEmail() method, should it return an EmailAddress VO or just the raw data
it should return the VO @Sean it could have useful methods, like ->getDomain() ->getUser() and sorta things
shouldn't your data model busy itself with populating the object that has the getEmail() fn?
Hm. In an ideal world, the model would have been given these VOs as part of it's initialization. It makes sense that it would return something similar.
what is a data model in this context?
We are talking about some class, not DB stuff right?
Unfortunately, the latter
@Andrea Well, to be fair, that syntax is super verbose.
@Sean so... your db returns php objects?
AR stuff still. The data is loaded from the DB .
I think something like this would be better:
listAssoc($a, $b, $c) = ["a" => "foo", "b" => "bar", "c" => "baz"];
echo $a . $b . $c; // foobarbaz
@Sean if you are forced to use AR, hide it behind an abstraction with a sane api
The idea of a shortened syntax is that something is a common enough action that it should be painless to perform, the current syntax isn't significantly shorter or easier than using the associative array and setting variables yourself.
Both my lack of abstraction / pattern knowledge and the size of the codebase make that a slim chance of happening I'm afraid. ): Just need to make do with what I have
so ... a bunch of lectures were dropped at youtube.com/user/phpukconference/videos
Derick was super nice about phpdbg :) /cc @bwoebi
@Ocramius you have so many stickers on your laptop
and only one display..
Ah, handy sword for when you miss a 99% hit chance shot in XCOM.
Mornin @PeeHaa
@PeeHaa o/
@Sean when you get stuck on the second mission because of the bug.
@SergeyTelshevsky too many light for my taste
@tereško too many of light that's harsh for the eyes..
like it or not, it's cool and someones creativity :)
only additional lights that I would appreciate would be something like lightpack.tv behind my monitor
yeah, was considering getting one a couple of years ago
@tereško i use a couple candles just behind and to the side of my tv.. not as fancy, but cheap plus they smell nice
.. unless you are not found of fire hazard
or di not appreciate the "cat piss in rose bush" scent
and can't throw high alcohol drinks at the tv
emm ..
they're not a fire hazard unless you're an idiot... and damn dude, buy better smelling candles
but for static lighting, led has never been cheaper
they actually make me sneeze
and anyway, you get tired of any smell..
but katanas you bought at the mall and gaudy-as-shit desks - those never get old
that's just you, @PaulCrovella
for real though, what do you do with this shit after your testicles descend?
I somewhat understand people who make all those shiny custom water loop rigs, because, if you are about to do it right, it's like any other craftsman's project - you want to show it off
but that thing is just sad
@PeeHaa this means "morning" ?
@DaveRandom fsjkjksd
@Shafizadeh It's an acronym of "my good fellow, hello old friend!"
really interesting :D
he made it up
@tereško Who? Florian or PeeHaa ?
oh ..! anyway his sentence was a good proof ;-)
@Ekin shouldn't you be sleeping or something?
it's 8.24 am
I slept 3-4hours :/
@Ekin that's rough
yep, I have a double coffee and a long day of city and hospitals is waiting
I always had this impression that, if I had really powerful laser pointer, and aimed it straight down, I could destroy @Ekin's house
:D just... why?
oh... okay I know you hate me
for science
what's with the hospitals?
anything serious?
or just visiting for yearly maintenance
I somehow got myself a week of free health care
...so you broke your arm to make the best use of it?
means this week only I'll be treated as a regular citizen :) so I better go do a general control
heh no arm is broken
broken arm incest mom something something
@FlorianMargaine Who told you what my middle names are?
@DaveRandom guess who.
PeeHaa's mom?
@FlorianMargaine Ahh yes, I remember telling your mom now
you are a really odd person, @FlorianMargaine
and not it a good way
@DaveRandom pft
how to reduce mysql server memory usage its uses 4% is that good ?
@undefined yes/no/maybe
I have 31 GO in RAM
but my web server sometimes goes down so I need to restart mysql server to make it work
Q: Can I reduce MySQL memory usage, or do I need to add more RAM?

NateI have a VPS with 2.25GB of RAM. MySQL is using 1.4GB with only four users on my site right now. It seems to use this amount even when no users are online. The available memory of my server regularly dips below 100MB, which is disturbing. Yesterday MySQL kept crashing with OOM errors and result...

Both of those are in the first 3 results if you google "how to reduce mysql server memory usage"
Please stop treating the chat box as a google search box
"consider " and "assume" are synonyms?
Not really
@DaveRandom where is the answer in your link I saw no answer
Assume means to take something to be true without thinking about it (sort of)
ah I see
Whereas consider used in the same context means that you think about it
again, sort of
yes I got it, tnx
@Shafizadeh translate it to your langage and ull get it
I hope everything will be fine. I would like to know about PHP Certification which should be acceptance in world wide, can any one guide me
I will thanks
@undefined I did, they had exactly the same meaning
yes :D
@undefined There is an answer on the SE question, the first link is not a question it's just a set of configuration instructions
Please engage brain. Preferably your own rather than someone else's.
please don't feed the troll
@PaulCrovella im a not a troll
@Shafizadeh note also that both "assume" and "consider" have other meanings in different contexts, but I think there's only one context in which both words might be used
@Shafizadeh "consider" is a different way of saying "think about it", "assume" is a different way of saying "accept", usually in context of "accept as true"
@tereško ah ^ , ^^
you can also "assume a stance" in martial arts (that would be the alternative meaning .. as in "take a physical position")
Assume can also be roughly synonymous with "take" (assume a position -> take a position -> move into a position)
@DaveRandom good point
cd ..
errr... wrong window :-P
@DaveRandom or cd ../., if you are me ...
Wait, what? Why?
oic :-P
@FlorianMargaine it's to keep it warm :P
@PeeHaa so he wants to create something which he doesn't know himself what he wants it to be?
@JoeWatkins context? :-)
Day 21 of trying to set up ftps. It still sucks
@bwoebi phpuk16 talk
he done a bit on phpdbg, even called it "quite powerful" or something of the sort ...
Is this sentence correct? "add into that array the name of the rest of months and make it complete"
@PeeHaa Which daemon you using for it? I'm probably gonna hafta cross that bridge sooner or later
@Shafizadeh It's a bit awkward but OK. Would read better as "Add the names of the remaining months into that array to make it complete"
very good, tnx
i haz new job
God damn the filezilla author is such a biatch cc @crypticツ
> Random user: However, the FileZilla client prompts with "Unknown certificate".
> Author: How should FileZilla know the certificate is trusted, if not by asking the user first?
@JoeWatkins Can you think of any obvious issues if I bump the value of these constants (I'm thinking 0x1000 and 0x2000)? - Revisiting some package visibility code and these values now conflict with visibility modifying constants
I can't think of any
(I can be, and am frequently wrong, try it)
I often think about rewriting those ... I have to double take reading 0x00000000000000000
I am trying it, nothing seems broken, but thought I'd ask anyway :)
how are you going to make package visibility work ?
have you defined a zend_namespace structure, and does zend_class_entry have one ?
and also, does it list classes in the namespace ...
nope, by magic, I mean "PHP magic"
I super hate that ...
I want namespaces to be a real thing, anything less, I super hate it ...
as in, how class names currently make them members of namespaces, that kind of magic
Sure, but that is beyond my abilities
i just noticed yet another weird thing about the json extension -__- why does it assume i want to use the json representation of A? 3v4l.org/XTWcj (ie does this automagically 3v4l.org/hPEHQ)
so just focus on how it should work ideally ...
you're free to ignore me :)
1) I get some functionality I want in 2) someone clever makes namespaces first class and has to keep the functionality,

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