@ircmaxell If I have a private Body $body and a flag guarding whether body is ready or not… if ($ready) { return $this->body; } else { throw ...; } … the object API is fully stable, regardless of whether body is actually set or not.
@ircmaxell in general typed properties mean: this is the type I'll get when I access it. The internal state is unaffected. It shouldn't leak to userland. If for some reason I can't get the type I asked for, then it should fail.
no @bwoebi because while one happens immediately when you instantiate a class, the other may appear in a subtle case that is guaranteed to happen in production
which is the fundamental problem with nullable references
@bwoebi you construct the instance, fields types are not fulfilled? you get an error and you fix it. if you allow that to be possible there could be bugs (missing isset()s, etc) left unseen even after massive testing
@Wes and otherwise we have the inverse problem … something which never should be null when accessed, has to be set nullable … which then leads to bugs.
glaciers melt because of humans. humans make glaciers melt because of human factors. gender, as with every other imaginable facet of sociology, has some role there
As long as people stop thinking and simply follow a 2000+ year old book to the letter with "guidance" from an expert the world is doomed. Hell, you would agree if the book was PHP for dummies and the expert was w3schools.
here is the query $query="select userid,username,usertype,userper,usercent,userfrom,userto,usermon,userfname from userdt
where username = '$uname' and userpass=$old_p"."PASSWORD('$upass') and usercent='$uucent' and userdel=1 and usertype!='I'";
The examples here: yiiframework.com/wiki/590/… all tell me that I should describe how to sort the result of the method in SQL, but that's simply not possible.
SQL is not able to describe this kind of sorting because the generated field is recursive.
The examples here: http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/590/sort-and-filter-a-custom-or-composite-cgridview-column-that-may-even-contain-data-from-different-tables/ all tell me that I should describe how to sort the result of the method in SQL, but that's simply not possible.
@tereško The model has a method public_id() which is generated using PHP and other variables that cannot be known by SQL. And I need to sort the results of search (from the CActiveRecord) by that method.
@bwoebi brute force on YOUR code does, but you want to limit tries on your code anyway. It does not however introduce much for when you have some sort of leak....
lol 'The last 3 days I suffer on a task. Google refuses to help. The problem follows.' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35896748/php-find-the-lowest-day-among-randomly-generated-dates-in-the-array
I want to make a distinction between a dependency that is required to construct an object in a valid state, and a resource, which an object may use during the course of runtime ...
@Andrea example: github.com/amphp/aerys/blob/body_buffering/lib/… … I don't initialize $queryVars in ctor, but lazily when needed via $this->queryVars ?? $this->queryVars = $this->parseQueryVars(); … but the $queryVars property never should be actually null while used. If I were to use $this->queryVars without guard somewhere, it should fail.
in Haskell you could say some field is maybe some value, say queryVars :: Maybe [String], then unpack it with let (Some qv) = queryVars myRecord, and if queryVars wasn't a Some (i.e. had a value) and instead was a Nothing (i.e. had no value), it'd throw a fatal error
@bwoebi it's a tagged union with two states, Some(value) or None. At first you initialize it as None, then you create a Some(value) when the time comes
So yeah I'm fine with making public int $foo; be set to IS_UNDEF. Where the "Undefined property" notice would be triggered, check if the property is typed and throw a TypeError.
@bwoebi I think the point is more of if it will be implicit there will be a lot of code with null-pointer dereference ($this->nullYet->execute()) while if it's explicit people tend to not forget this sort of checks... Also by making them nullable you cannot declare property as non-nullable - it's the one-way ticket. But if you make it non-nullable then you can emulate nullableness with Option/Maybe data types
I can see a way to do it for userland objects, and internal ones can probably be hacked together in zend_call_function, or some other place ... user ctor is already detected by leave helper in vm, so there's even a branch to do it in ... but it would be wrong to do it that way ...
I think there should just be a distinction between properties that should be set upon initialization of an object and those that shouldn't. That way you can enforce non-nullableness on certain properties while still retaining easy way to make 'lazy-initialized typed properties'
You have a broken dependency (an uninitialised property, in this case), and it causes an error down the line, but it may be difficult to figure out how the object came to not be fully initialised
But I suppose this issue exists for nullable properties too, so...
@Andrea I was worried about what I said on stage too, but turns out people are rooting for you and only correct you afterwards to better help you next time :-)
// what I thought the type was:
renderLetterPreviews(array<\StdClass> $letter): array<resource>
// what the type actually was:
renderLetterPreviews(\StdClass $letter): array<resource>
@Andrea it's about moving the problem to another place. ok, the error is going to show up eventually, but it could be a subtle, hard-to-spot case, as opposed to having it immediately showing up after construction.